
Noble Will

When he woke up, he had lost more than his memory. Meeting him, that girl had hope, while he just went with the flow. He would lead them and they would lead him. Their lamentations began when time had run out, so they searched for the light and were answered.

Ilustre_El · Fantasy
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75 Chs

A Desperate Petition

Lying face up on his bed, a young man seemed to be pensively staring at the ceiling.

 "How much longer will I have to stay in this place ... When can I be reunited with Russell ... Why was that stone where I woke up ... What happened before I slept for so many years ... Hahh ... I need to find a job ... I'm misio."

These and more thoughts were what filled the long-haired male's mind with worry; however, he seemed not to have considered one more problem.

Beside him, a woman, who like him was lying on her back on the bed looking up at the ceiling, was silent.

- Where are you from? - Emily asked.

- From Loarre.

- No one lives there.

- I was in a castle.

- ... Why did you save me and how did you do it?

- It was a request from that boy, Marcellus ... I didn't save you ...

- Are you some kind of supernatural being or something?

- I don't think so... I was born on this earth through my parents and I will die someday.

- Do you think those men who kidnapped me know we are here?

- No... they are surely still searching the region of Zaragoza.

After this series of questions to which Aren did not mind not answering, the young woman asked one more question.

- Does it bother you that I am here?

This question was more personal for her, because, for some reason, the woman felt safe to be next to the young man, as she had been doing during that whole week in which she did not go outside at all.

Aren looked at her out of the corner of his eye.

- No, he didn't.

- I see. - Emily said with a slight smile at the young man's sincere answer.

- What happened to you? - was the first question Aren had asked Emily and, at the same time, the most intimate.

- ... No... I don't want to talk about it. - commented Emily who seemed to start trembling.

- I understand.

- Are you planning to leave soon?

- Yes, at the most, I'll stay for another week if they allow it.

- Where are you planning to go? 

- To see a friend. - Aren replied.

The young woman's smile faded; however, a comment turned that apparent sadness into some interest.

- You remind me of a person I know ... in a way, they have similar reactions. 

- ... Who are you talking about?

- In Loarre, there was a girl I knew ... after a few years, she grew up and we traveled to Luesia ... after that, we parted.

- A girl? What was her name? 

- Alicia ... Alicia Enid. - Aren answered with a slight smile that expressed nostalgia.

Emily was curious about that woman, but another feeling also appeared: jealousy. 

- How old is she?

- About ... twenty I think.

- I see.

At the end of their small and trivial conversation, Emily gave a sigh as if preparing to tackle a new topic.

- There is something I would like to propose to you ... no ... rather than a proposal, it is a request I am making. - said the young woman.

This statement aroused the young man's interest.

- As I had told you, I am the heiress of a prominent marquisate ... the Gutierrez family ... right now we are in the house of my father's younger brother, Count Roger Beltran. However, I have been thinking of a way to return to my home ... according to what I discussed with my uncle, the royal family has put in place a provisional ruler while they are searching for my whereabouts ...

- I see... you have it tough...

- Yes, but the worst thing is that if I were to somehow regain my position and inheritance that rightfully belong to me, I would still have to fulfill some requirements in order to acquire the marquisate.

- Requirements?

- Yes ... according to my father's will and in accordance with the laws of succession, I must comply with several clauses ... but there is one that is a priority.

- ... What is it? - Aren asked.

- I must find a husband for us to rule together.

This statement brought only one thought to the young man.

"Oh no... I don't like where this is all going..."

- For a short time, before my abduction, I was looking for potential candidates, but none was the right one ... but now, after meeting you ...

 "No no no ... I'm going to get tangled up in another problem."

- I have come to the conclusion to ask you ...

"It's a fact, I'm leaving here tomorrow itself."

- I would like you to be my sworn brother. 

"What? ..."

This last statement unhinged Aren's thoughts.

- Brother ... sworn? ... What's that? - the young man asked in utter bewilderment.

At that moment, the young woman turned to Aren's side to stare at him.

