
No need to Die

"Shh, you're beautiful. No matter what they say." He whispers in my ears. "But-" I try to say. "No buts. Now open your eyes." He says and I do as I'm told. Upon opening them, I'm met with his face so close to mine and his warm breath hits my face. =•= Max Willis, beautiful, intelligent and also has a low self-esteem. She tries to fight through high school life and all it's bullies until she tries committing suicide. Her parents notice this and prescribe her to the best psychologist, Adam Kingston. Mistaken identity leads to her meeting his son, Jermaine Kingston who catches her attention and she wants more of him. Read to learn what happens between the broken girl and the psychologist's son.❤️

Psycho052 · Teen
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5 Chs


Max's POV

This is the first time I visit the hospital and I'm really hating every minute of it.

The cold breeze that enters the window is giving me chills and I'm freezing at the moment.

It smells like medicine everywhere!

Not to mention the food.

The food has no taste whatsoever and I have to eat oats.

Who the hell actually puts oats in their mouths and swallows it!?

This is the most disgusting thing I've ever digested.

It's lunch time and the nurse walked in and placed the food on the table.

I forced a smile after she smiled to me, nodding.

She placed a covered plate in front of me and walked out.

I uncovered the food and my stomach actually got tangled inside.

"I am not putting that thing in me. And you better not put it in your mouth, Max!" My stomach exclaimed in my head.

"She's got a point, Max. That thing is isn't going to pass through me." My oesophagus also said and I rolled my eyes.

I pushed the table of food away from me and laid down.

My belly grumbled in hunger and I stared at the hospital food.

You'll just have to take it in, organs. You don't have a choice.

I grabbed the table again and placed it in front of me.

I look at the bread and the soup in front of me, carefully examining them.

The soup looks like it doesn't even have salt.

I looked for the salt and pepper but I find nothing there.

Tasteless soup, it is then.

I reach for the spoon and grab a spoonful of soup.

I close my eyes and drag the spoon to my mouth, forcefully.

Before the spoon could enter my mouth, mama entered the room with a bag of MacDonald's.

I put the spoon back from where I took it and smiled at her.

"And this?" I asked, looking at the bag.

"No child of mine will eat hospital food." She said, taking away the bread and soup from the table.

"I love you, so, so, so, so much! You have no idea." I said, with a wide smile on my face.

"Trust me, I know." She said, giving me the food.

I exhaled as I saw the nuggets in front of me along with a big Mac and a smoothie on the side.

Adoring the food, I took a small bite and groaned in amusement.

I ate like a hungry lion and finished the food in a jiffy.

I eat fast.

She told me that I'll be discharged from the hell hole today.

And tomorrow, I have to go to therapy.

She said the doctor's name is Adam Kingston.

A well known and respected therapist with a lovely family as well.

Mama thought that because he also had kids, he'll understand me even better.

But she doesn't get it. No one understands me.

I do! I do!

You're me, so it doesn't count.

I took a little nap before heading home.


While in the car, mama and papa were discussing something.

I was too distracted by my food to hear anything they were talking about.

Food for me is like goddess Aphrodite, the goddess of love.

So full of love and makes sure that I'm always happy.

"We're home." Dad said, disturbing my peace.

I stepped out of the car and into the house.

I really didn't want to go back to my room.

It will just depress me even more.

Should I ask them for another room?

"No. You'll just exhaust them even more. Let them be." The tiny voice in my head said.

Grabbing the pizza, I headed to the dining room.

I lay on the couch and watch television.

"Honey?" Mom called out to me.

"Yes, mama?" I replied, walking over to her.

"I hope you're not forgetting about your appointment tomorrow." She said, concerned.

"Don't worry. I'm not." I reassured her and that meant that I should go back to sleep.

My eyes felt really heavy from the pain killers I'd drank, to reduce the pain on my wrists.

What in the world was I thinking? I should've never had killed myself.

Death will obviously come looking for me, anyways.

I head to my room and just lean on the door first.

I can't do this.

Heading out of the room, I walked back to the guest room and slept there.

I wondered how the first session was going to be, until my eyes closed shut.