
No One Will Ever Hurt You Again I Promise

For each of us, things and events present themselves differently. We cannot afford to be envious of the happiness of others. Happiness comes in different forms; we need to be attentive and know our needs to seize the opportunity when it arises. Do we know what it's like to love and be loved when we are young? Are our choices considered? We will never know if we never try it, and love does not wait for age. It falls on you. And fate? Does that mean anything to you? So no matter how hard you try to change it, it remains unchanged. What is written cannot be undone. At Woodhill, a private high school located in the heart of New York, the elites of this society come together to receive the best academic training of all time. All these teenagers are descendants of responsible and prosperous families. But as it is written, there are always exceptions when there are rules enacted somewhere. Among the rotten-spoiled petty-bourgeois, a few children from the small society are accepted as little geniuses. They all have brilliant brains; that's the only thing they have in common with New York City's future leaders. Again, there are a few exceptions among those who can afford academic training worthy of their social rank but do not have the required level. But as they say, between friends, we support each other. Money makes the law. Of course, you can be brilliant but can't afford to access Woodhill. On the other hand, if you are part of this bourgeois elite, you are unlikely to be denied access. There is a boy with the most interesting personality in this category, who is intelligent but does not have sufficient means. Some say that he is bipolar, others say that he has schizophrenia, and so many stories circulate about him, but no one really knows who he is. Howie is the name of this mysterious boy who is being chatted up in Woodhill. A god-sand-beautiful, intelligent, and talented boy who, unfortunately, is poor and disturbed. Some see him as a waste because of that.

Quentin_ikanu · Eastern
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75 Chs

An Unexpected Visitor

What do we have here, huh?

Todd had moved away from the dancing crowd, to find a quiet place to smoke a joint. A habit he has in common with his dear mother. When she's pissed off, there's only one way she can calm down, and that's by smoking a good joint out of sight.

He saw his sister go into the playroom with one of the twins. Her thinking was, that at least one of us got what she wanted. Which led him to walk away to smoke quietly. But when he noticed Howie was walking away from the crowd with suppressed rage and Ayke was on his heels who was hesitating between catching him or letting him vent his rage.

He figured he'd better hide behind the bushes to figure out what was going on.

So that's why you keep circling them like a vulture, huh?

Aike gently pulled out of Howie's embrace, when he pulled out of the hug completely, both of them feeling the emptiness that leaving this separation inside of them, he lifted his head towards Howie before both of them turned in the direction of Todd's voice. While this one continues drivel nonsense.

Who would have thought that under your pretentious and princely airs hid a filthy pervert without any decency?

The boys keep looking at him, they don't know what he means with all those nonsense words. You want to explain to us because we would like to understand you, intervene Ayke who can't stand it anymore since his behavior this morning.

Ah, you want to play this with me? Do you take me as an idiot or what? Not to offend you, Howie steps in this time, unable to keep his comment to himself for long, everyone knows you're as dumb as two left feet. So, if you want us to understand what you're talking about, you'll have to make a little more effort.

Dirty brat Todd yelled, rushing at Howie like a hurt animal. By reflex, as Aike was still in front of Howie, this one passed him behind him to withdraw him on the way of Todd who seems not to be in his normal state. Usually, he is only talking without any action. So to prevent this little confrontation from turning into a bloodbath, he did what he found to be the most appropriate, to prevent him from hitting Aike in his skid.

He still had Aike's hand in his when Todd came up to them, without the slightest effort or letting go of the hand he had in his, he grabbed Todd by his collar keeping him at a good distance from him. It reeked of weed and booze.

Dirty son of a bitch! Todd shouted as he struggled to get out of Howie's grip. Go back to your poor and disreputable neighborhood, we don't need you here, go throw your venom elsewhere, you shitty fagot. You're planning to infect everyone here so you can take their fortune, you cocksucker, right?

Howie picked him up a little, which was not noticed by the boys who witnessed Todd's speechless stupidity, and without thinking, he threw him rolling in the grass. He's not well, there's no point in arguing with him, or wasting more time listening to him. Let's go back to the others.