- One of the clauses mentioned that if she did not get a husband, then she had the option of having a sworn brother. This means that I can choose a person who joins the Gutierrez family in oath and can support me... I don't want you to misunderstand, I still don't want to get married, but I need to inherit the title of marquise in order to have control over certain responsibilities.

- Oh... I see... - answered Aren spontaneously as he understood the reasons.

- But at the moment I don't have people I can trust for the position I told you about... I need someone who won't be an obstacle for me; that's why you, who don't seem to care about these things and who have given me your help, are the only one I can ask for this. What do you think?

The young man was silent for a few seconds. Emily, seeing that such a request was far from simple, did not press him any further.

- This week that you plan to stay will be the time I will give you to think about it and give me an answer... - commented Emily determinedly as she got up from the bed; however, behind that bravery there was really a great desperation hidden.

The young woman withdrew from the room.

- This... is very tiring... - muttered Aren before trying to go back to sleep.

Meanwhile, Emily who was walking back to her room seemed to be somewhat pensive.


- Remember, Miss, any man who joins the Gutierrez family must overwrite his name with the surname of the marquisate. - commented the old butler who had been reading the clauses to the young heiress.


- His full name was ... Arias Elrod Di Aren, wasn't it ... but his name is Aren ... it seems that where he comes from first goes the surname ... so ... if he accepted, his name would now be ... Gutiérrez Arias Elrod D. Aren ...

A slight smile appeared on the face of the young woman who murmured.

- I think it sounds a little long ... how about ... Gutierrez Arias ED. Aren ... I think it sounds better ...

In this way, that woman was leaving with hope in her heart. On the other side, a young woman with light brown hair watched Emily pass by.

"So it was true, huh?" thought Melissa.

Monday having arrived, the day of the first written test, the applicants were divided into rooms of different faculties taking the test.

You could see the great concentration of many of them; however, there were others who seemed not very comfortable with the situation.

"What? ... What is all this? ... Is it even in Chinese? I don't understand anything ... I haven't even studied for this ... Proving the existence and unity theorem using derivatives? ... What is that? Is it eaten?" thought Renato who seemed to have smoke coming out of his head while making strange grimaces.

On the other hand, on average the others seemed to be giving it their all; however, when the exam was over and the results were published, the filter of the first written exam was seen. Of the 9,356 applicants, only half showed up for the second written exam.

- What was it...? Did they do worse than me?! - murmured Renato, somewhat exalted at the sight of such a large number.

When it was time to give the second exam, the same thing that had happened last time was happening to Renato.

"What is the main idea of the relativity theorem according to Einstein? What was the difference between the theoretical socialism of Marx and the pragmatism of Stalin? ... What this?! ... I know who Stalin is, but Marx? ..."

Again the smoke was coming out of Renato's head.

Having finished the second written exam, by the next day, the number of applicants was 2,879. However, in the morning of that day one could see the sleepless faces of many young people who seemed to have studied all night. Nevertheless, some of them were as fresh as a head of lettuce.

Again sitting at that desk which already seemed to be a torture chair, in front of him, he laid the sheets of the last written exam as if it were a record of crimes who no one wished to read.

"Hahh ... here we go again ... Physics and chemistry ... I was never good at this ... but so what, let's give it a try!"

This last test, had left every student exhausted, both the sleepless and the quiet ones, but it wasn't from the effort given during the test, but from making them realize that they knew nothing.

"Alta violada me me me me that exam ... not even in the army were that hard ... " thought Renato.

However, before everyone went to retire, there was one remaining activity that day: the interview.

But for this, unexpectedly, no one was restricted from leaving, no exam restricted the applicants who were considering not to continue fighting.

Within the facilities of a faculty, they gathered those who could be called survivors, since they had shown their worth up to that time.

The number had been reduced to only 1,358 applicants and there were 453 instructors who would conduct the interview. Certainly the number was more than enough to cater for everyone.

