
No One Touches Mrs. Evans

Forbidden love between two rival mafia clans— In the midst of a brutal feud between the Davis and the Evans, love was the last thing anyone expected to find. In the heat of a feud between two rival clans, an unlikely love blossoms between the heiress of one and the heir of the other. But this romance is shrouded in darkness as the male lead, Aiden, commits an unforgivable act—murdering the father and brother of the female lead, Evelyn, on the very night they consummate their passion, intoxicated by drugs. As Evelyn returns from a party to face the grim reality of her family's slaughter, she discovers she carries an unborn child from a one-night stand. She was alone and despair but she still took her revenge of her father and brother's death by slaughtering Evans hideouts. With heavy hearts and a firm resolve, the Davis clan chose to disappear, valuing Evelyn and her twin's safety above vengeance. In the span of just one month, the entire Davis clan vanishes without a trace, leaving Evelyn to navigate her clan only in shadows, determined to protect her legacy at any cost. Fast forward five years— Evelyn, now the Vice President of Lav Enterprise. In office on the couch Evelyn feeding fruit to Wyatt and beside her, the president of the company and Evelyn's best friend, Archie, feeds Evelyn's daughter, Zoe in his embrace. Seated on the opposite couch, jealousy burned in Aiden's eyes as he watched Evelyn and Archie, his regret a constant reminder of what he had lost. His possessiveness towards Evelyn and their children is evident, yet he feels disheartened knowing he can't do anything to the man who now shares Evelyn's life. Helplessly, he can only stare, consumed by regret and longing. In a dark room, fill with dust, a couple on the ground tied up by a rope. "Baby girl, why don't our kids call me dad?" Aiden says frustratingly. "You think you can come back into our lives and pick up where we left off? You forfeited that right when you destroyed my world." "I know I can never undo the past, baby. But I love you. I want to be a father to our children, if you'll let me." "Darling, you're late. Someone else already filled that role," Evelyn replies coolly, attempting to free herself from the ropes binding her. "I'll kill that bastard!" Aiden's anger surges as he struggles to untangle Evelyn's ropes with his own bound hands, his desperation evident. "I dare you," Evelyn warns, her tone steely. "But baby, I—" Aiden's plea is cut off by Evelyn's blunt response. "Being my one-night stand should be enough for you," Evelyn states matter-of-factly, showing no concern for his feelings. "I am your husband," Aiden insists. "You should dream as big as I allow you to dream," Evelyn shoots back without hesitation. "Am I not even allowed to dream of you now?" "The blood on your hands can never be washed away, Aiden. The night you took my family from me, you also killed the part of me that can ever love you." "Am I of no use to you now?" Aiden proposes, regardless of their precarious situation. "You still have a purpose, darling," Evelyn replies with a playful smile. "You still have to meet your end at my hands today." Soon her hand gets freed. Evelyn looks at Aiden, who is also smiling at her. "Ready to die, darling?" Evelyn asks.

08021999 · Urban
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37 Chs

Break fail

As they reached the office, Evelyn chuckled, her eyes twinkling with amusement. "Wyatt wants something local. Completely opposite of your daughter's choice."

Archie rolled his eyes, a smile tugging at his lips. "So, when are you picking him up?"

"I'm not," Evelyn replied unhurriedly. "Where he wants to go is nearby. He asked me to go there directly, and he'll ask Antonio to send some men to pick him up."

Archie's lips twitched with the concern Wyatt showed for his mother. Meanwhile, his own daughter…

"When are you leaving?" Evelyn asked as they reached the office room.

"Now," Archie replied.

"Huh? Already? Are you guys going somewhere far?"

"No. She just wants me to pick her up like a princess on her chariot."

Evelyn squinted her eyes in suspicion. "Where are you going?"

Archie looked away helplessly. "Two blocks away from our office."

Evelyn's mouth gaped. How could his daughter ask him to come from Point A to pick her up at Point Z just to go back to Point A for dinner? This daughter of hers!

Rolling her tongue, Evelyn shook her head and said, "Don't be stupid. Let me call her." She reached for her phone.

"What? No!" Archie immediately denied. "You won't do anything like that. She is my princess and my date tonight. No teaching and scolding today. Got that?" He looked at her strictly, crossing his arms.

"Archie, you cannot pamper all her demands like that. She needs to understand that this isn't right." Evelyn's voice softened slightly, a hint of concern in her eyes.

"You can teach her that later on. Today, my daughter will be treated as a queen, and I'll make sure of that," Archie replied, his face brimming with pride, a determined look in his eyes.

Evelyn felt like she was wasting her time trying to talk sense into a wall. She sighed deeply and rubbed her temples. "Whatever. Spoil her as much as you want. Later, when she throws a fit, don't ask for my help. Because I won't." She turned away, shaking her head in exasperation.

"Neither would I," Archie replied smugly before leaving the office to pick up his four-year-old daughter. He gave Evelyn a playful wink and a reassuring smile before stepping out.

As Archie walked out, Evelyn sighed and leaned back in her chair. She admired Archie's dedication to his daughter, even if she thought he was indulging her too much. Their children were their world, and they would do anything to see them happy. She couldn't help but smile, thinking about Wyatt's practicality and Zoe's whims. It was a reflection of their contrasting parenting styles and their deep love for their kids.

With a shake of her head, Evelyn returned to her work. She tapped her fingers thoughtfully on her desk, her mind briefly drifting back to the days when she and Archie first took on their roles in the company. Despite their disagreements, there was no denying the warmth and care that bound their little family together. And as much as she chided Archie for spoiling Zoe, she knew she would do the same for Wyatt in a heartbeat.

Evelyn glanced at her watch and made a mental note to call on Wyatt before leaving office.


Evelyn had already spoken with Antonio and learned that Wyatt had left home to meet her at their designated date spot.

Since Zoe and Wyatt were three and a half, Evelyn and Archie would always take one day off each month to have separate dates with their kids. Sometimes Evelyn would take Zoe out, while Archie would take Wyatt out and sometimes like today.

As Evelyn walked out of the main hall of the office, she was greeted and gawked at by everyone. Seeing their boss in such a cute dress, they immediately knew that today was the day she and Archie would go for dinner with their children. Evelyn was wearing a white short dress with black boots and had her hair in a messy bun, exuding a lethal charm. By the time she reached the office door, her guard had already brought her Mercedes-Benz Maybach S-Class around. Getting inside the car, Evelyn drove off.

Evelyn was in the middle of a call with her assistant when suddenly a car overtook hers so closely that she almost lost control.

"What the fuck!!" she shouted, her heart racing.

Instinctively, she wanted to chase down the car and teach the driver a lesson. She sped up, weaving through traffic just as aggressively. But within a few seconds, she noticed something unusual. The car ahead was frantically honking and swerving erratically.

Squinting, she realized that the driver wasn't just reckless—they were in trouble. Evelyn's instincts kicked in.

"Shit!!" she exclaimed as she understood the car had lost its brakes and was on the verge of a serious accident.