Aike was much more occupied admiring his hand in Howie's to pay attention to a single word than uttering that drunken idiot. In a daze, he follows behind Howie who is not yet ready to let go of his hand, while this one went to pass his left arm around the shoulders of Ayke who was watching the scene not far away.

I'm going to fuck you up, Howie, wait and see Todd shouted angrily from behind them.

He's crazy, he's going to cause us problems, Ayke intervenes, glancing at Todd who still hadn't gotten up from the grass. So, I'll cause him so much trouble too, no one has the right to make you suffer, you already had me for that.

Ayke laughed like a child at H's words, which didn't show a single sign of amusement on his face. He was serious, if Todd wants to mess with him, he will find him.

They pass Raphael, who comes running to meet them. I thought I heard screams, is everything okay guys? Yeah, it's alright man… it's your mate who's drunk, looks like he smoked weed too. You have to watch him, I already have two people on my responsibility, I can't do anything for him.

Oh, I see, Raphael replies, surveying the twins, then making his way to Todd. They arrived at the edge of the pool, the sound of music and voices brought Aike back to reality, he pulled himself together and took his eyes off their joined hands. He loves the warmth of his hand, it warms his whole body, and it's a real source of heat. He straightened his back, and put some order in his outfit.

Laughter and comments are heard in the courtyard. Seeing them so glued to each other raises some curiosity. But they don't care, that was all Ayke wanted after all, right? let Howie be their friend in private and in public.

Ayke walked over to the DJ, where he spoke. Guys, we're going to change the style of this great meeting a bit, it's time to get down to business. Show me what you had in your stomach. Show me your skills.

As he hoped the crowd responds positively to this new approach, moreover as you know their academic training is done on two distinct bases: regular courses which are maths, biology, physics, chemistry, and so one. and the irregular courses that we find under the name personal development courses are courses that bring out the artistic side of these young people.

When Aike sang "failing like the star" by James Arthur, the evening took another turn, a rather romantic turn. And he kept looking for Howie throughout the music. some noticed the way he looks at him and how he smiles when he sticks his tongue out at him.

His brother sang Zayn's "pillow talk" with the same emotions as his brother seeking attention from just one person. He heard the comments that were made by the others when they saw that his brother didn't take his eyes off the boy with the mane.

He knows his brother is still unsure of his feelings for the other, and despite his choice of music, he finds it safer if he continues to play along with him.

So, to prevent the news from getting out at the wrong time, he plays the same game using his brother's emotions. After Raphael sang "treat you better" by Shawn Mendes. Howie finally decided to participate in the show actively he sang "can I be him" by James Arthur.

The evening became a kind of musical duel, a duel of emotions and pure feelings but nobody seems to want to direct these words towards a particular person.

He went on stage with a stool, a stool given to him by the young bartender. he placed it away from the crowd almost at the same height as the place is positioned the DJ. With his long legs, it's easy for him to sit on the stool with his feet glued to the floor. He kept one knee bent while the other foot remained flat on the ground. His hair curled loosely down his back. On his own, he represents a pleasing spectacle for the eyes and the hearts. He sang keeping his eyes closed until the end.

While he was on stage his phone kept ringing but he was too busy to worry about his phone, and who would have thought that at this hour an unknown number would start harassing him so late. It was too hot there... and so tense

It was three o'clock in the morning when the young people decided that the evening was over for them. they started leaving one by one, those who were waiting for friends to drop them off because their parents dropped them off at the villa. The twins and Howie were the only people standing in this little world dancing and singing a few hours ago. Then there are the bartenders and the rest of the staff, who are putting everything in order before emptying the premises in turn.

Don't worry about these things you can go home, get some rest, and thank you for everything. Ayke orders them. He went to join his brother and H on the terrace. The young Bartender keeps staring at Howie.

Are you coming, said the other? The master of the house gave us permission to retire, but I have the impression that you're not tired after this crazy evening. He wasn't listening to his companion at all. The staff who took care of the snacks and the service were exhausted, they didn't have a moment's respite, they had been there for seven hours.

Your father forgot you tonight H, are you staying with us? Ayke turned to him and asked the question. he would like him to spend the remaining few hours with them. But they also know that it might be a bit difficult. Alfred is not home? he asks them back, without answering the question posed to him.