They were divided into five groups for the interview, the first one started. Certainly it had been mentioned that the duration would be about 10 minutes at most, but this varied from one to another.

Renato, who belonged to the fifth group, waited for about half an hour until the last group finally entered.

Upon entering the interior, you could see some screens hanging from the ceilings that gave the indications of the applicants' codes and where they should go, as well as additional orientation personnel.

Inside a small office of sorts, there was a middle-aged man standing next to another, younger man with an arrogant look on his face.

Suddenly, a young man entered the office.

- Well, you must be Liam Von Jarden, right? Your applicant code is 4537.

- Yes," replied Liam.

- Well, I am Instructor Gregorio Lizárraga and the one next to me is Instructor Victor Beraún. This won't take long, according to your record you are 15 years old, born in England, you are the eldest son of the distinguished Von Jarden family who serves the royal crown ... you seem to have a good background, plus you have obtained outstanding scores in the first two written exams ... although I guess you don't care much about that, do you?

This last seemed to be a provocative comment.

- What do you mean? - asked the young man.

- You know ... you're here for the special exam, aren't you? - commented the other instructor aggressively.

- Yes... they are right. - replied Liam with a menacing smile.

- Well ... then let's get started. - commented instructor Gregorio.

- ... wasn't this just an interview? - asked Liam somewhat puzzled.

- Yes, for most ... but you who consider yourselves special and were referred by former graduates must go through this, so don't whine. - Victor replied.

- I see.

- The records specify that you were recommended by Mr. Russel Corvino, is that right?

- That's right.

- How did you meet? - Gregorio asked.

- I can't give details about that. - Liam answered immediately.

Instructor Beraún gave a big sigh.

- That's why I don't like to attend the brats ... let's get on with the test. - Victor spoke.

- Test?

- Yes ... before you can take the second part of the entrance exam ... you must show us proof that you have the necessary qualities to be considered a potential Reformed. - Gregory explained.

The young boy was silent for a moment.

- That's fine. - he answered determinedly.

- That being the case, can you somehow show some sign that proves your abilities?

Liam smiled.

A few seconds passed and nothing had happened. However, the instructors remained silent out of respect. Unfortunately the younger instructor's patience seemed to reach its limits.

- Hey, what time are you going to do something, we don't have all day!

- H-Has silence, Victor.

Liam kept smiling without paying attention to him.

- Are you deaf?! - he exclaimed again, but the boy was immutable.

Patience ran out and, having already spent about a minute, that instructor in an arrogant way tried to take Liam out of the office, but he refused.

- Don't you know who swims here?! ... I have already had to deal with half a dozen of guys who think they are the big thing because they were referred by graduates, but none of them was worth it ... - commented with superficial serenity that instructor, but immediately he tried to grab Liam's clothes to take him and throw him out of the place.

Suddenly something strange happened, a strong blow in the face was received by that arrogant instructor which made him fall on the floor.

Upon regaining his senses, Victor looked at who it had been, but the surprise and obviousness were evident. The middle-aged man had punched instructor Beraún before he could do anything to the boy.

- W-Why?

The answer he received was confused.

- I-I didn't... I...

- I think that's proof enough, don't you? - Liam commented, no longer silent.

- Y-Yes ... it is more than enough ... - answered the instructor Lizarraga who seemed to move his body strangely.

After a few seconds, as if he had been released, that old instructor fell down sitting on the chair.

- W-What happened? - exclaimed Victor.

But as if ignored, Gregorio asked Liam if he could remove the patch covering his left eye.

Without arguing against it, the young man did as he was asked.

The surprise was evident for both instructors, when they saw the boy's uncovered eye, they could recognize strange patterns and, at the same time, how the atmosphere seemed to tense up.

Liam's left eye had an engraving of what today would be known as the Star of David. A hexagram drawn in its golden pupil along with other unknown symbols bordering such a star.

Immediately, the young man covered that strange eye again and left without being stopped, but not before asking.

- Am I able to move on to the second part?

- Y-Yes... - answered Gregorio.