

Chapter 235: Ancient Sword Resents the Dragon Ape

Three people were seated within a great hall in the Ancient Sword Sect. One of them was the third elder who had snatched away a Thousand Beast Fruit from Lin Dong in the wastelands.

"Junior brother disciple, is it true that something has happened to the Ancient Dragon Ape of the Ancient Wastelands?" At the head seat in the hall, a white haired elder held a tea cup, and took a small sip, before looking towards the grey haired elder and inquiring.

"Yes, no idea why that brute went crazy, leaving us no choice but to return earlier." The grey haired elder nodded his head. Some traces of a smiling expression lingered on his sinister-looking face, likely due to the excitement from his haul this time.

"Heh, old three, I very seldom see such a look on you. Looks like your harvest today was not small." The smile on his face clearly drew that attention of the other two, as the other red haired elder could not help but laugh in a firm voice.

"Yea, I did gain quite something." The grey haired elder chuckled, before the Thousand Beast Fruit appeared with a flick of his hand. The vigorous energy undulations it emitted immediately drew the other two's attention.

"This is?"

Evidently, the other two were not familiar with this Thousand Beast Fruit, their eyebrows quickly furrowing as they asked.

"I'm not too sure about the origin of this thing either, however, I can sense that if I am able to refine it, it will perhaps enable me to advance to the advanced Qi Creation stage like my two sect seniors." The grey haired elder was all smiles as he spoke.

Upon hearing this, the red haired elder's eyes could not help but reveal a look of envy.

"Hehe, fate has truly been good to this junior…" The white haired elder softly chuckled, however, before he could finish speaking, his expression suddenly turned concentrated. He could sense a slight tremble appear in the entire hall.

"What is happening?"

The grey haired elder duo also sensed this, as their eyebrows immediately furrowed.

The white haired elder's eyes brows tightly knitted together. Soon after, he seemed to have sensed something, as his expression suddenly changed. In a flash, his figure dashed out of the hall, and his eyes concentrated at the skies to the west of the Ancient Sword Sect. The undulations that caused the mountain to tremble originated from that direction.

"What is that?" The grey haired elder duo also closely followed, looking towards the western skies in astonishment as they asked.

"It seems to be heading for my Ancient Sword Sect!" The white haired elder's expression darkened a little, as he suddenly let out a whistle towards the skies. Immediately, figures burst out from the entire Ancient Sword Sect like locusts, before appearing on the spacious training area before the former.

"Everyone hear my command, get into your defensive positions. Any suspicious persons who enter the Ancient Sword Sect will be killed on the spot!" The white haired elder's expression was dreadfully stern. With the aid of vigorous Yuan Power, his ice-cold voice rang in the ears of every Ancient Sword Sect disciple.

"Yes! Sect leader!"

Upon hearing the white haired elder's shout, all the Ancient Sword Sect disciples instantly responded.

After giving out the instructions, the white haired elder's body slowly rose up, beside him, the grey haired elder duo also followed, as they stared at the western horizon with serious expressions.

"Has it finally arrived…"

On a nearby mountain, Lin Dong lifted his head and looked towards the western horizon. There, a familiar aura of ruthlessness had already spread out. Evidently, things had progressed as he had expected. The Ancient Dragon Ape was still able to sense the Thousand Beast Fruit's undulations and had come to kill.

"A good show is about to begin."

Lin Dong gazed into the distance, at the humongous figure that was growing bigger and bigger, as the grin on his lips grew increasingly wider.


At this moment, the ground suddenly began to shake. Every Ancient Sword Sect disciple stared in amazement towards the west, as their faces gradually paled. This was because they had seen the huge behemoth, that was dozens of meters large, trampling through the towering trees, bringing with it a ruthless aura, and directly charging towards their Ancient Sword Sect mountain. From the latter's scarlet beast eyes, they knew that the latter was not here for sightseeing…

"Ancient Dragon Ape!"

This mournful and ear-piercing yell rang out in the skies above the Ancient Sword Sect mountain. At this moment, all of the Ancient Sword Sect disciples felt as if a great disaster was about to befall them.

"Ancient Dragon Ape…" In the skies, the Ancient Sword Sect leader and the grey haired elder duo were appalled as they stared at the huge ape, which steps shook the earth as it moved towards them. Even if their strength was outstanding, the skin on their scalps turned numb at this moment.

"This brute, why has it come to my Ancient Sword Sect!" The grey haired elder's voice was rather piercing as he spoke. The Ancient Dragon Ape and their sect usually never crossed paths, so much so that when they went to hunt Demonic Beasts, they would not dare to enter the Ancient Dragon Ape's territory. Yet, why was that brute charging towards their Ancient Sword Sect today?

"All Ancient Sword Sect disciples hear my command. Those who are at the Yuan Dan stage and above, head immediately for the great ancient sword formation, and take a spot in the formation!" The Ancient Sword Sect leader's expression was extremely dark. At this time, he no longer had to time to ponder why that brute had come to find them. The most important task at hand was to quickly defend against that brute, or else, if it was given a free reign to destroy, the Ancient Sword Sect would instantly crumble apart.


As the leader of the sect, the white haired elder was clearly extremely prestigious. Hence, even at this moment, quite a few disciples hastily responded, before almost instantly rushing towards the surroundings of the stone sword that was dozens of meters large, each finding a position and seating down.