What, He's not here? asks Aike who has just become interested in the conversation. To tell you the truth, I asked him if he could take my dad clubbing before I got here last night. I wanted him to go out and have a little fun, as Alfred doesn't have a minute to himself either and you were busy entertaining, I took the opportunity to ask him if it was possible.

Wow, man every minute I spend in your company I find out more and more about you. You pretend to be tough and heartless but deep down you're sweet as honey. Ayke pinched Howie's right cheek which was accessible to him. Let's go check if the car is there? They should use one car if they are going to go together, right? Yeah exactly, Ayke responds to her brother. Without waiting he got up from the couch, he is full of energy despite the sleepless night he has just spent while his brother seems to be trailing him.

He helped the others to their feet with gusto. well, let's see if our gentlemen have returned from their evening of debauchery, ours was a success for us. Not true? Yeah! Aike and Howie answered in a bad mood. Howie isn't tired but he can't believe Ayke is in such good spirits after such a long night of dancing, singing, and drinking while his brother looks dumbfounded.

What's going on with you two, huh? We have nothing, Howie answers him. It's like he said, I have nothing. Aike, intervene this time in a weary tone. Well, if you say so, I advise you to discuss a little if you had something on your heart. it's better that way. I'm not saying you had anything to discuss, I'm just saying we can do it if you feel the need. I say that, but I say nothing.

Howie gave him a confused look, shrugging his shoulders as if asking. What the hell are you talking about Ayk? But the latter responds with the same gesture of the shoulder while his brother looks at them one by one in turn while avoiding meeting H's gaze.

Well, ok, Ayke got angry, forget what I said, I was just rambling.

Let's see if the car is there, period. Did you understand that? So move, Aike told him pushing him. Without saying a word Howie followed them. They arrived at the outdoor parking lot where the service cars and those of the guests are parked when they receive people. They met the staff Van that took care of last night's service, they were getting ready to leave.

The two young bartenders saw the boys, instead of rushing up they take their time to be able to listen to what they are saying.

Apart from the Company Van, there are only two other Sedans that have remained under the parking lot, the other cars have left, apart from the Taycan which is Howie's who is surprised that it is here. he believed that his father had brought her back with him, it seems that the latter had decided to go clubbing by letting Alfred drive his own car. I wonder what went through his mind leaving the car here, Howie wondered.

Whose is that? Everyone left, right? Aike questioned. Yeah, everyone left except me, I'm still here, I'll call you back. Howie replies with a hint of annoyance in his voice. He doesn't know why his father left the car but he must say that he doesn't like it at all. He approached the car and put his hand under the handle of the door to open it, to his great astonishment it was not locked.

He looked around for a clue that might explain why the car unlocked when he didn't even have the key on him, which was when a black leather jacket hanging from a key door panel caught his attention. It was his, he went to find it and found the key and his earphones.

The young bartender who hasn't taken his eyes off him all evening smiles when he sees who the car belonged. they thought it was one of the householders' cars when they saw it, although it was not in that position when they came last night. See, he's apparently as rich as them, and he's not like them. He is the ideal man. He whispers to his friend who was also following the boys while pretending to be busy doing something else. But they are far too distant from them to understand what they are saying exactly.

Gosh, my treasure! So you drive a Porsche? Yeah, it's my birthday present, before my birthday. Well, I think I'll go home, I don't need to wait for my dad after all. I think so too, Aike replies with a twinge of heart. He hoped without showing it that he was going to spend a little more time with them alone until his father came to pick him up.

Howie got into his car ready to head home, he was in no mood to answer any questions Ayke might ask him right now. And the latter had understood it in the way he answered his question. He pressed the ignition button when he heard the back doors open.

He turned to find himself face to face with two pairs of caramel eyes staring at him innocently. He looked at them carefully before telling them in a playful tone. I'm not against you guys coming, but please guys if one of you passes by, I'm not your driver guys. He turns around with one hand on the steering wheel of his car, he calmly waits for one of them to finally decide to go ahead. He looked up in his rear-view mirror, watching them jostle like two kids fighting over a lollipop.

