

Chapter 75 - Encountering the Enemy Again

Liu San and the group was stunned. They had never seen the middle aged man act like this. He secretly moved a few steps away from Wang Lin and asked, "Sir, what about this little brother? Is he going to encounter that bloody disaster because of us?"

Wang Lin's expression was calm. He looked at the middle aged man, but didn't say a word as Situ Nan's lazy voice floated into his ears.

"This little baby is kind of interesting. His fortune telling technique is pretty good. When it comes to normal people, he is able to see signs of their future, but when he wants to look into the future of us cultivators, it's like struggling in the water. I sent him some memories of me wiping out a sect and he can't handle it anymore."

In just one breath of time, the middle aged scholar was covered in sweat. His gaze toward Wang Lin was no longer neutral, but filled with fear. He heard Liu San's words and quickly said, "Nothing to do with little… little brother. My skill isn't good enough. I can't see through it, can't see through it." With that, he repeatedly bowed with a bitter look on his face.

The scene he saw before had already completely stunned him. That was not a normal world, but a hell filled with blood. Those people in the scene were obviously not mortals. They were able to fly in the sky and destroy mountains. The middle aged man grew up learning the fortune telling technique, so he knew that immortals existed. He also knew that he mustn't get involved, or he will die.

Liu San frowned and was about to speak when he suddenly heard scream. A head flew through the area and landed on the ground. It rolled until it stopped next to the fire.

Liu San's expression changed greatly. He quickly stood up as he realized that this head belonged to someone who was patrolling the area.

Yang San grabbed the head. He clenched his fist and said, "Er Gou, brother will get revenge for you!"

All of the guards took out their weapons and their killing intent spread to the surroundings. 𝗯𝐞𝐝𝗻𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐥.𝐜𝗼𝐦

The dark faced man stood next to Liu San and asked, "Who are you? Seems like you guys don't understand the rules at all."

A dark laugh came from the distance. Following a rustling sound, dozens of black clothed men appeared from the ground. They padded the dirt off their clothes as they stared at everyone.

"Mountain splitting palm Liu San, give us the thing and we will leave immediately. Otherwise, no one will leave here alive." A skinny and old man walked out of the group of black clothed men.

Liu San's face was as calm as water. He said, "I was wondering who it was. It seems it's the Vulture Escort."

The old man let out a laugh. "Man named Liu, there is no need to say pointless things. Your Mighty Escort officially went to carry out a shipment, but secretly brought back a 500 year old ginseng. If you surrender it, you will all be safe. Don't let such a thing endanger your life."

Liu San frowned. He looked at the people around him and thought, "How does the Vulture Escort know that I was hiding the ginseng? It seems there are people in the same business with greedy hearts." With that, his gaze fell on Wang Lin and he sneered.

He glanced at the dark faced man. He clenched his hand and said, with a deep voice, "Whether or not I have the ginseng, are you going to steal it from me with your inferior martial arts skills?"

The dark faced man got the message and secretly got behind Wang Lin.

Wang Lin frowned. The middle aged man quickly stopped the dark faced man and said, "What are you doing? This little brother isn't the enemy."

The dark faced man was stunned and was unable to respond.

Just at that moment, the old man let out a laugh. "Man named Liu, I can't beat you, but our boss is going to act personally. You are a dead man." With that, he took a few steps back and said, "The boss has arrived." He immediately bowed on the ground.All of the black clothed men became very excited. They all did the same as the old man and shouted, "The boss has arrived!"

A cold voice suddenly came from all sides. "Bring out the ginseng, or you will die!" The moment the voice arrived, a fist sized fireball flew into the circle of carriages. The extremely hot fireball hit one of the escort members. Before he could even scream, he was burned to death.

At that moment, everyone in the escort was stunned. Some of them even lost their grips on their weapons and dropped them on the ground.

Yang Sen's eyes revealed a look of fear. "What…what weapon is that?" he shouted.

Heat surged around the fire, making the escort guards understand just how hot the fire was.

Liu San's face was filled with shock. He took a few steps back and stared at the burned body, unable to say a word.

The dark faced man's eyes revealed extreme fear. He said, while trembling, "Immortal…immortal technique?" The dark faced man took the test to enter a sect when he was a kid. After he failed, he entered the martial arts world. The test was deeply ingrained in his mind, so when he saw the fireball, he immediately made the connection.

