
No Otaku with Harem System (English Version)

A young man with a troubled life runs into more trouble after meeting an annoying fairy. "Hey Listen! It's time to start the adventure!" "A fucking giant fly! I have to kill him!" "Wait wait! I'm here to guide you!" Watch the adventures of Luis and the fly Navi on their way to becoming a King of the Harem. "King of the Harem sounds troublesome" "Hey Listen! You can get a lot of money and power!" "What are you waiting for ?! Let's go for that harem !!" ---------- ---------- I don't speak English and I am using Google Translate with Grammarly to translate my novel. I accept corrections in the comments paragraph Warning: The first 45 chapters are a lot of internal monologues since it was my beginnings writing a novel, I'm sorry if it's annoying for some readers but I hope you can give my work a chance after that point. I hope you enjoy my work ---------- ---------- www. patreon.com / Bukaro For advanced chapters. ----------------- https: // ko-fi.com / bukaro If you like my work, support me with a small donation

Bukaro · Anime & Comics
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404 Chs

Chapter 294: End of the Lostbelt (?)

(Daoloth perspective, also known as the fantastic and adorable kohai BB-chan~) (Fate/Grand Order)

Ohayo reader, long time no see~

Well, whatever, enough fan service for you affectionless idiots who are pleased when a 2D waifu feigns affection based on programming.

Anyway, you're probably wondering why I'm here, ruining the narrative continuity of the Lostbelt, but everything has a reason.

Senpai's skill [Reader's Perspective] is very troublesome for surprises, little Paranoia-chan doesn't help either, so I had to be resourceful~

Therefore, I took the liberty of stealing the narration of this chapter since I have a very special surprise for senpai <3

Senpai must have already noticed something different from the script we had planned.

To begin with, the evil Tamamo would only appear until the end of the play, in a small redemption scenario.

Another aspect is that there would be no mention of the Harem King until the end of the arc, but hey, Koyanskaya had a very interesting idea~

Right now senpai is sending me several telepathic messages, demanding an answer and wanting to know what the hell I'm thinking.

Obviously, I responded with adorable emojis and didn't tell him what I'm planning. He got very angry.

Senpai is so cute when he's angry <3

I know he will punish me and it will hurt a lot, I might even regret this, but it doesn't matter, I'm having fun right now~

Now the fun begins. All preparations are complete.

Koyanskaya was brought to the senpai's base together with the gray-haired girl.

By the way, that girl is Gray, a character from Fate/Grand Order, she is the disciple of the Servant-labor slave, Waver. First Saber Face on the list~

Koyanskaya gave all the information necessary for the group of senpai to overthrow the Qin Emperor.

Although the senpai's wives initially doubted the fox woman's words, the older sister in Nisekoi, Yui Kanakura, helped clear up any doubts thanks to her blessing from Lucifer.

Heh, that's why one shouldn't blindly believe in borrowed powers.

The way we prevented that skill from seeing Koyanskaya's deceptions was that it was all true, at least from Koyanskaya's perspective.

In order for this plan to work out correctly and for senpai to get a surprise, I made small adjustments to Koyanskaya's mind so that she would believe that all the stupid things she said were true.

Koyanskaya of Light and Darkness, the Harem King contacting her… She thinks all of that is true.

By the way, this brainwashing was her idea, that woman is capable of anything to fulfill her plans. Without a doubt, a woman worthy of senpai~

In canon, there really are 2 Koyanskaya, but Beast VII fixed that and prevented Koyanskaya from splitting into two entities, but that allowed us to create this lie.

Sure, making Koyanskaya believe something is true isn't enough to fool Lucifer's blessing or senpai, but besides the mind, I also modified all of Koyanskaya's records so that senpai couldn't see the truth with [Reader's Perspective].

It was a lot of work, but it was worth it~

Although senpai will learn from this and be more careful in the future, it is even possible that he will look for a way to evolve his skills to prevent an enemy from using this kind of method to trick him…

Well, a kohai's job is to help her loved senpai <3

Now senpai is in a scenario that he does not know and does not know what is about to happen, which makes him feel annoyed, angry, but, above all, expectant.