"My two juniors, the three of us will work together and maintain the great formation. That brute has the strength of the Manifestation stage, thus we need to rely on the power of the great formation to contend against it!" Upon seeing everyone get to their places, the white haired elder once again spoke in a stern voice.


Hearing his words, the grey haired elder duo also hastily replied. All of them knew that only by joining hands and adding the power of the great formation, would they be able to match up against the Ancient Dragon Ape.

The three figures flashed and directly appeared around the huge stone sword. The three sat down, as waves of mighty Yuan Power swiftly gushed out, endlessly pouring into the stone sword.

While the three poured in Yuan Power, the numerous surrounding Ancient Sword Sect disciples and protectors etc., also roused the Yuan Power in their bodies. Vigorous Yuan Power undulations were like a resplendent river, as it swirled around the stone sword, a moving sight.

"Boom boom!"

While the entire Ancient Sword Sect was forced to set up their defenses, the Ancient Dragon Ape brought with it an astonishingly ruthless aura as it neared the Ancient Sword Sect mountain. It roared to the skies before lifting a small mountain and ruthlessly flinging it at the Ancient Sword Sect under many shocked gazes.

The small mountain whizzed over, the huge shadow causing many Ancient Sword Sect disciple's expressions to pale, as their legs trembled.

Gazing at the looming small mountain, the Ancient Sword Sect leader's expression turned cold, as he suddenly pointed out. The stone sword that was dozens of meters large immediately shook, as an extremely formidable sword aura gathered on its body. In the end, it shot out, and ferociously clashed against the small mountain.


A loud earth shattering noise rang out in the skies, as the gigantic small mountain was directly smashed to countless pieces, before raining down from the skies like a downpour of rocks.

"This Ancient Sword Sect is indeed the most powerful faction in this area…" When he saw the formidable attack of the Ancient Sword Sect, Lin Dong was also a little shocked, however, the smile on his face quickly grew wider. A good show needed both parties to be strong, only then would they fulfil his wish.


After the small mountain was destroyed, the Ancient Dragon Ape let out a furious roar to the skies. Its huge hands clenched into fists, before abruptly punching out. Immediately, a black energy shockwave, ruthlessly smashed towards the Ancient Sword Sect, bringing with it a crazy and ruthless aura.

"Evil creature!"

Upon seeing wave after wave of attacks from the Ancient Dragon Ape, the Ancient Sword Sect leader was also angered. The seal in his hands changed, and soon after, the huge stone sword actually rose up from the ground, tearing apart the skies, before mercilessly clashing against the black energy shockwave!


The terrifying energy waves that erupted directly broke all the towering trees in a three hundred feet radius, such that even Lin Dong, who was some distance away, felt the powerful shockwaves from the collision.

"Great Ancient Sword Formation, Split Heaven and Earth!"

The Ancient Sword Sect leader's expression was stern and serious as his shout violently rang out in the skies. The Yuan Power river that was formed from surging Yuan Power immediately screamed, as it poured into the huge stone sword in the sky.


Under the infusion of such an enormous amount of Yuan Power, rays of intense light actually burst out from the originally grey and dull stone sword. These rays seemed to be condensed from countless sword auras, and were terrifyingly powerful. It was as if even looking at it would pierce and injure one's eyes.


Rays of light exploded forth, as the stone sword violently swept out, bringing with it an astonishingly formidable undulation, as it ferociously hacked down onto the Ancient Dragon Ape. Before that formidable attack landed, a deep sword mark that was dozens of meters long had already appeared on the ground…


Faced with the attack that was practically the cumulation of the energy of every practitioner in the Ancient Sword Sect, even if this Ancient Dragon Ape was a Manifestation Stage Demonic Beast, it did not dare to underestimate the attack. Immediately, black light gushed out from its body like a tide, and took the shape of a black armor-like object in the skies above its head.


The stone sword heavily chopped onto the armor of light, as a clear sound rang out across heaven and earth, as if it was a storm that unfurled across the land.

Clang clang!

As the overlord of the wastelands, the Ancient Dragon Ape would naturally could not be suppressed and beaten in such a way. After withstanding this attack of the Ancient Sword Sect, its body once again swelled, as it waved its gigantic fists, directly coming to blows with the stone sword. For a time, astonishing Yuan Power storms continuously erupted across the entire land…

Lin Dong's eyes were filled with shock as he watched this astonishing fight. It was a long time later, before he deeply breathed in. This was the power of the Manifestation stage, he did not know how many times stronger this was compared to the Form Creation stage…

"I wonder who is stronger, the Ancient Sword Sect, or the Ancient Dragon Ape…"

As he gazed at the exchange, an excited look flashed across Lin Dong's pupils. Soon after, he suddenly turned his head, and looked towards his surroundings. He could faintly see several figures swiftly rushing towards this area. Evidently, the disturbance here was too huge, and had drawn all the surrounding Ancient Wastelands practitioners over.

"Heh, it's getting more and more interesting…"

Upon seeing this scene, the smile on Lin Dong's lips grew increasingly wider.

Chapter 236: Massive Earth-shattering Battle

Boom boom!

Berserk Yuan Power undulations frantically unfurled, blowing away sand and chasing away rocks. This kind of scene was truly incomparably dreadful.