The old man revealed a proud expression and said, "Of course our boss is an immortal. Why don't you quickly hand the ginseng over to us."

All of the members of the escort looked at Liu San. Their eyes revealed a cry for help. If it was normal people, they would have the courage to fight, but this was an immortal. All of the escort guards lost their will to fight.

Liu San revealed a bitter look. He was about to speak when three more fireballs appeared in the air, motionless.

Wang Lin's eyes lit up and he became very interested. From the looks of the fireballs, the person who was casting them couldn't have been higher than the 3rd layer. He touched his chin and sent out his divine sense. He quickly found the person on a large tree not far away.

"What is this?" Wang Lin muttered. He was stunned. The person was about 20 years old and was at the peak of the 2nd layer. He could almost break into the 3rd layer. The young man's face was gloomy and was covered in scars. At first glance, he looked very ferocious, but the more Wang Lin looked, the more familiar he looked.

The middle aged scholar sighed. "Lao Liu, give it to them. Even if the North family finds out, they wouldn't blame us. The enemy is an immortal. How could us mortals defend against him?"

Liu San hesitated for a bit, then helplessly took out a small case and placed it on the ground.

The moment the case landed on the ground, it rose into the air. However, it didn't fly to the Vulture Escort people, but into Wang Lin's hand.Chapter 76 - The Strange Flying Sword

Liu San jerked his head back. He gnashed his teeth and said, "You really were an spy!"

Yang Sen's eyes were filled with rage as he looked at Wang Lin. The dark faced man's pupils shrank. He knew that the method Wang Lin used to get the box wasn't something a mortal could do.

The middle aged scholar was also stunned. He looked at Wang Lin with a complex expression and sighed.

Song Xing shouted, "You dare?!" Then, he quickly jumped forward and grabbed toward Wang Lin's head.

Song Xing's move caused Liu San's group to be confused, but Liu San didn't stop Song Xing. Everyone else also moved out of the way, opening a path to Wang Lin.

Wang Lin didn't even raise his head. Instead, he opened the box and saw a very shriveled up ginseng. This ginseng's body was very small, but it had countless roots. There was a yellow talisman on the ginseng, covering up the spiritual energy inside it.

Song Xing had already gotten close. He smiled as he was ready to break Wang Lin's head. Then, his body suddenly quivered as an invisible force stopped him. Song Xing was tossed to the side and didn't get back up.

The bizarre scene before them caused everyone to be stunned. Wang Lin didn't tear the talisman off the ginseng, but looked at it for a while. Then, he sighed and said,"You see an old friend and you won't even come out to say hi?"

With a series of rustling sounds, that cold looking youth walked out of the forest. There was an invisible force around his body. All of the black clothed men were pushed to the side as he walked by. In addition, the three fireballs floating in the air returned to the youth and circled around him.

The moment the black clothed men saw the youth, they respectfully said, "We greet the boss!"

The youth didn't even look at Song Xing, who was coughing up blood, but looked at Wang Lin and said, "The person I know couldn't have not changed at all in 10 years! Who exactly are you?"

Wang Lin looked at the youth, but didn't say a word. Instead, he took out a yellow paper from his bag of holding.

The moment the cold looking youth saw the paper, he was stunned. He looked at Wang Lin a bit more, then frowned. He said, "Friend, what exactly is this? Friend, please give me that ginseng. It is very important to me."

Wang Lin was stunned and looked at the youth in front of him for a while. A doubt appeared in his heart. He spread out his divine sense and found something abnormal in the sky. He coldly smiled in his heart, then threw the ginseng over and said, "Forget it. I got the wrong person."

A myriad of complex feelings crossed the youth's eyes. He caught the ginseng and said, "Thank you! Farewell." With that, he turned to leave when a dark cloud suddenly appeared. The moment the dark cloud appeared, a gust of wind caused everyone in the Mighty Escort to take several steps back.

The dark cloud quickly moved and descended. As the cloud got lower, a strange gust of wind appeared and became stronger and stronger. A middle aged man dressed in white stepped onto the gust of wind and descended.

The moment he appeared, an escort guard exploded into a mist of blood. Then, several other guards also exploded and turned into mist made of blood.

The blood mist moved strangely in the air. They quickly gathered together and formed a shiny drop of blood.

The middle aged man opened his mouth and sucked in. The drop of blood entered his mouth and his face turned red. He said, "Zhang Hu, you met someone you know. Why are you afraid of admitting it?"

