

What happened could only be described with the word terrifying. Something that humanity was witnessing for the first time and that from a certain point of view was even more terrifying than the amazing changes that the unknown entity that called itself Soul Record brought to the lives of all living beings on Earth.

No one expected such a thing to happen.

Even Bai Zemin did not foresee this. After all, this was the first time he had used the power of the Endless Blue Lotus Flame in combat; in fact, from a certain point of view, he wasn't even using it to attack anyone.

However, it was precisely there where the main problem lay.... Bai Zemin was not attacking a human, he was not aiming at a beast, nor was he aiming at a zombie or any other living being in sight... But he, due to the limits that his birth imposed on him, forgot that the world in which he lived also had its own rules.

Rules that if broken, unbelievable things would naturally happen.

For example, one of the rules or limits of the Earth was the sound barrier, a barrier which with the constant evolution of the world became a lot more powerful and therefore more difficult to break. However, it was not as if mankind had not managed to overcome this barrier in the past, therefore, everyone knew well what happened when this barrier was overcome.

In this case, the breaking of the sound barrier by an object moving at high speeds was not dangerous to life as long as it happened at a considerable distance. However, there was a barrier that must not be destroyed no matter what, or else calamities would strike.

Bai Zemin never expected something like this to happen precisely because this kind of situation could only happen in light novels, science fiction movies, or fantasy books. Even the most advanced technology of mankind had not been able to do something like this, so he never thought that there would come a point when he would be able to do something of such magnitude.

From the first moment the huge deep blue fireball began to shrink in size, Bai Zemin for some reason sensed that something was not right. But everything happened so fast that he could not even react until the disaster happened.

After contracting to the minimum possible, the now small blue fireball swelled up like a balloon and in just a few blinks of an eye, its size increased to over 1000 meters. It was so big that the sun had been completely covered and replaced in its entirety!

When the slightly pale blue fireball after the expansion reached 1500 meters, Bai Zemin roared towards the sky and shouted, "Blood Barrier!"

The small pearl that currently contained around 200,000 liters of blood immediately reacted to the received mana wave and like an unstoppable gust, the stored blood shot skyward.

In just an instant and under everyone's shocked gazes, a huge dark red gust flashed across the sky before taking on a faint bright crimson glow and spreading far and wide while still hovering above the sky 500 meters above.

"Bing Xue, use your skill to reinforce my barrier! Hurry!"

Shangguan Bing Xue didn't understand what was going on but this was the first time since they met that she had seen Bai Zemin so anxious and worried about something. Despite not knowing what was so bad, her face grew serious and she raised both hands towards the sky:

"Ice Barrier!"

Swoosh! Swoosh!

The crimson barrier and the semi-transparent white barrier quickly spread out at the same time. The semi-transparent white barrier seemed to reach its limit after reaching 2000 meters but the crimson barrier still seemed to have much more to show as it continued to spread across the battlefield, even reaching certain areas inside the walls of Baiquan Camp.

Bai Zemin had over 800 Mana points in total. Despite having consumed 200 points just now, he still had over 600 points in his Mana reserve so there were many things he could do with that amount. Since the Blood Manipulation skill only consumed Mana when activated but did not

actually consume extra Mana to mobilize the element in contrast to Shangguan Bing Xue's Ice Maker skill, the amount of Mana consumed by Bai Zemin to spread the blood as much as possible was an insignificant 1 point.

When the blood barrier reached 9200 meters in just a matter of seconds, Bai Zemin finally could no longer continue any further due to his physical inability and because his Magic stat did not allow it.


His deep voice echoed throughout the battlefield and at the same time as Bai Zemin spent the large sum of 500 Mana points, the blood barrier glowed deeply. The sunlight had long since not been visible to anyone in the surroundings, all people could see were two different colored barriers above their heads. When the crimson barrier glowed, despite being half a kilometer high, that dark blood-colored glow illuminated the ground faintly, giving the earth an appearance similar to the hell described in the legends.