Something I've discovered in the time we've been together is that senpai is a controlling and manipulative man, but he gets bored quickly when he's right. That's why senpai loves crazy women because they are sources of endless trouble.

Senpai has an obsessive and sick need to fix the problems caused by the people he loves. We are meant for each other, I cause chaos and he fixes it <3

Senpai <3

Ahem, back to the Lostbelt, things are set.

There are a lot of characters involved, but they are mostly minor background characters that only exist to add to the list of harem characters, so I won't mention them.

The point is that Koyanskaya explained how Qin Shi Huang had kidnapped two Chinese deities to turn them into robotic puppets, which was not in Beast VII's plans since the mecha-gods are for another Lostbelt, but I don't care ~

Now the emperor was preparing to create another two puppets with two goddesses he had captured, who, quite conveniently, have a good relationship with senpai; the wife of the Jade King, Xiwangmu, and the goddess of the moon, Chang'e.

The emperor was about to start the transformation process so senpai had to rescue the damsels in distress, such a heroic tale.

Additionally, two magicians would be stripped of their minds to become the vessels of two Servants.

At that point, the woman named Gray was already awake and begged for help in rescuing her teacher as he would be one of the ingredients to create another Servant puppet.

Senpai, being the wonderful man that he is, told her to shut up and not to cause trouble, that her teacher was one of the causes of senpai being kidnapped, and that he deserved to die~

Gray tried to fight, but her abilities and mystical code were sealed by senpai's Anti-Rasen chains, so she could only beg in a pathetic and hilarious way.

At that moment, the daughter of the Dragon Emperor, Long Aotian, intervened. She gave Gray two options, become part of senpai's harem or die.

Gray was part of the group of magicians, and the magicians were the ones who planned to hurt senpai, so she was an enemy and therefore she had to die.

Aotian doesn't talk much and rarely interacts with other people, but I like her~

Gray is a stubborn girl, but she has a deep fear of death, so she hesitated.

As always, senpai took advantage of the girl's emotional fragility and dependency. He offered to save her teacher, but in exchange, she would be his maid for the rest of her life.

Gray thought that meant being a slave forever, which wasn't a nice thing, but it was better than dying, besides, she could save her teacher. The naive bunny agreed to enter the jaws of the wolf.

Thus, senpai prepared her group for a final battle against the King of this Lostbelt.

Thanks to Koyanskaya, now senpai's group knew that to stop the Lostbelt it would not be useful to destroy the entire dimension since that would connect this world with the modern version of China, the true way to destroy the Lostbelt was to assassinate Qin Shi Huang.

Senpai led the attack toward the emperor's palace where the enemy army was already waiting for them.

On the emperor's side were over a billion soldiers, each with the strength to destroy an armored tank with their bare hands.

The soldiers had high-tech weapons, aircraft covering the skies, and even had millions of civilians tied to wooden posts so the enemy wouldn't dare to use wide-impact attacks, a clever tactic, albeit useless since senpai is willing to show that he would sacrifice thousands of innocents to protect this world~

In addition to Emperor Qin's human soldiers, there were also millions of divine soldiers in the service of the king of cucks, the Jade King.

Because the Lostbelt had managed to absorb the Divine Kingdom of China thanks to senpai, the Jade King had no choice but to ally with the Qin Emperor, thus creating a massive army that in a matter of numbers could overwhelm the entire human world.

To think that senpai did that just to get the Jade King's wife… Senpai is great~

In addition to the endless number of soldiers, the emperor also had enough Servants to suppress an Outer God if they had the support of the Will of the World, there were thousands of powerful cultivators and protagonists who had joined the villains, and even the forces of the government of modern China allied themselves with the emperor.

In every way, senpai was at a complete disadvantage as his army was mostly made up of normal citizens who voluntarily enlisted in the army to protect the nation. Senpai took advantage of nationalism to get more pawns~

Even though many citizens took up arms, the total army numbered no more than two hundred thousand soldiers, of which only ten thousand were people with supernatural skills.

