
Noah's Chronicle

A genius researcher named Drake on Earth gains insight into a 'law' that helps him to protect his soul from being cleansed in the Yellow river after his death and thus reincarnates in a world full of Magic with all his memories intact. He reincarnated in many worlds after that again and again... After countless reincarnations, he reincarnates again on Earth. Earth is no longer the Earth that he remembers from his First life it changed so much that people on Earth can use Magic now. He was reborn on Earth with a new name-Noah. Follow Noah as he travels, causing [Chaos] wherever he goes, as he watches the world burn around him with a smirk on his face! ----------------------- Warning: If you are coming after reading the fourth prince, then you may see many similarities till chapters 15-20. After which plot/world/characters/personalities/story/mysteries/powers will change a lot. If you can't stick till that time where things take a turn for the good, giving you a unique and fresh experience, please don't bother! . . . Note: -The 'Earth' in this novel is different than the 'Earth' of our Real-world. It is pure fiction. -I don't own the cover! All the rights belong to their respective owner.

SilentMan · Fantasy
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113 Chs

Delos Empire embracing Chaos...

Delta City, Delos Empire

The Emperor heard the events that occurred in Trynis city from his spies and he was frowning. Normally, his face was expressionless and full of regality, but now he couldn't help but grimace.

The Empire was slowly getting out of his hands, everything was descending to chaos and madness. He was sure that the events in Trynis city will reach all ends of the Empire...

'Just what the fuck is happening with my Empire? Everything was fine before the Delos celebrations but now...everything is going haywire for some unexplainable reason. Gabon city's massacre, Adam's execution which was well planned by Noah, Mary's assassination attempt by an invisible assassin who could breach the palace at any time and leave without alerting a single guard and something happened twice in Trynis city as soon as he reached that place which made the people evacuate the city both the times.'

'The Empire is on the brink of a civil war...'-

'I have nothing to do with all this shit yet my Empire is getting out of my hands...' his face was slowly getting uglier and full of maliciousness. He was planning something...something which will change the Delos Empire forever...


Somewhere in an underground chamber in Delos Empire, a gathering of black-robed individuals took place...

'Just what the fuck is going on? Everything slowly goes into chaos where ever we try to implement our plans...' was the only thought going through their minds.


It was already morning. Noah was sleeping on the bed and a black-haired beauty was snuggling on his chest as if her life depended on it. After many crazy rounds, Silia couldn't keep up with Noah, and Noah was not a complete jerk. He always cared for his partners when making love with them so he lay on the bed while thinking deep about mysteries surrounding that ethereal figure that appeared again and Ares as Silia slept in his embrace.

One thing he was sure of was that that figure was only called upon when he was truly angry. Although he could use his [Killing Intent] to scare the enemies, the ethereal figure will never appear. He has tried countless times when it first happened 50000 years ago, but every time it failed.

Another thing that was still in his mind was Ares's connection with him. He tried to use his abilities to find anything strange but he didn't. But the more he thought about it the more this kind of connection felt something like a [Soul] connection. Although he had no means to truly know what was happening, he could only guess and let things flow naturally...

"Mhmm~" At this time Silia woke up with a satisfied smile on her face.

"Good morning" Noah stroked her hair with a mischievous smirk. He knew what was going to happen next...

"Good mor-" Silia opened her eyes wide when she realized who she was talking to... Her expressions changed as if she saw a ghost. Her face went pale and she gulped audibly in fear.

Memories of crazy last night filled her mind, her breathing slowly turned heavy.

Most of those memories were vague since all she remembers was getting fucked senseless by Noah. Then she saw the same godly figure of Noah, but this time she was not admiring his body...her breathing turned erratic as she remembered how she gave her body to this person in front of her like a hooker. Her body shivered in fright and she slowly crept to the edge of the bed. She tried covering her body with the blanket that they were using as effects of [Charm] vanished.

How could Silia, a loyal wife accept the things that she did last night? It was like a huge black mark on her entire life.

"Oh no no no!!" Small tears threatened to leak from the corner of her eyes as the more she tried to remember, the more she felt extremely shameful and remorse...

"You did this!!" she yelled at Noah after she covered her entire body with the blanket. Noah didn't mind being naked so he didn't stop her either. He just kept looking at Silia, waiting for her emotions to truly turn chaotic as he gave a roguish smile... Noah found this entire situation extremely waggish and impish. It was humorous for him as he felt refreshed sensing the chaotic emotions of Silia.

Then Silia remembered something as soon as she saw that playful smirk on Noah, she slowly turned her head towards the person laying on the ground near the bed...

"OH, GODDESS!!" She shouted as soon as she saw her husband laying on the ground near the edge of the bed.

He was drenched in liquids, 'their liquids'. He was laying on his back as he closed his eyes and slept on the ground.

"What have I done???" Silia asked herself as she thought about her wanton actions last night.

She got up from the bed and ran towards Kale while changing the clothes that she brought out from her storage ring.

"Kale! Kale! Wake up!" she jerked his completely motionless body...

