
No Otaku with Harem System (English Version)

A young man with a troubled life runs into more trouble after meeting an annoying fairy. "Hey Listen! It's time to start the adventure!" "A fucking giant fly! I have to kill him!" "Wait wait! I'm here to guide you!" Watch the adventures of Luis and the fly Navi on their way to becoming a King of the Harem. "King of the Harem sounds troublesome" "Hey Listen! You can get a lot of money and power!" "What are you waiting for ?! Let's go for that harem !!" ---------- ---------- I don't speak English and I am using Google Translate with Grammarly to translate my novel. I accept corrections in the comments paragraph Warning: The first 45 chapters are a lot of internal monologues since it was my beginnings writing a novel, I'm sorry if it's annoying for some readers but I hope you can give my work a chance after that point. I hope you enjoy my work ---------- ---------- www. patreon.com / Bukaro For advanced chapters. ----------------- https: // ko-fi.com / bukaro If you like my work, support me with a small donation

Bukaro · Anime & Comics
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404 Chs

Chapter 246 (3): Story of Arifureta 2

Luis told what happened after the fall into the abyss.

The bottom of the dungeon was full of monsters more terrifying than anything seen on the surface, the traps could kill an elite knight with the slightest carelessness, the resources were limited and there was no food.

The upper floors of the dungeon were a tutorial while the real challenge was in the depths.

Although the students found it hard to imagine that such a horrible place could exist, Luis didn't care if they doubted his words.

Luis said that he managed to reach the bottom of the dungeon where there was an exit that sent him to the Reisen Canyon where he met Yue and Shea with whom he began to travel. Luis also made it clear that both girls were now his wives, which caused some tension in the atmosphere, but Luis kept talking nonchalantly.

Luis mentioned that he met Myu when he had a conflict with slave traders and adopted her as his daughter, now he was traveling to find the girl's mother.

As for Tio, Luis said that same day he was walking as he wanted to show Myu about the world, coincidentally he met a crazy dragon so he hit the dragon to turn it into grilled meat.

The dragon had been controlled by dark magic and the beating helped bring it back to consciousness, though Luis's violence aroused something additional in the terrifying dragon.

The dragon turned into a beautiful woman and swore allegiance to Luis so now Luis had a masochistic pet.

The students were amazed by the story and asked many questions spending a whole day chatting.

Luis bid them farewell as he needs to find Myu's mother, but promised that he would return to the Great Orcus Labyrinth after finding Myu's mother.

The students were a bit more reassured knowing that Luis was safe, although they were worried that Luis would travel on his own.

Aiko tried to convince Luis to return to them, but Luis insisted that Myu is his current priority since it is cruel to separate a girl from her mother.

In the end, the teacher accepted Luis's words with concern, but before she asked Luis to return the knights who became invertebrate jellyfish to normal.

Luis readjusted the bones of the knights and they did not dare to speak again near the womanizing boy, they were totally traumatized.

So Luis separated himself from the group of heroes, or so it seemed.

That night Luis contacted Aiko and Marika.

Luis told the information that could not be revealed in front of the knights and other students, the truth about that world.

Luis explained that at the bottom of the dungeon he found information about Ehit and that the war against the demons was just a game for the gods.

Luis made sure that Aiko understood how dangerous that world was so that she would be careful, moreover, Luis decided to trust the kind teacher and told her the truth about Gaia with the help of Marika since she came from an important family which gave her access to secret information.

Aiko was surprised to learn that her home world had a supernatural side to it, but this helped increase her trust towards Luis as he had more experience and knowledge in dealing with magical matters.

Luis said that he was a subordinate of the Ichijo family so he would need Aiko's help so that the students understand that they cannot use their new skills carelessly when they return to Gaia since there are strict rules that must be followed to guarantee peace of the human world.

Luis also mentioned that he found clues to have a way to get the group back to Gaia so now he just needed more information.

Aiko agreed to follow Luis's directions while feeling secretly happy to feel that the distance between her and Luis had decreased, although she was not aware of her own feelings.

Luis said that he would be in town for a couple of days and then he would go to look for Myu's mother so if a problem arises he will be around to help.

Luis left after the talk with the women, leaving Marika with a contemplative expression.

Marika had a feeling that Luis had hidden important information and that things were not that easy since if Ehit saw this world as a game then he would not allow Luis to spoil the fun.

This generated a terrifying thought for the girl, Luis had the confidence to face a God.

The Tachibana family had contact with some of the deities that looked after Japan so it was hard for her to imagine that a human could match that power.

Marika began to feel insecure about her plan to cancel her deal with Luis, although slowly she had begun to resign herself to being the womanizer's lover.

The next day the students were alerted that an army of monsters was heading to the city so they had to escape.