Zhang Hu's face quickly turned cold and respectfully said, "Teacher, disciple doesn't know this person."

Wang Lin's expression remained calm. He sent out his divine sense and was stunned. This middle aged man had already reached the peak of the 15th layer.

The middle aged man smiled and said to Wang Lin, "Fellow cultivator, do you know my disciple?"

Wang Lin's expression didn't change at all. He said, "So what if I know or if I don't know him?"

The middle aged man was stunned. He looked at Wang Lin for a bit, then suddenly smiled. "Makes no difference. Although you're only at the 8th layer, if I drink your blood, it will still increase my cultivation a bit."Zhang Hu's face suddenly changed. He quickly got in front of the middle aged man and said, "Teacher, this person is my childhood friend. Please…please spare him."

A cold light flashed across the middle aged man's eyes. He said, "Leave. Go and gather the blood essence of all of the mortals here. You have no business with this matter."

Zhang Hu was about to speak when the middle aged man sneered as he said some words. Zhang Hu's face suddenly became pale and he started to bleed out of his orifices as large quantities of sweat dripped from his forehead.

Wang Lin raised his brow. He activated his attraction technique and grabbed toward the middle aged man. The middle aged man's expression changed slightly. He let out a cold snort as he spat out a green light. The green light turned into a flying sword and slashed at the hand.

Wang Lin's attraction technique had already reached an unimaginable level. The hand split into two hands. One grabbed Zhang Hu and the other grabbed the flying sword.

The small green sword started to vibrate. The light the sword emitted flickered on and off. The middle aged man's expression suddenly changed and he threw out a black sword scabbard from his bag of holding. Without a word, he shot out several red lights from his hand.

The moment the scabbard appeared, the green sword that was grabbed by the attraction technique suddenly disappeared. When it reappeared, it was next to the scabbard and fused with it.

Wang Lin's face looked calm, but his heart was shocked. This was the first time the attraction technique had failed. A cold light flashed across his eyes. He slapped his bag of holding and several pieces of black wood appeared. The pieces of black wood fused into a whip and quickly flew out.

Situ Nan's voice appeared in Wang Lin's ears. "Wang Lin, there is something strange about that sword!"

The moment the flying sword entered the scabbard, it started to emit a buzzing sound as if it was facing a lot of resistance. After sinking in ? of the way, it was no longer able to go any deeper. The green sword suddenly turned to blue and yanked itself out of the scabbard and slashed at the whip.

This whip was something he got from Zhang Kuang. When he was in closed door training, he refined it to belong to him with advice from Situ Nan.

Wang Lin controlled the whip to go around the flying sword and charge directly at the middle aged man.

The middle aged man sneered. He ignored the whip and pointed at the flying sword. He muttered a few words, then the flying sword shook and suddenly disappeared. It reappeared in front of the middle aged man and slashed downwards.

The middle aged man grinned and spat out a drop of golden blood. The drop of golden blood immediately turned into thin threads and entered the flying sword.

Chapter 77 - Old Man Jimo

Wang Lin frowned. Just as he was about to retrieve the whip, a small red sword flew out of the ghostly sword. The red sword slashed down at a speed several times faster than its main body.

The whip quickly split into two. It transformed back into pieces of wood and fell from the sky.

The middle aged man revealed a murderous look. He waved his right hand and the sword flew toward Wang Lin.

Wang Lin frowned. He grabbed Zhang Hu and threw him back. Then, he quickly backed up.

The flying sword was speeding toward Wang Lin. An illusion appeared at the tip of the sword. Like lightning, the sword suddenly appeared in front of Wang Lin.

Wang Lin's expression changed. He waved his hand and a piece of jade appeared in it. The jade glowed and a blue light screen appeared, blocking the sword. The sword slashed down and the light screen started to crack. It couldn't hold on much longer.

Wang Lin took a deep breath. He spat out a mouthful of spiritual energy into the light screen. The light blue color started to turn green and its faint color started to become more solid.

The cracks started to seal back up, blocking the attack of the sword, but a faint crack appeared on the jade.

"What is this?" The middle aged man's eyes narrowed. He looked at Wang Lin and said, "It seems that you're not only at the 8th layer. However, even if you're at the Foundation Establishment stage, you won't be able to get away alive from my flying sword."

