

Living in nobles is not what you are thinking. Living in the mask is most likely by them. Watch Tiara and Alan facing down the enemies behind the mask. Can they survive in nobility?

Thunderzul · Fantasy
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33 Chs

Chapter 21

A click sound came from Gudnight's gun that was pointed towards the masked man as she prepared to pull the trigger. The masked man tried to stand up slowly while he kept both his hands up in the air. "I know you are angry and took out your frustration on me but what you have done makes me even madder at you, Tiara." Gudnight carefully watched the masked man without letting her guard down. The masked man's identity was still a mystery but Gudnight predicted that it was Tiara. Nobody knew if it was just her guess or if she definitely knew who was behind the mask.

Gudnight opened his mask forcefully. "Am I right?" Gudnight fiercely threw the mask to the ground which cracked it. Gudnight's instinct was correct. The person behind the mask was Tiara. "Where is my son?" Tiara's anger was seen through her face. "I don't know where your son is." Gudnight lifted both of her shoulders up and then down to prove her cluelessness about Tiara's son.

Tiara's anger was out of control and her breath increased in pace. Suddenly Tiara started to attack Gudnight. She tackled down Gudnight's hands and quickly grabbed the gun from Gudnight to point it back at her. Unlucky for Tiara, a sword was suddenly placed at Tiara's neck without her realization. That sword was pointed at her by Gudnight. Both Tiara and Gudnight made their move at the same time.

"I have yet to tell you any information about your son." Gudnight smirked but her eyes sharply and seriously glared towards Tiara. "You can go on like this, wasting your time if you don't want to save your son." Gudnight pressured Tiara which in turn made it hard for her to make a choice. As Tiara looked at Gudnight's face, her breathing began to accelerate which signified that she had a grudge towards Gudnight.

Tiara turned the gun around and returned it to Gudnight. Finally, Tiara changed her mind to turn herself in because it was better to get a piece of information from Gudnight even though Tiara was still doubtful about Gudnight. Gudnight looked at the gun that was held by Tiara. "I assume you understand and I accept your choice." Gudnight took the gun from Tiara and kept it tucked in at her waist on her right side.

"Come on, let's go." Gudnight insisted that Tiara followed her to someplace else. "Where?" Tiara wanted to know where Gudnight wanted to take her. Gudnight led her somewhere and stopped at a shabby door. "Someone in here might know where your son is." Gudnight opened the door and guided Tiara inside to meet the people inside. Tiara felt uncertain as to whether or not to trust her or whether it was just a trap but Gudnight had already walked in the door. She was not sure whether she wanted to walk in the door or otherwise, but alas, her heart told her that she had to go in there.

Inside the shabby door, there was some stairs that lead to the basement. The further Tiara and Gudnight went inside, the more the darkness swallowed the place which made it impossible for them to see. However, Gudnight had brought a lamp which she held in her hand that brought some light to the surrounding area. "I don't understand why a loving mother would throw her son into such a dangerous place." Gudnight suddenly spoke out of curiosity regarding Tiara's thought process.

Tiara did not answer Gudnight's question, but instead she just kept quiet and followed Gudnight from behind. "No answers, huh?" Gudnight turned her head behind to look at Tiara's face while they walked. "I don't want to talk about it." Tiara looked at Gudnight with a straight face and serious-looking eyes to avoid further conversations about her son.

"After you defeat all my men… alone?" Gudnight thought Tiara's plan to send her son on a dangerous mission was rather strange. When she thought of it, no mother would have purposely sent their own son on a dangerous mission if they truly loved their child, but, apparently Tiara was different. Now after what happened to Tiara's son, Tiara came on her own and alone to save her son. It was either Tiara was not aware of how dangerous her son's mission was or maybe she already had something else planned with a different agenda in mind. Gudnight kept watch of Tiara.

"I'm just defending myself." Tiara did not feel any guilt regarding that accident. Gudnight responded with an uncomfortable laugh after she heard the unreasonable answer from Tiara. When both Tiara and Gudnight reached the underground area, the place seemed like a prison. "I don't know that your outlaw city had this cage." Tiara mocked Gudnight's prison. "Well now you know. I can do whatever I want because I am the ruler of this place." Gudnight arrogantly showed her authority.

After that, both Tiara and Gudnight walked closer to the prison. Gudnight took a small and thick iron rod then proceeded to strike every single prison bar which in turn produced an annoyingly loud sound that would have damaged anybody's eardrums. Two men that had both their hands tied down inside the cell were woken up by the noise. "Good evening darlings, my client wants to see both of you." Gudnight introduced Tiara to the two men. One man was rather vulgar and looked at Gudnight and Tiara as if he had intentions to kill them while the other man kept silent as he was frightened.