It was just then that hell really broke loose.


The huge fireball finally exploded after reaching a diameter of 2000 meters and the power united by the flames belonging to Mo Zan's skill as well as the flames of the seemingly innocent but powerful Endless Lotus Blue Flame joined together to give rise to an explosion of warlike magnitude.

Bai Zemin did not know how destructive a nuclear bomb could be as he had never in his life witnessed with his own eyes the explosion of one. Videos that could be found on the internet could show the result of the explosion, but the oppressive feeling could never compare to living it in his own flesh and blood.

However, he believed that the power of this explosion was definitely beyond what a normal nuclear bomb could do.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!....

The gusts of wind struck and cut through the two magical barriers uncontrollably and even though the survivors inside the Baiquan Camp were being protected by the barriers so they could not see what was beyond, they could actually hear clearly as the threatening blasts shattered one after another.

But this was not the most frightening thing. The scariest thing was what happened next.


The explosion was mainly concentrated in a single point, the center. When the concentrated magic power and mana broke outwards abruptly, the spatial barrier protecting the Earth that did not expect that kind of sudden assault shuddered for a moment before a 20 meter wide and 30 meter long crack appeared without warning high in the sky.

Although normal humans could not see beyond the two barriers, soul evolvers whose levels and purity of Soul Power had reached a certain peak could since when the barriers actually stretched out they became quite thin after stretching too far to the point where if not for the mana reinforcement received they would have been broken long ago.

"For the love of god..." Chen He whispered under his breath and his legs weakened before finally collapsing to the ground on his butt.

Shangguan Bing Xue's face was as pale as the purest snow as her blue eyes quivered in fear. Were it not for the fact that she needed to keep her Ice Maker skill active to constantly supply Mana to the ice barrier she had erected so that it would not lose defensive power she might as well have collapsed like Chen He.

Those inside the forest were also covered by the magical barriers and very few could see beyond. However, thanks to the fact that Pei Pei's skill was projecting what Shangguan Bing Xue saw at that very instant, everyone saw that small but terrifying crack slowly appearing over the skies.

"C- Crack... Spatial crack..." Cai Jingyi muttered in shock.

Although her voice was soft and low, the silence inside the forest was deadly after the shockwaves resulting from the explosion disappeared so everyone heard her words and immediately thereafter the sound of gasps rang out.

In the command center inside the Baiquan Camp, Commander Jin Shun and Mayor Bai Yong ha

had already basically lost any hope of victory they might have had after losing contact with the armed troops and soul evolvers sent into the forest to face the enemy.

They had only fought for a little over 30 minutes but the entire allied army seemed to have been swallowed up by the earth! What hope could they even have against an enemy capable of defeating a force of several thousand men in such a short time? They had none!

Even Mo Zan, the most powerful soul evolver in the entire Baiquan Camp and whose destructive power was well known, ended up being badly wounded by the archer named Chen He before he even saw the face of an even more powerful Bai Zemin!

However, it was only after seeing how the enemy leader humiliated Mo Zan and dealt with him as easily as dealing with a small child that everyone thought they finally knew how powerful Bai Zemin was. Unfortunately, and to further fuel the deep despair felt by the Baiquan Camp high command, the negative surprises were not yet over.

As Bai Yong and Jin Shun's faces lost all color, Shen Mei felt her worldview change again and unconsciously muttered the question they were all asking: "Breaking the world's space...? How powerful does an attack have to be to open such a spatial rift...?"

Unfortunately or not, no one could answer that question. Even Bai Zemin himself was not capable.

Swoosh! Swoosh! Swoosh! Swoosh!

The suction force coming from the space crack was similar to a black hole that wanted to devour everything as if it were the sin of gluttony.

Had it not been for the fact that there were two powerful magical barriers covering an extension of several kilometers and thus protecting the possible affected areas, the trees would have been uprooted and carried into outer space along with some houses; even the humans and beasts in the vicinity would not have been spared!

