
I Want Us To Be Friends 4

lu bachang and su mei rode back to su mei's home in silence,no one uttered a word,when they stopped at the condo su mei stayed at,as she was about to alight the car,lu bachang held her hand and said "thank you very much,for listening to me"he said affectionately

"non,no I should be the one thanking you,you kept me company,at least I shared my thoughts with someone"lu bachang nodded and took his hands from hers and she got down from the car,as she got to her front porch,she turned around and waved him goodbye,lu bachang waved her back,as she entered her apartment,she slumped into her sofa and heaved a heavy sigh then smiled at herself

when lu bachang got to his house he went straight to his bar stand ,he told his butler to pour him a glass of 'spin off ice',which was done instantly,he took the glass with him to his balcony and took a sip from the glass,he was thinking how can he help su mei to seek revenge from the xia family,he loved her,and he accepted it wholeheartedly staring at the stars he knew his love for her would be limitless,he was startled when his brother spoke behind him,making spill some of the drink from his glass

"so who is she?"lu yung asked taking the glass from lu bachang's hand and took a sip from it

"there is no 'she' here"he took the glass from lu yung's hand sipped from it

"then why are you so lost in thoughts,eh tell me"lu yung said rising one his eyebrows

"can't someone be lost in their own thoughts"

"no not you,you are always alert,maybe it is another one of your love paramours"

"she is not my paramour"lu bachang said eyeing lu yung angrily

"ah ha,now you are trapped,come on tell me who is she,hope she is not like mona"lu yung said putting is arm around lu bachang's neck

"no,she is different from mona"lu bachang defended su mei

"how different is she,maybe she might be pretending,you don't know girls of nowadays like I do,they want to trap rich and handsome guys like me and maybe you,so you need to show me her picture"

"there is no need for that,I have done my own research on her'

"that is bah talk,no computer or detectives know the women in Beijing like I do"lu yung bragged about himself

lu bachang rolled his eyeballs and thought for a moment,lu yung was right,he was the one who exposed mona for who she really is,a gold digger that has a husband and three kids,but su mei is too naive to be a fraudster,but one can never be too careful,with some hesitation he gave lu yung his phone,with su mei's picture in it

"wow,she is a beauty,how did you get her picture"lu yung smiled looking at his brother

lu bachang sighed before answering him"from her facebook account,we exchanged numbers,and we gave each other our facebook account

"oh,don't worry,you'll get a feedback from me in a day or two"

lu bachang grabbed his phone from lu yung "just don't do anything funny"

"don't you trust me,come on now,she is my half sister-in-law,because she is beautiful but we don't know her intentions yet"

"I need to be alone"lu bachang announced

"and I need to be in a company of beautiful ladies"lu yung left lu bachang alone,whistling as he strode away