Aike wants his brother to sit down because he's not ready to feel Howie's questioning gaze on him like he's a murderer. While his brother wants at all costs that it is he who takes the place next to the driver. He just wants them to take the time to discuss what happened in the playroom but neither of them seems to decide to bring up the subject. Aike felt H's cold stare on him, he raised his head and met H's gaze directly, he felt like a stab in the chest as the stare on him was so hard and piercing.

Why do I feel like he's judging me? Aike wondered, not daring to speak her thoughts out loud.

Ayke noticed that her brother froze, he in turn raised his head and met H's hard gaze as well. Ok, that's not funny! Aike turned his attention away from Aike to focus on his brother who started to bemoan. He turned his attention to Aike again and ordered him to come up front, the voice and tone he used made it clear to Aike that there was no room for argument. He opened the door and got out.

Howie leaned over to the passenger door and opened it without a word, so without a word Aike slid into the seat, avoiding eye contact with the other. Howie leaned over to him again, he put his seat belt on. Once finished, he glanced at Yke who had taken care of tying his belt before he ordered it as he had just done with the other.

He's a real bully when he gets down to it. He commented, curling up in his seat. The car started off with a hum that made the twins smile. But it stops there, they did not dare to comment. Don't piss off a starving tiger, Ayke thought.

The car passed by the van which still hadn't pulled out of the parking lot and the boys didn't even pay much attention to them. But arriving in front of them, Howie slowed down, he rolled down the passenger side window and saluted them. He thanked the young boy who took care of his drinks for the evening with a big smile.

Aike remained frozen in his seat like a piece of wood. When he heard the soft voice the young bartender answered Howie's attention, his blood froze in his veins too.

He pinched his left leg to keep his calm and the desire to tell the bottom of his thoughts to this young bartender with the nightingale voice.

He asks them to go home carefully before walking away, watching them in his rearview mirror, they jumped for joy like two young sheep. The portal opened in front of them, letting them pass. In no time they arrive home. A single glance tells Howie that his father is not home yet. He returned, the car he left in the yard near his father's service car. The boys got out of the car, and they head for the front door, a double door.

It was closed, they wait patiently for Howie to arrive, but the latter seems to take his time to cover the few meters that separate him from them.

Hurry up, for God's sake! Yelled Ayke sulky, all the energy he had before flew away as if by magic, he has only one desire now, to sleep soundly. Howie went to look for the spare key that his father keeps in a vase on the porch but he can't find it, what's going on? Howie wonders trying to keep his cool, he doesn't need to be disturbed any more than what just happened over there.

First, his father forgot him at a party, which isn't really forgotten since he left the car with him, but for Howie, it's like that, his father abandoned him.

Second, he didn't call him, and he didn't check his phone all evening.

Third, there is no trace of his father anywhere as it is already four o'clock in the morning.

Fourth, no key to open the door, it's breathtaking, the latter exclaimed ironically.

Wait for me here a moment. he walked away from them for a while. then he retraced his steps bareback, shirt, and jacket in his hands. He put the jacket on Aike's back as he noticed he was shivering. He wanted to leave it like that but changed his mind. He slung the shirt over Ayke's shoulders, who seemed sleepy standing up while there were chairs and a coffee table on the porch. When he had finished, he walked around the house, jumping onto the terrace. where he went to open the door that opens into the house he crossed the corridor in no time, he went down the stairs without touching them. And rushed to the front door, because he felt a presence other than those of the boys.

He slammed the door open as he let his pheromone escape into the air like carbon dioxide gas, which began to poison the air with exceptional speed. He knows that whatever presence lurks around the boys, he will poison it by the time the door opens.

If it is a wolf, there is little chance that it will survive its pheromone. It is a poison for all his kind which does not respect itself, it can help them to fight it just as it can let it die. He can also release a small amount which may just paralyze his opponent or the person he wants to subdue him but he doesn't want to take any chances with that thing that's out there that he can't even identify. He found the twins huddled together in front of the door, gasping.

But that's not possible, they shouldn't be affected by my smell, they are human after all.

He caught them before they collapsed at his feet like two rag dolls. he started listening to their heartbeat to make sure they only passed out and not the other way around. With these boys, everything he knows or thinks he knows takes on another meaning. He lifted them both in his arms like two bags, he went to lay them on the couch inside. He came out of the house when he finished setting them up and cooled their faces with cold water. He cleared the air around them as if they were his babies. When he hears their heart beating at a normal rate again, he leaves them and goes out of the house in search of this thing that lurks around them.