The changes we made to senpai's plans turned the play into a huge chessboard.

Senpai will try to save China while we seek to see how handsome senpai looks when facing an unwinnable battle~

By the way, we were able to see all the development of events thanks to the little jerk Navi sharing his point of view with us in exchange for a serving of cookies. It was a painful exchange, but it was worth it.

As for the people who are gathered with me, they are the Ancient Ones and Outer Gods from senpai's harem, the only two exceptions are Gogh and Ortro-chan.

Gogh can't get out of senpai's mind since she is capable of destroying the fourth wall which even I think is too dangerous, she became too dangerous a destructive force so senpai prefers to keep her by his side, or a disaster could happen.

The other exception is Ortro-chan, that little loli would try to kill us if she knows that we want to prank senpai, she lacks a sense of humor.

"Oh, my cute senpai~" – I couldn't contain my sigh of love, senpai's serious expression while looking at the enemy army makes my heart pound even when I know he was acting.

"Shhh! Don't talk, the battle is about to begin!" – The stupid otaku threw popcorn in my face.

Alright, I won't hit that idiot right now, right now my priority is to see my cute senpai <3

Senpai spearheaded the attack on the enemy by landing the first blow.

Although senpai is careful not to display abilities that show he is an Outer God or system user, the fact that he is a Hero on par with a Paradise general allows him to display some over-the-top tricks.

Now that senpai has complete control of the two forms of spiral energy, he has developed several tricks, for example, with the use of [Mythomania] he can make Rasen and Anti-Rasen look like pure magical energy.

In the multiverse, the energy that materializes willpower is not rare, but energies capable of empowering all energies, at the same time that can suppress all energy and Concepts would be something extremely valuable, so it is better to hide the true abilities of both energies.

Right now, senpai was holding the Blades of Chaos.

The left blade was covered in blue Rasen flames, while the right blade was surrounded by purple Anti-Rasen energy threads.

Even I who know the true nature of both energies can only see that both energies are highly advanced forms of spirit magic.

Now the fun begins~

Since senpai is very committed to his performances, he becomes a cringe hero when he fights in public, which is very funny.

Senpai raised his left blade and made a horizontal slash toward the enemies. – "Horizontal cut!"

"Pfffffffff hahahahahahahahahaha!" – The idiot otaku and I couldn't contain our laughter.

"Idiots" – The perverted siscon sneered at us, but she wanted to laugh too.

Senpai lacks imagination in naming his attacks, but he knows how to do good special effects.

The Rasen became a massive horizontal energy blade that destroyed everything in its path. It was similar to Ichigo's final Getsuga Tenshou, but emerald color, or sky blue… What the hell is the color of the Rasen? It changes a lot between colors.

The power of the attack was amazing in human standards. On a low-level World, that attack could destroy half a planet.

The attack was able to destroy millions of soldiers and hundreds of aircraft, but a gigantic hand descended from the sky and, with a single finger, dissipated the energy attack like an ant.

Senpai's allies had been excited to see senpai's power, but when they looked up at the sky, many fell to their knees in a mixture of despair and adoration.

The sky was now two golden eyes that looked at everything in the world, the big hand that was pointing at senpai seemed capable of covering the entire universe.

"The first final boss has arrived!" – The otaku idiot was excited. – "The greatest, the one with everything, the one who sees everything, the one that no one can surpass! The mighty Buddha!"

Buddha's right hand was holding the planet as if it were an apple, his left hand was pointing at senpai as if indicating that it was time for his judgment.

One of the two gods that Qin Shi Huang had captured was Buddha. Beast VII has stolen the secrets of some of the most important Buddhist monks of the Eternal Heaven Immortal, so taking control of the enlightenment of a Buddha who has not yet become a Higher Entity was not difficult for her.

Millions of Buddhist monks who had submitted to Emperor Qin were taking advantage of the Buddha's presence to increase their own powers, these were not genuine Buddhists, but monks who were corrupted by the desire for power.

