
Noah's Chronicle

A genius researcher named Drake on Earth gains insight into a 'law' that helps him to protect his soul from being cleansed in the Yellow river after his death and thus reincarnates in a world full of Magic with all his memories intact. He reincarnated in many worlds after that again and again... After countless reincarnations, he reincarnates again on Earth. Earth is no longer the Earth that he remembers from his First life it changed so much that people on Earth can use Magic now. He was reborn on Earth with a new name-Noah. Follow Noah as he travels, causing [Chaos] wherever he goes, as he watches the world burn around him with a smirk on his face! ----------------------- Warning: If you are coming after reading the fourth prince, then you may see many similarities till chapters 15-20. After which plot/world/characters/personalities/story/mysteries/powers will change a lot. If you can't stick till that time where things take a turn for the good, giving you a unique and fresh experience, please don't bother! . . . Note: -The 'Earth' in this novel is different than the 'Earth' of our Real-world. It is pure fiction. -I don't own the cover! All the rights belong to their respective owner.

SilentMan · Fantasy
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113 Chs

The Beast Contract

As soon as Noah left, Caleb ran to his room, took out a messaging crystal, and sent a few messages with the help of the messaging crystal.

Messaging crystals, as the name suggests, let people record audio and send it to other people over long distances. It was the same method with which the Emperor received the news of Gabon city and the events in Trynis city in a short amount of time. Otherwise, it would take a long time for a single person to travel back and forth to report a few important matters which may need urgent attention.


Noah and Ares crossed by Silia's room 'coincidentally' because Noah took a detour on purpose. He secretly slid a paper under the doors of the room and continued walking to his room completely unbothered by the turmoil that piece of paper may bring to the poor heart of Silia which was already in chaos!

Soon they reached Noah's room.


Somewhere in an underground room where a meeting of black-robed individuals was taking place, the messenger walked inside the room and went to the side of the woman sitting on the main seat.

They all had faces filled with malicious intentions. The hostility towards the demon and the demoness increased countless times after hearing the full details reported by the Empress.

As soon as they saw the messenger walking in, they wanted to kill him just like the last time, when a messenger brought back to back bad news.

They didn't warn the messenger and waited for the woman sitting on the main seat to blast his head off just like the last messenger while sneering beneath their masks. They were excitedly waiting for a good show...


The woman sitting on the main seat suddenly had her eyes lit up! She patted the messenger's shoulder as if congratulating him for finally giving something good! The messenger was happy like never before. In the past few days, the earlier messenger went missing mysteriously, causing his poor heart to be always at alert. He was overjoyed thinking about the rewards that this dangerous job entails.

Little did he know this news will bring his demise!

"Prince Noah will be setting out on the way to the Racada Kingdom on his own, with the guards our people will provide! Hehe~" The woman declared while grinning from ear to ear.

The black-robed individuals were delighted and the depressing atmosphere finally cleared up! Although most of their plans were slowly being set up behind the scenes yet a variable can create many new possibilities.

"We will clear out this variable as soon as possible. Prepare a team to make sure he goes 'missing'" She ordered a few individuals to take care of it and breathed out a sigh of relief. They did not want a variable to mess up their plans during the climax. How would a man feel when their woman moaning under him, who was about to reach her climax suddenly starts screaming another man's name? Horrible right? They desperately want to avoid such a situation!


Silia, who was sitting on the couch in her room suddenly saw a piece of paper enter her sight. Her face was already contorted to grimace. She was not having a good day but when she saw the paper on the floor, she wondered why is a piece of paper lying near the door...?

She used magic and the next moment the piece of paper appeared in her hands.

The next moment-

Her face lost all color and her expression was aghast.

Horror, terror, and panic were written all over her face!

Her mind was in complete disorder and mayhem!

Her mind was in chaos!


Noah and Ares appeared in 'the common guest room'. After all, it was not Noah's room anymore!

Valentina was sleeping on the bed sensually as she covered herself in a blanket made up of pure neon blue colored [Energy]. Why is she covering herself with a blanket? It's not like she is going to catch a cold! Also, there was the usual blanket on the bed that everyone uses. Why is she not using that? Did someone hit her in the head?

'Sigh~' Noah could only sigh and decided to not think too much about her. After all, he was going to live with her for a long long long time! And [Immortals] develop peculiar personalities the longer they live.

Noah loved Chaos. It was like his nature to watch the world burn with a smile on his face!!

Ares sat on the mattress as she closed her eyes to concentrate more on the 'laws'.

Sometime later, Noah silently tried to sneak out again, but Ares caught him red-handed. He decided it was time for plan B. He slowly extracted all mana from her body, making her feel fatigued and at the same time developed some mental pressure on her so that she doesn't wake up for a long time. [Psyonic Waves] is something similar to [Killing Intent] which puts a lot of mental pressure on the opponent. Although Noah was not very good at mental abilities, he was still able to put Ares to sleep with ease.