With that, the middle aged man pointed with his finger while his eyes revealed a serious expression. He waved his hand and the flying sword flew back and entered the scabbard again. This time, it went halfway in and turned from blue to black and flew out of the scabbard again.

A cold light flashed across Wang Lin's eyes. This was the first time Wang Lin had fought someone who was at the same cultivation level as him. Although their cultivation level was the same, his opponent obviously had better magical treasures. Wang Lin could feel that the sword had gotten a lot more powerful and Zhou Peng's jade wouldn't be able to withstand it.

He didn't hesitate. He slapped his bag of holding and took out an ancient jade. The moment the ancient jade appeared, it released a majestic aura.

This ancient jade was the life saving treasure Liu Wenju gave to Wang Lin.

Wang Lin didn't even bat an eye. He spat out a mouthful of spiritual energy and pointed at the ancient jade. Instantly, numerous golden symbols floated out of the ancient jade.

Wang Lin's expression didn't change at all. He coldly stared at the middle aged man. Killing intent appeared in his eyes.

The middle aged man's pupils shrank. He hesitated a bit, then clenched his teeth and took out two golden orbs. The two golden orbs flew into the flying sword.

The flying sword was currently black and covered in shining, golden spots. The sword circled around once, then flew toward Wang Lin. Several black swirls appeared near the sword.

The coldness in Wang Lin's eyes intensified. He didn't even bother with the sword, he just pointed at the ancient jade before him. The golden symbols on the ancient jade suddenly glowed and came out of the jade. The symbols lined up. There was a total of 9 symbols.

The flying sword was flying toward Wang Lin. He formed a seal with his hand and three of the symbols began to glow. The three symbols quickly appeared around the sword. Lightning connected the three symbols, forming a prison and trapping the flying sword.

The flying sword was like a trapped beast, releasing a strong buzzing sound. It charged around in the cage and, every time it collided with the cage, the symbols would shine.

The middle aged man's expression finally changed and he said, "This… this is a core treasure?"

Wang Lin had learned from Situ Nan what a core treasure was. It was simply a treasure made by a Core Formation cultivator. If a Nascent Soul cultivator made a treasure, it was called Nascent Treasure.

The middle aged man quickly revealed a look of fear. He waved his hand and grabbed toward the scabbard.

Wang Lin let out a cold smile. The seal on his hand changed. The remaining six symbols instantly started to shine and charged toward the middle aged man.

The fear in the middle aged man increased greatly. He quickly took out several pieces of jade, hoping that they would increase his chances of escaping.

Before the pieces of jade could even activate, they exploded under the effect of the golden symbols. They didn't manage to stop the golden symbols one bit.

The middle aged man revealed a look of despair and shouted, "Fellow cultivator, I am old man, Jimo's disciple…"

Before he could finish speaking, the golden symbols appeared before him. The first symbol pressed into his chest. His chest quickly caved in, causing him to cough out a mouthful of blood.

The second symbol followed quickly after. The middle aged man bled out from his orifices and his chest had been pierced through.

The third symbol quickly followed as well and the middle aged man's body completely disintegrated along with his bag of holding. Only the sword scabbard was completely unharmed and fell to the ground.

Wang Lin took a deep breath. He pointed toward the ancient jade. Suddenly, the three remaining golden symbols paused and entered the ancient jade again.

Also, after the middle aged man died, the frequency of the collisions from the flying sword slowed down until it eventually stopped moving.

Wang Lin waved his hand. The three symbols trembled. Two of the symbols collapsed and only one of them followed Wang Lin's call and returned to the jade.

Wang Lin carefully put the piece of jade back into his bag of holding. This piece of jade originally only had one attack, but, with Situ Nan's help, he managed to split it into 9 attacks. Although each attack was much weaker, it allowed him to use it more often.

After doing all of that, he took a deep breath. His forehead was covered in sweat. This was the most vicious fight he's had since he started cultivating. He activated the attraction technique and retrieved the flying sword and scabbard to exam them.

"Wang Lin, I didn't act before not because I didn't want to, but because my Nascent Soul essence has a limit, so it can't be carelessly wasted. Plus, you have to experience these life and death battles to help you grow in the future." This time, Situ Nan's voice was serious for once.

Wang Lin nodded. He didn't say a word as he curiously checked out the treasure in his hand.

Situ Nan explained. "This flying sword is really strange. That little baby could even display its full power. However, the real treasure here is that sword scabbard."