Kale slowly opened his eyes and saw his beautiful wife as a slight smile appeared on his face. Since cultivators don't require much sleep, whenever he slept, he would sleep for very long and Silia would wake him up like this.

Silia had an expression that was full of regret, humiliation, embarrassment, and guilt! When she saw her husband in this state, she couldn't help but curse herself. She thought she was a disgraceful and dishonorable woman...

Kale didn't find anything strange for a few moments, but then as soon as he got up and saw Noah sitting naked on the bed with a jolly and spirited smirk, he remembered the events of last night as his smile vanished.

Noah got up from the bed and took out clothes from his storage ring and wore them while relishing the chaotic emotions of the couple.

Kale was brimming with fury, then he looked towards Silia who was averting her gaze in shame.

"Why?" Kale asked in a hoarse voice filled with spite.

"I-I don't know what happened last night, it was not me, I promise! Something was wrong, He did this to me." Silia pointed towards Noah and blamed him shamelessly since she didn't have any excuses to defend herself.

Noah's eyes flashed dangerously. Although he cared about his partners, he didn't care about Silia as soon as she left the bed...

Noah took care of his harem, not women with whom he had casual flings...

'Heh~ This is going to be even more fun...' he thought as he suppressed his urge to kill her right here and now. He was slightly pissed off because of the shamelessness of this woman, she tried to seduce him, frame him, and when it backfired on her, she even tried to blame him...but Noah preferred to play instead of using brute force, otherwise it would be too boring for him.

"He did this to you?" Kale asked in a neutral and tired tone.

"Yes! I am sure hubby, it was him, he must have done something, otherwise, how could I, Silia who have always been loyal to you cheat right in front of you?" Silia tried to think of excuses and even she started believing that Noah must have done something. She couldn't believe that she acted like a cheap slut last night.

Then she started destroying all the recording crystals to erase all the proof.

Noah started walking towards the door and reached Kale as he patted his shoulder and said in a tone that was filled with 'enlightenment',

"Doing things you don't want to do is how you make a relationship work!" Noah had a slight smirk as he walked past Kale while putting one of the recording crystals in his pocket slyly as he exited the room.


Upon reaching his room, he saw Valentina and Ares seating on the couch, in his room. His??

"What happened? why are you both here early in the morning?" Noah asked with a poker face.

"Where were you brother?" Ares asked as she squinted her eyes...she stood up and ran towards Noah and started sniffing him. Although Noah has cleaned himself with water magic,


"Who was it? That slut or someone else?" Ares asked with confidence and conviction. She was firmly convinced that Noah was with Silia.

Noah didn't know whether to laugh or cry. This level of 'womanly instincts' is rare to find. He could only smile wryly and try to change the subject...

"What are talking about? I only went for a walk around the Palace..." Noah said with a carefree expression.

Noah looked at Valentina, who had her eyes closed as if she was deeply thinking about something...

"Anyways, we should be heading back now, since we are already done with our business in Arda kingdom. What do you think mother?" Noah asked as he sat on the couch in front of Valentina.

Ares had her suspicions, but she couldn't do anything now, so she sat on Noah's lap as Noah stroked her pink hair with affection.

Valentina opened her eyes and saw their children acting all lovey-dovey as a mysterious glint flashed through her eyes, which she quickly suppressed.

"Are you not going to wait for Eula?" She asked while squinting her eyes into two needlepoints.

'Shit! I always forget that she is a [Immortal] too' Noah thought with an embarrassed expression.

"Who is she?" Noah asked while maintaining the most 'honest' expression he could muster.

"Ara~" Valentina smiled and nodded several times as she thought she had one person less to kill.

Noah was surprised by her mother's reaction but he quickly got over it, and asked: "So are we leaving today or sometime later?"

"What is the hurry, my dear son? It's not like they are going to kick us out of the Palace right?" Valentina thought while thinking about the most brutal ways to kill someone as her eyes darkened a little. She displayed the most dangerous smile that would send chills to all the women in the universe.

Noah had no qualms about staying here. He knows that Seraphina was diligently cultivating, and Gina was working tirelessly to fix some issues here and there while taking out some time to cultivate as well.

"Okay!" he replied as he kissed Ares on the forehead who nodded in satisfaction with an "Mn". She didn't care as long as she was near Noah.

Valentina closed her eyes again but then,

*Knock!* *Knock!*

"Yes?" Noah asked.

"His majesty wishes to seek an audience with Prince Noah." said a 'maid' who had an expression full of rage and hatred behind the door.

"Just me?" asked Noah in a 'worried' tone on purpose...

"Yes, your highness!" said the 'maid' and left without proper etiquettes for some reason. Noah smirked as he sensed the 'maid' leaving but then he also frowned a little as he sensed something within her sacred cave. Her barrier which proved her purity was broken...

It was not uncommon for maids of the Palace to serve the king in bed, then why did Noah frown slightly?

He threw those thoughts to the back of his mind as he got up from his seat to meet King Abbott who must be in his throne room...

CHAOS ENSUES...Muahaha *evil laugh*

Creation is hard, cheer me up!!!!

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