

When I walked in I quickly curtsey to the Queen and smile at her. "Hello Your Highness," pleasantries were annoying to always do.

"Hello Beth. I am here to talk to about you lessons. You'll be taught by a green who is sworn to secrecy, " the Queen was sitting perfectly in the chair and I was slight envious of how easy it was for her.

"A green? I wasn't expecting that. I was expecting a yellow, " I stay standing on the other side of my chambers. "Before you go.. when can I see my family? They are probably confused.."

"You can see them tomorrow. Kayden will be with you so don't do anything rash," the Queen smiles as she stands up.

"Wait Kayden doesn't know my true color and I don't even know what I'm pretending to be, " I look down kinda embarrassed.

"You are a yellow from the other side of the country. You will talk to your family before Kayden goes in. The rest is how you decide it to be," the Queen smiles at me and walks out with the maids curtsey.

I don't give the same. I only have to curtsey when I first see her. Not a moment later a man walks in and bows. "Hello my lady. I am Jake and will be your tutor into Royal ways."

"It's nice to meet you Jake. Just call me Beth alright? And you don't have to bow unless we aren't in here," I smile and he looks up at me slightly shocked.

"Thank you Beth. I am not used to such a kind Royal to a green, " he smiles after a second of shock and I laugh.

"You are sworn to secrecy so I guess you should know. I am original a blue. I am not use to people bowing and following my every command without question. It is quite unusual, " I go and sit as well as I can and the tutor sighs.

"That is good and bad news for me. It will take a lot to get you up to royal standards in an hour but we will get started," he walked over to her and pushes her back straight and smiles. "Now slant your legs to the right please. "

"Okay, " I do that and surprisingly it wasn't that uncomfortable. "Oh this isn't that bad. That makes me happy."

"Okay well stand up and walk over there with grace, " he points to the other side of the room and I do so. My feet light and my back still as straight. "You are easier to train then I thought. Good job Beth."

"I've been paying attention since I got here. I can't make a fool of myself, " I smile as I sit back down perfectly and he claps.

"Okay now eating. When you eat the salad you use the fork further from the plate and take small bites. If the King finishes then you are finished. Just keep the bites small and smile but don't open your mouth because that's just gross in general," he was walking be through the steps and I was getting it.

After the hour he was really impressed and said I would do an amazing job tonight. I had two hours to get ready before all four princes came to escort me. It was all four because I was to engage one but none of us know which one I will be engaged to.

My hair and makeup was done to make me stand out a great deal. It was very pretty but I was going to hate having all eyes on me. The Queen came back after an hour of me getting ready. "Beth, you will be saying a few simple words at the dinner with everyone. And everyone I mean the whole court. You will say, 'I am happy to be here at court and in a few months I will be the brothel of one of the princes,' then give a smile and sit back down. You'll be seated to the right of my husband next to Garroth."

"Uh okay. I will do so your Highness. I will be careful with my words, " I smile and the Queen then leaves and I just look at Arielle who shrugged. That was certainly random. Another hour later and I was in a big dark purple dress that made my light eyes pop.

When I walked out the door with the grace Jake told me to, the four princes were there. They all bowed and I curtsey. I walked in between Alva and Benjamin. Benjamin whispered to me while we walked, "I'm truly sorry about beforehand in the library Princess. I had no idea you loved to read."

"All is forgiven but you should be nicer to your brother. I hate seeing people be rude to their siblings. That is a bond that shouldn't be destroyed for no reason, " I whisper back and he sighs.

"Do you understand siblings Princess? Having so many?" He asked and looked at me for a second and I smiled.

"I have four younger siblings Prince Benjamin. Of course I understand siblings, I had to help raise mine, " I smile remembering them and smiled bigger because I was going to see them tomorrow.

"Why the big smile?" Alva asked looking at Benjamin curiously.

"Just thinking of my family is all Prince Alva. Old memories that make me happy, " I sigh and I take both their arms as we get closer to the room. I was supposed to walk in like this, taking the arm of the middle princes. When we walked in everyone was already standing and either curtsies or bowed to us.

Once inside Prince Alva hands me off to Prince Garroth. He takes me to my seat and pulls it out. Once I am seated he pushes the chair back in for me and sits down next to me and smiles.

"Don't be scared. I'm sure you'll get along with everyone, " he whispered so quiet almost I didn't hear him.

"I am getting picked by one of the princes to marry after four months. Trust me I won't be liked taking away the chance for a prince," I whisper just as softly and he sighed and nodded. He knew I was right.

The King and Queen walked in the same way the princes and I walked in basically. The Queen had one hand on the King's arm and the other holding her dress. "Good evening my court. Today we are celebrating and welcoming the newest to the court Princess Beth, " the King's voice echoed and the Queen nodded at me so I stood up and she smiled. I did that right and she nodded again.

