
No Matter How Long Time Passes, I Still Love You

A game of "Let's Switch" changed the fate of three youths. Tian Yuo (Age 6): "Nobody will notice, especially her! I don't want to play with her." Chen Mu frowned from his behavior, "But she is your future fiance. You're meeting her for the first time anyways." Tian Yuo: "Come on, let's switch for the day. Sometimes even our mothers can't figure us out because we swapped our clothes and accessories! Please...I'm going to tell my mom that I don't want to marry her anyways." Chen Mu: "I still don't think it's a good idea.." Tian Yuo: "Didn't you hate hanging out with Chu Yao? I'll help you avoid her for this whole school semester if you switch with me." Chen Mu sighed, "Fine. Only this time." ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tian Yuo: "I don't want to marry Yin Susu. I don't love her, and she will never be my bride." He shouted out loud in front of his parents, Yin Zin Leung (Susu's father), and Karen (Susu's step sister). Before leaving the room, he grabbed Karen's hand and looked back with a sharp glare towards Susu, "I will only have one wife and she's Karen." _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Karen handed Susu a glass of wine, "Sis, please forgive me. Bro Yuo and I really love each other. I'll drink this glass of wine as an apology. It's my engagement night, so I hope you could give us your blessing." Susu felt tightness in her chest as she chugged the glass of wine in her hands down her throat. She didn't notice the smirk on Karen's face while she was swallowing the wine. Feeling ill, Susu went upstairs to escape the loudness that gave her a headache. She leaned against the wall and sloppily entered a guest room. Once entered, she stripped naked from feeling the heat in the room. The next morning, she woke up to find Tian Yuo sleeping naked next to her. Her face turned pale as she felt cramps on her lower abdomen when she moved. A noticeable blood stain was on the bed... 'Did..w..what happened..?' The guest room door swung open and Karen shockingly stood by the door. Her loud gasp and unsettled tone rung Susu and Tian Yuo's ears, "Sis! Bro Yuo!! How could you two do this to me?" Tian Yuo immediately sat up and caught a glimpse of what had happened. Quickly he refuted any accusations that were thrown at him, "It's not like that! I didn't! Karen, it was her! She drugged me! I drank the wine that was from her and then I woke up just now!!" He angrily looked to his left and growled, "Yin Susu! I never thought you'd go this far!!!" Susu cried, "It's not me!!! It's Karen!!!" Karen's tears were similar to a nonstop flood, "Sis, you're too much!!! How could you!!!" --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tian Yuo coldly scowled at Susu on their wedding night, "We may be married, but I would never touch you. You'll live with an emptied title. You'll never get the love you wish to get from me. Understand?" -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chen Mu spotted Tian Yuo at a bar after paying Susu a visit. He ran towards the handsome man who was flirting with a group of girls, "You bastard! If you never loved her, why marry her in the first place?!" "To torture her." "If you don't know how to care for your own wife, then I won't hold back! I won't let anyone hurt her. Not even if you are my closest friend." --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Author's note: Chen Mu is the Male Lead in this story. The book cover image does not belong to me. Credits are given to whoever the author is for the image that I found on Google. I edited and added onto the image for the book cover.

Sweetflowlips · Urban
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201 Chs

Financial Trouble

During the few months of not hearing from Tian Yuo, he was in deep debt. Ever since his credit card had maxed out, his parents reviewed the transactions that were made and angrily lectured him for spending money like water.

His lousy big mouth gave him out and exposed that the items were bought by Susu. "I wasn't the one who spent this amount of money!!! I gave my card to Susu, and she's the one who bought all that!"

Shen Wen massaged her temples and raised her voice by a tad, "You say it is Susu, but where could she have kept all the damn stuff if she really bought it?! I do not recall seeing any new technologies or jewelries being sent to our residence!"

"I asked her to buy everything from this list I wrote for a modeling friend! Susu maxed out my credit card on purpose!!! It's really not me!"

"Ohhoho~ So you bought all these for a chick who is not your wife? You even have the audacity to call her out just to slap your credit card and the damn list of items in her face and embarrass her?! And what now? You think you can use the company's fundings or our personal savings to help you with this high debt? No way!"

Shen Wen was fanning herself and walking around where Tian Yuo was sitting, "You have the best wife anyone could ever wish for at home, yet you still sneak out to cheat? A model friend? If she is just a friend, then why would you buy this much bullshit items for her? Poor Susu didn't even get a penny out of you!"

Tian Yuo gritted his teeth, "It's your fault for making me marry that shopping devil! Besides, she was so naive to think that I wanted to have lunch with her for her birthday! Ahahaha, that was the best thing ever!"

Shen Wen was too tired of face palming her own face, so she smacked her palm flat onto Tian Yuo's face, "Susu's birthday isn't even here yet! How the hell do you even call yourself her husband?! The Yin family always celebrated around August! And that month already passed long ago!!! One day you are definitely going to give me a heart attack for making such stupid moves."

Tian Yuo couldn't hold in his foul words and stupidly challenged his mother who was cursing out flames at this point of the conversation. "So what?! Why should I remember her damn birthday? I only know Karen's birthday, and that is all we need to know! Besides, they celebrate it together every year and since Karen is gone anyways, there is no point in celebrating Yin Susu's!"

Shen Wen felt extremely agitated that she beat him with Guo Min's golf stick. "You!!! Ungrateful creature! Since you are so high and mighty, pay this huge debt on your own! We are not helping you pay even a penny of it! If these items were for Susu, then I would've overlooked it, but now that it is in some model's house, you suck it up!"

Just like that, Tian Yuo was not allowed to use any of the company funds and was kicked out of his position until he proves that he had cleared his bills up. Now, he truly regretted not saving up even a penny of his yearly spendings.

"Aha! I can use all the credit cash back bonuses!" He logged into his bank account and realized that he barely saved enough bonuses to cover even the television that was bought. The products were all opened and taken out of the packages, which made returning the items impossible. Also, these items were all high quality products and has yet been released in the markets. Therefore, it was all one of a kind with shockingly high prices.

Guo Min felt that it was a little too harsh to have him carry the huge debt on his own. "My dear, how about we help him pay just a little bit?"

"No." She sipped her tea, trying to calm her anger.

"But it is a very high amount of money and plus, Susu was the one who got it for him..." He tried to make it sound logical in his wife's ears.

"He never learned his lessons and even disrespected Susu when she's done so much for our family! Which daughter-in-law could you find me if she decides to leave our family because our son is a god damn retarded jerk who cheats? Which wife could stand buying the list of gifts and sending it to the husband's girlfriend's house, huh? If I observed correctly, she looked pale and lacked energy when she came back! She didn't even complain a word to me!"

"Yes.. what he did was wrong, but..."

"But what huh? Susu had such a great temper and tolerated all these bullshit. If I didn't get a notification about this damn charge, I wouldn't have known how WELL he claimed to have treated Susu! And Susu? She just takes it as he makes things hard for her. From our meals to washing clothes, it was all Susu. Now, tell me, which part of Susu doesn't deserve our respect for her?"

"Besides, Tian Yuo was spoiled since young. This will teach him a nice lesson. If I find out that you assist him in any way to repay his debt, you're going to sleep in the living room until god knows how long. Do you still want to say stuff for him?"

"N..no... you're right. He should apologize, and the items should belong to Susu." He rubbed his wife's back, trying to soothe her emotions.

"Also, our one year contract is almost up. If I don't force him to realize how great she really is, then when she leaves, I know he will regret it deeply." That's right, they only have like three months left until the contract expires.