However, it was not easy to defend against the suction force coming from the space crack.

The barrier erected by Shangguan Bing Xue began to shudder gently at first but several seconds later the tremor grew so much that cracks began to appear on the surface of the defense. She bit her lower lip hard and provided as much Mana as possible, but after about 40 seconds she finally ran out of energy so her barrier exploded with a loud bang.

Her body swayed gently and she looked at Bai Zemin as she regretted, "Bai Zemin, I'm sorry.... I don't have any Mana left."

Bai Zemin did not respond, seemingly focused entirely on his current task.

Seeing his back a short distance away, Shangguan Bing Xue saw for the first time his firm posture flinch slightly and even though it was only an instant she didn't miss it.

She unconsciously clenched both fists tightly to the point where she didn't notice how her nails dug into her skin and self-inflicted wounds deep enough to turn her palms red in no time.

Weren't they friends? Weren't friends supposed to help each other in times of trouble? But what was she doing now then? This was possibly the first time in her entire life that Shangguan Bing Xue felt so helpless, insignificant, and useless. That kind of feeling of only being able to see but not being able to do anything was like the bite of a snake slowly consuming her little heart.

Chen He looked out of the corner of his eye and watched as the red drops of blood trickled gently and dyed the shattered ground in crimson. His eyes flashed in a complicated way before he turned his gaze back to the man who literally seemed to be fighting against the whole world.

Apart from the terrifying suction force coming from the space rift, the explosions caused by the constant pressure and changes in the atmosphere due to not only the low temperatures but the abrupt change in the flow were also something to worry about and fight against.

Bai Zemin could not and had no time to worry about anything other than the deadly battle he was silently waging against the world into which he was born.

That's right, a battle to the death against the world.

Shangguan Bing Xue's barrier was destroyed and thus all the weight fell on his shoulders. The level of the challenge went from Hell to Nightmare mode in an instant and Bai Zemin could swear that a Third Order existence would not necessarily be able to sustain the frightening Mana consumption he was bearing.

In fact, had it not been for the fact that his Mana stat was monstrously high for his level, Bai Zemin would have died long ago in this silent confrontation. This did not apply only to him but all those at approximately 6000 meters would be killed.

The suction power of the space crack despite its relatively small size compared to the blood barrier was such that all life in the vicinity would probably be swallowed up by that black hole and ejected to some unknown part of outer space. If such a thing happened, regardless of whether it was human or beast, only an instant was needed for life to become extinct.


The blood barrier suddenly began to shudder and the rumbling sound was deep to the point where it sounded like a monster roaring at the threat.

Everyone's hearts immediately became tense as they noticed the cracks spreading along the barrier as they were fully aware of what would happen if that single thin and seemingly weak yet powerful defensive barrier collapsed.

Bai Zemin's expression was ice cold and his eyes looked at the sky above his head with lethality. The mana in his body circulated swiftly and was injected into the rune representing his Second Order Blood Manipulation skill constantly which strengthened the blood barrier more and more gradually.

"Come on... You can... Hold on..." Shangguan Bing Xue whispered to herself as she kept her eyes fixed on that back that now looked wider and firmer than ever despite occasionally hesitating.

The cracks were constantly appearing and disappearing, at times it seemed that the barrier was about to be destroyed and collapse but in the next instant the cracks would recede as if time were turning backwards, but before everyone could rejoice, the cracks would show themselves again and the safety of their lives was put in mortal danger once more.

Approximately sixty seconds later, the space crack that had opened after receiving a blast powerful enough to break through the Earth's defenses began to recoil.

The world's mana was finally repairing the damage received.

The allied soul evolvers hidden in the forest and the enemy soul evolvers who could see what was happening beyond the crimson barrier let out cries of joy and the roar soon spread far enough for the citizens inside the walls to realize that something good must have happened so they too began to cry out in joy as they tearfully hugged each other.