The citizens were anxious as this meant losing their homes, jobs, and belongings, but they did not have the strength to fight thousands of crazed monsters.

Despite the danger, Aiko sought out Luis for help as she was hurt to see so many innocent people losing their homes and she trusted that Luis would have a way to fix this mess.

The monsters seemed to be being guided by the same person who tried to control Tio's mind, one of the students named Yukitoshi Shimizu.

Aiko felt guilty for not guiding her students correctly and asked Luis for help to protect the city and stop Yukitoshi but they didn't kill him.

Luis agreed to help, but in exchange, he asked for a date when things calmed down.

Although it was obvious that Luis was joking, Aiko agreed to go on a date with her student while her face turned red.

Luis led his group to the outskirts of the city and prepared the defenses.

Yue used earth magic to form a large wall surrounding the city, then Shea and Tio made several attacks to form multiple craters to prevent the monsters from charging in full force.

There was still time before the attack so the citizens and heroes decided to help and formed various traps to protect the city.

Finally, the army of 60,000 monsters came rushing in to destroy the city.

Yue and Tio used magic to attack from a distance while Shea and Luis directly attacked the army as they both specialized in close combat.

Shea's strength surprised humans as rabbit-type demihumans were known to be attractive but weak so to see a cute girl using a heavy hammer to devastate everything in her path was impressive.

Even though Shea, Yue, and Tio were doing a great job of eliminating the monsters, the most conspicuous was the boy.

Luis used the Blades of Chaos to destroy everything in his path like a meat grinder. Luis used the chains of the swords as whips and in each movement dozens of monsters were cut, spreading blood throughout the battlefield.

The brutality of Luis's attacks alarmed the monsters' survival instincts so some managed to break the mind control and escape back to the North Mountain Range.

Within a couple of hours, the army was reduced to smears of blood and intestines littering the ground.

Luis captured the student as Aiko and the students closed in.

The student was yelling stupid things about being the real protagonist and that Luis was just trash.

Luis got tired of the stupid things so he beat the boy unconscious, then tied him up so he wouldn't escape.

The situation was now calm, but at that time there were two sneak attacks.

The traitorous student's chest was destroyed causing his death.

The second attack was aimed at Aiko, but Luis managed to hug the woman's waist to move her away from danger.

The heroes saw that the attacker was a demon riding a dragon.

Luis was furious that someone tried to kill Aiko, but he was unable to attack the demon as the teacher pleaded with him to save the life of the student who had commanded the monster army.

Luis didn't have to attack the demon as Tio turned into a dragon and attacked the demon causing the enemy to run away after receiving injuries all over his body.

Aiko cried when Luis informed her that it was impossible to save the student since he died instantly.

Luis stayed two days in the city to comfort the teacher, which made Aiko feel more attached to her student.

Aiko managed to regain her composure determined to protect her other students so Luis was able to continue his journey, though before he left one of the girls approached him to talk.

Student Yuka Sonobe wanted to thank Luis since she was the girl that Luis helped on the day of the accident in the dungeon and she had felt very guilty for treating him like some kind of monster or criminal.

Luis said no problem, but if she really wanted to thank him they could have a date when they got back to Japan.

Yuka accepted this as she had a mixture of admiration, gratitude, and favor towards Luis for everything that had happened.

Thus Luis continued his journey to meet Myu's mother while Aiko reported Luis's appearance to the other students causing multiple reactions.

Women like Shizuku Yaegashi and Kaori Shirasaki wept with happiness upon learning that Luis was alive.

Among the male students, only Hajime Nagumo was happy with the news the other students seemed disappointed and frustrated since the news of Luis facing an army of monsters spread quickly.

Several students increased their efforts to become stronger as they couldn't allow Luis to get the better of them.

This was most noticeable in Kouki Amanogawa who had become obsessed with being strong to the point of acting like an aggressive idiot against his friends and companions, however, his efforts were paying off as his power grew every day, although it was strange that now he seemed to be a believer of the god Ehit.

On the other hand, the king and the church heard about the power of Luis and sent several search squads to help Luis, but the truth is that these squads had the mission to eliminate the hero since a hero they could not control was an obstacle.

On the other hand, Queen Luluaria S. B. Heiligh also moved some secret troops to search for Luis and inform him about the movements of the church since she had discovered that her husband seemed to have gone mad.

Although it seemed that the queen cared for Luis since he and Princess Liliana S. B. Heiligh were very close, the truth is that the queen had affectionate feelings for the boy who told them stories and tales.

So a couple of weeks passed until Luis arrived at the territory of the newts to meet Myu's mother.

The merfolk were hostile at first as the humans were constantly trying to capture them to sell as luxury slaves, but calmed down when Myu said that it was Luis who protected her.

