

Salgurish had heard his mouse squeak and he knew it was no regular thing for his mouse to do because Retly the mouse only squeaked, when it sensed a living soul.

Magnus quickly tried to apparate from there with Arishem but for some reason, it wasn’t working.

Arishem didn’t know what was going on but before he and Magnus could make any moves, the frost demon named krezon used gresh dust to reveal Magnus’ original form but it didn’t work on Arishem.

Krezon dragged Magnus in front of Salgurish and made him kneel.

“What a wonderful surprise to see the devil’s loyal servant” laughed Salgurish while Krezon was curious about this vampire who could conceal his presence.

“Well, I am not surprised to see that you could conceal your presence afterall you belong to Azazel,” said Salgurish.

“And you must probably be scared that if the devil’s servant could evolve then just how powerful is Azazel?” said Magnus and that earned him a stab from Krenon’s frost dagger.

“You had better shut your shit hole else Cyclops wouldn’t mind stirring you with the sacrificial babies boiling in the furnace,” said Krezon.

Arishem was feeling guilty because Magnus being caught was all his fault but no worries now was the time to test the lightening he had been feeling in his veins.

“What is your name red eyes?” asked Salgurish to Magnus

“Everything you are not worth” replied Magnus haughtily.

“Kill him Krezon don’t worry he’ll still end up in hell and Azazel would still resurrect him,” said Salgurish.

“And when you are resurrected Magnus, tell Azazel that Felicia died during cooking for sacrifice to me” added Salgurish, though it was a lie, as that wasn’t the way Felicia had died but even Azazel didn’t know.

Only Arishem would’ve been able to know, but he still couldn’t remember the past he spent as human, with his mother on earth.

Now Arishem was mad because this creature had captured him, and also killed his mother.

He was now sure the recent current he had been feeling in his veins, was to vanquish this disgusting slimy leech of the lowest thrivers on earth.

As soon as Krezon was about to roll Magnus over to Cyclops, Arishem stepped out.

“Master please leave or I won’t know what to tell master Azazel if anything happens to you,” said Magnus.

“Oh, I see so you finally decided to come here after you escaped the reincarnation circle?, What a wonderful reunion” said Salgurish.

Arishem didn’t utter a word, causing the others to give confused and suspicious looks.

Magnus soon noticed what was wrong.

Arishem’s eyes were now blazing like that of Azazel, golden flames along with blue streaks could be seen burning in Arishem’s eyes, and with one swing of his hand which was holding what looked like a sharo rod dipped in lava, Cyclops’ head fell off his neck with his one eye still opened in fright.

Magnus used the opportunity to take down Krenon and tore him open with his newly bestowed hell claws.

Salgurish tried to whip Arishem with his shady cloak when Arishem caught hold of it like it was nothing and set it in flames.

Now Salgurish understood why Azazel never came to fight or kill him, it was because he didn’t need to if Arishem could do the job.

Salgurish fled from there, promising to come back again, with his legion this time.

While Arishem took Magnus out, and set the shitty hole of Salgurish in flames.

“Master are you hurt?” asked Magnus to Arishem.

“No, I’m fine but you look hurt Magnus,” said Arishem

“No master I’m fine,” said Magnus.

When Magnus took Arishem back to the castle of Dorne, he went back to hell to await Azazel’s punishment for him.

In hell, Flamer could be seen stirring a big pot of acidic content with Magnus in it.

The pot was put on Azazel’s eternal fire which hurt much more than any other fire that existed in the world.

“After Krezon wanted to pick me and throw me to Cyclops for sacrificial….. I forgot,…..” Magnus was explaining what happened in Salgurish’s domain, to Azazel amidst the torture he was currently enduring.

“So you forget when your master sends you on errands” demanded Azazel furiously.

“No master I remember, Master Arishem…" Magnus paused, he had forgotten he wasn’t supposed to tell Azazel that he had taken Arishem with him.

‘Oh no that ice scales demon was right my blabbing mouth has finally put me in trouble’ thought Magnus.

“Magnus!” thundered the voice of Azazel “why in seven hells did you take my son with you?”

“Master please forgive me I didn’t want to disobey master Arishem,” said Magnus.

“Stir the acid more Flamer” commanded Azazel which Flamer gladly obliged to still wearing his devilish smirk.

The moment Flamer started stirring the acid Magnus screamed,

“Master! Arishem fought Salgurish and he fled”.

Azazel quickly signalled Flamer to stop stirring Magnus and sent him out of his chambers.

Azazel ordered Magnus to step out of the pot, which Magnus gladly did and he stepped out in his skeletal form which didn’t cover with flesh immediately because he had been boiling under Azazel’s eternal flames and not just any flame.

After Magnus told Azazel of what Arishem had done to Salgurish today, Azazel was proud that his son took after him though, Magnus didn’t tell Azazel that Arishem was not proud to be his son.

Back in the castle of Dorne, Levi was apologizing to his son if he had been too strict on him lately because even though Elena had not noticed, Levi had seen through the illusion and knew that Arishem had done it so his parent wouldn’t know he was out.

“Don’t be like this father, you have been the best father to me until now and I promise I won’t make you and mother worry anymore” said Arishem, and Levi hugged him which Elena later joined when she walked into Arishem’s room.

Today Salgurish thought he had escaped but Arishem had brought with him Salgurish’s cloak.

When Salgurish had tried to whip him with his cloak, he had used the illusive art Magnus had shown him today, and the flame was fake which even Magnus had failed to notice.

There was something in Salgurish’s cloak which looked like an emerald seal and Arishem was sure that was what Salgurish used to control the supposed legion, he had spoken about because he couldn’t order them directly without the seal and Arishem was going to use that against Salgurish.