At the head of that group was a female Servant who was being used as a catalyst, she was the cause of even the great Buddha being turned into a puppet with no will of his own.

The unfortunate woman seemed to be suffering because of her, Buddha was used as a weapon of mass destruction, but she could not stop and could only sit while she recited mantras.

Curiously, that suffering was not enough to make him wish for death, her gaze was still full of determination and the desire to fight. Anyway, religious fanatics.

"Did Buddha need to be lobotomized to turn him into a giant muppet?" – The pancake-loving little loli asked curiously.

Originally, Qin Shi Huang only thought to superficially control Buddha, but at Koyanskaya's recommendation (it was actually my idea~), Buddha's mind was totally destroyed and his body was bound to Servant Xuanzang Sanzang.

"Well, senpai is going to be mad at us when this is over, so it would be good to give him some gifts to lessen the punishment" – I smiled. – "He will love an emotionally dependent Buddhist with big breasts~"

"I thought Luis hated Buddhists" – Haachama stopped eating… Whatever she is eating.

I shrugged. – "Senpai will kill Buddha and corrupt the body of one of the most important figures in cultural stories that allude to Buddhism, it is a double victory"

"Makes sense" – Haachama nodded. – "Luis also hates other religions… Are we going to lobotomize other gods? Can I play with Jehovah when we make him a muppet?"

Before meeting senpai, I was never interested in creating emotional relationships, but without a doubt, she is the closest thing I have to a best friend.

Returning to the fight, senpai showed concern seeing that they literally had to fight the universe, but senpai's new friend offered to fight Buddha.

Wukong is one of the strongest deities within Gaia, and if it weren't for the restrictions of the Will of the World, he could deal with various foreign entities on his own with no problem.

Despite his great destructive power, that won't be enough. Buddha is not only as big as the universe within this artificial dimension but he was also enhanced with otherworldly technology turning him into a galactic-scale Gundam.

Maybe we went too far desecrating the Buddha's body… Well, who cares, it's fun to make puppets, little Ray had a lot of fun helping us on this project. (By the way, Ray is Rachel Gardner from Satsuriku no Tenshi).

Buddha's index finger descended towards senpai, and the collision with the atmosphere caused the tip of the finger to be covered in fire making it look like a massive meteorite capable of destroying the world.

"This is a plagiarism of Asura's Wrath" – The otaku idiot muttered something that no one heard.

Wukong made Ru Yi Bang grow faster than world inflation and hit Buddha's finger.

Even though the monkey's divine weapon is of very good quality, the power of cyber-Buddha was overwhelming. When both attacks hit, the weapon began to break, though it managed to slow down Buddha's attack.

Most of senpai's allies fell to their knees due to the horror of seeing a larger-than-life finger, but the emperor's army didn't even blink as their brains were fully programmed by the emperor.

Qin Shi Huang ordered his army to attack while most of senpai's allies were crying like pathetic worms, the emperor didn't care that his soldiers might die when Buddha's attack reaches his target.

Several Servants, soldiers, cultivators, and divine soldiers rushed to slaughter senpai's useless allies.

Some of those allies were able to overcome their instinctive fear of utter destruction and began to fight back. The ones who did the most work were senpai's wives, who not only had the best mental strength, but they also had the best combat strength.

An example is one of senpai's favorite women, Revy… Tch.

She volunteered for a surgical process for genetic enhancements and biomechanical implants, basically, now she's an angeloid.

Senpai attacked the soldiers that were about to come towards his group but had to ignore them to stop a deity that tried to attack Wukong.

The second deity that was captured by Qin Shi Huang was Nezha, the self-proclaimed deity as Wukong's rival.

Like Buddha, Nezha's free will was suppressed so she is now a puppet that follows orders, but unlike the golden giant, Nezha is only under mind control and can be released without needing to be killed.

Why does Nezha get a chance to be rescued and Buddha doesn't?

Because Nezha is a cute girl for senpai's harem, no more reasons are needed.