"Bai Zemin, just a little more and the crack will be sealed!" Shangguan Bing Xue exclaimed in excitement at the sight.

Bai Zemin nodded but did not dare to be careless. His serious face had lost almost all trace of color, proof that his Mana reserves were being completely drained at a rate that was far too fast.

Although manipulating blood did not require Bai Zemin to consume more than a single point of Mana, strengthening blood and the structures created from that blood did consume Mana commensurate with the level of strengthening.

After what seemed like an eternity, the suction force grew weaker and weaker until with a strange unpleasant screeching sound, the blue sky returned to normal.

That dark fissure that resembled the mouth of a mythological monster plastered across the skies had finally disappeared.

Bai Zemin waved his right hand to the side and the blood barrier immediately deformed back to its liquid state. With another wave of his hand, the waves of blood flew back towards him and with a thought the crimson pearl quickly stored each drop in an orderly fashion before returning to the pocket in Bai Zemin's pants.

After the nerves in his body calmed down and the adrenaline that flowed through his blood as a result of the imminent danger he faced just before disappeared, Bai Zemin felt the world around him spinning.

It took everything in him to keep his body steady along with a sharp and confident look. His Mana had dropped below 10 points at this point and the consumption had been so explosive that his body was practically begging him to faint to be able to recover faster from the losses.

But he could not fall here nor was he allowed to show any sign of weakness or else the enemy would use it against him immediately. Besides, although Bai Zemin felt nauseous and dizzy, this was because he basically could no longer use magic... But his physical battle power was still there. A single swing of his hands at this point could turn a normal person into flesh pulp, but if possible, he preferred to avoid killing more people as soon these men would be his army and his allies.

'What's more, I can also use this to my advantage.' An idea flashed in Bai Zemin's mind and with great difficulty he took a step forward to look at everyone.

As for Mo Zan... Bai Zemin didn't even give him a glance. In his eyes, Mo Zan was an insignificant existence and an ant that he could easily crush with one hand. In fact, Bai Zemin was not even tempted to absorb his Soul Power at all so he preferred to let someone else take care of it.

However, this did not mean that Chen He felt the same way. Besides, by right Mo Zan's Soul Power should belong to him since he was the one who fought the battle and who critically injured him. Therefore, after understanding the reason why Bai Zemin did not kill Mo Zan, he pulled the string of his bow and without a single word shot a magic arrow straight into the heart of the enemy.

Mo Zan had not only exhausted all his Mana but was also in a state where his mind was swinging wildly between the limit of sanity and madness. First he had been badly wounded by some unknown character and to top it off the enemy leader took his strongest attack with ease before performing a terrifying demonstration of power as if to show him that in his eyes, Mo Zan was nothing more than a pile of air.

Badly wounded, humiliated, and desperate. Mo Zan, who had lost his ability to use magic, at this point was even weaker than an average human. Therefore, from a distance of just over 100 meters, he could not even react when the blue arrow pierced past his shattered armor and through his heart.

Mo Zan opened his mouth as he raised his head and looked at Bai Zemin, he seemed to want to say something. However, Bai Zemin again ignored him and treated him as if he were a piece of trash that just looking at him would stain his eyes before walking past him as if he did not exist. In the end, Mo Zan looked at Chen He, who was looking at him with cold eyes from afar and with his bow still pointed at him.

Finally, the most powerful soul evolver of Baiquan Ca

Baiquan Camp collapsed onto his own knees before falling powerlessly to the ground.

A large orb of Soul Power came out of Mo Zan's body and entered Chen He's body finally taking him to level 40 and granting him plenty of Magic and Mana stat points.

Another orb of Soul Power smaller and less bright than the previous one entered Bai Zemin's body, apparently the Soul Record considered him as an assistant in the death of Mo Zan after having taken the final attack of the latter.

With the death of Mo Zan, who was basically the only existence whose mass destructive power could threaten Bai Zemin's faction, the Baiquan Camp no longer had a chance to make a comeback no matter how hard they tried.

