
A Little Exercise Of Power

After two years in the kingdom of Dorne, the kingdom was still as peaceful as ever.

Now Arishem was two years old, he could walk and as for his looks, he was like a cute miniature version of a king with severe expressions. Arishem was handsome than ever.

Allegra gathered her minions, who would help her in dethroning Levi and as for Elena, her love and happiness for her son and husband was much more than ever, she felt like her heart would blow up from the excessive glee.

If this was all a dream, then Elena wished never to wake up.

During these past two years, someone had also been attending to his errands.

Magnus had been keeping a keen eye on Allegra and her minions by his master’s wishes.

He was sure his master was going to reward him greatly so he continued to work diligently.

Allegra was on her way to minister Fegural’s mansion to covet his services for herself so that when she became the queen of Dorne she would have him as her most trusted advisor.

Allegra knew he was going to agree because Levi treated him with ignorance but if he were to be her advisor he would be the most significant person in the royal court. Inside Fegural’s house,

“I will make you my most trusted advisor when I become queen”, said Allegra.

“My Lady so you want me to betray King Levi and support you to become Queen and even after you are queen?” asked Fegural.

“Yes I presume”, replied Allegra.

"I know Levi treats you like an insignificant fly, but you want to come up in power and society, which I, can make happen if only you are willing to follow my proposal and demands,” said Allegra to Fegural, still trying to get him on her side.

“Then I shall assist you with this task for as long as you wish”, replied minister Fegural.

“Then I believe it is settled” answered Allegra.

Again, Allegra had gained one more supporter on her side.

'let me see if Levi can survive what is coming for him’ thought Allegra as she headed back to the Castle.

While Magnus in his spiritual form, watched Allegra without her notice of him.

In the royal courtroom, which was painted in white, heavy red curtains were raised to let the rays of the sun get into the room, as the light reflected on the portraits of Levi Izidel and the entire Izidel family including Queen grandmother Aurora who had been laying in bed sick almost dead before she had gone missing and still hadn’t been found.

Beside those old portraits, there was Levi and his family with Arishem when he was just three months old and these portraits, were the first ones to be covered in acrylic which had Arishem as two years in his mother Elena’s arms who was seated, and his father standing close to Elena with his eyes fixated on her.

Today, Besides Levi having attended court meetings, he had noticed that most of the ministers were acting indifferent to the kingdom matters and he suspected no one else but his dear sister, Allegra to be responsible for their nonchalant attitude.

He had decdied to give her room for a change of heart because he still had hope for her but it seemed like he would need to exercise a little power on his ministers.

Thinking of Allegra, he had heard she was hoarding tax money which was meant to develop a few villages in Dorne.

Antonio was the one whom he had assigned to collect tax, so he suspected that was probably the reason why Allegra could do such.

Then very well, Levi was going to address these matters tomorrow.

Deep within the forest, behind the walls surrounding the castle.

A maid could be seen running between trees that no birds sat atop and there was not a sound of even the hooting owls at night, it seemed as though the moonlight couldn’t penetrate the shade of the tall trees with broad and thick lush green leaves, to cast light on the grounds.

The stench of blood and death was prominent in the air of this secluded forest.

The maid kept running until she heard the howling sound of a wolf-like creature, but due to her will to live, she kept running.

She could hear the howling creature getting closer with every step she took forward and when she thought she was finally going to die, she fell on her knees and waited for its feral teeth to dig into her flesh and its claws to reap her apart.

She soon heard the sound of flesh tearing, and the of bones, breaking but it wasn’t hers so due to her curiosity, and her surprisingly still beating heart, she looked back to see a man standing close to the dead body of something that looked like a wolf and a man as though they were morphed.

“You shouldn’t be wandering alone in this forest child, run away while you still can,” said the stranger to the maid, without looking at her.

“Thank you, mister,” said the maid and with that, she ran as far as her lower limbs could take her.

The stranger who had saved the maid, was none other than Magnus.

“These damned creatures, master could easily kill their king and even vanquish their souls, I don’t know why master has not done that yet. Well, master always knows best. Lowly mortals should….” And just when he was about to keep ranting and mumbling, Magnus remembered that the mortal girl had said thank you to him.

The realization soon dawned on him that he was no longer in his spiritual form, He had turned visible so he could destroy this beast. Little did he know this little action was going to cost him a rank In hell.

The next morning in the royal court of the castle, Levi was addressing the issues of his ministers.

“Minister Fegural please step forward. Do you know why you are being summoned here today?” asked Levi to Fegural

“No my King” replied Fegural.

“What is the punishment for treason minister Kentus?”, asked Levi,

“Death my king” replied Kentus.

“And what is the punishment for stealing from the people minister William?” asked Levi,

“Imprisonment in the dungeon of the castle for as long as the king and the supreme house see fit or beheaded in the scaffold of one town in Dorne” replied William.

“I believe you all are familiar with this law which we must all abide by?” asked Levi

“Yes my king” they all chorused.

"Good” Levi uttered, before turning to the knight beside him.

“Tell lady Allegra and advisor Antonio, that the King has summoned them” said Levi to the knight.

The knight was quick on his heels to relay king Levi’s orders.

Arishem who had been in his room, was rummaging through the books in his room, when he noticed a white feather, trying to camouflage itself with the white marble floors of his room.

But when he went to touch it, the feather dispersed in little flames.

Little Arishem stood there, wondering what had just happened.

Arishem was about to move forward when he felt pain strike his chest. A cough soon bubbled in his throat.

Feeling the need to distil the thick liquid in his mouth, he went to his bathroom’s short sink and emptied the content of his mouth.

But albeit, the sink had turned red, letting the little prince catch sight of his blood for the very first time in his two years of existence.

Author's note: you can follow me on Instagram

just_trouble45, if you have questions to ask about the book and to see related pictures of NOWH(NO ONE WIN'S HIM).