
Fight In The Alley

Letty took the honey cake from Arishem’s hand then she slowly put it in her mouth and she took a bite from it.

Arishem watched as the honey dripped down her pale pink lips then down her slender fingers, he suddenly had the urge to lock her or tie her next to him forever. 

When Letty had finished the honey cake, she raised her hand to lick the residues of honey on her fingers when Arishem leaned closer to her and his tongue peeked out, he licked her fingers clean then he sat back at his original position like he hadn’t done anything at all. 

“Why are you staring at me, unless you want me to lick the honey on your lips too”, said Arishem with a serious look. 

Letty quickly looked away from him but she still looked stunned but she didn’t forget this was her prince and just because he said she could call him by his name didn’t mean she forgot her respect for him and she quickly said “I’m sorry for staring my prince”.