
Noah's Chronicle

A genius researcher named Drake on Earth gains insight into a 'law' that helps him to protect his soul from being cleansed in the Yellow river after his death and thus reincarnates in a world full of Magic with all his memories intact. He reincarnated in many worlds after that again and again... After countless reincarnations, he reincarnates again on Earth. Earth is no longer the Earth that he remembers from his First life it changed so much that people on Earth can use Magic now. He was reborn on Earth with a new name-Noah. Follow Noah as he travels, causing [Chaos] wherever he goes, as he watches the world burn around him with a smirk on his face! ----------------------- Warning: If you are coming after reading the fourth prince, then you may see many similarities till chapters 15-20. After which plot/world/characters/personalities/story/mysteries/powers will change a lot. If you can't stick till that time where things take a turn for the good, giving you a unique and fresh experience, please don't bother! . . . Note: -The 'Earth' in this novel is different than the 'Earth' of our Real-world. It is pure fiction. -I don't own the cover! All the rights belong to their respective owner.

SilentMan · Fantasy
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113 Chs


3 hours later...

It was already midnight.

Noah was laying on the bed with Seraphina nuzzling on his chest with a big satisfied smile on her face.

Although Noah could have continued, Seraphina was in no condition to do anything.

'I guess it's time to teach manners to a certain someone' Noah thought and got up from the bed slowly, leaving a pillow behind for Seraphina to keep snuggling on.

He cleaned himself with water magic because both Noah and Seraphina were drenched in liquids of each other's and wore his clothes.

He took a step forward and tore through space mercilessly with the help of his Saber Intent and appeared in a place where walls were spherically shaped leaving a hollow space in the center.

It looked more like a spherical shell with a hollow inside.

It had clear white walls and didn't allow the slightest bit of mana fluctuation to escape from this place, forget about an entire person to try escaping except someone with higher mastery in [Gravity] than Noah.

The walls used Absolute [Anti-Gravity] to not let anything or anyone escape

A black-haired young girl was sitting in the center in the lotus position.

As soon as Noah appeared she opened her shining yellow eyes and pounced on him...

"Relax Catasm" Noah said while dodging her attacks with ease.

"W-who are you?" asked the girl with surprise as her cat ears twitched upon hearing the name of her species from someone who is born in a backward planet which has to go through [Evolution of World].

"Doesn't matter" replied Noah nonchalantly while appearing behind her almost instantly, grabbing her tail with one of his hands and

*Slap!* slapping her butt with the other

"Aah~" shrieked the girl.

Embarrassment and shame flushed across her face which was quickly replaced by anger and fury,

She tried to use her darkness attribute to push her speed to the limits and appear behind Noah in order to cut out his throat,

But the white walls of this special prison maintained a well-lit area and because of that, she couldn't use her element at all.

She knew she wasn't a match for this monster, but she didn't how can someone from a backward planet rival her in speed even when she had the advantage of darkness in the alley where they first fought.

She stopped her useless attacks and let Noah hold her cattail and her cat ears slightly drooped down as a horrifying possibility flashed through her mind.

She bit her lower lip and clenched her fists slightly.

She asked with gritted teeth.

"Are you an I-immortal?" she asked with uncertainty and trepidation.

"BINGO...haha" chuckled Noah as a smugly grin formed on his face.

"You Catasm are one of the proudest creatures of the Universe, but unfortunately, for you, you are still too young to go against an [Immortal]" Noah replied as he chuckled slightly.

"Anyways, where is your mama? I know she won't leave her child alone until at least they are old enough to escape from the hands of an [Immortal]."

"s-she died" replied the catgirl.

"Heh? Do you think I am a fool? or do you think I am a young [Immortal]"

*Slap!* Noah slapped her butt again while playing with her soft tail.

"Aahh~" the girl moaned slightly.


"mmhmm~" she moaned again.

"Speak!" Noah ordered.

"I told you! She is dead!" The girl who looked to be in her early twenties replied with gritted teeth.

She was 1.7 meters tall and she was beautiful beyond words. Her face looked like it was sculpted by an artist and she had nice soft curves with an hourglass figure. Her skin was milky white and supple.

She was wearing a black tight-fitted suit which revealed all her curves in full glory.

Coupled with cute cat ears and a cute cattail, she could charm any man.

"Heh~... you don't learn do you?"

*Slap!* He slapped her butt again as she moaned slightly while clenching her fists as her nails dug into her own flesh.

"I said: I am not a young [Immortal]"


"I know Catasms very well. An adult one who has children can crush an [Immortal]"



"There is nobody who can give a fight to an adult Catasm with her super high speed especially in the void of space"

*Slap!* "Mhmm!"

"Though we [Immortals] don't fear death because most of us have a way to revive ourselves, but we do fear dying again and again for fifty thousand years by a crazy Catasm who will kill us as soon as we are revived trapping us in a cycle of revival and death"


"So either you tell me, where your Mama is... or I'll wipe you out to clear any evidence"



She bit her lips softly and said with a red face full of embarrassment "I was annoyed because Mama kept telling me to train relentlessly. One day a young [Immortal] attacked the place where we lived and Mama got angry so she kept killing him for 2 years but it didn't look like she would stop, so I got the chance to run away and ended up here"

"I came to the place what you call as the Lipon Kingdom a month ago to live a life of an S-rank adventurist exploring the portals of [Evolution of World] from time to time, but humans in this place were very very mean. They discriminated against me just because I was not a human and didn't let me enter any of those portals a-and... and they sometimes even attacked me upon seeing me"

"So I hid in that dirty place, stole mana crystals from rich people to increase my cultivation. I felt like you were rich so I attacked you."

"Hmm.. this sounds plausible," Noah said while still playing with her tail.

'Why is it so soft and cute, much better than other catgirls I have laid my hands upon' thought Noah.

'Is it because Catasms are a primordial species or am I just overthinking?'

*Slap!* her butt jiggled and she groaned in pain and .....pleasure?

"Form a beast contract with me," said Noah nonchalantly.

The girl's cat ears perked up and her tail wiggled in annoyance.

"WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE?" The catgirl shouted in a voice full of rage as she stomped her foot.

She couldn't believe someone was treating her as an actual beast.

She was a proud individual, she only compromised a little earlier and let him do as he please because she knew she can not go against a [Immortal] with her pitiful strength, forget about an experienced older [Immortal] like Noah.


She won't accept being treated like an actual beast. A beast contract makes the beast a slave to the master.

A proud Catasm like her will never become a slave of someone, they would prefer to die than to live according to the whims of others.

"[Quasar]" A bright light erupted from Noah's finger and flashed across the entire body of the young Catasm though not a single mana fluctuation escaped this prison.

Such a bright light was akin to torture to species that has mastery in the Darkness element.

"Aaarghhhh" She shrieked and kneeled on the ground while panting heavily as if she has just run a marathon!

"I'll come again later, my terms will be lenient," Noah said as he dropped a paper with the terms of the contract written on it before vanishing from the prison.

"And don't yell on my face. I don't like it" A chilling voice resounded in her cat ears.

Tears escaped from the corner of her eyes as she kneeled on the ground and spasmed.

"You were right Mama! I should have trained harder." She recalled her strict mother who was always forced to train non-stop and reminded her of the various danger of the Universe from time to time.

"Sniff...sniff" The cute yet seductive cat girl cried.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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