Although the mermen did not want to let Luis enter the city, they resigned themselves as Myu refused to part with Luis and when they tried to take Muy by force, a single look from Luis made them give up.

So Luis met Myu's mother, a beautiful mermaid named Remia.

Remia had seen a strange message in the air that offered her a wish in exchange for being the wife of the 'Harem King'.

She was desperate to get her daughter back so she didn't mind selling her soul to the devil so she accepted the Contract.

Remia already knew that she would arrive that day and she showed no regret in becoming part of Luis's harem, she was only grateful to get her daughter back.

The beautiful woman was a little worried that Luis was a degenerate. She didn't mind suffering, but she didn't want someone dangerous to get close to Muyu.

Remia's worries were unnecessary as she saw that Luis was very careful with Myu.

Seeing the fatherly side of Luis made Remia happy with her decision to accept the Contract so she willingly agreed to be his wife.

Luis explained that he was from another world and that he would only stay a couple of days in the city of the merfolk, then he would have to continue his journey to find a way to return home.

Remia and Myu agreed to follow Luis to the other world since they were a family now, although Remia was worried that she would become an obstacle during the trip since she had no fighting strength.

Luis told her that she shouldn't worry and she could stay in the city until Luis found a way to travel to Japan.

Luis showed his spatial skill so that he could visit them every two days, although they also had to prepare to leave since it was possible that by traveling to Japan they would never be able to return to that world of magic.

Remia was famous for her kind attitude and beautiful appearance so she had many friends, but she was willing to walk away from that life to follow Luis. Myu was the same since her new father was more important than the other merfolk.

Luis left after a couple of days where he showed his good qualities as a husband, though Remia's pride was hurt by testing Luis's cooking abilities so she promised to improve on her wifely abilities.

Luis continued his journey to the dungeons making his relationship with Shea and Yue closer, he also shared his secrets with Tio causing the woman to be surprised by Luis's power, although this seemed to have stimulated her masochistic fetishes.

Luis managed to complete most of the dungeons while his reputation increased as he got involved in flashy events.

Luis' achievements put pressure on the students who hated him, causing several students to look for alternative methods to become stronger.

Some heroes chose another path and decided to make deals with the demons to get what they wanted.

After much effort, the students managed to advance in the Great Labyrinth of Orcus.

When the group of students was eating during a break, hundreds of monsters began to emerge from secret passages.

When the group of students was eating during a break, hundreds of monsters began to emerge from secret passages.

The students had trouble defending themselves as their bodies felt too weak.

Due to the conflicts, the students had separated into two groups, one led by Kouki and the other led by Shizuku.

Kouki's group was stronger as they had the best fighting skills, but they found out too late that the food was poisoned preventing them from fighting. It wasn't actually a deadly poison, but rather a sleeping pill that couldn't be perceived by poison detection skills.

Shizuku's group had their own food so they could fight with no problem, but the sheer number of monsters was overwhelming.

The worst thing is that the students didn't just have to face the monsters.

The students screamed in horror as two students were stabbed in the back, their executioners being students now working for the demons.

Two demons surrounded the monsters, the students were in a panic and the strongest group couldn't fight back.

At that moment, the person who planned this betrayal, the student Eri Nakamura, was shown.

Eri was a necromancer so she was able to manipulate the corpses of the monsters so that the number of enemies did not decrease causing the students to be seriously injured.

She also managed to influence the mind of the hero Kouki who was the strongest student so Shizuku's group began to take casualties. Interestingly no one noticed that only men were dying.

The only reason Shizuku's group managed to resist the onslaught was because of Akane Hiyama's help.

The red-haired yandere had no interest in the lives of the students and in reality, she would be happy if all the women in the group died in horrible ways since that would decrease the number of women in her husband's harem.

Despite her personal wishes, Akane protected Shizuku and Kaori since Luis gave her that mission and she had chosen to share Luis since little is better than nothing.

Akane had contacted Luis to report the sudden attack so she could get help.

The fight intensified and the number of dead increased.

Shizuku was now standing in front of Kouki who now looked like an emotionless puppet.

Akane was busy killing the traitorous students and the undead so she couldn't help the swordsman girl.

Shizuku was tired and she couldn't defend herself anymore so Kouki's next attack could kill her.

As Kouki's sword was about to cut off the beautiful girl's head, the roof of the dungeon shattered as two chained swords stabbed into the ground in front of Shizuku.

Luis appeared from the hole in the ceiling accompanied by three beautiful women, Yue, Shea, and Tio.

Shizuku's group was happy to see Luis, even the group that hated him was glad that someone came to save them.

Luis instructed Shea and Tio to protect the students while he and Yue stood guard against the puppet Kouki.

The students who had joined the demons began to threaten Luis while saying their true intentions.

