
No Medicine For Regret

Regret. I regret meeting you. I regret knowing you. I regret trusting you. And most of all, I regret loving you. Deep in the swamps that lie east of the world resides a legendary witch, who from her hovel watches over the entire world. There she crafts potions of unmatched potency and nature, ones that can heal all illness, make a weak man strong, and return the dead to the realm of living. As long as one can tell a story that the witch has never heard, anything can be bought. There I will seek treatment. A medicine for my regret. A bandage for my soul. From now on, let us be strangers. You who were my world will now reside outside of it. You who were my love, will never again enter my eye. Let our fate be severed. But, I can’t help but wonder, in this world, is there really such thing as medicine for regret?

An_Ineloquent_Pen · Fantasy
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70 Chs


Walking over with a light green dress, a soft black headband, and a pair of cloth shoes alongside some undergarments, Lily walked over with a smile and said, "See if these fit. If they're tight anywhere, you might have to bear with it for a day, but we can go shopping tomorrow."

Plopping the clothes in Ava's hands, Lily continued, "If you want, you can finish changing here. I'm going to walk back to my room and change there if you want to come with me."

Thinking for a moment, Ava let out a slight nod and then shook her head. "Can you wait a moment?"

Nodding, Lily looked at Ava inquisitively.

Holding onto her stuff alongside the pile of clothing that Lily had dumped into her hands, Ava walked over to the shelf where she and Lily had stashed their dirty clothing.

Realizing where the issue was, Lily let out a small ah of realization before tapping herself lightly on the head and following over.

At first, Lily wanted to suggest helping Ava hold onto some of her things, but realizing that most of it was her personal belongings and then a few assorted items of grimy clothing, she couldn't help but hesitate.

In front of Lily, Ava first quickly brushed herself off with the towel before placing it to the side and slipping on the dress. But as the dress wasn't fitted perfectly for her, and she wasn't familiar with putting on a dress, Ava couldn't help but struggle slightly in the process.

Seeing Ava struggle with something so rudimentary, Lily couldn't help but let out bell-like laughter. "It looks like there are things you can't do too. Haha, let me help you with that."

Seeing that Ava slightly paused for a moment before continuing, Lily assumed Ava had agreed and walked over to help pull the dress over Ava. After a brief, somewhat confusing struggle, Ava managed to get into the dress, looking slightly flushed after the fact, in part due to the steamy room and in part due to the struggle.

Looking Ava up and down, Lily couldn't help but let out a small giggle, "You're pretty cute when you're not covered in head to toe like a mudman."

Glaring at Lily, Ava couldn't help but want to punch this silly girl. Why did she have to keep commenting on her appearance?

But under the thin veil of the steam and the flush on Ava's face, her typically somewhat intimidating glare could only appear cute in Lily's eyes, as Ava's appearance seemed to take the shape of a pouting young princess in her perspective.

Smiling widely, Lily grabbed the headband off of the top of the shelf and brushed a few strands of Ava's golden hair to the side with her left hand before placing the headband on Ava's head and pushing it pack, neatly pushing back her hair in the process. Then, coming closer, Lily couldn't help but hug Ava.

Surprised by the sudden attack, Ava didn't know what to do and was lost as her instincts told her to push Lily away, and her mind told her to just endure it. Following the previous experience, Ava simply slowly raised her hands and laid them on Lily's back, happy to just enjoy the moment.

Just as Ava was about to relax, Lily couldn't help but giggle, "Hehe!" before poking at Ava's cheek with her finger. Finding that Ava's cheek wasn't as soft as she imagined, Lily couldn't help but feel a little disappointed.

On the other hand, Ava, startled by the sudden intrusion, couldn't help but be pulled out of the moment and lightly pushed Lily away, looking at her with a blaming look.

Letting out another laugh, turned around and picked up all of her dirty clothes, as well as a couple of Ava's, and started leading the way.

Feeling slightly helpless, Ava went and grabbed the remainder of her stuff and quickly checked she still had all of her important things on her.

Seeing Lily's figure start to get further away, Ava couldn't help but let out a quick curse and grab the remaining bottles of medicine that sat on the shelf and haphazardly throw them into her pouch before following. This girl was going to be the death of her.

Stepping out of the bathhouse, Ava couldn't help but be startled at the several people that were standing and sitting around, who, upon her exit, all turned their eyes towards her. Taking a few steps back defensively and scanning her surroundings, Ava only let out a slight sigh of relief after confirming that none of the nearby individuals were armed or hostile. Pausing for another moment, Ava quickly scurried after Lily.

After Ava had left, the onlookers couldn't help but turn their eyes to each other and start chatting, "What a cute little girl. I wonder where Lily found her?"

Sighing, a girl in her late twenties with dark hair and a slight tan in a ruby-red dress couldn't help but ask, "Sienna, those are your old clothes, right? I haven't seen that dress in forever. I remember you used to follow me around in your little green dress, calling out Vivi! Vivi! You were so cute back then."

Hearing this, a slightly pale-skinned girl with dark brown hair that was approaching black in a light blue nightgown looked over at Vivian, who had just spoken and gave her a disdainful glance before turning her eyes back to where Ava had left.

Seeing Sienna's reaction, Vivian couldn't help but pout, "Ah, you were so cute back then, and now you treat me like this… No, this won't do! I have to hurry up and leave a good impression on the new girl before she turns jaded witch like you."

Hearing this, Sienna's face couldn't help but darken as she turned and glared at Vivian. "VIVIAN!"

Laughing, Vivian gave Sienna a small wave before running away.

Staring in Vivian's direction, Sienna couldn't help but take a few angry steps in place, seeming as if she wanted to take chase, but in the end, she only let out an angry sigh and turned the other direction to return to her room.

In the end, the remaining three girls who were still there couldn't help but give each other helpless glances. One couldn't help but say, "I wonder when they'll finally make up."

To the side, another girl couldn't shake her head, "With Vivian's personality, I don't know if that's even possible."

Laughing, the last girl couldn't help but chime in, "Can you blame her? Sienna's like a tomato when she flares up. It's so cute."

Glancing at the girl who had spoken last, the other two couldn't help but shake their heads. Alright, they forgot that Isabella also had such bad taste.