
No One Will Be God.

Humanity is on the verge of its collapse. Seeing this, the Gods decide that the best solution is the extermination of the human race. They send out giant monsters that raze half the land, thus forcing humans to hide... Seeing such brutality one of the Gods decides to rebel and help humanity. He gifts the most capable humans with extraordinary powers. Now it's time for humanity to turn against its creator!

Kihitakamy · Fantasy
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15 Chs

The Nun

The Kaijuu puts his hands on the building he was hiding in and as an impulse stands up, showing his extremely thin body, and the hunchbacked way he walks...

Seeing Kaijuu, the instructor thinks... 'What the fuck... is that? That can't be a Common...'

The Kaijuu looks at the instructor, who backs away a little. 'No, he's not a Common. From the aura he exudes, he must be a National, at the very least...'

'I can't leave this thing alive, I have to go upstairs. But I'm just a Gamma, can I? No, I have to.'

'This thing could wipe out the whole country, I have to stop it, even if I die.'

Then, the supervisor goes on top of the Kaijuu, he activates his power, and goes flying propelled by the steam. The Kaijuu slowly raises his hand to slap the supervisor. But he dodges.

'Great, I managed to dodge...' Lost in his thoughts, the supervisor gets slapped, he flies straight to the ground, and ends up under rubble...

--- Supervisor Myaku! - Shout Gure. With Gure's scream, Kino and isao break out of the standstill...

Supervisor Myaku emerges from the wreckage, and goes back to the Kaijuu.

Using the steam, he circles around the Kaijuu until he gets to his face. Myaku pulls a huge ax out of his back, and tries to hit the Kaijuu in the eye.

But again, Myaku is thrown away, but this time, after raising his arms, they were broken...

Watching Myaku fight from afar, Isao thinks... 'Do I have to help him? But that monster's aura is insane.'

'Should I run? Run away maybe? But I've never run away before... but this time, there's no way. I shouldn't be able to defeat him...

'But the supervisor will die. But he is not mine, so he must be replaced by someone better, and stronger than him, I must not risk my life.'

'Yeah... that way is better.'

--- You must be thinking a lot of shit. - Says Kino, from the top of a building. --- What's up? I thought you were the good guy. Where's all that shit? It disappeared?

--- We're in four, there's no way we lost. Right? - Isao thinks for a few seconds, and then sighs. Then Gure and Isao yell... --- Right!

Kino smiles. --- So let's go! - But before they could go to the Kaijuu, Myaku is lying on the ground.

The Kaijuu grabs him by the legs, calmly opens his teeth, and devours him.

Gure the most fearful of the three, falls into despair. Kino stares at the Kaijuu's mouth, and Isao stares at the ground.

All seemed lost, the burning motivation of the last few seconds was gone, along with Myaku.

--- We will! We will! - Screams Kino. --- We can't leave this thing alive! Let's fight!

Isao sighs, and activates his power. Kino shoots several beams of light at the Kaijuu, but nothing has any effect. Isao creates a sword of blood, and runs to him...

As Isao tries to cut the base of the Kaijuu's feet, Kino shoots beams of light, supporting Isao.

After minutes of trying to attack, and failing. Isao thinks... 'Shit... nothing is working, how are we going to make it...'

His thoughts are interrupted by a kick from the Kaijuu that sends Isao flying into a building, and then passes out.

--- Taniguchi-san! - shouts Kino, seeing Isao being kicked. 'Damn... everything is going wrong... I know...'

The Kaijuu sees Gure crying desperately, and starts walking towards him, seeing this, Kino screams. --- Uchiki-san! Run! - Gure listens, and looks up. There he was, with an extremely sadistic smile.

Gure tries to run but is soon caught. But before the Kaijuu starts the Gure, Kino shoots the Kaijuu's hand, which cuts off all of his fingers, and dropping the Gure...

Seeing his fingerless hand, the Kaijuu looks at Kino, and starts running towards him.

Kino tries to dodge, but the kick is accurate. By doing so, Kino fly...

Taking advantage of Kino's focus on Kaijuu, Gure goes to the armored car and calls JEO headquarters, an employee answers, and she says. ~ Boy, please send someone here! Fast! - The employee without understanding anything asks. ~ First breathe, and explain to me what's going on...

~ My team and I were participating in the exam, and an extremely strong Kaijuu appeared! Our instructor went to fight him, but ended up dying. Please send reinforcements!

~ Okay, got it. What district are you in? - Voice still shaky, Gure replies ~ District D, please be quick! - Already hanging up the call, the employee says. ~ I will. The connection is terminated.

The employee looks to the side and says to his co-worker. --- Hey, call the instructors of teams 35 and 17. Ask them to quickly go to district D, a Kaijuu outside the test level has been detected. - Calling immediately, the other employee says. - Right.

After trying to call both teams, the clerk says. --- There is no contact with any of them. --- The clerk quickly says. --- Call other teams! We have to be quick! - After calling, the other employee says. --- I only got one, team 28, which is in district F.

--- Go deep! Tell them to be quick! - The clerk calls, and Hanma answers. ~ Yes? - Soon the employee updates Hanma about the situation...

~ Got it, we will go immediately. - Hanma ends the call. --- Hey, come here! We have problems! - Soon, Sei, Riki and Samui, gather in front of Hanma...

--- It turns out that Team 29, which is in District D, found a Kaijuu above Common level. We've been instructed to go help them immediately, so that's what we'll do. We will.

'Team 29? District D...? It's Ki-chan's team...' Sei thinks. But soon Riki cuts through Sei's thoughts. --- Hey, Sei! What are you doing? It's Isao's team, and that pretty friend of yours! Let's go!

Sei quickly climbs into the armored car, and they speed toward District D.

~ Really? Keep me informed. Right, thanks. - Hanakawa-sensei ends the call.

Hanakawa-sensei gets up from his chair, opens the door and walks down the hall until he reaches the JEO president's office. He opens the door and says. --- President, can we talk?

--- Sure, sit down. - Hanakawa-sensei sits in one of the armchairs, which are in front of President Akira's desk.

--- Hanakawa, what a pleasure to have you here. It's been a long time since we've had a chat, hasn't it? - Hanakawa-sensei sighs. --- I didn't come here for a quiet conversation, President. I just got a troubling call.

--- Connection? And whose would it be? - Hanakawa-sensei answers. --- JEO Call Center. It turns out that one of the teams was attacked by a much more powerful Kaijuu than was agreed upon.

--- And you think I allow that? Hanakawa, you know me well. You would never do that, you... - Hanakawa-sensei cuts off President Akira. --- You value strength more than anything else. This year is not so strong, why not give the children a stimulus?

--- The problem is that an instructor died in this prank. Understand it? - President Akira sighs. --- I have nothing to do with isao. - Hanakawa-sensei gets up.

--- So you won't mind if I go there, right? - President Akira also stands up. --- That would ruin the test, don't do it. - Hanakawa-sensei looks into President Akira's eyes. --- Does that make sense to you? People are dying.

--- I'm sorry president. I cherish the well being of my future students... - Hanakawa-sensei leaves the room.