
No truth

Have you ever heard of Merlin? The great wizard? Well you shouldn't have anyways. At around this time Merlin should be getting breakfast for Arthur. I, like Merlin, have ...gifts. My father, Sir Merril, is a loyal night of Camelot. Killing anyone who practices sorcery is the law. My father has killed and turned in anyone caught using it. For every night he reminds me, "Sorcery is evil. If it is to reign over Camelot once more there would be doom." My father never knew of my gift, only mother. And as she promised, she took it with her to her grave never telling a soul. I have one question for you. Will you join me in this journey?

_princesscharming_ · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
19 Chs

Self destruction

"WHAT?!" Me and Merlin exclaim. I step behind the screen and completely remove the dress. I begin putting on my clothes the boys on the other side of the screen. "I already told him no! Why won't he listen?! Boy is he going to get an earful from me!" I exclaim stepping out of the screen and slipping my shirt over my head. I rush to the door slipping on my boots and put my door on the handle. "Wait Anika!" Arthur exclaims. I stop. "What." I spit out. "Father has guards surrounding his chambers you don't stand a chance against all of them!" He says but I step out anyways. "Watch me." I say slamming the door shut.

I sprint all the way to the king's chambers and stop short when I see the guards at the door. I turn into the corner and grab my boot throwing it at some metal armor standing by the stairwell. At the sound three of four of the guards go to see what it was. I walk over to the one guard and hit him in the back of his head. He passes out and I open the door only to be met with ten spears all aiming at my neck. I breath out taking my sword putting it in my hands. "Down." Uther says and the guards put the spears to their sides. "I see you heard of the news." He says calmly. "How the hell can you be so calm when you're forcing your own son into a marriage?!" I yell at him.

He sighs. "I've already met your father. He says that he tried his best to raise you. That you are more than capable of being a queen. You are now officially under my guardianship as you are under aged. And as of next month you will be known as Queen Anika, Mrs. Pendragon." He says officially. My jaw ticks. "Sir Merril was never my father. He never treated me like his daughter and even kicked me out after my imprisonments. So he has no right to be my guardian I am my own guardian and no one else. Arthur doesn't want to have a romantic relationship with me either. So if you want to keep your relationship with your son I'd suggest you break off the marriage." I say walking closer to him. "I'd rather there be an amazing kingdom than be liked by my son." He says solemnly.

"Is the only way for Arthur to get out of this for me to die then? There would be no marriage." I threaten Uther. "Yes, but no one would put you in any danger as the queen." He says reassuring himself. I laugh at him. "Everyone knows. The most dangerous thing to yourself, is your own mind." I say I look at the window behind him. He follows where my eyes were looking at and he stands up. "Get her!" He commands but I was already on my way to the window.

I jump and the glass breaks against my force. I grab my sword and climb to the roof. I look over the edge and see the guards look down to the floor but don't see my body. My eyes shone turquoise and I jumped off the roof. I slowly advance to the floor and when I do start running. I run and run deeper and deeper into the forest.

Eventually I run into a campsite. I look around and see no one. In a hot heap I sit on the floor. Then there was a rustle in the woods. I grab my sword and stay low to the ground. I look around then see the slightest movement. I slowly step closer trying to avoid making noise. When I get to where I saw it I quickly turn pressing my sword against a man. "Who are you?" I ask threateningly. He scoffs. "I should be asking who you are this is my campsite!" He exclaims. I press the sword closer to his neck. "I ask again. Who are you?" I say once more. "L-Lancelot. My names Lancelot. I don't remember where I came from but I want to go to Camelot." He says nervously. I cock and eyebrow.

"Where are we right now?" I ask lowering the sword. "Ealdor." He says and my eyes widen. "Ealdor?" I ask. He nods. I raise my sword once more. "You better not be lying." I say raising a brow. He shakes his head. "If I want to be a knight what's the point in lying?" He says as I turn to look back at his camp. I look back at him interested. "A knight?" I ask. I start walking back to his camp and he follows suit. "Yes, I've been wanting to be one since I was a boy." He says and I plop down on the floor. "Really? Why?" I ask as he sits down across from me. "When i was a boy my Billings was attacked. All my family was killed and I couldn't do anything to help. That's why I want to be a knight and why I'm on my way to Camelot." He explains.

