
No strings attached

No Strings Attached Cameron Myles Diaz is the son of the most powerful and Influential business tycoon in the whole of Texas. His father is referred to as a business god; and has companies and empires not just in Texas alone- but all over different countries. Cameroon succeeded him when he came back from his master's programme. Their family was the wealthiest, most popular and Influential in the whole of Texas; with the headquarters of their company standing strong at the center of the city - with a very tall, huge building. It was the tallest and biggest the city anyone has ever seen. Inside this empire was a treasure house. Yeah... a treasure house. They were that rich. The treasure house was filled with diamonds, golds, silver, other treasure and valuable stones and precious stones. As a result of this, the company was in danger and has so many enemies who wanted to by all means get these treasures, because they know it was a fortune it they could posses it and would surely make them billionaires. But there was a problem; no one knows where the key to the treasure house was - absolutely no one. Many had searched for it, and some had gotten knowledge of where it was but still couldn't get it - it was well guarded. She is Anissa; just Anissa - no surname; because she grew up on the streets and doesn't know anything about herself or where she's from- a strong willed, coldhearted and beautiful girl who life forced to become what she was today. Anissa is a member of the strongest Syndicate in Texas - which were known for all sorts of crimes. The FBI's has been trying to get hold of them for a very long time, but it just wasn't possible. Their identities were unknown to the public, and this made it more difficult, as they always work undercover. They were Involve in all sorts of crime like - fraud, drug trafficking, extortion, killings, running thousands of nightclubs and brothels, blackmailing and so many others. They were a thorn in the flesh and people shivered at the mention of the name - REELERS Yeah..that was the name of the syndicate and it was a very known name in the whole of Texas. What happens when the leader of this syndicate got information that Cameroon was now in possession of the key? What happens when their determination to get the treasures for themselves and better their lives, was now more stronger than ever; as they think their chances were now higher? - Cameroon just got back and didn't know about the recent happenings. What happens when Anissa, being the most beautiful girl and the smartest in the gang Syndicate was given a mission to get close to Cameroon so she can get the key from him or at least know where it was? She was warned never to fall in love with him. " No Strings Attached"- she was told. Do you think it will be possible for her not to fall for the cutest, richest and baddest guy in town? Do you think Cameroon would fall for the beautiful, smart, daring Anissa? Do you think she'll succeed in the task given to her? What fate do you think awaits the both of them?

Ukinebo_Glory · Urban
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8 Chs


Chapter 1

Cameroon's Pov;

" this way sir. let me show you to your seat" the air hostess said pointing to a separate part of the plane.

I smiled and walked behind her as she led the way.

We got to the lounge and I was offered my seat.

I was the only one there; and it was more than a first class booking.

I had insisted on taking the plane instead of the private jet.

Dad didn't like it but I had insisted.

" what will you like to have sir?" another Air hostess walked in and asked.

" anything;but it should be liquid" I told her and she nodded before walking out.

I sighed as I stared out the window.

Can't believe am finally going back home. Its been so long. I know Dad would be so happy to see me.

I still can't erase the happiness in his tone when I told him I was coming back home

Home... sweet home.

I missed it...but now...

I'm back!!



Anissa's Pov;

"Anissa" I heard my name and turned back slowly to look in the direction of the person that had called.


" Murphy" I called turning back as I quickly put on my shirt.

I studied his countenance and noticed he was down.

Murphy is my best friend here, and it's not just because we live the same life and survive the same way, neither is it because we've known eachother right from when we were kids.

He is the first person that taught me how to live and to be strong. He was my strength when I had none and had always been there for me.

He was even the one that brought me to the Syndicate and have never been so happy.

" whatsup Murphy?" I asked. He sighed and walked to meet me. He stared at me for while before crashing on the bed.

I chuckled at how he landed.

" not so funny now, is it?" he asked with a smirk.

I stopped laughing and cleared my throat, putting on a serious look

" why are you here?" I asked him taking my gun to the back of my trouser pocket.

I was in an all black attire.

Well... technically - all the members of REELERS are always dressed this way.

I don't get if it's kinda a code. I never cared to ask. I just loved the dressing, plus I love black

" I'm feeling so tired and exhausted. I don't get why Master has to stress us so much over this treasure thingy?" he groaned

Master is the owner and founder of the syndicate we are in. He is ruthless, stone-hearted, mischievous and greedy.

I've worked for him for years and was one of his closest and most trusted gangster.

