
Noble Rebirth: Ends Dawn

After dying a death I considered pathetic, but still having lived a life without regrets, I didn't know that my existence wouldn't end that way. I didn't know that soon I would awaken in the void, only to reincarnate in another world. This is the story of Schadet Oporitorco, who will do anything for power after witnessing it. (This novel was inspired by many other novels. And currently, you have found "GREED: ALL FOR WHAT?! and SWORDMASTER'S YOUNGEST SON") Link Discord = https://discord.com/invite/kEuPRJ8w

MasterCarlRoy · Fantasy
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123 Chs

After the Banquet

After Ryushin Tenku was discharged, he decided to train outside for a while until he was called to collect his four gold tablets signed by his father, the patriarch.

So, he went to retrieve them and decided to use them to acquire a new sword technique, a new footwork technique, a magical arsenal, and a perception technique to implement them into the techniques he already used.

For him, this was an investment.

After that, he decided to send his nanny to gather information about the other participants from the Great Families at the Grand Noble Banquet for when he would return from his isolated training.

Although he had his hypotheses about who the participants from the other Great Families were, he preferred to be sure and wanted to know how they would further develop their combat styles.

The isolated training takes place in an isolation chamber.

These chambers, although small on the outside, are enchanted with spatial magic, making the inside more spacious.

Moreover, they are usually arranged in a series, side by side.

Each of them is composed of a bubble of space within a larger bubble of space.

The spell is very safe if done properly, and should be able to withstand any stress below a certain level.

As long as the spells are carefully monitored and repaired, they should last indefinitely.

However, to not tempt fate and ensure that nothing unpleasant happens, the walls are made of vulcain.

This is because some people are capable of tampering with the spatial spells used in their isolation chambers.

The artificial space bubble becomes as fragile as a soap bubble due to such tampering.

And if this "soap bubble" were to burst, it would disintegrate everything it contains.

Only the advanced alarm system had prevented a similar event, and to avoid someone, after managing to tamper with the surveillance system as well, from causing greater damage, it was decided to make the walls out of vulcain.

They are also equipped with some runes that ensure that time passes ⅓ slower within the structure.

Furthermore, the isolation chambers have a higher energy level compared to the surrounding areas, enabling faster recovery and enhancing cultivation speed more rapidly.

They also allow for a quicker understanding of laws.

It was decided to use vulcain for the walls due to its properties, which make it a very rare and precious mineral, on par with volund.

In fact, besides its high resistance, which is classified third among all minerals, it has the ability to naturally suppress various energies.

This way, even if the "soap bubble" were to burst, it wouldn't cause too much damage.

After Ryushin Tenku entered one of them, a woman appeared. Although her face was obscured, it was still possible to see her pumpkin-colored eyes.

After staring at her for a while, Ryushin Tenku decided to break the silence, saying:

"During the duel, I was able to verify that, just as you said, Lady Amari Yui has something unique. Unfortunately, I cannot say exactly what it is."

Then to add:

"However, since you had already noticed it earlier, even without me and her fighting, I am sure you have certainly understood much more now. Especially much more than I do now."

The woman burst into a laugh and then replied:

"Naturally, I have understood more. To be honest, I am quite impressed by the fact that you noticed something strange."

After listening to what the woman said, Ryushin Tenku narrowed his eyes.

"So, it means you wanted me to fight her." he began slowly.

"Without even being sure that I would notice something strange? That I would be able to catch what you had already seen?"

"Exactly, I had you do it without being sure, and that's why I am impressed by you."

At this point, Ryushin Tenku resigned himself and decided to drop the matter, continuing by saying:

"So, is there anything you can tell me about her, what it entails, and the reasons for it?"

"As for the reasons, I can only make assumptions about them. As for what it entails, for now, you just need to know that if any of my assumptions about the reasons are correct, something big will happen and you should become stronger than you currently are".

She took a pause, then continued, adding:

"So, given that, I will tell you more about her when we discover more information about the reasons. Also, what do you want to do with your younger brother?"

After hearing that, Ryushin Tenku nodded.

For him, it is better to act based on certain information rather than assumptions.

Knowing about her without knowing the reasons would be useless to him, so he decided to put these thoughts aside for the moment.

Thus, he responded to her question:

"Regarding my younger brother, I will not make any move. Somehow, he has already attracted our father's attention. Moreover, he was born too late to compete for the position of patriarch."

She nodded and then disappeared.

So, after she vanished, Ryushin Tenku began his isolated training.


The banquet lasted a total of three days, during which his nanny made him watch many duels to grow his obsession with power.

After that, the nanny and Schadet Oporitorco were transferred.

They were no longer within the main family estate, where they were on the day of his birth, but in a separate estate still within the Ryushin family's territory.

This is done to avoid involving newborn children in power games and allow them to grow and develop in relative tranquility.

After being brought to this new estate, I wondered about the reason and began to question if it was something special reserved only for me, then shook my head at the thought.

"It would be too absurd to think they brought me here because of special treatment."

He was sure that when his father had his energy flood over him, he was trying to gauge his talent and potential.

And judging by the expression he made, he could tell for sure that he was satisfied.

But he was certain that this was not enough to justify special treatment.

He thought this because he was convinced that a Noble family would surely have great strength, it should be immense strength.

They might think he has potential, but only time can turn potential into strength. Moreover, it would be very presumptuous of them to rely too much on him.

So, he began to make and evaluate other hypotheses. Among them was:

"They want the newborns to grow up in peace to better bring out their potential."

This idea was supported by the fact that, although he was a descendant of a Noble family, it was still important for them to ensure he could develop his skills and potential.

And to do that, he needed to focus solely on that, without being influenced by the complexities of the family's internal politics.

And this led him to another conclusion.

"Now I am sure she is not just a nanny."

This idea was supported by the fact that a Noble family would never leave him there without someone who could protect him from any unforeseen events and who could guide him in the early stages of his training.

So, even though he could not be certain about this, he was sure of it.