
Noah's Chronicle

A genius researcher named Drake on Earth gains insight into a 'law' that helps him to protect his soul from being cleansed in the Yellow river after his death and thus reincarnates in a world full of Magic with all his memories intact. He reincarnated in many worlds after that again and again... After countless reincarnations, he reincarnates again on Earth. Earth is no longer the Earth that he remembers from his First life it changed so much that people on Earth can use Magic now. He was reborn on Earth with a new name-Noah. Follow Noah as he travels, causing [Chaos] wherever he goes, as he watches the world burn around him with a smirk on his face! ----------------------- Warning: If you are coming after reading the fourth prince, then you may see many similarities till chapters 15-20. After which plot/world/characters/personalities/story/mysteries/powers will change a lot. If you can't stick till that time where things take a turn for the good, giving you a unique and fresh experience, please don't bother! . . . Note: -The 'Earth' in this novel is different than the 'Earth' of our Real-world. It is pure fiction. -I don't own the cover! All the rights belong to their respective owner.

SilentMan · Fantasy
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113 Chs

The Silver Lotus **

Noah held Leah's waist with both his arms strongly as he started drilling her from behind.

Each thrust shook her body, causing her boobs to jiggle and butt cheeks to get slapped by his nuts rapidly.

*PAH!* *PAH!* *PAH!*

"AAaahh~ Daddy!" Leah moaned as she forgot the number limit after which this big bad wolf was supposed to release her from his debauched claws.

Noah grabbed Leah's disheveled golden hair as he pulled her head upwards.

Leah's back arched as her head was forcefully pulled higher so she could see the depraved sight of her getting pumped by Noah as an Illusionary mirror formed on the headboard of the bed!

Leah's hazy eyes focused on the lecherous 'Daddy' behind her, who had a rakish grin planted across his handsome face.

Noah stroked his purple hair with his right hand in a heroic fashion as he pulled Leah's hair with his left hand, forcing her to see everything he was doing to her in the mirror! His smirk was prideful!

She could feel the disdain in his eyes!

She could feel the haughtiness!

She could feel the self-conceit!

She could feel the loftiness!

She could feel his unrivaled Pride!

Several silver lotuses formed out of thin air and floated in mid-air! They revolved elegantly. The lotuses gave an air of aloofness and boastfulness causing all the beings in the entire Yutao city to fall on their knees in reverence!

A Supreme Being has Arrived!

Only 3 people were unaffected- Gina, Naomi, and Leah.


Somewhere far far far far away...

A woman with silver hair and purple eyes lifted her gaze and looked around in space. She had purple horns protruding out from her forehead which slightly curved towards its ends. She was sitting on a silverish throne and the air was filled with silver fog as several silver lotuses revolved around her throne elegantly.

"Tsk!" She closed her eyes arrogantly.


At the same time, everyone in Yutao city felt like they were in front of a God which demanded respect!

They kneeled on the ground as they all prayed in unison to their Goddess...but the mountain-like force on their shoulders increased even further.

It kept increasing until one person was crushed into meat paste. Some stopped chanting prayers to the Goddess and the crushing force vanished. The sheep mentality saved countless lives but Luke was unlucky to be sleeping in his room alone!

Luke was turned in mincemeat and only blood, meat, and crushed bones were left behind on his bed.


Noah could feel the chaos in Yutao city as several thousands of people died in a flash. Others struggled and some just followed what others were doing to save themselves. The 'faith' in their Goddess decreased considerably which caused a rippling effect in the 'God Realm'!


'God Realm' also known as 'Heavens'...

A white mansion with several fountains and beautiful gardens that adorned its exterior made it feel like something that cannot be tainted by lowly creatures.

A beautiful woman with a voluptuous body and golden hair and eyes which were pure milky white was the owner of this mansion. Even her irises were white! She was sitting on a white-colored throne as several monks sat in front of her and listened to everything she said with crisp attention.

Suddenly she wrinkled her brows...but soon she didn't care much as she only gave a message to an 'oracle' to check things in Yutao city as she couldn't feel anything out of ordinary!

Her entire body flickered a little like a dying flame but soon it stabilized.


Noah relished in the turmoil that he created with these silver lotuses. Although he didn't know what it was...but he didn't care either. It filled his sadistic nature with more and more chaotic emotions.

The Mayhem and Havoc he created unconsciously made him feel even more prideful of himself.

The sweet flavor of Disorder and Madness was intoxicating to Noah! He felt more and more addicted to this feeling. It was a drug that brought out his hidden nature for everyone to see outside!

Noah started pumping inside Leah as each thrust hit her womb making her groan in pleasure and pain!

Leah saw herself getting ravaged by Noah as she screamed in euphoria...

"Ohhh~ Daddy~"

"Yess~ Harder...Daddy~~ Impre~...gnate me~"

"Will I be a grandfather or a father?" Noah asked in 'confusion' but he didn't stop bullying Leah with hard and strong thrusts which hit her womb every time making her moan in pain and pleasure!

"Daddy!" She could only scream whatever came to her mind as the repeated and consistent pistoning session pushed her to the peak.

"Oh? Okay, then Leah,"

"What do you want your Daddy to do?"

Noah released her hair but Leah didn't want to stop looking in those purple eyes which made her feel like she was looking at a revered God! She immediately placed her hands in front of her maintaining her balance and looked in those eyes as she answered in a tone filled with ecstasy:

"Fuck me like the bitch I am Daddy!" She felt like getting plowed by this God which exuded pure pride was the greatest honor she could ever get as a filial daughter!

Noah smiled with rapture!

"You came to the right place Leah!"

"Because this is where you will receive the enlightenment to reach the heavens"

"Prepare yourself to take a trip to the lands where even [Immortals] are banned!"

That being said, Noah grabbed her waist and started moving his waist ferociously.

"Oohhh~ Daddy!"

As soon as Noah felt she was reaching her peak, he pistoned even faster. His holy rod touched the entrance of Leah's womb which cause her body to shrivel each time in pain and pleasure!


A large amount of love juices gushed out of Leah's sacred cave drenching Noah's waist and the bedsheet below her.


"Haah~ Haah~" she panted heavily.

Her eyes rolled back and her body went limp and soft as she plopped on the bed with her butt raised high up since Noah was holding her waist and they were still connected as one.

"Prepare yourself for round two, Leah!" Noah exclaimed with joy.

Noah started pumping inside her without caring about her sensitive state...

"w-wait! wait! d-daddy!" Leah whimpered slightly. She was still sensitive from the brutal pumping.

"Oh? What is it my 'daughter'?" asked Noah with a 'clueless tone'

"I-I am still s-sensitive" She sounded like a meek lamb that was refusing to be slaughtered for her meat! But her fate was in Noah's hands and she would definitely be sacrificed today!

"This is where the fun begins, my 'daughter'" Noah spoke in a fatherly tone, trying his best to discipline his children so that they don't grow up to be unruly and ungrateful.

Noah continued his thrusts at a slow pace as he commented in a 'fatherly' tone while Leah could only groan in pain and pleasure:

"You know what Leah?"

"Mhmm?~" Leah mewled as a burning sensation engulfed her lower region.

"Bullying is important...do you know why?" Noah asked in a tender tone as if he was teaching his 'daughter' an important lesson.

"n-no daddy...Aahhhh~...w-why?" Leah asked like a lamb who was bleating weakly! She clenched the bedsheets as her palms curled into fists.

"It teaches kids resilience!" That being said, Noah started pumping faster and faster making her build durability and prepare her for the ultimate assault that was yet to come!

"Daddy Noooo~~!"

Unfortunately, the Author doesn't have any pride and asks for PS shamelessly!

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