

Life has offered Gustav one option only, to fall. But life is gracious enough to offer him two options to fall for. He either fall in love with Sabrina or fall in suffering. There is no way he can escape both.

Felix_Menda_amfex · Action
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16 Chs

This means I’ve lost..,

Just like how autumn cannot exist with winter at the same time, that's how people are living as they may feel sad sometimes and may feel cheerful sometimes. In the end we can say that there are invisible islands between human being that makes them have difficulty in having intimacy between one another."

Gustav was in this big sea of beasts he didn't know. He was just aware of them existing in this big ocean of people but now he was facing them with his bare-naked eyes. And unclimbable island was in front of him too. Things that were impossible for him were made possible by these men from the DRAGON BEAST CRIMINAL GROUP.

His clothes were drenched in cold water as his senses were returning and his hearing senses were impaired. He couldn't hear any word from his surroundings but soon, his big doll like eyes opened and he saw a man who kidnapped him.

"Where am I? I want to get out of here. Please untie me now..." Gustav demanded as his eyes were shot blood red toward the man who sat in front of him.

The man was smoking without even paying heed to the threat that Gustav was throwing at him.

"You're just a captive right now. This isn't a movie scene but real. You are being abducted by me and you cannot get out of here alive, I promise you." The man said as smoke could be seen leaving from his nostril.

Gustav heard what the man said. He had to lower his guard as he lost all the hope he had for a short moment.

"What have I done wrong, man?" Gustav asked.

"I think you've asked that numerous times already and it makes me sick hearing the same question every time you lift your lips." The man said.

Gustav wanted to pee on his pants again as the man that was seating in front of him lifted the metal that was red colored due to it being heated at high temperature on the burning coal stove in front of him.

"What do you plan to do with me, ugly man??" Gustav shouted as sweat could be seen flowing on his ethereal face.

"I'm going to ruin your beautiful face." The man mumbled as he was smiling, with his yellow teeth exposed.

"Thi— this can't happen, why are you doing this to me?" Gustav asked again but the man was silent.

The man moved closer to Gustav as he stretched the hot metal toward Gustav's handsome face.

"That's enough man. You've already scared him enough and you've attacked his confidence so far. Now it's my show time." A familiar voice was heard behind the man and Gustav was aware of it.

"Why? I thought you were just threatening me but seems like you're serious about waging a war with me." Gustav said as he knew who said those words.

"I don't know what you are talking about. I am sorry for creeping you out so soon in this underground cave. You're in

my custody now. You know what that means, don't you?" The familiar voice sounded once again. "I decided to use my last trump card to put you into this. I wanted to make this seem more serious alas the previous surprise. I want to surprise you too. Hope you won't be disappointed, man."

The familiar voice continued. "You fucked with the wrong bastard, Gustav. Now I'll fuck with you too.

"Why don't you show your face and talk like a man?" Gustav said.

"Uncle John, may you suggest to me the surest and difficult way to die. I can't come with a way." The familiar voice sounded as his eyes were locked with the man that was holding the hot metal rod.

"I've the best and surest way for him to die. First, we'll have to torture him and cut his fresh and make him eat his own fresh." Uncle John proposed. "Then we will all fuck him till his anal canal bursts." Uncle john added.

"What the fuck?" Gustav exclaimed. "Are you a gay?" Gustav clenched his ass as he was trying hard to process what he had just heard from the man named uncle John.

"Hahaha... look, he is afraid. I've seen numerous of those looks before being fucked by my big dick head, so don't worry, you won't be the first to experience the shot of bullets from my sacred rifle." Uncle john added.

"That sounds good and I'll make sure to Film every scene and post it like the previous clips of your lovely Sabrina." The sound that was familiar to Gustav said as the cloak that was covering his face was pulled off.

"You... you??" Gustav was shocked as he couldn't believe what he was seeing in front of him. He was gob smacked, left with nothing to say.

This means I've lost, Gustav thought.

"Being pardoned from the death punishment doesn't mean that I would escape all the punishments." Gustav mumbled as his handsome like angel face lost light just like a lamp that lit the stormy night lost its light.


Between people there is an island of secrets that separates them from the people they love...

Sabrina left the hospital after she was discharged. She waited for Gustav to arrive but Gustav never showed up. She tried contacting him but she couldn't get in touch with him. She felt so worried that she had no need to keep worried as she had so much on her plate right now and she was full enough not to envy what was on others plate.

After she arrived in her apartment that she was living since the previous semester, Sabrina Michael was about to take a hot bath so that she could calm down her muscles that were etching.

The moment the white towel was tied on her hilly breast, her phone rung. This twitched her as she had thought that they were spam calls. It was unknown number that wasn't on her

contact list. She hesitated before pressing accept green button and listened to the voice that was over the other side.

"Hello! I'm sorry calling you this late. I got your number from the WhatsApp group, hope this is Sabrina Michael, our class representative?"

The voice from the other side stopped before proceeding, probably waiting for Sabrina's response.

"Yes, it's me and please may I know who you're?"

"I'm Zeros William, the best friend of Gustav." The voice from the other side responded. "I was just asking if Gustav is with you right now? I am so worried because he hasn't returned till now and before he left, he said he'll be visiting you in the college dispensary that you'd been admitted recently." Zeros William mentioned.

"I am sorry, Zeros. He is not with me right now and I haven't seen him for a long time. He just texted me today that he was on his way but until I was discharged, he never arrived. I had to leave the hospital knowing that he postponed visiting me." Sabrina said as the towel that was on her hilly breast wanted to fall from her holly peaks.

"Where could he have gone if he hasn't returned till now?" Sabrina asked.

She could hear Zeros breathing deeply.

"He is your friend. I hope you might have a clue on where he might have gone." Sabrina suggested.

"Let me try calling Kelvin, his last semester friend, maybe he might have something to say." Zeros William proposed

"Okay, please notify me if you find him." Sabrina Michael said as worries occupied her heart.

The call ended.

She stretched her right hand to take a syringe and then withdrew a light blue liquid out of small bottle that was on her left hand.

"Shame isn't what stops us from doing what we want but fear is." Sabrina said as she closed her eyes ready to inject the light blue liquid that was inside the syringe.