

The most dangerous and powerful mafia of whole world, a billionarie , the CEO of a big company "the great reliances". People are scared for him just by his name. But there a story of him which is hidden. No ones know. The greatest mystery. A dark painful past. He wined over it and stand where he is today. He never dated a girl. He is great in everthing. He is master of Kung Fu and martial arts. He is a handsome man every girl dream of but can't get. He is ice cold. Got attitude of lion. He don't give someone second chance. He just shoots. He is short tempered man. but is broken. Once, For a mission he went to a high school and met a girl. His life took a turn and changed , Something that never happened before. A history that never ever been written. A love story which is ethereal and beautiful. But the girl also has secret a big one. She is kind and most beautiful. She cheerful and naughty. Both are same broken . This is the fate is written and can't be changed. A psycho is a one who don't have any feeling and can do anything . He is just a human with heart. Only a living dead body with dead soul. There always a monster in psychopath. But can he also fall in love? Can he be forgotten? What if actually he is someone that no one knew. All have a mystery. evil or good who knows? what is the past ? Where will it go? What will happen ? How will they meet and make a history?

Coffeel_love · Urban
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52 Chs


Next one please.

The next interviewee came. She was a nerd. Big glasses and freckles. Without makeup and still looked gorgeous in Ginny's eyes.

"Good morning ma'am and sir. "

"Good morning please sit."

"So what your name?"


"Okay Joe"

"Why do you wanna work here?"

"Because I think if I work here I could get the inner peace. Beacuse I love the work. Maybe I am not perfect in it but I can be better in it ."

"Hmm. Very impressive. "

"What about money?"

"Well that's a thing which is important. We need it. And everyone knows that. "

"Hmm "

Ginny put a big bag of money infront of her and said

"You said you are working here for peace and because you like that. So you got a choice you can take all this money but you won't work here or you can work here and don't take this money. What will you choose? You are free to say whatever you want?"

"I would work here. I am working here and that's already a big thing for me. "

"Okay I got. You can go. We tell you about in till tomorrow. "

"Thank you mam and sir. "

"Accept her resume. "

"You didn't see her qualifications. "

"I don't see those. I just need the will and a trustworthy people. My senior cast can guide them and teach them what to do. "

"Hmm. Clever "

"Next please "

"A beautiful girl came inside. She sat very elegantly. She looks at all and greeted them."

"So let's start with the resume. "

"Sure ma'am"

"Do you think I should select you or not?"

"You should."


"I am capable of it and I can do if I made my mind to do something. "

"Okay, you can go. "


"Yes you can leave. "

"Am I selected?"

"You will know. "

"Okay as you say. Thank you "

"Should I decline her resume. "

"No accept it."

"I want people to have the will power here. I want to do all work with passion and nor being lazy. I want them to enjoy the work. If they would enjoy it they won't be lazy. "

"Hmm I got what you want."

"Next one "

A very stylish looking girl come in ,wearing shinny clothes.

"Good morning to all"

She said with a very unknown accent. Her most of the words were not able to recognized cause she was eating something red. She came and sat down without asking. Ginny was shocked with the attitude but let it go and asked her " So is there anything you what to say to me? "

"What do you want me to say? "

"Tell me about yourself. "

"What you want to know?"

"Tell me your skill which can make me hire you. "

"I am good at reading humans mind. I can understand what other wants. So I can be help in making business deals. If someone said something nuisance then I can fight with them to. "

Ginny laughed.

"That what we got. Amazing. "

"I know "

"Well what are you chewing? "

"It's a betel nut. "

"A What?"

"Betel nut "

"Oh whatever it is can you please not do this at work it seems gross."

"It is good for health. "

"Ohk But can't you avoid it? "

"Fine I won't do that at work. "

"Good "

"You can go "

"Am I selected ?"

"Yes you are"

"Thank you "

"Thanks to you for working with us."

"Welcome then. "

"Bye "


"Wow I thought you would not choose her." "She is a great observer. "

One of the staff came running inside shouting.

"What happened why are you shouting?"

"Ma'am please come out."

"What happened ?"

"Ma'am two girls are fighting. I don't know for what ? Ma'am please come "

Ginny and other ran to the spot and saw the girls pulling out each hair from each other hairs.

Ginny looked impressed with the fighting. She stood their and was enjoying it.

From behind Kai nugged her

"What? "

"Stop them idiot. "

"Oh yes, I forgot what I came for. "

"Girls stop it. I said stop it. "

They both didn't stop and getting irritated Ginny stopped them by pulling them apart by their hair. As she thought they both love pulling hair.

"What the hell are you doing in my office? If you want to fight go out and kill each other I don't care. "

"Sorry ma'am "

"What sorry?"

"I am hiring you both."


"Yes you are hired. I am impressed with your fighting and you can use it in my work. Meet me tomorrow. "

"Okay ma'am"

"Thank you very much "

"Any time. "

Just like these the interview went on. Half of the resumes were selected. Now this was their time to parrt ways. They both said bye to each other and left.

MJ was driving in the car when a car came towards them at full speed . MJ turned the car which stoped it from getting into an accident.

MJ looked at the car which was taking a turn like it is coming to them again.