Noah had no choice because Ares just wouldn't let him go. She was getting eager to have her time with her brother.

'How the heck am I supposed to fix her?' thought Noah as he rubbed his forehead in confusion. Although she was very cute, yet Noah knew better that she wouldn't hesitate to kill other women who tries to get near Noah except Valentina...

He shook his head and took a step forward, cutting through space, and appeared inside a hollow white spherical prison!


Naomi was sitting in the center with her eyes closed and several mana crystals were lying around her. Her mother never told her how to gain [Immortality]. It was something that everyone has to do on their own. She could only rely on herself to reach the peak of the summit.

So she chose the natural path which everyone chooses in order, to begin with, something. The cultivation path. It was the truth that nobody could help someone to reach [Immortality] even if they were a Primordial species. Valentina made her own path to attain [Immortality], so did 'the Queen' and so did Noah!

Although Naomi had a hunch. She knew that it was related to mastering the 'law' that she used but she didn't know how? Even if someone spoonfed her everything, she wouldn't be able to become a [Immortal]. She had to follow the traditional path which everyone follows. It was similar to how when we were kids, we were taught addition and subtraction but later on, we found out that addition and subtraction is nothing but a pile of shit. The real thing is calculus! Spoonfeeding higher mathematics to a child will only make the child go crazy! They will have to slowly climb up the ladder. Although there are some super-rare-geniuses like Valentina who fucks up the general concepts and shows a middle finger to the entire universe, they are negligible!

"Hello! Naomi!" Noah appeared out of thin air and stood in front of Naomi.

She opened her yellow eyes which had slits in between them just like a cat's eyes.

"Sigh~" she sighed audibly. She didn't have any other chances of survival. She has calculated everything and even if her mother and sister attack this place together, they would only get stuck with her in here. She knew her mother was strong, but not in Noah's [Domain]. Here he was the King!

She stood up in front of Noah and with a tired sigh she asked "You said the terms are negotiable right?"

"Of course" Noah nodded. He was expecting her to negotiate. This was it, the perfect opportunity to finally have a Catasm as a bonded beast! [Immortals] greatest dream of having a Primordial species as their beast finally coming true!

'Oh Divine Goddess! You finally heard my prayers!!' Noah thought sarcastically in his mind.

"Clause 3: The contract will be valid for 100 years unless both the parties wish to continue this contract of their own free will"

"Make it 1 year!" Naomi demanded arrogantly. Not willing to yield completely. She showed her cute fangs, as her cat ears perked up while her cat tail rose up high in the air which displayed her haughty demeanor.

"50 years!" Noah tried to 'bargain' but inwardly he was quite happy.

'Hahaha~ She is so young. If it was her mother she would start with 1 day!!'

Naomi squinted her eyes, but remained firm on her decision as she said:

"1 year!"

"20 years," Noah said as his expression turned 'hopeful' but Naomi was not willing to yield...

"1 YEAR!" She reminded him that if he doesn't accept, she would prefer to die!

"Sigh~" Noah sighed with a 'defeated' expression but he was smiling mischievously in his heart!

"Fine! 2 Years," He asked with the most 'hopeful' expression from his 'book of expressions'.

Naomi was surprised that a person like Noah who could manage to keep her inside this prison for the rest of her life, let her trample upon his pride as he came down from 100 years to 2 years! If only she knew the inner thoughts of Noah...

This gave her ego an unbelievable boost! She wanted to haggle a bit more but then she thought she shouldn't push her luck too much as she looked at the 'expectant' look on Noah's face.

"Okay, 2 years it is..."

"Treat me well!" she reminded him of the 5th Clause which ensured her safety and well being which will be in the hands of Noah!

"Of course!" Noah displayed a handsome smile.

Naomi took a step forward, shapeshifted to her cute Cat-form, and leaped on his shoulder as she opened her mouth and gently bit his neck!

*Swoosh* *Swoosh*

A pressure that came from the depths of the Universe erupted out of nowhere and surrounded the [Souls] of Naomi and Noah with silver-colored ethereal chains, which Noah had no way to destroy. If he tries to destroy them then the beast contract would fail.

Also even a [Immortal] will die forever if they break the 'laws' of the beast contract. The beast contract can only be formed when both the beast and the person involved agree on the terms of the contract and are making this choice of their own free will. Otherwise, Noah would have tried to force itself upon Naomi long ago.

There was another reason why Noah didn't torture her, which was to become the 'good guy' who gave her an option 'politely'.....

Noah would make her eat her pride while he plows her from behind later! 2 years? Meh !!!

"Meow!" Naomi purred cutely!

Cat in the Bag!

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