

The soft candlelight danced across Terrence and Natalie's faces as they sat at a corner table. It was the quietest spot inside the restaurant. 

The cold breeze from the air hit Natalie's body. She was wearing a backless dress, making her vulnerable to the cold. 

But oh well, beauty is pain. 

"Here," Terrence smiled at Natalie. He stood up and went to her side. He gave Natalie the jacket that he was supposed to be wearing. 

Natalie shyly smiled. She felt the warmth from jacket just a few seconds after. It was such a wam and comforting feeling.

It had gotten a little bit awkward among the two o them. It was their first time ating in such high-end restaurant together.

The place was quiet unlike any other places they went to. There were only a limited numbe o chairs and tables inside, and each of them were filled with couples or a small family dining.

Terrence motioned to Natalie that she could already order the food that she wanted.