

Remastered. This is a Novel I came up with while going through life. Please comment on my Patreon as I post what goes on actively there. Schedule = Wednesday

Auther_Uchiha · Fantasy
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10 Chs

Chapter 3: Filler #1

As the scene refocuses on the classroom after lunch.


As the classroom scene unfolds, Ms. Incel announces the next project, a drama assignment. I can't help but question the purpose of studying drama when it's not even a mandatory subject. I raise my hand and ask, "Ms. Incel, why do we have to do Drama?"

She responds with a bored expression, "Because you took the application for the best school, so you must do every subject necessary to pass, even though Drama is optional just not here."

I let out a sarcastic "Hooray!" under my breath, which earns me a reprimand from a fellow student. "Chamille, shut up," her sister scolds her.

The tension in the room is palpable. A classmate decides to throw a derogatory remark my way. "Who asked you, asshole?" I respond, my irritation evident.

Ms. Incel quickly steps in to restore order. "Yes, ma'am, what a fem-boy, right Justus?" another student taunts, seemingly unfazed by the atmosphere.

Meanwhile, Justus calmly cleans his gun, seemingly detached from the situation unfolding around him. The class continues with their banter, some students mocking each other's siblings and engaging in verbal sparring.

"Linus, Thess was gone once again like usual," someone remarks, igniting a discussion about Thess's mysterious disappearances.

I feel a pang of unease as the conversation continues. "Can you not talk about him in front of me?" I interject, my voice tinged with apprehension.

My classmate, Camille, responds with obedience. "Yes, Sister!" she says, acknowledging the authority of her sibling.

Amidst the chaos, Ms. Incel attempts to regain control of the class. "Class~?" she calls out, her voice slightly strained.

The atmosphere in the classroom is unsettling, filled with hostility and conflicting personalities. It's as if a dark cloud hovers over us, casting a shadow on our interactions and creating an aura of tension that lingers in the air.

As the chaos ended at once the class got to work but little did they know how terrible this assignment would be.


Harleen Pov:

(Alright, so now that I've got a total of 500$ to spare and a proper excuse for school I'll be able to visit the Hucker Hotel and check out another possible way to activate my pink paperweight but first...)

As the classroom settled into discussion and planning for their drama project, Harleen found herself lost in her thoughts, contemplating the true nature of her classmates and their potential supernatural abilities.

She observed their quirks and peculiarities, trying to decipher the hidden truth behind them.

Thess, with his ability to disappear unnoticed, sparked her curiosity. Justus, the knowledgeable gun enthusiast, seemed to possess otherworldly expertise.

And Lucille, with her mysterious background and self-reliance, intrigued Harleen. She couldn't shake the feeling that there was more to her classmates than meets the eye.

Switching her focus back to the present, Harleen engaged in class discussions and interactions.

The banter between her classmates, their unique personalities clashing and intertwining, added a touch of chaos to the atmosphere.

Thess's sudden appearances and disappearances, Justus's dry humour, and Lucille's assertiveness all contributed to the lively dynamics of the group.

Amidst the laughter and arguments, the class embarked on their drama project, unaware of the dark and disturbing path it would lead them down.

As they delved deeper into their roles and the plot they had chosen, little did they know the twisted truths they would uncover and the horrifying events that awaited them.

Harleen, ever observant, couldn't help but wonder about the true nature of her classmates and the forces at play in their small town.

She sensed danger lurking beneath the surface, and she knew that their seemingly innocent drama project would unveil a web of complexity and horror they never could have anticipated.

With her mind racing and questions multiplying, Harleen realized that she alone held the key to uncovering the dark secrets that lay hidden within their town.

Determined to protect her classmates and unearth the truth, she prepared herself for the terrifying journey that awaited them all.

As her eyes refocused and she began to pay attention to her classmates.

Pov Out:


"So, what should we do?" I ask, trying to steer the conversation towards a productive path.

"Well, first Lucille, let's think about this rationally-" Justus begins, but is abruptly interrupted.

"Excuse me?" Lucille interjects, her tone demanding attention.

Startled, Justus stammered and yelped "S-sorry!" as he quickly corrects himself.

Lucille seems satisfied with the response. "That's more like it," she remarks, a hint of superiority in her voice.

The attention shifts as Thess makes his entrance. "Oh hey, Thess is back," someone announces.

"Justus, it's honestly scary how you can just find him so easily," I comment, amazed by Justus's uncanny ability.

Justus dismisses my observation. "Not really, he just makes his presence known," he replies casually.

Thess is approached, and someone asks, "Thess, I assume you've brought the goods?"

Thess responds simply, "Money," and they proceed to pay for their snacks from Thess's snack bar, much to the condescending gaze of Ms. Incel.

As the class continues to discuss ideas for the drama project, suggestions are thrown around. "A zoo would be fabulous," one student suggests.

"That's amazing, sister," I chime in, showing enthusiasm for the idea.

Caesar is singled out for his opinion. "Caesar, is that okay?" someone asks, and a tense silence follows as all eyes turn to him.

Caesar meets the intense stare with a slight hesitation before answering, "I-it's okay with me, Thess, thanks for asking, though," his voice laced with nervousness.

Thess, seemingly unfazed, casually falls asleep on his chair, causing some amusement and concern among the students. "Wow, he just fell asleep on his chair, isn't that bad for your spine?" someone remarks.

