When Chen Mu made that phone call, he was in one of the empty private conference rooms at the hospital. After dropping off Ariana and Chen Nan, he drove back to the hospital where Zi Yan and Lin Que followed up with what they needed to do.
Lin Que had to attend to a few patients, while Zi Yan had to gather Susu's belongings. There was also luggage at the hotel that they have to retrieve later on. Lily accompanied Susu's side as Chen Mu requested for her to undergo another full body checkup.
Not allowing any risks or chances of her body condition to have deteriorated under his supervision, Susu had to go through multiple examinations before discharging from the hospital. Even though the chances were slim, he still wanted to make sure that she was in a good condition to leave the hospital.
His worries were reasonable since her body has gone through too much lately with the drug and new cancer medicine. Lin Que also compromised and said that he would personally visit them during her appointment dates.
Although it was more work, but it was all worth his time. When Chen Mu thanked him and apologized for the inconvenience, Lin Que made him pause his words and said, "Stop, what bother? You guys or never a bother. I'm a doctor and she's my patient. It's only natural that I need to do what a doctor needs to do. Besides, this is far from what Ariana and Chen Nan are doing."
"Thank you.." Chen Mu hugged this cheesy doctor and patted his back.
"Hey, hey. Hugging is fine, but watch where you're touching."
"but I'm too moved by your words~ Come on~ don't be shy~ it's not like we haven't seen each other's nude bodies before." Chen Mu naturally hugged Lin Que around his shoulders and laughed off his own joke.
From a distance, their girlfriends had been observing the guy's interactions and whispering their thoughts to each other.
"You are thinking what I'm thinking?" Lily smiled and took out her phone.
"The same as what you're thinking." Susu reached out her palm for Lily to give her her cellphone. Earlier, she had to run some tests, so she put Lily in charge of her phone. With a similar naughty smile on their faces, they snapped a few pictures using their high-quality camera from their phones and shared it to the family group chat.
"Wow! Nice angle!" Lily bent down to review the photos that Susu had taken.
"Yours have very nice lighting!" Susu complimented Lily's photos as well. Because she had to run multiple examinations, Susu had to sit in a wheelchair in case she gets tired. Lily has been wheeling her to different rooms without a single complaint. They were talking about various topics that would help Susu feel more relieved when they came across their boyfriend's mini moment.
Since the group chat was muted on Chen Mu's phone, he didn't know about the picture. Once everything was all set at the hospital, they all headed to the hotel to pack Professor Luo Xia and Zi Yan's luggage. By the time they had finished, Chen Mu gave Zhi Hei to inform him of their estimated arrival time. Zhi Hei also confirmed that everything was ready for them to move in.
It took them a little after 1 PM to reach the private residence. When they arrived, Zhi Hei was standing by the gates with a gentleman smile. It was a relief to see them arrive safely.
"Welcome." As each of them stepped out of the vehicle to gather around Zhi Hei, one of the butlers walked over to the driver's seat and asked for the car key. Chen Mu wanted to refuse his offer, but Zhi Hei interrupted.
"You can let Uncle Tom take your car. I want to help you guys familiarize yourselves with this private place. It's along the way to the main entrance, so it's not too far from where we are standing."
Chen Mu turned to the middle-aged man, who maintained the same smile as before to confirm that it was no trouble for him to drive the car to the house. After seeing no signs of inconvenience, he handed his car keys to Uncle Tom.
Soon, the crowd followed Zhi Hei's lead and started exploring around the area.
- Underground Tunnel-
It's been less than twenty-four hours and Ariana realized that she's been going around in circles. Since she marked her tracks as she went deeper into the tunnel, she could tell where she was headed towards. After walking nonstop, she stopped to take a rest.
"What am I doing wrong? Why am I going around in circles? Unless there are some weird secret pathways that I missed? But there are various entrances...But same lock? Maybe I should start playing with the walls as I walk."
After ten minutes of rest, she decided that it was time to try again. She stumbled over a rock that bounced off the wall and rolled to her side. Feeling frustrated by the current situation and the sudden scare from the fall, she picked up the rock and threw it against the wall. The rock ended up rolling back her way, but this time, she noticed something odd.
She squinted and compared the wall in front of her to other parts of the same wall. After knocking several times, she curiously smiled, "So, there is a pathway and it was here all along. How many times did I have to pass through this route to find you, hmm? Let's see..."
Observing the area around her, she quickly realized that there were many visible cracks on areas of the wall, except for the area in front of her. Moving from one spot to the next, she knocked continuously and traced the pathway's opening using her eyes. Finally, a smirk appeared when she figured it out.
"There is only one crack within this opening. I suppose it isn't just here for decorations, huh?" She carefully inspected the crack and recognized the similar size between this hole and the rock that's on the floor. With the same rock in her hand, she tossed it onto the floor and watched it roll away.
"As expected, the key to this door is you. If it was a regular rock, at least some fragments of it would have fallen from the original piece when it landed on the floor. This is still the same shape as before."
Taking the rock in her hand once again, she rotated it and stuffed it to fit into the crack on the wall. Once the rock was pushed into it, the wall slowly slid open. "Well, adventures mean staircases and more work."
She glanced one last time towards the entrance before walking into the pathway. Right after she had entered, the wall closed and she could hear the key to the wall fall back onto the floor. Because it was pretty dim near the staircase, she had to turn on her mini flashlight.
Using the flashlight, she looked around to see if there were any levers, buttons or anything that could open the same door in case she needed to flee later. Unfortunately, there were none. That wall could only be opened from the outside. After a short sigh, she continued walking forward and raised her guards up as she grew closer to the next exit in front of her.