Senpai intercepted Nezha's attack, but behind her were ten sect leader-level cultivators who attacked my cute and defenseless senpai mercilessly.

Senpai was able to counterattack and kill two sect leaders, but four swords pierced his abdomen making him look like a skewer...

I'm hungry.

I stole the idiot's popcorn.

"Damn you! That was mine!" – The idiot screamed furiously.

"We are in China, communism dominates here so it is ours" - I shrugged and continued eating.

"It's a capitalist system, from communism they only have dictatorship!" – The idiot kept screaming and tried to take my popcorn, she's a thieving rat.

"Shut up you idiots!" – The perverted siscon tried to hit us with her tentacles, but no matter how strong she has become, an Ancient One will always be trash compared to an Outer God.

"Heh, trash" – The otaku and I sneered when the tentacles didn't even tickle us.

"…" – The perverted siscon looked at us resentfully. – "One day I am going to break your faces"

"You can try, weakling~" – The otaku sneered.

"A fly collided with my face? How strange, I think the fly died from the blow, well, that's what happens when flies want to pretend to be strong" – I mocked.

"…" – The pancake loli held back but also sneered.

"…." – The perverted siscon took a deep breath. – "I will not lower myself to argue with you, I am the one who has spent the most time in bed with my cute little brother, and only that matters~"

….. Daughter of....

I lost my appetite so I gave my popcorn to the otaku idiot and continued to watch the fight. I am so generous.

When we were setting the stage, Paranoia-chan told us that it would be nice if senpai shows Yui that he can repair souls.

Paranoia-chan doesn't know why this is good, but she said that there is a 95% chance that something very good will come out of it, although it will also cause senpai some headaches.

Entities that can repair souls are rare and valuable in the multiverse, but entities that can restore souls on the brink of destruction are an invaluable resource to any faction in the multiverse, they are even more valuable than entities with the ability to destroy souls.

As a comparison, having a Devourer is like having a sword that can kill any enemy, but having a soul healer is having an elixir that will heal any wound. For most sane people, it is more valuable to live than to kill.

Auriel is a clear example of why having a powerful healer is so valuable, her healing ability is able to counter Azathoth's soul destruction, which is more impressive than the miracle of creation. Of course, that's based on Azathoth before senpai, the current Gogh is such a destructive force that the author's limited imagination is unable to describe her power.

If senpai proves that he can heal near-destroyed souls, he won't necessarily be on the same level of importance as Auriel since she has other army-enhancing abilities, but senpai will certainly be a valuable treasure that everyone will covet.

Another point is that the way senpai heals souls and the way Auriel does it are totally different worlds.

Auriel uses the Concept of Hope to modify the fabric of reality with her own hope, she basically prays to herself for a miracle that she produces herself. I know, it's stupid, but that's how Faith works.

On the other hand, senpai uses alchemy to turn the souls in Ortro-chan's stomach into energy, in the process, he uses [Schizophrenia] and [Mythomania] to prevent the law of equivalence from detecting that senpai is breaking the balance in reincarnation cycle, then he transfers that energy to the wounded soul through [Reader's Madness] while analyzing every bit of information to prevent mistakes in repairing the soul, finally, senpai uses Anti-Rasen to make the soul fully attached to the body and thus achieve a complete repair.

Throughout the process, senpai uses Rasen to alter the probability to ensure a perfect surgery, also, senpai links his mind with System Goddess as she is the one who does the most work when it comes to making adjustments to the energy.

Auriel's process is much simpler, but it is only useful for people with kind and benevolent hearts. Senpai's method is more like science mixed with conceptual crap.

Anyway, at this rate senpai will be the protagonist of the multiverse... Heh, he will have a lot of headaches~

For now, senpai decided to show that he can heal souls, but he only showed a low level of this ability.

Senpai swung his blade and cut Nezha's tendons, then bound her with the chains of the blades.

As he used his right hand to fight the cultivators, his left hand performed reconstructive surgery inside Nezha's chest.