Some students were blinded by power, others were seeking lust. Each one stated their motives for joining the demons as they had the confidence to win because of the advantage in numbers.

Luis ignored them and focused on Kouki.

Although Kouki looked like Eri's puppet, Luis could see the truth, that was no longer Kouki but the vessel of the god Ehit.

Luis threatened Ehit making the god sigh in annoyance, Ehit was upset that his entertainment was interrupted.

Eri was in disbelief as she now understood that Ehit had used her to take control of Kouki while the boy had already died.

Eri had a mental breakdown since her only reason to live was Kouki. She was so desperate that she tried to destroy herself but was stopped by the only person who still considered her friend, Suzu Taniguchi.

Suzu was sad and furious since her boyfriend died because of Eri's actions, but she also didn't want Eri to die since she thought that everything was a plan of the god Ehit and in reality, Eri was just another victim.

Suzu tried to make Eri see reason so she wouldn't kill herself, but the conversation between both girls was interrupted by Ehit as the god was bored with the drama.

Ehit was about to kill Suzu so Eri rushed to protect her best friend.

Eri regretted her actions as she saw Kouki's sword going for her neck, but she was surprised to see that the god's attack was stopped.

Luis protected both girls by pushing Ehit back.

Eri didn't understand why Luis protected her even though she caused such a mess, but Luis' answer was simple, it would be a waste to let such pretty girls die.

Luis began to fight against the god taking advantage of the fact that Ehit had not gotten used to using Kouki's body.

Shea and Tio faced the demons while Yue supported both Luis and the girls.

The battle shook the dungeon, but the situation changed when a second god appeared, but this time using the king's body as a vessel.

Luis was in trouble as the king not only had the power of a god, he was holding an unconscious woman and girl.

The king threatened to kill the queen and princess if Luis didn't surrender so Luis had to drop his weapons and raise his hands in surrender while motioning for Yue, Shea, and Tio to back off.

The god Alva released the princess and queen, then rushed to attack Luis.

Ehit also rushed in and both gods stabbed Luis with their swords, Ehit pierced through the heart and Alva through the neck.

The women screamed in horror at the sight of Luis receiving both attacks making the demons and traitors laugh with pride.

Ehit and Alva smiled, but they quickly sensed danger so they tried to escape, unfortunately for them, it was too late.

His heart pierced and his throat almost severed, Luis pulled the chains of the Blades of Chaos to bring both blades into his hands.

Ehit managed to escape by sacrificing his partner while Alva was cut in half.

Although Alva was a god using the king's body as a vessel, his spirit form was severely damaged because Luis's swords were made to kill gods.

Ehit showed fear upon seeing Alva's death so he tried to run away, but his back was stabbed by a stone knife.

Akane was furious at the injuries Luis received so she ignored the danger and attacked Ehit with the weapon specially designed to ignore the Destiny (Plot Armor) of a chosen one (protagonist).

Akane had this weapon to kill Kouki if the boy became a danger and although it was a powerful weapon created with Luis's blood and the System Goddess's alchemy, it was not a weapon capable of killing a God.

Even though Ehit didn't die, he couldn't use his skills so he couldn't defend against Shea's attack which destroyed his bones.

At the same time, Tio turned into a dragon and used her strongest attack to attack Ehit.

As the girls attacked the god, Yue rushed over to Luis to use healing magic.

Although Yue didn't need healing magic since her innate ability is regeneration, she learned from Luis' mentality to learn a bit of everything.

Luis's throat was healed, but losing his heart was a hard wound to heal with magic so Luis was slowly dying.

Shizuku and the other girls approached Luis to help him.

Kaori hurriedly used her healing abilities and managed to stabilize Luis.

Shizuku tried to help Luis lie down to rest, but he was stubborn to stand up to fight Ehit.

Akane and Shea were hurt while Tio was running out of magic power so at this rate the god could kill some of the women.

Shizuku gritted her teeth and decided to help Luis even though he was sad that he had to kill Kouki since they were childhood friends.

Shizuku attacked Ehit to get her attention causing the god to arrogantly sneer and attack the woman.

Yue and Suzu protected Shizuku while several undead attacked Ehit.

Eri had chosen to redeem herself and eliminate the god. Although she felt sadness and guilt for Kouki's death, she had found a new motivation to live so she would strive to protect her only friend and the man who was willing to help her despite being a traitor.

Ehit was distracted for a moment and that was enough for Luis to attack him from behind.

Luis attacked violently cutting Kouki's body into small pieces of meat until the body turned into a pool of blood.

That was the end of the age of the gods in Tortus and the beginning of the age of the hero Luis.



Author's Note:

This concludes this volume, the next chapter will be the beginning of a new volume.

A big hug for everyone <3

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