

The most dangerous and powerful mafia of whole world, a billionarie , the CEO of a big company "the great reliances". People are scared for him just by his name. But there a story of him which is hidden. No ones know. The greatest mystery. A dark painful past. He wined over it and stand where he is today. He never dated a girl. He is great in everthing. He is master of Kung Fu and martial arts. He is a handsome man every girl dream of but can't get. He is ice cold. Got attitude of lion. He don't give someone second chance. He just shoots. He is short tempered man. but is broken. Once, For a mission he went to a high school and met a girl. His life took a turn and changed , Something that never happened before. A history that never ever been written. A love story which is ethereal and beautiful. But the girl also has secret a big one. She is kind and most beautiful. She cheerful and naughty. Both are same broken . This is the fate is written and can't be changed. A psycho is a one who don't have any feeling and can do anything . He is just a human with heart. Only a living dead body with dead soul. There always a monster in psychopath. But can he also fall in love? Can he be forgotten? What if actually he is someone that no one knew. All have a mystery. evil or good who knows? what is the past ? Where will it go? What will happen ? How will they meet and make a history?

Coffeel_love · Urban
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52 Chs


MJ also left the scene after that incident. When he got home, he couldn't think of anything else but Ginny; he couldn't sleep just like a loverstruct teenegar and was only thinking about her.

Eric, on the other hand, put her to sleep. And suggested that everyone should sleep after having some hangover soup.

Early in the morning

Ginny awoke with a bad headache .

Adrian walks into the room, hands her hangover soup, and warns her "You passed away yesterday in the club and caused a commotion there. Yesterday, Eric was furious. You're going to get a good scolding today."

"What have I done?"

" Eric will tell you that."

"Please save me," she says.

"You can't be saved today, princess; you're dead meat."

"Aahh... My head hurts."

"Keep saying that maybe he'll forgive you."



Eric entered the room and stood there watching Ginny drinking her soup.

"Do you want to say something to me?" he asked.

Ginny was taken aback when she saw him and responded, "Yes."

"Speak then," Eric said.

"Actually, I am very sorry. Adrian told me what happened. I realise it was my fault for drinking when I shouldn't have. Please forgive me for causing a problem." Ginny stated that while showing puppy dog eyes.

Defeatedly Eric said

"Okay fine, but don't repeat that. You know the one you scolded was a dangerous mafia and he could have killed you in a second," Eric couldn't help being a bit scared.

"Oh, I'm sorry."

" Well, I know you're sad, and it's Sunday, and we don't have to go to school or the cafe today, so let's go somewhere."

"Let's go to a theme park."

"As you wish, now go take a shower; we'll leave in an hour; I'll inform others as well, okay?"

"All right...I adore you."

"Me to"

On MJ's side

"Sir, we have to go to the amusement park," Justin said.

"And why is that?" MJ inquired.

" Sir, your business partner actually wants to meet there because he is with his girlfriend and she wants to go to an amusement park and the meeting is important, so he scheduled it there for her girlfriend."

"Oh my God, his girlfriend is so childish that she wants to go to a amusentment park. "

MJ prepared to leave for the amusement park.

On the other side

All right, guys, let's go."

"Yes, coming," everyone said.

At an amusement park

MJ and Ginny had arrived at the amusement park.

MJ was waiting for his business partner near a pole.

Ginny and her friends arrived at the location at the same time.

MJ saw them but didn't approach because she was looking for Ginny in them. He was overjoyed when he saw her.

Eric and Jackson both stated " Please wait here while we bring the tickets."

"OKay guys, let's do rock paper scissors, and whoever loses gets to ride the rollercoaster with me," exclaimed Ginny.

"Nooo," Becca and Park Shin Hye exclaimed.

They are both terrified of roller coasters.

They did, and Park won, and Becca loses the game, so Becca will ride the rollercoaster.

"You losed , it means you'll come with me."

"Ya ya," she remarked sarcastically.

Ginny's childishness made MJ laugh.

"Guys, we're here, let's go!"

"Coming," everyone said.

"Boss, they're here," Justin said, "Hmm." They had their meeting and parted ways.

MJ, on the other hand, went inside the amusement park in search of Ginny.

He noticed her and stood back from her because he lacked the courage to approach her.

It was evening and he was still staring at her while smiling, but it was time for Ginny and her friends to leave. As they were leaving, Ginny and MJ made an eye contact that lasted only 10 seconds, but MJ's world stopped because of how captivating her eyes were.

It wasn't much for Ginny, just an eye contact but it had effect on MJ.

He was having a feeling he never felt before he was not aware of the fact that he was in love but soon he will find out WHAT IS LOVE?????

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