
No truth

Have you ever heard of Merlin? The great wizard? Well you shouldn't have anyways. At around this time Merlin should be getting breakfast for Arthur. I, like Merlin, have ...gifts. My father, Sir Merril, is a loyal night of Camelot. Killing anyone who practices sorcery is the law. My father has killed and turned in anyone caught using it. For every night he reminds me, "Sorcery is evil. If it is to reign over Camelot once more there would be doom." My father never knew of my gift, only mother. And as she promised, she took it with her to her grave never telling a soul. I have one question for you. Will you join me in this journey?

_princesscharming_ · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
19 Chs


She removed her clothing at the shore of the lake and was left in undergarments. She put her hair in her "cabbage" then walked deeper into the water.

Something didn't sit well with Arthur but he didn't want to be seen as a coward so he took off his clothes until he was standing in trousers. He followed anikas actions and walked into the murky water.

"Is this even sanitary?" He exclaimed swimming near her. Even the 6 ft Arthur couldn't touch the floor with his toes. Anika winked at him before the brilliant turquoise flickered in her eyes then disappearing. A small wave went through the lake beginning from her and eventually covering the entire lake.

In the waves trail the once murky water turned clear, giving view to the swimming creatures that inhabited the lake.

But one thing made Arthur's blood run cold.

Anika giggled as she played with a small fish that swam in front and around her.

"Anika move very slowly." Arthur ordered, his voice hushed. Anika was confused by Arthur's tone but knew she shouldn't go against it. "Where to? What is it." She whispered, her eyes slowly scanning the surrounding forest.

Arthur shook his head slowly. "Just follow me. Slowly." His voice stayed small and quiet but his tone was demanding.

She listened, feeling trust in the man. She slowly moved herself closer and closer to Arthur when she felt something scratchy rub against her calve. She flinched and looked down into the clear water. It was a deep lake, the bottom seeming endless in their eyes. Fishes and peaceful animals swam around her and the lake. But the one she saw and FELT was that one. The megalodon.

They weren't common in Camelot. But people would prohibit any access to the lakes or any body of water they were seen in. How one got into this one was a mystery. It's nose had only touched her calve and it had turned away from them. A involuntary whine was coming from Anikas throat as fear engulfed her. She bit her lip and kept on padding softly towards Arthur. She could tell he wasn't very confident in them either.

As soon as she got in arms reach of Arthur he took hold of her hand and pulled her towards him. Yes he knew Anika could just save them right then and there with her.. magic. But he didn't think Anika was thinking about magic with a megalodon only ten yards away from her.

Though the water was rather warm the both of them were shivering as they both paddled slowly to the shore. They kept their eyes on the large creature in front of them but something tugged. And it tugged hard. And it tugged Anika. Down.

Arthur felt Anika's wet hands grip into his arm but they didn't hold as she was dragged under the water. In panic Arthur grabbed her arm in attempt to keep her above the surface but it only dragged him down with her.

Anika leg was burning from the moment she felt something prick into it like cutting a grape. It felt like something with large teeth had bitten into her leg. She had tried to grasp onto Arthur but to no avail as she was dragged under the water. When Arthur tugged at her to keep her up it only made the wound larger and the grip, of whatever was biting her, tighten.

The clean water gave them a clear view of everything going on around them. They saw as the once blue lake water slowly got darker and darker and the amount of other living things lessen. They watched one another as both we being dragged down, Arthur's grip firm on Anika. They both had their cheeks puffed, filled with air and their hair in a floating mess around their heads. They stopped going deeper when their lungs felt like exploding. Anika closed her eyes. A second later they both felt their lungs fill with air. They couldn't open their mouths as if to breath like a mermaid but it made sure they didn't have to breath. And the pressure of the absence of air was now gone.

They looked around. Nothing. Only Anika's eyes were able to be seen. Arthur began to swim up but Anika held him down. A bad feeling had settled down in her stomach. It had been there the entire time but it got worse when Arthur began to rise. As soon as he was near her again the small dot that used to show the surface was covered by something large. It swam around them as another one swam down. Then they stopped in front of the two staring with black eyes. They were barely illuminated by Anika's eyes. From above they could see small blobs probably their fellow knights watching what was to happen. As they were helpless.

A thought ran through her head and Anika touched the floor. For only an instant everything around them was illuminated. And boy did she regret it. All around them smaller and larger sharks were swimming, minding their own business. Anika knew what to do. If she was gone for 3 years and nothing bad came to Camelot they could last forever. She looked at Arthur and he looked at her.

He knew what she was going to do. It was something everyone could count on her for. Though he didn't want to he knew there was nothing he could do to stop her. She closed her eyes engulfing them in darkness. She covered his eyes with her hand and opened her own eyes. Removing her hand Arthur didn't see her anymore. He couldn't see anything for that matter. Then he noticed things getting brighter. And bluer. He looked up and by the time he could process it his head broke through the surface and he gasped, taking in heavy breaths of air. He swam quickly to the shore where the other knights were yelling at him.

"SIRE!" "ARTHUR!" "WHAT THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING?! ARE YOU INSANE?!" Morgana's voice rose above the rest as Arthur thew himself onto the mud. "Gee nice to know how much you care Morgana." He mumbled panting and closing his eyes, clearly exhausted. Everyone's confusion was visible. "Wasn't Anika with you?" Lancelot asked. "Yes. She mentioned she liked swimming in the morning earlier. We thought you joined her because she wasn't in her bed." Gawain said. Morgana looked around. "SHE WASNT WITH YOU?!" She yelled. Morgana stood up. "Then where is she?!" She looked at the men and they all shrugged. But when she looked at Arthur he weakly pointed at the water.

"Down." Was all he said before his eyes shut.