THE NOVEL IS NOT POSTED YET. This synopsis may be updated later on and it's to see my reader's opinion of whether they would like to read this novel hahahaha. I will try to make this a regular romance with less drama....We'll see where it goes ;) As for her profession, it's a mystery~
The first time they've passed by each other:
Lin Que: "Years ago, I met her during an Anime Convention. Well...that's if the one second eye contact actually counted... She was dressed as Usagi Tsukino from the anime, Sailor Moon. And I was forced to be there that day...dressed as Tuxedo Mask to support my friend's anime meet and greet event."
"Our eyes met for a second before she smiled brightly and ran over. I raised my hand to take off my mask, thinking that she was coming towards me. My tongue slipped, and I said Hi to her...only to see her running past me. It was so awkward that I patted my friends back and twisted my greetings from Hi to Hitman Reborn; another anime that I've heard about."
"Her eyes wandered to her left to meet my gaze when she ran past me before her attention was back to the other guy in the same Tuxedo Mask outfit . That smile she had on her face made my heart go crazy and from the looks of it, he seemed to be her boyfriend. Oh wells, guess this Tuxedo Mask could have better luck next time. It's rare to find a girl who catches my attention like that, but I'll forget about her."
Second coincidence encounter:
- Two months later -
Lin Que's brother, Lucas, hugged him so tight that he could hardly breathe.
"Bro! I'm so glad I got off in time to rush over for your graduation! Congratulations!!!!"
"Lucas! Thank you for coming! How are you doing overseas? You chose to follow mom and dad during their trip to study abroad. I was surprised that you stayed there for almost a year now." Lin Que patted his younger brother's back as they separated from the hug.
"Pffft, bro! Who do you think I am? Hmm? What could ever stop your brother from doing anything? Besides, I argued with a great cause! Mom and dad wouldn't stop me." Lucas stuffed the bouquet of flowers that he brought to his arms and said, "from mom and dad."
"Ahhh, I heard they were stuck with a client's contract breach situation. Must be tough."
"Yes! Oh, my goodness, but since today is a great day~ Let's ignore work talk. Come on~ Mom and dad said that I must show proof that I came! Say cheese!"
Lin Que was forced to make a victory sign while smiling to the camera. After taking countless number of pictures, Lin Que took some group photos with his friends before bidding goodbye. Inside a black Mercedes car, Lucas showed Lin Que several pictures that they've taken together.
"Bro! Bro! What about this one? You look so handsome in it!" Lucas handed his phone over to him. His original plain response was swallowed back down his throat when he saw the girl who was passing by in the background.
'That's her....No way!!!!'
And finally, the third time that they've met, before their fate started its work..
After realizing that he had forgotten to do some grocery shopping, Lin Que decided to eat at a newly opened Szechuan spicy bowl location. His stomach growled and warned him for the third time when he reached the place.
The place was packed, and he doubted that there were any seats for him. At this odd time, he would expect fewer people to even be there. Unfortunately, luck wasn't on his side tonight. He turned around to leave, but the waiter stopped him and asked if he minded sharing a table.
"Sure." He replied since he couldn't wait any longer for food.
Following the waiter, he reached the table where he was then given the menu. He mostly chose vegetables and a few meat selections before handing the menu back to the waiter. Since he interrupted the girl's solo time, he thought that it would only be polite to thank her for willing to share the spot with him. The food seemed to be quite tasty with the way she had her head faced down as she ate it in a fast pace.
"Uhm, excuse me. I just want to thank you for sharing you table with me. If not, I would have had to eat cup noodles for the-" His eyes widened as he recognized the girl in front of him. The food was too spicy that she needed to blow her nose with a napkin. Even though she was blowing her snot and was perspiring greatly from eating the Beyond Human level spicy bowl, he knew it was her.
Though the peppers were strong enough to make his eyes water from a distance, she managed to meet his gaze and said, "it's no disturbance. I'm almost done anyways." He was checking his phone for messages, but would once in a while look up to the girl whose lips had turned red from eating spicy food.
Subconsciously, his lips curved to a smile, thinking how adorable she looked. Perhaps she felt tired from eating the spicy food; she slowed down and stopped her chopsticks movements. He looked up when he didn't hear chewing noises to see her reddened face.
She pressed the napkin on her face, especially on her eyes as water stains soaked through the layer. At first, he thought that she was teary from the spices. Then, he realized that she had already eaten the ghost peppers in her bowl. All there's left was some soup, some small pieces of meat and vegetables.
He remained quiet for a few minutes until he couldn't take it anymore. Taking a few napkins, he offered her the clean ones to her and asked, "are you alright?"
"I'm fine." She responded a few seconds of silence and took the napkins from his hand. Without looking at him, she asked for the check and paid with cash. When she took out her wallet to pay, she dropped her newly printed business cards on the table and didn't notice.
After she had left, he realized that she left her case of business cards. She was already gone when he ran out. He took one card out and smiled, "Lily Jiang...."
Later, they meet again.... at the hospital where he played the role of a doctor and she as the patient. His lip twitched when he examined her condition, "We meet again, Miss.Jiang. I am the doctor who is in charge of your case. How may I help you today?"
"Can I see another doctor?"
"Sorry, other doctors who are currently on shift are attending other patients." He replied.
A contemporary romance filled with fluff~
PHEW~ Let me know what you think and if you'll be interested in this novel? Remember~ this synopsis may be updated later on ahhahaha I promise it'll be a funny and slow romance hahhaha