
Noble vampire blood- The lost heir

there was a boy with such unique gift, he knows neither of his powers and parents and how he ended up being raised in the streets by people whom he treats as family and friends , but by some unfortunate events he got kidnapped and tortured by men he didn't know who only wanted him for his blood and unique ability, it's up for his family aka friends to save him, but how long will it take for them to save him

anjerika · Fantasy
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2 Chs

chapter 1

A boy was born and raised in the streets, he might not have parents but he has his friends to trust, as a mere child he learned the way of the streets and how to survive it. Although was only 7 years old, he already knows what to do

"on your left" said damien's friend, he followed the instruction and saw a man wearing white cloak, and looks like has plenty of money " go distract him, i'll take the wallet" said damien to his fellow thief friend, the streets are bustling with people for the reason that it is rush hour and people were late or almost going to be late for their work, and this is the best opportunity to steal, he hid his face using the dirty about to break beret that was in his head and run towards the people, with precision he took the wallets of each person that was running in rush. little did he know someone were watching the whole thing unfold

his friends whom he treats as his family met with him in a dark alley and display all of their'earnings' for the week, first come timothy he threw all of the wallet that he took to the floor, it's not much but is alright, some of the wallets got some bucks in it but some don't, come next is albert he is pretty lucky to get more money that timothy, then come next was simson, he got nothing at all since he was the one surveying from the top to see if there was any cop at view, " damien you almost get caught, there was someone who saw you steal the wallets" said simson " but that's alright i guess , we don't steal at the same place yeh" simson continued patting the back of damien's back, then come next daniel to show his steal , he is a lucky lad he is able to get the wallets that has loads of money in it

"woaah" his friends said in unison , he got the most money " so that's about 401 dollars and 50 cents " said damien computing the overall money that his and his friends took "this could last us a month" said timothy jumping with joy

damien is scared to tell the the truth that he got this bizarre abilities, like super hearing at times this is extremely annoying because it just suddenly appear, startling him and giving him extreme headaches, the strong ability to smell also enables him to smell things at great capacity like money, , the one's that have a lot of money reeks of it,

but there is one thing that scares him most is his thirst for blood, he almost kill his friends while they were sleeping, then he ran outside in search for rodents instead, they might not taste the best but they will do in the desperate of times.

"ouch" said albert when he accidentally pricked his finger with one of the wallets that has sharp edges, the sweet taste of blood went to his nostrils engulfing his mind with hunger. Damien gasp covering his mouth his eyes turning bright yellow, which could illuminate the dark alley, they all look at him shocked

" damien y-your eyes" timothy said pointing at damien , damien scurry back and let go of his mouth showing his teeth he tried to ran but someone blocked his way two people with black cloak with the white cloaked man from earlier in the middle

" i-i only eat rats , i don't harm, my friends!!" damien shouted then they took damien by the arms with a gun color silver pointed at his head, the white cloaked man injected something in his neck that made him fall asleep

" WHAT ARE YOU DOING TO OUR FRIEND" shouted simson running towards the bad guys and hitting them with sticks, the big guys come fort then punched the boys which made the boys come flying towards the wall behind them

"DAMIEN!" timothy saw his friend be taken by the person whom he didn't know, timothy look at his surroundings only to see his 2 other friends laying there unconscious, he tried to wake them up but they won't budge so timothy ran towards the car the car starts to move and with one last glance he saw his friend inside no consciousness then he saw the plate number TVRF was written in it , he forces his brain to remember those letters,

timothy walks towards where his friends were at and forced them to wake up

"damien has been taken"said timothy, simson sat straight whilst timothy help albert to sit " shit what do we do now" said albert pulling his blonde locks " damien is like our family , and one of our family is gone" continued albert loooking sullen

" but i do know something" said timothy with his eyes ablaze " i saw the plate number on the back, this were the letters that was written in it " with a use of a stick , mud and cardboard timothy wrote the following letters TVRF

" how do we find it then, there were lots of cars here in the phillippines " said albert raising on of his eyebrows " i don't know, you figure it out " said timothy furrowing his eyebrows, his hand on his face thinking very hard

" how about using the internet " said simson raising his hands looking at them both

" it's four letters it might be something "simson continued

" we don't even have a phone, how are we even suppose to get internet genius " said timothy rolling his eyes

" wait" said albert " i might know someone that could help us he was a friend of my dad before he died " albert smiled knowingly, they all raised their hands to high five each other, in their friend group damien was the younger because his of age just turned 7 years old then albert is 9 then simson just turned 10 and timothy is 11 turning 12

they walked their way to where the person of interest live to ask for it's help, after thirty minutes of walking they finally arrived to their destination, the house were pretty desolate and dirty, the three of them went knocking on the door, then a middle aged man answered the door disdainfully , his eyebrows furrowed " what is it brats" said the man

" Mr. Hodin, it's me your friend's matthew's son, we just wanted to erm-" albert said but was cut off when hodin spoke

" fine, get in before i change my mind" said hodin opening the door for the three of them to get in "so what is it that you came for?" asked hodin to the three children with raised eyebrow

" we would like you to find something Mr. Hodin, my friend has been kidnapped and we need your help sir" said timothy with sad expression plastered among his face

" argh fine, i will help you, go get that metal box under the sofa " said the old man stretching his body, simson get the box that the man was asking for and gave it to him

" i am a retired spy agent i hope this still works " Mr. Hodin opened the box and there was a laptop of some sort and a communication device. " so what is it than you need me to search "

timothy then told the man the following letters, TVRF , the device made a whirring sound then results came out

" shit" the man cursed " your friend was no normal person, i would need you to leave " said mr. hodin throwing and breaking the metal box

" i have been detected " said the man and this confused the three kids, then he pulled them outside of the house

" look at me, take these keys, and go to the coordinates in the paper beside these keys, you may get what you were looking for in there " said Hodin terrified,

" but-" albert was cut off the two kids look at the man confused

" no buts, go before they caught you " said mr. hodin closing the door before them.

" WHAT just happened my brain is still buffering" said simson then the three of them ran as far as they could

then later that night they saw the news from one of the windows from the shopping district that an explosion happened on a house, then they realize that it is Mr. Hodin house

this is just the beginning.