"I'm terribly sorry, Lady Tiara. There were supposed to be three men here but I already killed one of them." Gudnight explained as she bowed her head. "Just die! Go to hell!" The vulgar man suddenly cursed at Gudnight and spat in front of her. "I hope you understand." Gudnight opened up the cell even when one of the men had a very vengeful look on his face. Gudnight took the iron rod and tried to torture the vulgar man with it but Tiara used her hands to stop Gudnight's actions before she could hurt the man. "Let me handle this." Tiara entered the cell and tried to interrogate both men. Gudnight stopped her from doing that and proceeded to lean against the wall in front of the cell.

Tiara looked at both of the men as she thought of who she should choose to interrogate first. She chose the vulgar man. Tiara kneeled down while she interrogated him as that made it easier for her to face him. "Where is my son?" Tiara forcibly grabbed the face of the vulgar man with one hand. "Go to hell, bitch." The vulgar man hardly spoke but whenever he did, his words were heard clearly.

Suddenly, a stab sound was heard from inside the cell. It was Tiara who stabbed the vulgar man under his chin with her dagger. She would not give any chances to anyone who refused to cooperate with her. After that, Tiara removed her dagger from his chin which resulted in blood staining her dagger and clothes as blood squirted upon its removal. That vulgar man collapsed and his body suddenly jolted as it hit the ground. Eventually, the man died as he had lost too much blood from this severe injury. The silent man became more fearful after he witnessed his friend murdered in front of him.

Tiara stood up and walked closer to the silent man with a cold glare. Tiara kneeled down in position as she did with the vulgar man. "You are a good man, are you?" Tiara's words seemed like a threat to the silent man. Tiara wiped the vulgar man's blood from her dagger onto the silent man's clothes. The silent man became even more scared of Tiara and he started to cry.

"Please have mercy on me, I will tell you anything." The silent man begged with tears in his eyes. Tiara grabbed the silent man's hands and made him stood up. "Let's make a deal." Tiara forced the silent man to leave the cell but he tried to fight against it. Shortly after, he gave in because he was worried that Tiara will kill him. He begged and cried in hopes that he will be freed.

When Tiara walked up the stairs to leave, a voice was heard from her back. "I too would like to make a deal." Gudnight spoke to Tiara. "There is no deal that I will make between you and me." Tiara completely rejected Gudnight's request. "Well then, maybe this will be our last conversation." The cocking of a gun was heard from Gudnight's direction. She pointed the gun towards Tiara's head because Tiara rejected her request.

"Don't waste my time, what do you need?" Tiara had to give in after Gudnight pointed a gun at her.

Gudnight offered her a deal to help her find her son in exchange for the protection of Gudnight's people whenever they come to the outlaw city. "You're too much of a burden to me on this mission." Tiara rejected Gudnight's proposal. "Ah-ah, take it or die." The offer from Gudnight made it hard for Tiara to make a decision. Somehow that offer was deemed as worthy for Tiara. "Just do what you wish." Tiara took up the offer without looking at Gudnight. She then moved to leave Gudnight behind with the silent man.

When Tiara and the silent man walked back to the pub after they got out from the underground area, Gudnight's squadron blocked Tiara with weapons in their hands. "Halt! Keep your weapons and let her through." Those people saw Gudnight got out from the underground. Without hesitation, they made space for Tiara and the silent man to walk out from this club.

Outside the club, Tiara stopped the silent man from walking. Behind her, Gudnight and her people stood to watch Tiara's actions. "As I promised to you, I will free you if you tell me where my son is." Tiara cut the rope that tied the silent man's hand. The silent man was very happy and thankful as she gave him his freedom.

"Your son is at Kevin's faction. Head to the west where there is a dark forest and there you will find an old abandoned house with a mysterious man in it." The silent man gave Tiara information about her son's whereabouts. "Is he alone?" Tiara asked the silent man whether that stranger was someone who worked alone. "From what I saw, he is working alone." The silent man answered. "Good. Now you may go." Tiara pushed the silent man's body forward and without much thought, the silent man ran as fast as he could to get out from that place.

"Is that the place where there were rumors about the monster that kills mankind?" Gudnight thought about the dark forest that was mentioned by the silent man. "What a beautiful spear you have." Tiara admired one of Gudnight's people who held a spear in his hand. He agreed with Tiara in regards to what she said. "May I hold it?" Tiara wanted to hold that spear and the owner of the spear gave it to her.

When she held that spear, she suddenly threw that spear in the direction of the silent man. That spear accurately pierced the heart of the silent man. A lot of blood flowed out from his body and the silent man died a painful death. "As I promised, I'm freeing you from this corrupted world." Tiara spoke to herself.

Tiara stared at Gudnight. "I will be waiting outside." Tiara walked away to get her horse while she waited for Gudnight to equip herself with the necessary weapons. "I already told you, don't mess with that that devil." Gudnight said to the people around her.