Senpai cut the clothing and skin from Nezha's chest, removed the ribcage, and stuck her hand into the deity's chest.

Senpai did not remove Nezha's heart, but instead removed the spirit control devices that were embedded in the arteries.

After removing the devices in the arteries, senpai closed Nezha's chest and used Auriel's blessing to heal the mark from the surgery, then sliced through Nezha's forehead to remove the top of the deity's skull.

Senpai used his middle and index fingers to access Nezha's cerebellum, he was very careful not to damage the cerebral cortex or the brain's folds, which was very difficult as senpai was still fighting with the cultivators, emperor soldiers, and divine soldiers of the enemy.

Although senpai doesn't technically have a surgery skill, his medical abilities are absurd to a wonderful level~

Senpai extracted the last mind control artifact that had been implanted into Nezha's nervous system, then closed the girl's skull and used Auriel's blessing to close the surgical mark.

"It's like watching the combination of Doctor House, the movie Saw, and Rurouni Kenshin" – The otaku idiot was now eating pizza.

I looked at the idiot. – "Why are you using Kuuko as a footrest?"

"Nyaruko <3…" – The pathetic creature that calls itself eternal flame was panting as the feet of an otaku rested on her back.

"I got sick of her looking at me as if she wanted to rape me, so I gave her a job so I don't see her face anymore" – The idiot otaku shrugged her shoulders. – "I need Luis to mind-break this disgusting yuri lover, she has fed me up"

Even senpai finds that idiot unpleasant so that will take time… Well, who cares, I'll help the otaku idiot later, it'll be funny to see a yuri girl moaning with pleasure when receiving senpai's dick.

Nezha is an extremely powerful deity and specialized in close combat, which is why she managed to regain consciousness as soon as she was free of mind control.

As soon as she was able to move, she didn't hesitate to fight alongside senpai as she swore allegiance as a token of gratitude for restoring her freedom.

Another waifu to the bag~

By the way, she is the Nezha from Fate/Grand Order.

Senpai asked Nezha to help Wukong while he prepared to deal with Buda.

Wukong heard this and asked senpai to reconsider, he thought that senpai would kill Xuanzang Sanzang so that Buddha would stand still like a statue.

Wukong is a drunken glutton, unable to feel romantic love for any entity, but he does have a deep affection for the big-breasted woman, although that affection is of the older brother kind, and not in the degenerate otaku sense, he is a true big brother with no incestuous notions. I bet senpai wants to have that kind of healthy relationship with his sister, heh, poor fool.

Senpai explained to the monkey that he would not kill the woman, he would take care of Buddha.

Wukong was a little worried that Xuanzang Sanzang would be depressed if she sees Buddha die, but she has great willpower so she'll be fine, or well, she'll be fine as long as she's not left alone, she gets depressed easily when left alone. She is basically a rabbit with big breasts.

Wukong put all his strength into resisting Buddha's attack, Nezha took it upon himself to protect senpai, and my beloved senpai… I don't know what he's doing.

Senpai covered both blades with spiral energy and spun them around like a cowboy preparing a lasso before throwing it.

"What is Luis doing?" – The pancake loli asked as she ate pancakes.

"No idea" - I shrugged. – "Surely it is something that will give a lot of cringe and will fulfill the cliché of the protagonist doing something supposedly great, but that we all know is stupid and only someone with a severe case of chunibyo would do that"

The perverted siscon sneered at us. – "My little brother is not interested in watching stupid things on television, he bases his hero performance on children's programs that he watched when he took care of his sister"

"Luis is a Power Ranger?" – The loli seemed excited, she likes those programs.

"Well, Luis has two giant robots, multiple identities, and his Rasen attacks produce many lights..." -... I opened my mouth in disbelief. – "Oh god dead and forgotten, Luis is a Power Ranger! I need to go make fun of him to his face!"

We kept watching as Power Ranger Senpai soared into the sky, then he flipped over in the air, on his head…

"He looks ridiculous" – Kuuko snorted contemptuously, although that comment made the perverted siscon hit her head hard.