For such a frightening disturbance not to draw anyone's attention was clearly impossible. Hence, not long after the fighting started here, countless figures rushed over from all over. However, when they saw the huge ape that was waving its enormous fists as it desperately attacked the Ancient Sword Sect, gasps endlessly sounded out under this piece of sky.

"Ancient Dragon Ape!"

Shocked and ear-piercing cries of fear rose up one after another as they rang out. When every gaze concentrated on the Ancient Dragon Ape's huge body, they turned momentarily dull, evidently unable to imagine that the wastelands overlord would actually charge out of the wastelands and even directly attack the Ancient Sword Sect mountain!

"What did the Ancient Sword Sect do? To think that they actually drew the Ancient Dragon Ape out…"

"These guys are normally so overbearing, heh heh, they must have provoked the Ancient Dragon Ape this time. This is truly their retribution."


Whispers swiftly spread about. Although the Ancient Sword Sect was the undisputed boss of this area, as the saying goes, tall trees attract the wind. Naturally, quite a number of factions would secretly be envious of them. Usually, due to the Ancient Sword Sect's overwhelming power, perhaps no one would dare to say anything, but now that they saw the Ancient Sword Sect fall into a dangerous situation, many were rejoicing at their misfortune.

Lin Dong stoop on the mountain peak and looked around, discovering that the number of people who had been drawn by this disturbance was not small. However, no one showed any indications of stepping forward to aid. Upon witnessing this sight, he immediately sneered. Seems like the Ancient Sword Sect was not very likable at all.

"Fight, the fiercer the better…" Lin Dong's eyes turned towards the intense battle as he mumbled.


Under countless gazes, the Ancient Dragon Ape's fist, which was as heavy as a mountain, once again furiously slammed into the stone sword. A terrifying power directly compressing the air into an air cannon that was about three meters large. The air cannon ruthlessly landed on the Ancient Sword Sect mountain, instantly causing the mountain to tremble as numerous buildings were directly torn apart.

"Evil creature, you dare!"

Upon seeing this scene, the Ancient Sword Sect leader immediately howled furiously. His hand seals once again changed, moving the enormous stone sword, as it sent out an air ripping and formidable sword aura, which hacked towards the Ancient Dragon Ape.

There was not technique in this kind of attack, only an extremely barbaric Yuan Power. In the face of this kind of attack, any technique would seem to become extremely lacklustre in comparison.

"Clang clang!"

The stone sword viciously chopped down. The assembled might of the Ancient Sword Sect in the stone sword was clearly extremely powerful. As it faced this attack, the Ancient Dragon Ape was actually forced back several steps.

"Sect leader senior, quite a number of the disciple's Yuan Power is about to be used up!"

However, the Yuan Power demand for such a powerful attack was at an extremely frightening level. Thus, after a few chops, the grey haired elder hastily shouted out.

Upon hearing this, the Ancient Sword Sect leader's eyes darkened a little. With a wave of his sleeve, more than twenty thousand Pure Yuan pills few out from his Qiankun bag, before circling above the disciple's heads.

"Quickly refine them!"

After hearing his shout, the crowd rapidly responded. Soon after, they swiftly sucked in the numerous Pure Yuan pills, before swallowing it into their bodies, and transforming it into vigorous Yuan Power.

At this time, what they competed with was a kind of base, a base that was created from Pure Yuan pills!

As tens of thousands of Pure Yuan pills was squandered, the disciple's conditions improved by quite a bit. Immediately, they once again created a resplendent Yuan Power river.

"We cannot let this battle with the beast keep dragging on!"

The Ancient Sword Sect leader controlled the stone sword and continuously defended against the Ancient Dragon Ape's attacks, as he shouted out. If this went on, it would consume too many Pure Yuan pills. Although their Ancient Sword Sect had some foundations, they could not so dubiously waste it in such a manner.

"My two juniors, attack with me!"

After hearing the Ancient Sword Sect leader's stern shout, the grey haired elder duo's hearts shivered. Soon after, they glanced at the Ancient Dragon Ape, which was becoming fiercer as it battled, before seriously nodding their heads.

"All Ancient Sword Sect disciples, let your Yuan Power converge! Fight the enemy together!" The trio's bodies slowly rose up, as a shout rang out in the sect. At this time, the cohesiveness of a sect was displayed. Many disciples, who were still panicking moments before, quickly swarmed towards the formation position, before urging out the Yuan Power in their bodies and pouring it into the Yuan Power river that was floating in mid-air.

"Hua hua!"

As such an enormous amount of Yuan Power was poured in, the Yuan Power river immediately swelled. In fact, even the faint sounds of water flowing was heard from it.

Gazing at the strengthened Yuan Power river, the Ancient Sword Sect leader's palm once again shook, as several tens of thousands of Pure Yuan pills flew out. Practically every Ancient Sword Sect disciple had a share, before they quickly refined it and once again poured out Yuan Power.

"Hua la la…"

Under numerous shocked gazes, a humongous Yuan Power River that was condensed from Yuan Power slowly floated up in the Ancient Sword Sect, as the Yuan Power of heaven and earth started to violently undulate.


The Ancient Sword Sect leader trio did their best to control the humongous Yuan Power river, as it screamed through the air and fused with the stone sword in the sky.

Surging Yuan Power gathered on the stone sword, and in the end, a resplendent and heart palpitating light slowly spread out from the stone sword. In a few short breaths, the gigantic grey stone sword had become resplendent, and under this magnificence glow, an extremely terrifying power was hidden.

