
Dangerous Play

In the castle of Dorne, Levi was listening to the parting farewells of the king’s and Queens of the other four kingdoms which he exchanged with his own.

After the others had entered their carriages, king Gerald walked over to Levi then said……

“be careful”, and with that he left.

Levi thought everyone had left the castle grounds, until he saw Quince walking towards him in an hurried manner.

On getting to Levi, Quince asked him “do you by chance know the prophecies of the infamous mad woman?”

“No, why do you ask?” said Levi, Quince didn’t bother asking nor replying he just said his farewells and went on his way.

Levi didn’t know why Quince asked him that question but nonetheless he just brushed it of his mind.

He had a ton full of work to do today so he decided to start early.

During breakfast this morning, Allegra seemed lost because she kept remembering what her personal witch Molly had told her yesterday.

When she had told Molly about what happened during their hunting, for some reason Molly was scared and had told her to stop her plans on killing Arishem, because it seemed like his father already knew.

Allegra had been confused about the father part because if it was Levi he would have probably beheaded her for treason because she believed he was waiting for that chance, and no other father except Elena had slept with some other man, which was not possible because even though she sometimes called Elena a whore she knew she was a faithful wife to her husband Levi.

‘I would leave the thinking for another time. Right now, I have other things to do’ thought Allegra.

In Elena’s room, she was reading a book to Arishem when she saw him looking focused as though he understood what she was saying.

Elena had read him two of his baby books but today it seemed like he didn’t want to sleep, not that she minded.

Elena brought Arishem out of his crib, then brought him to the reading table and asked him to pick a book he would love her to read even though she knew he couldn’t understand what she asked, until Arishem haphazardly pointed at a book.

She was surprised but she decided to still look at the book and the title read....

“A Tale Of gods and men”.

She was about to start reading when she heard her personal maid’s voice outside saying…..

“My queen the king has summoned you for, the supreme house are here”.

“Tell him I would be on my way” replied Elena.

“Yes my queen” Reyna the maid said and left to delivery the message.

“My little teaser be patient okay we’ll read the story later together I promise” said Elena to Arishem and with that, she picked him, and they went to the royal court room.

“ Lady Selina what a pleasant surprise” said Levi to the Leader of the supreme house.

“Good to see you my king” she greeted with a slight bow.

The other members were Karen, Zeke, Eliot, Dester and Barron who also offered and exchanged greetings with King Levi.

Immediately after the greetings, Elena walked in with Arishem in her arms.

Elena exchanged a slight bow with all the members of the supreme house.

“So what brings you here Lady Selina?” asked Levi.

“To wish you King Levi and your wife Queen Elena on your safe delivery” answered Selina.

“We actually came to take care of something in the kingdom next to yours so we decided to come congratulate you both, since we couldn’t make it to prince Arishem’s celebration”, said Dester.

“Congratulations my king and Queen for your safe delivery to your first child” wished Selina and the other members of the supreme house.

“Thank you all, why don’t you stay for dinner?” asked Levi.

“We wouldn’t want to impose my king and besides we’re in a bit of a hurry maybe some other time my king” declined Selina, with that Levi bade them farewell and they Left, but not without dropping the gifts like linens and many others, which they had brought with them.

Somewhere in the kingdom of the unknown there was blood on the grounds where strange creatures walked and a faint sound of people could be heard screaming as though in pain but if the ear was not strained, the sound was nonexistent.

In the chamber of their king Magnus was seen knelt on the ground and his true appearance was only his skeleton and his bony skull was being slowly crushed under the foot of his master,

“Master, master please forgive me I will not drink blood from the mortal world any more and I shall tell no mortal any thing concerning your domain master”.

“Rise Magnus I have an errand for you” said the one who was crushing Magnus’ head, beneath his feet.

“yes master” replied Magnus ready to cause mischief to mortals with a dark smile on his face.

“Go to the land of mortals and closely watch the mortal aunt of my descendant, you will be granted your spirit form for this errand and come back to me with news. If done well, master will increase your position in this land”.

“Yes master” replied Magnus.

“Now go Magnus” and with that Magnus vanished to accomplish his errand.

Allegra had gone to attend one of Lady Macbeth’s soirees.

“How is our Prince?” asked Lady Macbeth to Allegra.

“Prince Arishem is fine Lady Macbeth” replied Allegra.

“I heard you and your husband Advisor Antonio still can’t bear a child what a pity” said one of the Ladies named Sylvia.

“That’s true Lady Sylvia thank you for your concern but I heard after giving birth to your first child men tend to feel bored I suggest you keep an eye on your husband and one of your maids named Thalia was it?” said Allegra to Sylvia, with an ignorant and nonchalant look.

“Excuse me ladies”said Sylvia, as she soon left the soiree ashamed and fuming in anger.

Allegra knew that even though she was the King’s sister the women here regarded her as nothing because she had also been married of to some foreign lord and because of this she was determined to participate in this dangerous Play for the throne to show this women their places.

In Elena’s room, she decided to open the book Arishem had picked when she read a line that said the leader of the dark gods had two different eye colors which were the flames burning in his eyes and blue as calm as the oceans.

She was stunned so she decided to confirm by checking again but when she checked again she didn’t see it so she concluded that it was just sleep, probably messing with her mind so she retired to bed with her husband and son.