
No Matter How Long Time Passes, I Still Love You

A game of "Let's Switch" changed the fate of three youths. Tian Yuo (Age 6): "Nobody will notice, especially her! I don't want to play with her." Chen Mu frowned from his behavior, "But she is your future fiance. You're meeting her for the first time anyways." Tian Yuo: "Come on, let's switch for the day. Sometimes even our mothers can't figure us out because we swapped our clothes and accessories! Please...I'm going to tell my mom that I don't want to marry her anyways." Chen Mu: "I still don't think it's a good idea.." Tian Yuo: "Didn't you hate hanging out with Chu Yao? I'll help you avoid her for this whole school semester if you switch with me." Chen Mu sighed, "Fine. Only this time." ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tian Yuo: "I don't want to marry Yin Susu. I don't love her, and she will never be my bride." He shouted out loud in front of his parents, Yin Zin Leung (Susu's father), and Karen (Susu's step sister). Before leaving the room, he grabbed Karen's hand and looked back with a sharp glare towards Susu, "I will only have one wife and she's Karen." _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Karen handed Susu a glass of wine, "Sis, please forgive me. Bro Yuo and I really love each other. I'll drink this glass of wine as an apology. It's my engagement night, so I hope you could give us your blessing." Susu felt tightness in her chest as she chugged the glass of wine in her hands down her throat. She didn't notice the smirk on Karen's face while she was swallowing the wine. Feeling ill, Susu went upstairs to escape the loudness that gave her a headache. She leaned against the wall and sloppily entered a guest room. Once entered, she stripped naked from feeling the heat in the room. The next morning, she woke up to find Tian Yuo sleeping naked next to her. Her face turned pale as she felt cramps on her lower abdomen when she moved. A noticeable blood stain was on the bed... 'Did..w..what happened..?' The guest room door swung open and Karen shockingly stood by the door. Her loud gasp and unsettled tone rung Susu and Tian Yuo's ears, "Sis! Bro Yuo!! How could you two do this to me?" Tian Yuo immediately sat up and caught a glimpse of what had happened. Quickly he refuted any accusations that were thrown at him, "It's not like that! I didn't! Karen, it was her! She drugged me! I drank the wine that was from her and then I woke up just now!!" He angrily looked to his left and growled, "Yin Susu! I never thought you'd go this far!!!" Susu cried, "It's not me!!! It's Karen!!!" Karen's tears were similar to a nonstop flood, "Sis, you're too much!!! How could you!!!" --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tian Yuo coldly scowled at Susu on their wedding night, "We may be married, but I would never touch you. You'll live with an emptied title. You'll never get the love you wish to get from me. Understand?" -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chen Mu spotted Tian Yuo at a bar after paying Susu a visit. He ran towards the handsome man who was flirting with a group of girls, "You bastard! If you never loved her, why marry her in the first place?!" "To torture her." "If you don't know how to care for your own wife, then I won't hold back! I won't let anyone hurt her. Not even if you are my closest friend." --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Author's note: Chen Mu is the Male Lead in this story. The book cover image does not belong to me. Credits are given to whoever the author is for the image that I found on Google. I edited and added onto the image for the book cover.

Sweetflowlips · Urban
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201 Chs

These are Mine

After a while of returning kisses back and forth, Susu got tired of sitting on him and groaned in discomfort. Hearing her slight complaints, he carefully laid her down on the couch with his body between her spread legs.

Her disheveled hair spread on the couch as her teary eyes shimmer under the light and the visible kiss marks became a pleasurable treat to his eyes. His fingers traced the light hickeys where he had left his mark and claimed his territory.

"You're beautiful," he whispered as he nibbled her left ear, where she was most sensitive. "hhaaa...nnn.." She could feel his hands roam under her sweater, finding her perky nipple. "Found it," he showered her neck with affectionate kisses as he teased her breast in one hand and felt her hips using the other.

As she moaned, her legs subconsciously tried to close on him, but his body prevented her from doing that. A satisfied grin appeared on his face when he heard her soft voice become more aggressive as if she was screaming out for more.

Soon, her top slipped off and her bare chest was exposed. With only mini shorts and panties on, she shyly covered her breasts and turned to the side. He could feel the nervousness and slight tension from her. Even though seeing her reaction made him want to tease her even more, he stopped. He hugged her from behind and waited patiently for her to turn around herself.

He pulled the neatly folded blanket over their bodies and smiled as he stayed in the same position without making any moves. After a few minutes, Susu rotated her body and faced him. Her flushed cheeks, cherry glossed lips, and eyes attracted him like a bee to a beautiful flower.