A magnificent sword aura shot out from the huge sword like rays from the rising sun. Every ray was enough to easily decimate a perfect Yuan Dan stage practitioner. That kind of terrifying power caused many of the surrounding onlookers to be overwhelmed with horror. The fact that the Ancient Sword Sect was able to tower over everyone else for the last dozen years meant that they did indeed have some original and unique areas.

"Great Ancient Sword Formation, Ancient Sword of the Sect!"

On the sect mountain, a stern shout suddenly sounded out from the Ancient Sword Sect leader trio's mouths. The seals in their hands changed, as the huge sword that was emitting multi colored light immediately whizzed forth, quick as lightning as it ferociously swept towards the Ancient Dragon Ape. Deep gorges that were hundreds of meters wide appeared wherever it passed through.

Heaven and earth shook. Faced with the Ancient Sword Sect's most powerful attack, a vigilant look flashed across even the huge scarlet eyes of something as strong as the Ancient Dragon Ape. Soon after, its fists heavily slammed onto its chest, emitting a deafening noise. At its forehead, the black dragon horn started to give off a strange black light.


The resplendent huge sword was fast as galloping thunder. Many people could only see light flash across their eyes, when they once again concentrated, the huge sword was already about to reach the Ancient Dragon Ape.


A savage roar was frantically let loose from the Ancient Dragon Ape's mouth, as the black light on its dragon horn grew increasingly intense. In the end, a tremendous black light that was dozens of meters large shot out from the dragon horn with a bang, ruthlessly colliding against the huge sword in the sky.


An indescribable loud noise rang out, as countless people's ears seemed to go deaf at that moment. The land trembled, as huge cracks swiftly spread out on the ground.

"Evil creature, be destroyed!"

The veins on the Ancient Sword Sect leader trio's faces shook, as they abruptly shouted out. Light burst forth, and the huge sword that had gathered the power of the whole Ancient Sword Sect, actually split apart the enormous black light, ferociously chopping onto the Ancient Dragon Ape's body.


Dazzling sparks shot outwards. In the face of such a powerful attack, the Ancient Dragon Ape's body was actually pushed down till it bent a little, as a sinister looking wound appeared on its shoulder.


The intense pain from its body completely evoked the Ancient Dragon Ape's fury. Scarlet red crazily swirled in its huge eyes, as it extended a massive palm and grabbed the huge sword in front of it, before a fist frantically punched forth.

"Bang bang bang!"

On the ground, a huge hole that was dozens of meters wide was directly formed on the ground, and the light from the stone sword that lay within was forcefully scattered.


When the stone sword was injured, not only did the Ancient Sword Sect leader trio vomit out a mouthful of fresh blood, but even the numerous disciples' faces turned much paler.

"Boom boom!"

After madly beating the stone sword, the Ancient Dragon Ape once again turned, taking huge steps as it moved towards the Ancient Sword Sect mountain. A furious roar boomed out like thunder.

"Why is this evil creature so fixated on our Ancient Sword Sect!"

Staring at the seemingly unbeatable Ancient Dragon Ape, the Ancient Sword Sect leader's face turned increasingly green as he angrily said.

"There seems to be something here that is drawing it to us!" The red haired elder muttered to himself for moment, before he suddenly declared.

Upon hearing this, the Ancient Sword leader was taken aback. Soon after, he abruptly turned around and looked towards the grey haired elder, sternly inquiring: "Where exactly did that blood red fruit of yours come from?!"

"This had nothing to do with the Ancient Dragon Ape! I snatched this blood red fruit from some kid!" In response, the grey haired elder's face immediately paled, as he hastily replied.

"Where did that kid obtain it from?" The red haired elder also shouted in a low voice.

"I…I don't know." The grey haired elder sheepishly said.

"Hand it over to me!" The corners of the Ancient Sword Sect leader's eyes twitched for a moment, before he extended a hand, and the grey haired elder could only helplessly retrieve the fruit and offer it to the former.

Holding the Thousand Beast Fruit, the Ancient Sword Sect leader's expression turned increasingly ugly.

"You fool, this thing clearly has the Ancient Dragon Ape's brand on it. It must be here for this thing. You actually dared to bring it back to the sect!"

The sect leader was so furious that his expression had turned a little sinister, and at this sight, the grey haired elder entire body shivered. He never expected that this calamity was actually caused by him.

"What should we do?" The red haired elder asked.

"Return that item to the beast at once. Or else, it will never give up!" The Ancient Sword Sect leader replied without the slightest hesitation. This was the only way to resolve this issue, or else, their Ancient Sword Sect would surely be gravely injured at the hands of this beast today.

After speaking, he no longer hesitated, as his arm jerked forth. The Thousand Beast Fruit in his hand transformed into a red flash and flew towards that Ancient Dragon Ape. At the same time, he once again took control and recalled that stone sword. It hovered above the sect mountain, giving off the impression that it was ready for a bitter fight.

The red flash that was the Thousand Beast Fruit was immediately swallowed by the Ancient Dragon Ape, as the scarlet red in its eyes gradually began to dim. However, it did not seem as if it was planning to retreat just yet. After it walked around the Ancient Sword Sect mountain, it saw that the giant stone sword was still pointed at it. Finally, as if it understood that this opponent before its eyes was somewhat hard to deal with, did it finally let out a disgruntled roar, before dragging its visibly injured body, and returning to the Ancient Wastelands with footsteps that shook mountains.

