

Just like what Terrence stated, he carried Natalie on the way back to their camp. Now, it has gotten easier since they just had to walk normally. 

When Fredrick learned about Natalie's situation, he didn't hesitate and let the two of them go first. 

They were accompanied by Rey and another police officer named Yuki. 

"You should rest first, Natalie," Terrence stated as he carefully placed Natalie down. 

Natalie nodded. She couldn't utter a single word. Her cheeks were tainted with red. 

She was still shy and embarrassed that Terrence had to carry her for 30 minutes. Even though it felt good in his arms, she was anxious about her weight. 

"Thanks," After a few seconds of thinking what to say, Natalie was able to utter a word.

Terrence's lips curved up. He placed his hand on Natalie's head and slightly patted it. 

"Don't worry about it and you're welcome." Terrence smiled.