I nod staying silent. "What is a woman doing out here in the woods anyways?" He ask kicking a rock on the floor. I look up at him surprised. "How'd you know I was a woman? Most people would think otherwise." I say confused. He shrugs his shoulder. "Any man would have killed me and stolen my stuff. Women are more patient and understanding. Well most of em." He says making gestures with his hands. I nod and then sigh. "I was a guest in the castle of Camelot long story short I ran away to help my friends. I didn't know I ran this far." I say pointing around me. "How did you get out? Aren't the guards like the best?" He asks. I nod. "I trained most of them. And I'm full of surprises. Would you expect a 17 year old to jump out a four floor window? Probably not." I say giving him a smile. He chuckles. " I really wouldn't." He says laying back. "Did you say you trained the guards? Isn't that the job of the prince? He's the best knight in the kingdom." Lancelot sag looking at me. "I'm a trainer not a knight. I'm better than Arthur. Can beat him in heels." I say putting my knees up. My body shivered. I ran for a while as the sun was almost setting. It was getting colder. "Are you cold? I should have an extra in my bag." He says rolling to the side, grabbing his bag and sitting up. He tosses me a coat and I put it on. "Thanks." I say and he nods. Night fell and we got to know eachother better with brief conversations. "If you don't try killing me you won't be killed." I say laying down. He laughs. "Your joking...right?" He asks and I don't answer. "Yeah she's just joking." He reassured himself then falls silent his breathing evening. 'He fell asleep.' I think. I sit up my back against a tree. I close my eyes then open them again bright turquoise. I see my old chambers being searched. I walk around the guards and walk down to Merlin and Gauiss room. I go through the door and through Merlins. I see Merlin up and looking through a spell book. "Imagine having to read books instead of reading?" I say sarcastically standing next to him. He jumps at the sound of my voice and looks up. He smiles and jumps up to hug me but only goes through my body. He sighs. "Your not really here, are you?" He says. I shake my head. "I need people to think I died or ran away. Merlin there's something else." I say. He looks at me worriedly. "Guinevere and Arthur are together. I want them to stay together, and for her to be queen. So I left. But are you okay with this? If not I can come back and-" I start but he interrupts me. "Anika it's fine. I think she'll be happy with Arthur anyways." He says giving me a smile. My eyes start to water. "Im sorry I couldn't help you Merlin." I say covering my mouth. He walks up to me. "Hey, no. It's ok. You see I'm fine." He says and I nod sniffling. "I'll make sure Gwen is the happiest person alive so that you can be happy too." I reassure and rush out the room. "Wait Anika that not how it wor-" I didn't let him finish as I zoomed past the doors and hallways. After finding out how to use the stairs I made my way to Arthur's chambers. I got there and went through the door. I held my breath hoping not to see something I wouldn't want to see. I let it go when I just see Arthur in bed. "Arthur." I say. Nothing. "Arthur." I say again. Nothing. "ARTHUR YOU SON OF A-" he jumps up awake. He groans rubbing his eyes. "Hello?" He says looking around. He spot me and jumps out of his skin. "Anika?!" He exclaims surprised. I put a finger to my lips. "Will you shut up!" I scold and he nods gulping. "I'm here to ask you a favor." I say clearing my throat. He nods. "What is it?" He asks sitting up straight. "I want you to promise me, that you'll be faithful, loving, and an amazing husband or boyfriend to Guinevere." I say seriously. He snorts looking away. "This is a serious matter and your laughing?!" I whisper shout at him. He looks at me a smile on his face. "Ok. I promise." He says. I raise an eyebrow. "Do not break it, or I'll break every one in your body before I die." I threaten and he gulps. "I'm not going to come back until I have to. Make sure no one knows that you saw me. Everyone has to believe I either died or went missing. I will be going now." I say going to his open window and jumping out.

I close my eyes and reopen them to the forest. After fixing myself I begin to feel exhausted and fall asleep eventually. I wake up to an amazing smell. I open my eyes and see Lancelot cooking something over a fire. I go to him snuggling into the coat. "Oooh What is it?" I ask sitting next to him. "Deer. I caught it a while ago." He says and I lick my lips. "Can't Wait then." I say pulling the collar to my nose. We started small talk as we ate our breakfast. "Hey." I say he looks up from his meat. "Yeah?" He asks. I look up at him meeting his eyes. "I have a proposal." I say clearing my throat. "You said you want to be a knight of Camelot, yes?" I ask cleaning my hands. "Yes with everything I've got." He says. "Then how about... I train you to be even better than Arthur. Then you would for sure be able to be a knight." I say clapping my hands in front of me. "But don't I have to be of noble blood?" He asks. I shake my head. "Yes but I have a name you could go under. My brother, Levii Del Rio. He left a long time ago but if I get in contact with him again I can put you under his name." I say putting my hands together trying to keep them warm. He flashes a smile. "Really?! You'd do that?!" He says tackling me in a hug. The both of us separate a giggling mess. "We can start after the food goes down, or else it'll come back up." I say sitting down.

After thirty minutes I stand up. I toss him a long branch. "Land a hit." I say as he gets up catching the branch. "And if I hit you?" He asks concerned. "Then I walk it off." I say simply. For about twenty minutes he tries hitting me but fails. I sigh holding my hand up for him to stop. "How -how do you move so fast?" He asks breathless. I chuckle. "Practice." I grab my sword and motion for him to walk with me. "Is there a large clearing near here?" I ask pointing around the forest. He nods. "Yeah it's over there." He says pointing in a direction. I urge him toward.

"Lead the way."