Bai Zemin arrived at the edge of the mountain now basically turned into a pile of flat land and took a deep breath preparing to bellow once again, demanding the surrender of the enemy troops.

However, what happened next surprised him.

The enemy soldiers and police officers threw their firearms to the ground before raising their hands in silence. Those operators of the only two functioning enemy battle tanks (leaving aside the 10 incapacitated before combat) emerged from the battle machines and the operators of the IFVs followed not long after.

The soul evolvers who were mixed into the army due to possessing skills that enhanced the firearms or the ammunition they used also presented no resistance and obediently raised their hands before walking orderly into a clearing.

Bai Zemin could not think clearly at this moment as his mind was still buzzing. Therefore, it was difficult for him to comprehend what was happening.

It was then when along with the arrival of that heavenly scent of delightful pure jasmine, a soft voice reached his ears:

"After seeing that earlier attack of yours, I think it would be weirder if the enemy camp continues to show signs of resistance."

Who else could it be besides Shangguan Bing Xue?

Bai Zemin glanced over his shoulder at her and noticed that her face was also pale. But what caught his attention the most was that her usually cold and indifferent gaze actually had a slight gentle touch that was hard to describe in words as she looked at him.

However, soon Bai Zemin's attention was drawn to the smell of blood and his gaze unconsciously automatically shifted downward.

Seeing Shangguan Bing Xue's ever pure white hands stained red with fresh blood Bai Zemin's gaze changed and he quickly asked, "What happened to you? Are you all right?"

"Why? Worried about me?" Shangguan Bing Xue tried to joke but seeing how Bai Zemin began to frown she quickly added: "It's okay, don't worry. I inadvertently ended up injuring myself due to nerves. This kind of insignificant wound will heal by itself in an instant."

Bai Zemin looked into her eyes for a moment but it was hard to tell whether she was lying or not because Shangguan Bing Xue was an expert at masking her facial expressions. Therefore, after thinking about it for a moment and realizing that indeed that level of injury was nothing worth mentioning, he slowly nodded without pursuing the matter further.

However, soon Bai Zemin was surprised after realizing that just now he was indeed worried about Shangguan Bing Xue. Considering the passive effect of the Stone Heart skill, a skill which was twice as powerful against the other gender, the fact that he was concerned about her was quite surprising and worth emphasizing.

It was probably because he had slowly begun to consider her as an important friend rather than a mere ally or subordinate. Bai Zemin felt that was a reasonable enough thought so he didn't give the matter any more thought either and instead began to pay attention to what really mattered at the moment.

With the enemy's main troops surrendering, there was nothing and no one that could prevent Bai Zemin and his faction from taking control of the Baiquan Camp

In the command center, Mayor Bai Yong and Commander Jin Shun looked at each other. Both men did not say anything but just by the look in their eyes they seemed to understand what they were both thinking because as if by prior agreement they turned around with pale faces and walked hurriedly towards the exit of the room they were using as a monitoring center.

The two soul evolvers in charge of Jin Shun's protection followed him from the left and Shen Mei followed Bai Yong from the right.

"Mayor Bai? Where are you going?" Shen Mei asked as she watched Bai Yong get into a vehicle.

Bai Yong looked at her and said in a deep voice, "Shen Mei, now that the camp is about to fall into the hands of that dictator called Bai Zemin, I'm afraid that people like us will not meet a good end. How about coming with me and becoming my personal bodyguard? I have my next target in mind. It won't be long before I get back everything that rightfully belongs to me, believe me in that."

Shen Mei was stupefied for a few seconds trying to process the words spoken by Bai Yong but it didn't take her too long to realize what he meant.

It was clear that Bai Yong had no plans to stay in the Baiquan Camp any more now that his forces were defeated. Both he and Commander Jin Shun knew of the letter sent by Bai Zemin a few days ago which demanded the unconditional surrender of the Baiquan Camp in exchange for him allowing the top commanders to live and keep their personal properties along with some minor benefits.