Still, I can deny that derogatory comment, senpai looks like a circus monkey.

On the ground below senpai a portal of spiral energy appeared, then senpai threw the swords towards the portal and began to pull as if trying to pull something very heavy out of the portal.

No really, what the hell is senpai doing?

Senpai was doing his usual fake Christian prayers as he called out a meaningless attack, it was only when he said the last word that we understood what he was doing.


From the portal came a piercing drilling sound that made the space tremble.

What came out of the portal was a massive amount of Rasen energy in the form of a drill.

"Ah, now I understand" – The idiot otaku smiled excitedly. – "The Damocles sword falls from the sky to execute the victim, but Buddha is the size of the universe so Luis cannot put the spiral portal on Buddha's head, so he turned himself upside down to invoke Damocles from the ground, at least that's the logic… If that attack was a real skill and not a made-up attack, then it would have a very forced and stupid logic…. I'm loving 'it! It's like watching a Ubisoft bug being turned into an ultimate attack!"

Senpai… I love you, but please stop trying to be creative, you embarrass me…

I sighed. – "It is such a stupid attack that I have no words to describe what I think…"

"My little brother is trying hard" – The perverted siscon was also enjoying this stupidity.

Only I am able to see how stupid this is?

Now I understand how senpai feels when we discuss stupid things that he doesn't care about...

As stupid and illogical as the attack was, I admit that the power was decent.

The drill did not just span a country, continent, or planet, that drill was the size of Buddha, the size of this artificial universe.

Oh, I think I understand now.

In senpai's group, there are some survivors from the Vatican. In "secret", they are recording everything that happens by means of a secret ability capable of storing memory fragments to later send them to Paradise.

The leaders of Paradise will see that the time senpai spent in the Lostbelt allowed him to evolve to the point of being comparable to a true veteran Hero, a being capable of facing apocalyptic entities without needing the help of large armies.

Although the girl Yui has a crush on senpai, she will also send this information to Lucifer in the hope that Lucifer will see senpai as a potential ally.

Now the multiverse will know that senpai is a Hero of great potential, not only because of his unwavering willpower but because of his respectable strength, and if that wasn't enough, he is also capable of healing souls.

Senpai will stop acting low-key and start reaching the great ranks, the levels of power where one battle can cause the destruction of entire Worlds.

Hmm, it'll be fun to see all the idiots start offering up their daughters for political marriages, all in order to gain control of the Hero of Harmony.

Ah, senpai says she hates problems, but she's always looking for new problems and women.

Well, that's why I love him~

The Rasen energy drill impacted with the Buddha's hand.

The drill wasn't pure energy, it was Gurren Lagann in the form of a drill that spanned the vastness of this universe.

Now that senpai can use all the spiral power and has the two spiral waifus, he can make the Gurren Lagann grow as big as the universe of the World where he is.

To give an example, in Danmachi there is no outer space, but the earthly world and the world of the gods, maybe there are also other small worlds, but I don't even know that canon so I won't consider them for now. In that world, the Gurren Lagann would only grow to the size of the human world and the world of gods combined.

On the other hand, in To Love-Ru, the Gurren Lagann will grow to encompass all the planets, galaxies, and constellations.

And Granzeboma can grow alongside Gurren Lagann...


The giant drill moved forward while destroying the Buddha's body. The fragments of the deity did not fall like meteors to the earth, but were consumed by blue flames and became part of the drill.

Both the enemy and allied soldiers stopped fighting and stared at the sky in disbelief.

Seeing a tornado of blue energy devour a golden colossus must have been shocking, especially if they are both the size of everything on top of the stars.

Senpai showed extreme exhaustion as if that attack had drained all of his magic reserves.

It's understandable that he shows weakness, if people think that he can do those kinds of attacks whenever he feels like it, then it's obvious that he's not a Hero, but a calamity.

That's the kind of final attack that a Veteran Hero only uses to deal with unbeatable invaders like us Outer Gods. Sure, something like that wouldn't be enough to destroy us, at most that attack would expel us from the World we're invading, although most likely the Hero will die from excessive use of energy.