When they saw that the Ancient Dragon Ape had finally retreated, every disciple of the Ancient Sword Sect deeply heaved a sigh of relief…

"Hehe, the show has finally ended…"

On a mountain peak nearby, Lin Dong casually stretched his back, as he glanced at the Ancient Sword Sect mountain, which was now in a mess. With a chuckle, he stepped on his sword, and slowly tailed behind the Ancient Dragon Ape's massive body.

Next, it was finally time for him to retrieve the Ancient Dragon Ape's essence blood.

Chapter 237: Essence Blood Obtained

As they stared at that departing Ancient Dragon Ape, whose footsteps caused mountains to shake, several members of the Ancient Sword Sect began to collapse due to fatigue. Heavily panting, they seemed quite grateful to be alive.

The Ancient Sword Sect leader's face was grim, as he manipulated the giant stone sword back to its original location. Staring at the sect mountain, which was now in a mess, his eyelids began to twitch as anger filled his heart.

He clearly understood that this time, if it were not for the concerted efforts of the entire sect, their Ancient Sword Sect would have been wiped out by the Ancient Dragon Ape. Even though the Qi Creation stage and Manifestation stage only differed by one level, the difference between them was akin to heaven and earth. Furthermore, the battle ability of that Ancient Dragon Ape was truly alarming.

Gazing at the Ancient Sword Sect leader's grim expression, the elder with grey hair did not dare to mutter a single word. After all, the catastrophe that he had drawn here had nearly destroyed the Ancient Sword Sect.

"It's all because of that little bastard!"

As he lowered his head in shame, the elder with grey hair gnashed his teeth and cursed in his heart. However, even until till now, he had yet to realize that this was a trap purposely laid by Lin Dong. After all, it still seemed too far fetched that a mere twenty years old youngster could actually be this cunning, and use their entire Ancient Sword Sect as free labour…

"Tidy up the sect mountain and take care of the injured. During this period of time, you had better behave yourself. If you cause any more trouble, don't blame me for being heartless!" The Ancient Sword Sect leader's words were harsh. Evidently, he was extremely pissed off. If it were not for the fact that a Qi Creation stage expert was extremely crucial to the Ancient Sword sect, he would have likely killed the latter with one palm.


When he heard those words, the elder with grey hair hurriedly nodded his head, before turning around as if he was fleeing for his life, and proceed to clean up the mess.

"Sect leader senior, there are still several fellows eyeing around the Ancient Sword Sect…" The elder with red hair softly said.

"Don't worry, they are just a bunch of cowards. I doubt that they will ever have the courage to make a move on our Ancient Sword Sect!" The Ancient Sword Sect leader coldly snorted as he said.

"Also, send more men to keep any eye on the Ancient Dragon Ape. I feel that something is amiss…"

"What sect leader senior is trying to imply is that someone has designs on us?" The elder with red hair's facial expression changed as he asked.

"Our Ancient Sword Sect has been established here for many years and we have made many enemies. Therefore, we cannot exclude the possibility that they may have utilized some means in order to pit us against the Ancient Dragon Ape. After we both sides suffered, they would swoop in and reap the benefits." The Ancient Sword Sect leader explained in an icy voice.

"During this period of time, keep an eye on the factions around us. If any of them behaves strangely, they will be treated as our Ancient Sword Sect's enemies!"


As he stared at the Ancient Sword Sect leader's eerie expression, the elder with red hair hurriedly replied.

While the Ancient Sword Sect was cleaning up the aftermath, Lin Dong was stalking the Ancient Dragon Ape's massive body from a distance. This huge fellow gave off a savage aura. Therefore, wherever it passed, regardless of human or Demonic Beasts, they would all flee immediately. No one dared to leisurely follow behind it like Lin Dong.

Of course, the only reason why Lin Dong dared to do so, was because he had Little Marten's help in covering up his presence. Else, he would definitely not have the guts to follow behind an enraged Manifestation stage Demonic Beast.

"That Ancient Sword Sect is pretty skilled. They could actually reduce the Manifestation stage Ancient Dragon Ape to this state…" While he was tailing, Lin Dong suddenly remembered the Ancient Sword Sect's formidable counter attack, as his heart shivered. This was the strength of an entire sect. Even though they did not have any Manifestation stage experts, when they acted together, even a beast as powerful as the Ancient Dragon Ape had no choice but to give up.

"Hmm, that Ancient Sword Sect is fairly skilled. Of course, this was largely thanks to their exquisite great formation. Else, with just those three Qi Creation stage fellows, they could not even survive one slap from the Ancient Dragon Ape." Little Marten suddenly appeared as it said.

"Now that this fellow has expended much of his energy and is even injured, do you think we will succeed?" Staring at Little Marten, Lin Dong cautiously asked. Even though the Ancient Dragon Ape's savage aura seemed to have weakened a little, if it wanted to kill him, it was still as easy as a slap.

"As long as it is injured, we will have a chance…" Little Marten nodded its head, as it stared at that massive figure a distance away. Then, it smiled as it said: "The injuries left by the Ancient Sword Sect have actually exceeded my expectations. It seems like we may have a better chance than I expected."

"What are our odds?" Lin Dong cautiously asked.

"Around fifty percent."