There are a lot of things I admired about him and there are also a lot of things I despise.

" is it stressing you out that much?' I asked Murphy. He heaved and rolled on the bed, messing it up in the process.

" don't do that. I spent minutes making that bed" I scolded

"seriously Anissa; here I am telling you about how stressed out I've been lately, and here you are telling me about how you don't want your so perfect bed space to be ruined simply because you spent minutes making it" he grumble

I sighed and turned

" what's the plan?" I asked him

He heaved and fell back to the bed, hugging the pillow tight to himself

" all the members of the syndicate are expected to be at the basement by 6. there has been a change in plans" he informed.

Just great...what a nice way to start a day?


Cameroon's Pov;

I took off my glasses from my eyes as I stepped down from the plane.

I looked around and smile at what I was seeing.

It's so good to finally be home.

How have missed being here.

My phone beeped just in time, as I tossed it out to check the caller.It was an unknown number.

I picked it up and placed it on my ear, not saying a word.

" is this Cameroon Diaz Myles?" a thick muscular voice came in.

I nodded, and then realised he couldn't see through the phone

" yes" I replied finally

" where are you?" he asked again

" huh?" I said and looked round the airport.

I stared round for a while before my eyes landed on a black SUV with a chauffeur besides it. A phone was placed on the man's left ear.

Oh...he's the one.

" Hello sir. wh..."

" I've seen you already..I'm coming right away" I said and ended the call abruptly

I dragged my luggage behind me as I strolled to where the car was parked. It seems the guy got the hint I was the one, because he started walking towards me very quickly.

" goodday sir...and am guessing you're..."

" Cameroon" I completed

His eyes lit up immediately as he beamed with smiles and excitement

" Welcome sir" he said taking the luggage and other belongings from me.

He walked really fast to the car, as I strolled behind him. He got to the car and went to the back, opened the car booth and place my things In it.

I took out time to study his features. He was really huge and muscular, and could easily pass out for a guard.

He opened the car door for me when I got to it.

I smiled before getting in and took a seat at the middle. He got In too in no time and ignited the engine.

We were on the way soon. I looked out the window to stare at the people still at the airport.

Some were either hugging family members or other loved ones. Some were either going or coming, and there were also some that were waiting for their cars or chauffeur to come pick them up, and the others that would go take a cab.

I stared at these different sets of persons till I could see them no more.

The chauffeur had drove far off and out of the airport.

I sighed and looked ahead. It was such a boring ride home; but still I was excited and couldn't wait to meet my family.

I wanted a low key return tho. Hence, the reasons for no guards around.

And the shade I had on, was also to hide my identity. I didn't want to create any ruckus; as I wanted my coming back to be as peaceful as ever - not that of the almighty wealthy business tycoon.

Soon, we drove into our family estate as I smiled, seeing our family mansion not so far off.

The driver seem to understand my mood, as he geared up and forged ahead and In no time, we were at the gate, which opened up by itself, automatically.

He drove straight in, right to the garage to park well.

Before I could step down from the car, some maids rushed to the door and opened it. I came down to see flowers all over the ground.

They had used it to create a path for me to walk in to meet my family whom were patiently waiting at the entrance of the house

The maids bowed In greetings and obeisance - not just them; but the guards as well. There were alot of them - the guards I mean, and the maids as well

I walked further to where they all stood

waiting to welcome me.

I could see the smiles and happiness on my mom's face, same as my dad; and then my step mothers and step siblings - not so sure of theirs though.

I was so glad they were all there to welcome me

" oh, son!!" mom rushed to me just before I could get to them. I guess she couldn't wait any longer to hold me in her arms. It has been such a long time.

She placed loads and loads of kisses on my face - almost suffocating me; and then checked me all round - i felt like a baby

Well...can't blame her. I'm her only child

" welcome home, son" Dad too walked to meet us, as he engulfed me in a warm embrace.

I beamed with smiles all over.

" welcome home bruh. so good to have you back" that was Javier - the second son of the family and the son of dad's second wife.

The others also came forward to welcome me.

I was so happy and glad to finally be back home. It felt great.

We left there to go in. I amazed at the designs I saw In the living room - it was redesigned; and I must say - the new designs were breathtaking. Whoever did this, did a really good job.

" Once again, welcome home son" Dad said as they all walked me to the dinning

A feast has already been set. A huge smile broke out of my lips at what I saw.

Gosh...I miss all this.