
Chapter 17

Dan called Joy, although he should have called his friend. For a reason he himself did not understand, he preferred to talk to Joy.

"Hi Joy, it's Dan."

"Oh, where have you been? I was worried about you. We were all worried about you."

"She cares about me," he thought, finding it ironic.

"I'm fine, I just needed some peace and... solitude," he replied.

"Dan," said Joy.


"Do you like Jack?" Again, this question. What would she have done if Dan had answered "yes"? Would she have left her boyfriend for him? Would she have told Jack? Or would she have cut all ties with Dan? Only God knew.

Dan remained silent for a moment before answering.

"No, he's like a brother to me. I told you. But..." He paused, and Joy understood that she should just listen to what he had to say. "I was jealous of your relationship. He is my only family and my only friend."

"I know, Dan. And I will never take that away from you. I want to be your friend, too, and maybe even be part of your family if you'll have me."

Dan didn't know what else to say, except to apologize. He had always known that Joy was a very kind and polite person. "I'm sorry," he said timidly. "Sorry for treating you like a..." He paused, and Joy laughed on the other end of the phone.

"Like an intruder and a slut?"

"I'm sorry," Dan repeated.

"It's okay. All is forgiven. Let's start fresh. Let's be good friends." She told him that, and Dan thanked her.

"Co-congratulations on...you know..."

"My engagement? Yes, thank you Dan."

"You're welcome. And...tell Jack that I'm okay. I'm going back home. I'm missing home."

Joy understood. Dan wasn't talking about Jackson's house but about the family home, HIS home.

"Okay. I'll tell him. And..." She was really worried about him. "Keep in touch."

"Okay. Bye."

"Who was it?" Jack asked.

"Oh, Dan. He asked me to tell you not to worry." Joy then explained the conversation with Dan. Jack was thrilled.

"Let the party continue!" Joy exclaimed. The whole evening went on in a festive atmosphere, with Joy and her boyfriend holding each other close and getting swept up in the music.

The party had been a great success. It had been amazing and everyone had a great time. However, the hosts were very tired, especially Jack and Joy. Not only had they drunk too much, but they had also made love almost all night. Every time Jack woke up to go to the bathroom, he would wake Joy who enjoyed those moments of passion.

The next morning, the hangover was in full force with nausea and headaches. Thankfully, Jay had cleaned up everything and the house was as tidy as before the party. When they came downstairs, Jay led them to the dining room where he had prepared breakfast.

"Still no word from Dan?" Jay asked.

"He called yesterday, he's fine," Joy replied, massaging her temples, suffering from a horrible migraine.

"Have you taken any medication?"

"Yes, but it's not working. I still feel awful," Joy complained.

"Serves you right," Jay said, ruffling their hair before leaving them alone. Jay was eight years older than them.

"I will never drink again," Jack declared, making Joy laugh. She had the same resolution but knew they could never stop drinking.

"I should go back home after breakfast. I have nothing to wear," Jack said.

"I'll come with you."

"Okay. And since Dan won't be here," Jack said suggestively, "we could start our honeymoon early." He caressed Joy's thighs, intertwining them with his before kissing her passionately.

The kiss became more intimate, more sensual. Jack was already passionately caressing Joy's clitoris, causing pleasure-filled moans.

He slid his hands under Joy's dress, grabbing her breasts along the way. But they were interrupted by Jay who had come back to retrieve his keys.

"Don't tell me that...You..." he teased, looking disdainful. "Do that in your room."

Joy wasn't prudish, but she didn't like being caught in intimate moments with her boyfriend in front of her brother. This situation was embarrassing for her, she was red with shame. She covered her face and quickly went up the stairs to her room.

The two men exchanged a surprised look at Joy's childish behavior before bursting into laughter.

"She can be so cute!" Jay said.

"She always is," Jack replied, holding back his laughter a little. "Her innocence will always surprise me."

"We're talking about the same person, right?" Jay asked, laughing. "You're talking about my little sister Joy? She's not innocent at all. You haven't seen her in all her glory yet."

"How so?"

"You'll see. You're already engaged. You'll discover all the facets of her personality over time. She can't hide her true nature from you forever." Jack looked at his brother with confusion and perplexity.

"I believe I already know her very well. That's why I want to marry her."

"I don't doubt that. Don't worry. She loves you and... she's kind but like everyone, she has her ups and downs." Jay looked thoughtful for a moment before continuing. "She has a side that not even me, her brother..." He tried to say before grabbing his keys and leaving.

Jack didn't take Jay's words seriously. He could be strange too, constantly scrutinizing people as if judging them. Despite his polite and friendly appearance, Jack knew it was just a facade. Jay hid his true feelings too well behind a mask, a mask so well worn that no one noticed, except Jack. His gaze remained cold and dark, even when his dimples appeared on his cheeks when laughing or simply smiling.