Lucille takes the opportunity to mock me once again. "Don't you have someone to verbally abuse, Harley?" she taunts, mispronouncing my name deliberately.

"It's Harleen, Lucy, and I like my life, thank you," I retort, exasperated by her constant need to antagonize me.

Undeterred, Lucille's sister chimes in. "Sister, we have limited time to decide on an idea, so it's best to kill her later," she suggests, referring to me.

Justus reacts with surprise. "Did she just say-" he begins, but cuts himself off, leaving his statement unfinished.

A nervous gulp escapes my lips as the tension in the room rises. "I never knew people say 'gulp,' Linus," Justus comments sarcastically.

Lucille's attention shifts again as Thess returns to the discussion. "It's just that intimidating, man... Oh hey, Thess, you're back," she acknowledges.

Thess cuts to the chase. "CEO Office," he states, proposing his idea.

The group agrees with his suggestion, voicing their support. "Agreed," "I second your decision," and "Seconding Bunny's choice" is heard around the room.

Meanwhile, I observe a classmate who has been unusually quiet. "You've been quiet, huh?" I inquire.

"Just watching people leave..." they respond cryptically, leaving me slightly perplexed.

The exchange takes an unexpected turn as someone offers a chocolate bar, prompting an unusual response. "Are you an angel?" the recipient asks, seemingly overwhelmed by the gesture.

Realizing what has transpired, another student comments, "Oh no, he's been bribed again," referring to a past incident known as "Operation Dove."

"Justus, stop nerding out and focus, 'cause your two-second attention span is showing," Lucille remarks, her annoyance evident.

Amidst the varying dynamics and tensions within the class, the return of Thess is met with mixed reactions. "The Queen is back," one student sarcastically remarks.

"Shut up, Minus," my presence seemingly reigniting a longstanding conflict.

Justus intervenes, trying to diffuse the situation. "Justus, she bullied me," he states, seeking validation.

I can't help but question the sincerity of the claim. "This is sarcasm, right?" I ask, hoping for some clarity.

Thought It was clear by the silence "..."

"It's clear you'll be the doormen since no one is going to listen to your 5 brain cells," Lucille retorts, directing her comment toward someone in the class.

Unfazed, the person responds, "That's fine. So, what's the plot, Thess?"

Thess seems uncertain. "Don't worry, Thess. It's fine if you don't have one since I've watched every episode of The Office," another student reassures him.

Thess gathers his thoughts and explains, "It's about two members from the 6th floor trying to stop their female CEO from making a deal with a separate company that wishes to acquire 40% of their shares. Unbeknownst to her, the CEO is also unknowingly working with an employee involved in embezzlement."

The room falls silent for a moment before someone remarks, "Wow."

"That spoke for everyone," another adds, emphasizing the collective awe.

The discussion takes a lighthearted turn as someone playfully comments, "Speaking of words, that's a record breaker for the most words spoken in a day. Based on this information, we'll hit 200 words in a day."

Lucille seizes the opportunity to tease Justus. "How are you failing math again, Justus? I seem to have forgotten," she taunts.

Justus defends himself, "I'm passing, and I just listened to Thess recite about 20 textbook pages on how y equals mx plus b."

A brief silence follows, with everyone taking in the exchange.

Harleen, breaking the silence, poses a question. "Surprisingly, you can speak, Thess. So what else have you accounted for?"

Confused, Thess asks, "...Who are you again?"

This elicits laughter from the group, amused by Thess's forgetfulness.

"Imagine being forgotten for the 3rd time!" someone exclaims.

Chamille, seemingly amused, adds, "Harley, even I wouldn't do that."

"Yes, yes you would. After all, we've seen it in your relationship," another student interjects, alluding to a previous incident.

Linus, unphased, comments, "Personally, that was expected. After all, Thess doesn't register other people unless they're involved with him in any other way."

The conversation takes a nostalgic turn as someone reminisces, "I remember what happened last time we went to Dollarope."

Returning to the main topic, another student speaks up. "So, I assume my idea's been accepted?"

Justus responds, "Thess, your idea was amazing, but we still haven't decided on our roles yet."

The class continues their discussion, contemplating their respective roles in the drama project.

The classroom scene continues to unfold, a chaotic mix of personalities, opinions, and underlying tensions.



"Holy s**t that was a lot of talking of talking man..."

"Why'd you go silent?"

"I just realized that we're are we getting the costumes?"

"Ah that Linus it's easy Lucille said she'll pay as long as she's a major character"

"All of Thess's characters are the main characters though after all there are only like 10 people it's severely understaffed"

"Like our school?"

"Actually Justus, our school is overstaffed but because we're not sane and decided to torture ourselves or you were brought here by my mom wanted to be those snobby private school kids"

"Are we snobby?"


"That's very reassuring"

"Was that sarcasm I hear?"




"You did it again you said the sound effect instead of doing it"

"Stop asking that and explain how the f*** you teleported behind me?"

"I just walked."

"Let's just go play Grand Tort Automatism"

"Don't you mean GTA Linus and we're supposed to help Caesar go visit some Mafia members"

"Like in GTA right? Cause he was acting as if he visited some enemy gang territory"

"He was and he's about to be shot"

"I'm so confused it's kinda crazy"

"It's okay, let us catch you up to speed".


[A/N]: Remember that they're all friends from childhood.

Please increase my urge to post chapters by giving me the stones-Powerstone you've been keeping. :(

Auther_Uchihacreators' thoughts