Little Marten licked its lips. Soon after, when it saw Lin Dong's twitching lips, it immediately flew into a rage and said: "Kid, you are oversimplifying this matter. If I was at my peak, don't bother talking about extracting a pint of essence blood. Even if I wanted to drain all of it's essence blood, it would simply be a walk in the park. However, now that we have a fifty percent chance of success, it is already great news. Else, go look for another Manifestation stage expert and see if he has the ability to obtain its essence blood!"

When he saw Little Marten behaving like a cat, which had its tail stepped upon, Lin Dong helpless spread out his hand, as he stroked Little Flame in his arms, before laughing: "Alright, alright. It's already very good, you are the most invincible…"

When it saw Lin Dong apologize, Little Marten finally snorted haughtily before it sat down on Lin Dong's shoulders.

When he saw this fellow finally calm down, Lin Dong gently heaved sigh of relief. As he stared at the Ancient Dragon Ape, which had already entered into the Ancient Wastelands, he increased his pace and hurriedly followed.

Lin Dong carefully tailed it for approximately an hour, before he once again returned to outside that mountain valley, which was situated deep within. Thanks to Little Marten's assistance, he did not have to worry that he would be discovered by the neighbouring Demonic Beasts. Else, it would not so easy for him to travel here.

Lin Dong hid behind a giant boulder, as he stared at the Dragon Ape in the valley and softly asked: "So, when should we make a move?"

"Let's wait. This Ancient Dragon Ape is already injured. Hence, it will gradually enter into recovery mode. At that time, its vigilance will reach the lowest point, and we will be able to approach it." Little Marten observed the Dragon Ape, as it slowly said.

When he heard these words, Lin Dong silently nodded his head. Then, he straightaway sat down and began to wait patiently.

The waiting time was slightly long, and he waited from dawn till nightfall enshrouded the entire mountain valley, before Lin Dong finally sensed the savage aura inside the mountain valley quietly begin to calm down.

However, when this savage aura dimmed down, another savage and pressurizing aura began to emerge from the Ancient Dragon Ape's body. This was its self-defence mechanism. Whenever it released this aura, regardless of human or Demonic Beast, they would not dare to approach it. After all, they understood that if they disturbed the Ancient Dragon Ape, they would surely face a deadly retaliation.

However, as he sensed this overwhelming pressure, Lin Dong heaved a sigh of relief instead. With Little Marten around, he was not afraid of being detected by the Ancient Dragon Ape, which had entered into recovery mode. Immediately, he turned to look at Little Marten, before the latter gripped its claws and violently nodded its head.

"Let's head down."

When he heard these words, the smile on Lin Dong face turned a little rigid. However, he had waited a long time in preparation for this moment. Therefore, he naturally would not chicken out at this critical juncture. Immediately, a blade shadow flashed beneath his feet, before he carefully floated into the mountain valley at an extremely slow pace.

The spot where Lin Dong landed was quite near the Ancient Dragon Ape. After he descended, he could immediately smell the intense and bloody scent from the latter's body.

"Badump! Badump!"

Amidst the silence of the night, Lin Dong could hear the sound of his own heart rapidly pounding. If this Ancient Dragon Ape were to suddenly awaken, his outcome would probably be the same as the owner of the corpses inside the valley.

"Little Marten, it's your turn…"

When Lin Dong was a dozen meters away from the Ancient Dragon Ape, he suddenly stopped and refused to advance. He looked at Little Marten and released a dry smile.

Little Marten evidently felt disgusted by Lin Dong's actions. However, it could only helplessly sigh as it floated towards the Ancient Dragon Ape. In comparison to the latter's size, it's tiny body seemed just like an ant.

"Be careful."

When he saw Little Marten floating forth, Lin Dong somewhat worriedly reminded it.

Little Marten waved its claws at him. Then, with a solemn expression, it stared at that Ancient Dragon Ape, which had entered into recovery mode, before it opened its mouth, spitting out a mouthful of dark purple gas mist, which stealthily wrapped itself around the Ancient Dragon Ape. Finally, as that gas mist began to dissipate, Lin Dong sensed that the Ancient Dragon Ape's tensed and wounded body seemed to soften substantially.

After it slightly hypnotized that Ancient Dragon Ape, Little Marten stared at the hideous wound near its shoulder. Its claws danced, before a dark purple glow immediately turned into a human head-sized glowing halo. As that glowing halo floated forth, it hovered near the former's wound, before it started to swirl, as a suction force emerged.

Due to this suction force, the flesh near the Ancient Dragon Ape's wound clearly began to squirm. Traces of blood filled with a savage aura stealthily leaked out, before it was sucked into the glowing halo.

Nearby, when Lin Dong saw this sight, he tightly gripped his fist, which was already drenched in sweat, while his heart rate began to rise.


Little Marten's suction technique evidently caused some physical pain, as the Ancient Dragon Ape's body suddenly rolled over and pulverized a giant boulder below it. The commotion caused a blade shadow to immediately appear below a startled Lin Dong. At this moment, if another accident occurred, he would undoubtedly ask Little Marten to escape immediately.

Thankfully, seemingly on account of all the hard work that Lin Dong had put in, the worst case scenario did not materialize. When the last traces of blood flowed into the glowing halo, Little Marten opened its mouth before it swallowed it into its body. Then, its body flashed, as it darted into Lin Dong's palm.