Since Bai Zemin's offer was rejected by the two camp leaders, then it was clear that when he took over the camp he would show no mercy to these two.

It was just that Shen Mei had no reason to follow Bai Yong now that he had practically lost everything. She only worked for him because she needed and still does need a steady livelihood and a safe place to rest; even if she was a powerful soul evolver, Shen Mei was still a human being at the end of the day and humans needed to live in society by default.

Therefore, she simply shook her head and said with slight indifference, "Bai Yong, I have no interest in becoming a homeless dog."

This time, Shen Mei no longer included the word 'Mayor' while referring to Bai Yong. Previously it was necessary to show at least some respect, but that was no longer the case. With Bai Yong losing practically all his authority, the employment contract between him and Shen Mei had automatically expired.

How could Bai Yong not notice the change in Shen Mei's tone of voice and the way she addressed to him? His expression changed slightly but soon was back to normal.

"I see. That's too bad." Bai Yong sighed theatrically and said with a farewell smile, "I really wish you good luck, Shen Mei. You are a mighty warrior, I'm sure with your talent you can shine anywhere."

Shen Mei simply nodded with an expression that was neither joyful nor sad, clearly not caring too much about Bai Yong's words.

Bai Yong also had no intention of staying to chat about life with Shen Mei as every passing second was deadly for him. After sitting in the modified military vehicle, he urged the driver to drive back to his village, and soon the vehicle departed leaving a cloud of dust behind.

Shen Mei's eyes glittered uncannily and a sly little smile appeared on her face. She looked at the defensive wall pointing in a northerly direction and without hesitation dashed forward as fast as she could.

That place was currently the most unstable since a kilometer or two away from the wooden gates was the battlefield which although it seemed to have calmed down no one knew what might happen the next instant. After all, the Baiquan Camp team still had weapons and plenty of ammunition so they could continue fighting if they wanted to.

"Unless they want to die, they will definitely behave like obedient children." Shen Mei whispered to herself and disappeared in an instant.

She needed to send a message. Who knows, just a short walk along with a few word

might get her on the good side of the soon-to-be leader and total overlord of the Baiquan Camp.

* * *

City in ruins, approximately 2 or 3 kilometers away from the walls of Baiquan Camp.

After the defense army surrendered unconditionally and without putting up a fight upon seeing the power of the enemy leader, they were all gathered in an orderly manner in a clearing inside the ruined city.

In contrast to what these soldiers had expected, their weapons were handed over to them immediately and without so much difficulty. However, Bai Zemin had not been so naive as to allow the troops who were his enemies a moment ago to carry weapons just like that.

What he did was to completely break the structure of the teams and ensured that the original soul evolvers who came with him to attack the Baiquan Camp would take over the leadership of the different teams temporarily. Moreover, since the soul evolvers also underwent military training and tactical training with Fu Qigang at the base, they all had some knowledge about the war machines.

After all, although Bai Zemin and his faction aimed to have as many soul evolvers as possible in the shortest possible period of time, this did not mean that they had given up on modern weaponry. Bai Zemin did not want to raise an ape army that only knew how to use swords and spears; therefore, everyone was obliged to spend at least 1 hour a day on military machine training.

In the future, mankind would definitely be relying on high-tech weapons and the blueprint of the Electromagnetic Gun in Bai Zemin's possession was proof of this. In that case, acquiring modern knowledge was necessary for the troops to adapt faster when the time of change came.

With the electromagnetic bombs removed, the ten war tanks became operational once again and these in conjunction with approximately 15 IFVs and around 40 mounted vehicles with heavy machine guns on them were more than enough to wipe out a team of around 4,000 men with ease. Therefore, by taking a small number of trusted soul evolvers, Bai Zemin made absolutely sure that the recently subdued enemy would not turn around and try to bite him in the ass.