"We won't do anything you don't want to do or feel uncomfortable doing, okay? Relax if you're tired. I'll be here." He could sense her nervousness and decided to stop and wait until she was ready to do the real deed with him.

Under his caring gaze and warm embrace, she fell asleep after their exercise. A part of her wanted to give herself to him, but she couldn't bring herself to do it until she told him the truth about her being sick. 'He has every right to know.' she thought as she fell into deep slumber.

After she fell asleep, he helped her get dressed and carried her to her bed. Laying beside the sleeping beauty, he gave her light warm kisses before hugging her to sleep. Ever since the first night of sleeping with her, cuddling became a habit.

Without each other's company, it would be hard to fall asleep for both of them. Chen Mu dotingly whispered, "Good night, my dear. I love you very much. When you chose me and asked me to date you, I swore that I would make you the happiest woman in the world. Whether if it's your dreams or wishes, I'll support you unconditionally."

Actually, when she got in the car earlier, he noticed the Paris Fashion Institute business card at the back of her phone case. He didn't mention anything, but if she really wanted to study, he would support her decision. Nowadays, he would secretly spend hours at the lab trying to do extensive research on medicine and herbs that may be used to strengthen the function of medical treatments for her cancer.

The pills that Lin Que prescribed to her were his most updated formulas and he made sure to track her reactions to the pills to make proper adjustments.

With his arms wrapped protectively around her body, he fell asleep with a smile on his face. The next morning, Susu woke up to his angelic beyond handsome face and blushed as she recalled their closeness from the previous night.

She minimized the gap between them and wrapped her arms around his waist. Seeing that he has not been woken up by her action, she got close enough to his face where the tip of their noses touched. She could feel her heart racing crazily through the small touch. Gently, she lifted his chin and kissed him, "Morning." She whispered.

Suddenly, a naughty thought popped up in her mind. "I didn't get to grope his butt cheeks yesterday! Hmph! This time, I'm groping both! Not just one side!" Since only one arm was long enough to reach his behinds, she used one hand and happily felt the squishy ass of his.

The roundness and its firmness made it very enjoyable for her hand as she went back and forth from squeezing the left to the right butt cheek. Each cheek received equal gropes and love from her hands and fingers. 'Love sure comes in different shapes and sizes,' she thought to herself as she closed her eyes and continued touching his tooshie to her desired amount.

She giggled after groping them and started drawing random shapes on his butt cheeks using her fingers. Finally, after having some time of fun, she patted his ass and said,"These are mine."

"Yep. They're all yours. I'm yours too." The huge smile on her face froze, and she tilted her face up to meet his warm gaze. "M..morning..." she said.

He smiled revealing his teeth, "morning, beautiful. Did you sleep well?"

"Mmm..." she rubbed her cheeks against his chest and hugged him tighter. He could feel his buddy below hardening from feeling her soft body against his so early in the morning. It seems like after what they did last night, they've become even closer than before.

The couple stayed in bed together and cuddled for a while before getting up and ready to start their day again. When Chen Mu got off her bed, he didn't forget to tease her and pointed at her neck area, "My dear~ Don't forget to use some concealer and powder to cover my love marks on you." He winked and walked out while letting out a small laugh.

It took her a few seconds to fully understand his meaning as she dived under the covers out of embarrassment. Once again, the images of what they did yesterday slowly popped up in her mind. Her fingers touched the dark reddish bluish marks on her neck as if she could feel the warmth of his lips all over her skin again. The gentle kisses and aggressive looking marks made her bit her lips subconsciously. 'I'll get you back for this! Meanie! Bully! Hmph!'

"I'll tell him before we reach third base. Whether he still wants me afterwards, that's his choice and I won't regret it." She nodded and got out of bed.

Here's another chapter~ I have my final exams coming up starting this Friday, so updates will be slower. I've been reading some comments and I want to thank all of you for reading my novel as well as liking it. I do enjoy writing and I try to write whenever I can (More than I focus on my homeworks hahaha) but please do understand that I am a full time student and I work as well. Some days are harder for me to think of ideas and the flow of the story since most of you would know by now that I write as I go, so I don't keep the chapters to myself as a tease.

Trust me, if I had those chapters typed up it would've been uploaded in one go, instantly. XD So sorry for the wait between chapters! But bare with this author~ Thank you

Big hugs to you all <3 stay warm and safe~

Sweetflowlipscreators' thoughts