"Leave now, my bewitching technique is going to wear off soon. The residual pain will cause that fellow to awaken immediately…"

When it heard Little Marten's words, Lin Dong's scalp seemed to have exploded. Instantaneously, the blade shadow beneath his feet glowed manically, before he made a mad dash out of the mountain valley…

Just as Lin Dong left the mountain valley, an earth-shattering roar filled with viciousness once again rang out amidst this quiet night…

Chapter 238: Refining the Dragon Ape Essence Blood

Lin Dong's figure was like a spectre in the darkness, quick as lightning as it swept through the forest. The current him had already increased his speed to the limit, because he could hear the furious roars from the Ancient Dragon Ape behind him.

The Ancient Dragon Ape's rage this time was clearly not weaker than before. Having some essence blood taken from it while it was in recovery mode was practically an extraordinary shame and humiliation for it. Even losing the Thousand Beast Fruit had not caused it to become so crazy.

The continuous blows he had suffered today also caused the Ancient Dragon Ape to explode like an erupting volcano. Large areas of primitive forests were flattened, bringing great misfortune to the many Demonic Beasts within. No matter your strength, when the Ancient Dragon Ape's foot stamped down, you would be blown away like artillery in an instant, and whether you lived or died in the end would be a mystery.

The terrifying sounds of destructions behind him also caused Lin Dong's heart to grow goose pimples, as his fleeing speed grew increasingly faster. After escaping in such a state for about ten minutes, his figure finally tunneled into a mountain as he had planned before. At the middle portion of that mountain were several beast caves, which were the best place to hide.

Lin Dong's figure dashed into a beast cave, before immediately moving a huge rock to block the cave entrance. Feeling the still trembling mountain, horror flashed across his eyes. To think that this bastard was so ferocious, now that it had gone crazy again, he wondered how many Demonic Beasts and humans would be out of luck…

As he retrieved some Night Light Pearls from his Qiankun bag, soft light spread out in the dark mountain cave. Only then did Lin Dong sigh in relief as if a burden had been lifted off his shoulders, as he fell to the ground on his butt, before putting down Little Flame to one side.

For the sake of obtaining this essence blood, he had expanded a lot of effort. Fortunately, he had obtained it in the end.

"I should really thank that Ancient Sword Sect…"

Lin Dong chuckled. Without the Ancient Sword Sect, the Ancient Dragon Ape would not be injured, and without any injuries, even with the efforts of Little Marten and him, they would likely be unable to successfully obtain the essence blood.

"Let me first adjust my current state."

While hidden in the mountain cave, Lin Dong did not immediately use the essence blood. Although it was very unlikely for them to be sensed by the Ancient Dragon Ape with Little Marten around, there was nothing wrong to be a little more cautious. Now that the Ancient Dragon Ape had practically gone crazy, once it picked up even the slightest disturbance, it would frantically rush over with the intent to kill.

Hence, it would be better for them to first silently wait for that huge fellow to vent its anger before starting to use the essence blood.

With this decision, Lin Dong was neither anxious nor relaxed, as he slowly closed his eyes and quietly fine-tuned the state of his body.

While Lin Dong was silently resting, the wastelands outside was once again turned upside down by the raging Ancient Dragon Ape, and quite a few places were reduced to a complete mess. Many people were speechless by the Ancient Dragon Ape, which had gone crazy twice today. After being peaceful for so many years, why did this brute suddenly become so irritable…

No matter how bewildered they were, perhaps they would never expect that in a single day, not only had an extremely daring guy stolen the Ancient Dragon Ape's Thousand Beast Fruit, he had also taken some of the essence blood in its body while it was in a recovery state.

The Ancient Dragon Ape was the undisputed overlord of this wastelands. Even a faction as strong as the Ancient Sword Sect was turned into a scattered mess by it in the end. If it was not for the might of their great formation, their sect mountain would have been destroyed. Who would dare to have designs on such a frightening existence?

Of course, Lin Dong dared…however, only a man, a marten and a tiger knew about this matter…

The disturbance in the wastelands lasted for an entire night, and the Ancient Dragon Ape had struck down god knows how many unfortunate Demonic Beasts. Yet, what made it increasingly furious was that it was actually unable to sense even the slightest bit of undulations after that thief stole its essence blood. The wastelands was extremely vast, and even if it was the overlord here, it was too difficult for it comb it bit by bit. Thus, after going crazy and venting its anger for one night, the Ancient Dragon Ape could only very unwillingly stomp back to its mountain valley under numerous horrified Demonic Beast gazes.

Only then did this affair come to an end.

When the Ancient Dragon Ape finally retired, within the mountain cave, Lin Dong slowly opened his eyes, as a smile formed from the corners of his mouth.

"Little Marten, we should be able to start trying to practise the Devil Ape Transformation right?" Lin Dong stretched his body as he smiled and asked.

Little Marten appeared before Lin Dong and nodded its head. Its mouth opened, as a line of blood swept out, before transforming into a ball of extremely dark red blood. The ball squirmed in front of Lin Dong, as it faintly emitted an extremely savage aura.

"Brat, the Ancient Dragon Ape's essence blood is extremely savage, and the Devil Ape Transformation using it is incomparable to Luo Jiu's, who had only absorbed an ordinary strong ape. If you are able to successfully refine it, and activate the Devil Ape Transformation, its power would naturally be extremely overwhelming. However, if you fail in refining it, it is very likely that your mind will be corroded by that savageness, leaving behind some very serious repercussions." Little Marten's eyes were solemn, as it looked towards Lin Dong and explained.