Even if it was a weak bite; a bite was a bite. Since it was possible to avoid being bitten by taking a bit of precaution, then naturally he would take it.

Standing on top of a war tank which was sitting on top of a large pile of rubble, Bai Zemin surveyed the more than 4000 men in front of him with cold eyes. Behind him, the soul evolvers who composed the Blood Spear Legion and who had followed him on a long ride from the north stood with their backs straight.

Approximately 700 of them had arrived, but now, less than 500 remained. The war was cruel, even the victors suffered in most of the cases.

However, despite the sadness of losing many of their comrades, they all felt pride in their hearts. They felt proud of themselves and their comrades, proud that they could defeat such a large army with such low numbers even though they were losing in terms of armament. But besides pride, these soul evolvers of the Blood Spear Legion that only admitted evolved humans also felt that they learned many valuable lessons today.

Not only did they gain valuable experience for future confrontations against other humans or any intelligent race capable of creating tactics and devising war plans but they also understood in greater depth the feeling of helplessness of watching their allies dying before their eyes without them being able to do more than watch. This would only serve to make them stronger and fuel the desire to become even stronger.

The army of armed men and the soul evolvers that submitted looked at the people in front of them with apprehension. Now they could only wait and see how they would be treated by this young leader.

As for putting up a resistance? That was a thought they all hated; a thought none of them dared to have at this time. The opposition was simply too powerful! Their leader was even capable of causing explosions to catastrophic levels and his magic was powerful enough to damage the world itself!

A single attack like the one before and the entire Baiquan Camp would be razed to the ground completely!

Of course, none of them knew that in reality, Bai Zemin couldn't launch an attack like before just like that, and even if he could, he didn't dare.

"As I have introduced myself before I don't think it is necessary for you to hear my name again, however, I will repeat myself for the last time." Bai Zemin said slowly and in a serene voice, "My name is Bai Zemin. I am the leader of the faction located about 40 hours away from this place in a northerly direction and I am also the person who will be in control of this place from this moment onwards. I will be brief and concise with this as I have no time to waste with any of you. My motto is very simple, submit to me and prosper or oppose me and perish."

Although his voice was serene, the slight coldness in his words was enough to remind everyone in depth of what he was capable of. He continued without altering the flow at all:

"The first thing I will do is merge my faction located in the north with this faction. Since this camp is larger in size and is in a position that favors my main objective, it will be the other group that will be moving this way and when that happens you will all be reintegrated into different teams from the different legions that make up my combat troops."

Seeing everyone silent, Bai Zemin decided that there was no need to stretch the matter any further so he decided to end it there temporarily:

"I know most of you are not loyal to me at all yet and I honestly understand that. I will see to it that I gain the trust and loyalty of most of you in no time, I have faith in that. For now, I advise you that if you want to keep your heads attached to your necks you should refrain from trying to cause me problems.... I am considerably kind to my troops, I give them as much comfort and luxury as possible so that my subordinates live the lives of kings and queens. However, I definitely show no mercy to my enemies regardless of gender or age! Keep that in mind and we can probably work well together."

It was clear to Bai Zemin that it was impossible to gain the trust and faith of these people in such a short time and with mere words. What he needed first was to let the fear they felt at his power subside a little, not disappear completely but subside enough to let them think rationally. From then on they would realize that having such a powerful leader only meant greater benefits; then, Bai Zemin just had to continue doing what he had been doing so far.

Crush his enemies and continue to move forward without stopping.

Just as Bai Zemin was preparing to instruct everyone to head inside the walls that made up the perimeter of the Baiquan Camp, a silhouette whirled in the distance and approached at full speed.

Bai Zemin narrowed his eyes and a small glint of murderous intent shone in his gaze as he noticed that the incoming soul evolver was not just any soul evolver but a truly powerful one.

Surprisingly, this person possessed Agility points almost comparable to Evangeline's!

* * * * * * *