I watched as Scott's face was changing its colors. He wanted to know whether I will accept him or reject him. Of course I'll accept. I will never reject him. He's the love of my life and I have a serious crush on him since childhood. Yes! Childhood. He is tall and handsome and he has cute curly hair and I always like those cute curls. His deep brown eyes and the way they sparkle every time he sees me. His sharp jawlines, the hottest thing I've ever seen. He was a dream man for me. And I've always idealized him since we were children. I wanted to say something to ease him up but my tongue wasn't moving at all. My words died, and I also wasn't moving at all. I froze at my place. Cassie finally spoke and unfroze me.
Cassie: Iris! Say something.
I took a deep breath and finally gave my answer.