
System and abilities

[Congratulations, you have been chosen by we "The Author" to test the system.]

[Choose your power.]

"..." [...]

"Whatttttt?" am I dreaming? I'm seeing a transparent floating box and it's says I can choose a power....i really need to get out, I'm starting seeing hallucinations…..could it be am going insane?

[this is not a dream, and you are perfectly healthy and sane.]

"…."*pinching my arm* "Ouch" the floating box still here….

"It is not a dream!"

[Yes, now choose your power, you have 23:26:01 or else the system will choose another host, and erase your memories about the system.]

It says I have a day to think about my power.

"it time for some research!"


22 hours later…

After 21 hours of constant research, here is the list of powers that could be useful:

Enhancement: capable of enhancing a one or multiple organs at the same time.

Magic: well, doing some flashy stuff (it have a lot of potential, based on me having meeting it conditions).

Esper: having mind powers or supernatural powers but I think first two sum it up.

and lastly Dimensions: a personal dimensional pocket capable of growing alongside the host.


Advantages: could save my butt multiple times, and with enough training, I will be able to do some crazy stuff,

Disadvantages: useful only in melee or close combat in early stages; need a lot of training.


Advantage: variety of spells and charms.

Disadvantage: consumes an unknown amount of energy, need constant training, need a certain level of knowledge.

Espier (The first two.)


Advantages: a safe place to hide if sh*t got real; can train in there; can grow along side of me; with enough time I can probably beat anyone.

Disadvantage: I'm responsible of it growth ; too useless in early stages, that is if I don't specify what kind of dimension is my power.

I guess it's crystal clear about what I want.

"system, I choose as power the special farm from b*****g a f**m to a**ther w**ld novel"

[Spatial farm Lv 1.] [Yes/No] *clicking yes*

[Choose one perk]

'I get to have a perk?'

'since I will need rare materials to level up my farm, I will go with luck'

"System, I want a lot of luck as perk"

[Lucky Bastard.] [Yes/No] *clicking yes hesitantly*

[Choose an item.]

'for items I will go with eggs...eggs are items right?'

"I choose an angelic dragon egg."

[Choose the world that you want to transport to.]

'Hmm… I can go to an anime world (nah, to much bullshit people) or fictional world (nope, I don't want some snotty noble after me because I breath or something) so that leaves only video game world (though I can get killed, I can be low-key without some freaking seer exposing my existence, and also I can hide if I am in danger, and I know the right world.) '

"System, I choose Bendy And The Ink Machine world."

[Power: Spatial farm Lv:1; Perk: Lucky Bastard; item: Angelic Dragon Egg; World: Bendy And The Ink Machine]

[Yes/No] *clicking yes*

[Initiating Ability Installment]

'Hmm, what a cooling feeling'

[initiating 10%...50%..70%...90%.100%]

[Ability Installment Complete]

[Initiating User Transfer]

[initiating 10%...50%..70%...90%.100%]


America, xxxxx, xxxxx, Joey Drew Studio

In front of a rundown workshop, a black haired young man with average height of 1,73 meter, and glasses suddenly appeared.

My pov:

-30 seconds later-


-1 minute later-

"Holy Sh*t! I'm in BATIM!" I thought it as lucid dream, but this is real, the workshop is real, a 2 meters ink demon that want to suffocate me is real, a two face angel that act like b*tch is real.

"Not Awesome!!" why did I chose this f*cking world, I could just go with "Slice Of Life" and have eidetic memory and I'm good, but I had to screw it, and choose my f*cking grave AHHHHH!!

[Choose a name.]

"..." 'calm down, you have spatial farm and dragon(egg), so calm down, inhale..exhale…..inhale…..exhale'

[Choose a name.]

"let's go with..."



[Ability]: Spatial farm Lv:1

[Perk]: Lucky Bastard

[Ability Points] (AP): 0p

[Perk Points] (PP): 0p

[Item Points ] (IP) : 0p


[Mandatory Quest ]

[Enter The Workshop.]

[Reward: 200 IP]

[Failure: Host's Death]

"Well, f*ck you too!"

[Time Limit : 1 minute.]

"…" (-_-)