"I am happy to be here at court and I'm excited to get to meet everyone, " I didn't mention the brothel part and the Queen stared at me so I continued. "In a few months one of the Princes will chose me to be their wife."

That's when the Queen nodded and I sat back down and looked at my lap. I could feel all the eyes on me so I just kept my head down. The King and Queen sat down and Garroth was making small talk with me. Not many talked to each other but listened instead. Dinner went by slow as all could be and once it was over I was happy.

I hardly ate and I guess Kayden noticed and questioned me when he was at my side. "Is everything okay Princess Beth? You hardly ate anything," he was truly concerned and his question got Garroth's attention.

"Yeah I noticed it too Princess. Do you need a doctor to look you over?" Garroth stopped at my side too and was also looking concerned. I didn't know any of them honestly.

"I don't need a doctor... I just felt everyone's eyes on me the whole night and I just couldn't eat... " I smile though and fix my dress but I can still feel worry coming from them.

"Well how about we take you back to your room and enjoy a dessert together? The three of us, " Garroth said and offered his arm and so did Kayden.

I giggle and looked at both of them. "Well can I eat something before dessert? I was just going to get my maid to raid something from the kitchen so I wouldn't be hungry, " I was still nervous. I was okay around Kayden but Garroth was a different level.

"Sure do you have anything specific in mind?" Garroth looks at one of the maids and she automatically comes over.

"Uh just a small salad will do, " and then the maid was gone. "How does she know where to take it?"

"None of our conversations in a room like this isn't listened to. Once she brings that we'll get dessert, " Kayden smiles and they walk me back to my room. At first I kinda regret bringing the Princes back to my room to watch me eat but then again, if one doesn't pick me it'll be forced so oh well.

"I don't know how many times I complain of something simple and it's fixed in a second, " Garroth says and he opens the door for me and even allows Kayden in before him. Garroth seemed to be nice to Kayden or he was acting.

"Yeah it makes sense though. You are the Crown Prince. Everyone wants to be in your good grace, " I say and quickly cover my mouth but he just laughs.

"You have no filter even around a Crown Prince. That's different for sure. Most people are so choosy with their words, " Garroth points at Kayden and he blushes.

"I'm choosy with my words for anyone. Don't feel special Garroth, " Kayden and Garroth laughed and that made me smile.

"Well you seem in a better mood by the way," Kayden remarks and I shrug.

"I am just glad to see that so far only one brother seems to be mean, " I saw and then saw Garroth's puzzled look. Kayden just shook his head. "Prince Benjamin had no right to say that to you when I asked you to take me to the library."

"Oh he was on about that. Yeah Benjamin does that but he's only like that to Kayden really, " Garroth words were always well spoken and his voice was soothing to me which is weird to say but true.

"That's not okay. I would never treat my younger siblings like that, " Kayden has a look of shock but Garroth obviously doesn't. He knows I'm a blue.

"I didn't think you had siblings... I guess that makes sense why you understand it so well. Where do you fall amongst your siblings? " Kayden asked after the initial reaction.

"I'm the oldest by a long shot. The next is only twelve. You'll meet them tomorrow Kayden when we visit," and he had yet another look of surprise but so did Garroth.

"I didn't know that..." Kayden gets out and Garroth stays quiet.

"I thought the Queen would have told you. She is allowing me to see them because I don't know anyone from here really," I explain and Garroth's face didn't seem to be happy. He almost seemed upset about something.

"Why am I coming with?"

"Uh she said I needed a Prince escort. I truly don't know why though, " I shrugged and looked at Garroth but he shook his head. Maybe I'll ask him before he leaves.

Anyways my salad arrived and I took small bites. I was very hungry but I had company so obviously I can't just shove my face with food... no matter how much I want to.

"Oh bring us three pieces of my favorite cake," Garroth said before the maid left. You don't ask for things with maids, of course not they are far too below someone like a royal. It still hurt to see.

"Your favorite?" I was puzzled as to what type of cake I was getting and he refused to tell me. Kayden knew too but he thought it would be a fun surprise so I finished my salad. We all talked for a little. Mostly me because they wanted to know about my siblings and what it was like since my siblings are so much younger than me.

"I helped my parents and I was good entertainment for them so yeah. It was fun though. Playing games and scaring them sometimes, " I smile and get lost in a memory of when I scared my brother a little too much and he almost fell through the floor.

Eventually cake came and I still had absolutely no idea what I was about to eat since it was a secret. I took the first bite and it was so good but I still didn't know what it was called. "What is this called? It's so good," I say once I finished my first bite.

"It's red velvet cake. You've never had any before?" Garroth asked curiously.

"Uh no my parents weren't huge on sweets but I ended up with a sweet tooth I can't resist sometimes, " I chuckle a little before going back to my cake. We were quiet while we ate but it wasn't entirely awkward.