
1. chapter 1

The girls was downstairs watching tv or doing their own things; lori was texting Bobby, leni was looking through a fashion magazine, Luna was playing with her axe, luan was working some painfully puns, Lynn and Lucy was fighting for the remote control cause they both wanted to watch tv, Lana and lola was playing 'princess and mud monster', Lisa was working on a experiment, and lily was walking around laughing.

The front door was slammed opened, making everyone up jump and look to see Lincoln walking in and slammed the door closed, before anyone had a chance to say something he had went upstairs to his room and slam his door close hard enough for the house to shake a little bit causing everyone to flinch before they all look at one another and ran to his room.

Lincoln was on his bed with his back against the wall, gripping his pillow for dear life, his eye's was clinched closed fighting back tears as he felt his throat closed up, there was a small knock at the door before it had opened up and one by one his sisters had came into the room as they had all looked at him with a worried look, Lincoln had looked back at them while placing the pillow he was holding down

"what do you guys want" he said quietly using all his will power from keeping his voice from breaking but fail since his looked at him even more worried

"Lincy like what wrong" leni said worried as the other nodded

"Yeah mate, what's up" Luna said while Lincoln had shook his head

"Guys it nothing, now please leave" he said as they had stayed where they was at, not moving a inch

"Lincoln it not nothing, tell u-" Lori started but Lincoln had intrepid her

"I SAID LEAVE" Lincoln had yelled, shocking everyone as they had looked at him before slowly nodding some letting out a sigh and slowly walked out, Lincoln had turn his back and faced the wall

Everyone had gather into Lori room for a sister meeting as they was all asking the same question.

What was wrong with Lincoln

Everyone had all started to blurt out their thoughts about what happened, all expect for Lori since she was in charge of the meeting and had to make sure it didn't get to crazy, and lily because she couldn't even talk yet but it didn't stop her from making noise.

After 2 minutes of arguing Lori had silenced everyone by hitting her shoe against the table, getting everyone attention "OK everyone that is enough, now look something is seriously wrong with Lincoln and we got to figure out what" she said as everyone nodded.

"I think we should take turns trying to get him to open up about what wrong, instead of us all jumping on him, mate" Luna said as the other had agreed with her

"Alright so who wants to go first" Lori asked, agreeing with Luna idea to take turns so he would open

Everyone raised their hands all wanting to go first, even Lisa raise her hand to go first as she usually tried not to get involved with emotions and focus on her experiments but she would for her brother sake

"Hold up dude's, it was my ideal so I should get first go" Luna said though the yelling

"Everyone quiet!" Lori said and everyone had become quiet "we are going to do this from oldest to youngest and since it was Luna idea she will have first crack" she said making Luna smile

"Thanks, love" she said in her British accsent and had quickly left the room and had went to her shared room, grabbing 2 important thing's that would be very helpful before slowly going down the hall to Lincoln room

Lincoln was exactly where he was before, laying down, facing the wall, and wishing the day would just end for good, there was a knock at his door "hey mate, can I come in" he had heard Luna asked but he had ignored her, hoping she would just go away.

Luna had waited for a response as she had knocked again "Lincoln, please let me in" she said as she gently grabbed the door handle and slowly turned it before only to find it was locked, she sighed and turned around, about the walk away but stopped as she had heard the door unlock.

Luna turn back around with a small smile as she had went back to the door a slowly opened it and walked in with her guitar in hand, she looked over at Lincoln who was sitting on his bed with his knee's pulled up to his chest, hugging them.

"linc" Luna said gently as the sight of him like this made her heart hurt but she had to put on a brave face for him, she had went over to a chair that was in front of his desk

"What do you want, Luna" Lincoln said in such a emotionless voice it would put Lucy's to shame

Luna was about to open her mouth but Lincoln had stopped her by saying "If you are just trying to see what wrong then leave" which had caused Luna bit her lip, cause that had somewhat put a hole in her plans but she was a quick thinker and had thought of another plan.

Luna smiled at him and shook her head "nah mate, I just wanted to spend time with ya, love" she said in her British accent, while Lincoln had looked at her with dead eye's causing her to gulp quietly, never seeing Lincoln like this before.

Luna had brought up her guitar and slowly started to pluck the cords, slowly playing a song and Lincoln had recommended it a bit

(The Beatles - while my guitar gently weeps)

"I look at you all see the love there that's sleeping.

While my guitar gently weeps.

I look at the floor and I see it needs sweeping

Still my guitar gently weeps"

Luna sang gently as she had plucked the cords, Lincoln had looked down, biting his lip as he had continue listen to her play

"I don't know why nobody told you

How to unfold your love.

I don't know how someone controlled you.

They bought and sold you.

I look at the world and I notice it's turning.

While my guitar gently weeps.

With every mistake we must surely be learning.

Still my guitar gently weeps" Luna sang and played the small guitar solo, adding a few extra notes because she had really enjoyed it, she heard something causing her to look at Lincoln and saw he had his head down, shaking violently.

Luna eye's widened as she had quickly quit playing, placing her guitar down and quickly went to him, sitting on his bed before hugging him tightly, and to her surprise he had hugged her back tightly, placing his head on her chest, crying his eyes out, she held back her own tears and started to rub his back trying to comfort him.

Minutes had passed as Lincoln had slowly started to stop crying, pulling away from Luna and seeing the front of her short was wet from his tears "i-i s-sorry" he said as he tried to get his voice back

Luna had shook her head and place a hand on his shoulder "it ok, love. Now please tell me what wrong" she said gently while using her other hand to turn his head toward hers, making him look into her eye's

Lincoln bit his lip and slowly nodded, taking a deep breath "when I was going down to the arcade to play some game's... I saw that R-ronnie Ann was a-already there though the window" he said as he tried to calm down. Luna had seen this but decided not to say anything, knowing this would be for the best "w-when I was about to go in, I had stopped b-because I seen she was there with another g-guy" he choked out, Luna eye's widened, thinking she knew where this was going

"T-then what" she said almost scared to ask

Lincoln started to take deep breaths, trying to calm down as he felt sick to his stomach "i-i continued t-to watch them as they start to hug each other before s-she had l-lean over and k-k-kis-" he tried to finish but couldn't as he had broke down crying again.

luna eye's widened and she had hugged Lincoln tightly, not believing what she heard, she had so many mixed emotions but she had to push them aside for him. Lincoln had hugged her back while she had started to rub his back, comforting him.

Luna had lost track of time but she didn't care, all she cared about was Lincoln, she had looked down at him and saw he was asleep with puffy eyes and dried tears, biting her lip she had slowly moved, getting off the bed, making Lincoln move around but had stayed asleep, luna sighed and grabbed her guitar before she had pulled out a mp3 playing from her pocket and place it by Lincoln as she had place a quick kiss on his forehead and quietly left the room

there we go heh now look, I still doing the darkest secrets but I wanted to do this, also I don't ship Lincoln x Ronnie Ann, they are fine as just being friends but that it. NOW LOOK I am planning on making this a.

Lincoln x Tabby -cause I love that ship and it really stupid how there no real fanfics with the two but I'm planning on changing that-


Lincoln x luna -loudcest in other words-

so go ahead and comment who should I ship Lincoln with cause I not working until I know who to ship Lincoln with heh well anyway like, comment, follow, and tell me what you think. see ya later