His eyes shone like two bulbs in his head and the wind blowing his hair makes him even more than supernatural. He sniffed a big sniffle to activate all his senses, the bareback, the hair in the wind, the eyes shining, with his black jeans and his boots make him breathtaking and captivating. He noticed the heat signature of a crouching presence at the foot of the fence; he approached the signature cautiously. Then he clearly distinguishes the body of a young boy who is desperately fighting between life and death. He said something he didn't understand, it didn't seem dangerous to him.

So he crouched down in front of him and examined him carefully, you're not a wolf but what are you exactly? The boy seems tall to him at first sight but under the pressure of the pain and the lack of air has curled up on himself like a snail. He's flexible, Howie noticed, examining him even more closely. It was then that he heard the boy pronounce again this word that he hadn't really understood the first time. Lyke it's me Ursoc.

For a moment Howie didn't understand what was going on but something tells him if he helps him he won't be against him, while he has all sorts of thoughts going through his head his inner on his side stayed in silence since the beginning of this problem that just faced. When he realized that Howie was divided in his feelings, he decided to intervene but he was not planning to talk about all this so soon.

But this damn Ursoc had to come looking for him. He has always been stubborn and curious, he will never change, it is confirmed.

He's not mean, he's even a friend. Reluctantly intervenes Howie's inner. To be more explicit, Howie ordered him in a low, powerful voice. Release him and then we'll discuss this, he's not a threat. And who said he wasn't? Howie asks him.

Stop playing the arrogant little prick, the other shouted at him, release him before you kill him, you moron. When H heard the word kill, he calmed down and put a reassuring hand on the boy's chest, putting a little pressure on his ribcage where the toxic air had been hiding. then he inhaled the poison which he himself released into nature. The new one uttered a small cry of relief when he felt free from this gas that consumed him from the inside.

He straightened up painfully because he is not yet completely out of danger, he must expiate this poison from his body and replace it with regenerative fluids which will require him a lot of rest and sleep after an hour or two. hours of meditation.

Howie helped him up, he supported him to the house. As he had said he is tall but not as tall as him. dominates him a little by a few good inches but the twins will be short in front of him just as they are in front of Howie with their meter seventy. But he is very handsome with his white dreadlocks, his square shoulders, his caramel-colored skin, his gray eyes, and his luscious red lips like strawberries ready for the picking.

He offered him water to drink, he left him in the living room when he took the boys up to his room where he stripped them of their evening clothes and replaced them with silk pajamas. He said to himself with a stranger in the house who knows how to hide his scent very well, it is better that he keeps them within his reach. When he had finished, he went down to the living room where he found the handsome stranger with his head leaning against the back of the sofa.

He fell asleep, it's unbelievable Howie muttered between his teeth. He approached him carefully and touched him, he is a light sleeper, and he woke up immediately when he felt the warmth of H's hand on his shoulder.

Well, at least I'm not going to complain about that, we're light sleepers, so, hm? Come on, follow me Howie ordered him like a boss. I see we're not lacking in nerve, replied the other ironically. He took her to the room Alfred occupies when he sleeps here with the twins. The other room reeks of Aike's smell, he refuses to let a stranger wallow in the bed where he slept.

You're going to occupy this room tonight, there's plenty to change in the wardrobe if you're not one of those people who sleep fully dressed in their daily clothes without thinking of washing their face or even taking a bath.

Like your friends? The other asks him in the same dismissive tone that H used to talk to him. Be careful what you say, Howie replied in a tone that warned him of the path he had taken. Oh, we get our claws out easily, calm down man. It was just a comment. Then he walked into the bedroom leaving Howie at the door. after a good few minutes, he decides to go back to his room. He needs to sleep now, this day is going to be long he feels it.

He took a shower to get the smell of that Ursoc off his skin, he put on some shorts and crawled into bed behind Ayke. He took it upon himself to put the other at the other end of the bed so that they wouldn't meet even by accident.

He fell into a peaceful sleep the minute his head touched the pillow lost in Morpheus' arms.