Upon seeing Little Marten's rare serious look, Lin Dong nodded his head in response. Soon after, he softly chuckled as he said: "Don't worry, I know…"

When he decided to steal the Ancient Dragon Ape's essence blood, he had already made his resolution, and there was no point in thinking about it any more today. It was not easy to finally obtain the essence blood, how could he so easily give up. Although this essence blood was savage, it was after all a foreign matter, as long as he guarded his mind, he would naturally not be corroded by it!

After seeing that Lin Dong did not back down, Little Marten nodded its head and said: "If you are ready, allow it to enter your body and refine it…"


Lin Dong deeply breathed in, his eyes tightly fixed on the seemingly life-like and slowly squirming Dragon Ape essence blood before him. Moments later, he fiercely clenched his teeth, before opening his mouth and directly sucking in the Dragon Ape essence blood.


The essence blood practically entered his body in an instant, as a berserk and savage mood spread out from Lin Dong's heart, while his eyes turned blood red in a flash.

"Such a frightening essence blood!"

Lin Dong's eyes were blood red, be he clearly still possess his rationality. He tightly clenched his teeth as a sentence slipped out from between his teeth. Soon after, with a flick of his mind, waves of golden and dazzling Great Sun Thunder Yuan gushed out from the Yuan Dan inside his Dantian, before pouring like a tide towards the Dragon Ape essence blood and wrapping around it.


The Great Sun Thunder Yuan whizzed forward like a tidal wave, washing away at the Dragon Ape essence blood, with the intent of cleansing away the savageness within.

"Ch ch!"

When the Great Sun Thunder Yuan and Dragon Ape essence blood made contact, waves of white mist erupted. Yuan Power was directly evaporated in a split second, yet the savageness within the Dragon Ape essence blood still did not weaken in the slightest.

"It is indeed very tough to deal with." Upon seeing how stubborn the savageness within the essence blood was, Lin Dong's eyebrows furrowed. Soon after, he urged wave after wave of Great Sun Thunder Yuan, to continuously ram into the Dragon Ape essence blood.

Every time the Yuan Power touched the Dragon Ape essence blood, it was as if snow had encountered lava and was swiftly melted. Fortunately, there was ample support, as wave after wave crashed down in a seemingly endless manner.

Faced with the frantic refining of the Great Sun Thunder Yuan, some disturbances finally appeared in the Dragon Ape essence blood. The traces of savage aura contained within it quietly weakened as wave after wave of Great Sun Thunder Yuan dissipated. Though the rate at which this happened was very slow, at least it allowed Lin Dong to see some hope.

However, while Lin Dong was happy over this, he did not discover that the savageness that had been cleansed from the Dragon Ape essence blood had slowly spread out in his body. At a certain moment, when a twitchy feeling gradually rose up in his heart, did he suddenly realise that the savageness was actually corroding his mind.

"As expected of the Dragon Ape essence blood!" When he sensed this situation, Lin Dong's expression slightly changed, however, he did not panic. As long as his mind was like a boulder, the corrosion of an external force would be useless.

Lin Dong's mind spun, as the four Destiny Soul Symbols inside his Niwan Palace emitted a strange light, which spread out inside Lin Dong's body.

That light was made from Lin Dong's consciousness, and with the Destiny Soul Symbol's protection, no foreign matter would be able to shake his core!

"No matter how tyrannical the Dragon Ape essence blood is, it is now masterless. Let me see how long you can endure!"

Protecting his core, Lin Dong's mind flicked, as more waves of Great Sun Thunder Yuan gushed out from the Yuan Dan inside his Dantian. This time, there seemed to be tiny sparks at the edges of the golden Yuan Power.

"Ch ch!"

Golden Yuan Power suffused with sparks once again charged into the Dragon Ape essence blood. This time, some changed that caused Lin Dong to be rather astonished appeared. In the face of the pulsing lightning, the savageness within the Dragon Ape essence blood seemed to have met its bane, and the rate at which it dissipated increased several times.

"The power of lightning is able to restrict the stubborn and strong, the best match against such a negative matter!"

Upon seeing this scene, Lin Dong was delighted. Now that this had happened, the chances of successfully refining had increased by quite a bit!

With these thoughts in mind, the Yuan Dan within his Dantian also quickly trembled. Waves of Great Sun Thunder Yuan infused with sparks swiftly poured out, like a stream as it endlessly charged at the Dragon Ape essence blood.

In the face of such an intense cleansing, the originally scarlet red Dragon Ape essence blood actually started to turn somewhat pure, as the savage aura within rapidly weakened…

Refining was unexpectedly smooth with the Great Sun Thunder Yuan's peculiar characteristic. However, Lin Dong also gradually felt an dried up feeling from his Yuan Dan, and just as he planned to quickly consume a Pure Yuan pill to support the refining process, the ball of Dragon Ape essence blood within his body suddenly trembled a little. Faintly, fluorescent threads of light were emitted from within…

Staring at the warm light emitted from the Dragon Ape essence blood, Lin Dong was first taken aback, but soon after, an uncontainable joy bubbled up in his heart. He had finally thoroughly refined the savage aura contained within the Dragon Ape essence blood!