Senpai's body was covered by the golden energy of Auriel's blessing, only that would explain why senpai didn't die despite having carried out the equivalent of a suicide attack.

Senpai's attack not only completely destroyed Buddha, but much of Qin Shi Huang's and Jade King's armies were also completely wiped out.

Senpai showed perfect control over the Rasen as not a single one of the female Servants was destroyed, only incapacitated, but senpai will make sure to collect them as spoils of war~

Half of emperor Qin's palace was also destroyed, and in a wonderful coincidence, the two goddesses that senpai wanted to save were released at the same time that Emperor Qin and the Jade King were badly injured.

The war practically ended in a single attack.

Hooray senpai! *applause*

"Nice light show, but I feel like this ending is anticlimactic" – The otaku idiot sighed with disappointment. – "I wanted to see more war, more epic moments…"

The pancake loli rolled her eyes. – "Buddha turned into fireworks, in my opinion, it was a good ending"

I clapped to get the attention of all the people present.

"Girls, don't forget the logic of RPG games!" – I smiled as excitement and euphoria filled my heart. – "After a final boss follows the real final boss, also known as phase two!"

"Hurrah!" – The otaku, the loli and the profanity towards the kitchen celebrated at the same time.

Even the perverted siscon and the disgusting yuri were excited.

At the back of the room, on a sofa, was the only person who was not happy with the situation.

Oops, almost forgot about her~

System Goddess was tied to the sofa by black tentacles, she was looking at us with exasperation.

"Hey pervert, she lets the pitiful goddess do the talking" – I spoke to the perverted siscon.

The tentacle covering the System Goddess's mouth moved away from her lips letting her speak. Just to clarify, the tentacle acted as a bandage to cover the mouth, not in a sexual way, only senpai can fill waifus holes.

"Did they really have to tie me up? I didn't even think of fighting or betraying you" – System Goddess sighed with annoyance.

I smiled. – "This is more fun, also, when senpai gets angry, he won't punish you since you're also a victim, you're welcome~"

"…." – System Goddess looked at us blankly. – "Please, also cover my eyes, I do not want to experience Luis's irrational fury, his revenge is something that even heaven fears"

It will hurt a lot, but it will be worth it~ I hope so... Now I'm beginning to doubt this plan...

Oh well, I'll put the blame on Koyanskaya.


"All ready?" – I smiled towards my accomplices in crime.

The cheerful group of mentally deranged idiots nodded.

Before me, was a gelatinous body of black color, which was the temporary mold for the plague doctor.

By the way, before the Lostbelt was activated, senpai's angel wife (Seraph) told us that the leaders of large organizations had given the plague doctor a code name, Dr. Madness. It seems that senpai is not the only one who lacks creativity, that name is so stupid that I feel cringe.

I wanted to call him Dr. Mengele, but senpai said that such a name would bring a lot of trouble. Not that we were on Twitter...

Anyway, the current body of Dr. Madness looks and is very unstable compared to the first time we built it since we are missing the main ingredient, Ortro-chan.

Little Ortro-chan is the base of Dr. Madness's body since she has the best control of black blood in liquid form, but she definitely wouldn't help us with this little game so we had to improvise.

The body is made up of Cthylla's tentacles and Hastur's spiders, which makes it much more resistant and robust than the body made by Ortro-chan's blood, but also less flexibility and adaptability.

For now, it's better than nothing~

Piloting that thing is like piloting a Megazord, we all have to work together to coordinate or our abilities will destroy the artificial body, but for that, there is an easy solution, the other idiots just have to follow my instructions~

Even though they hate me, they can't deny that I'm the only one who knows how to act among this group of idiots.

Thus, we all enter the core of Dr. Madness... I insist that this name is stupid.

The otaku idiot won't be joining us since she has her own role in this little play.

Hehehe, I hope senpai has a lot of fun with what we're going to do~

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Bukarocreators' thoughts