Kitty packed her bags a minute before 7 p.m. and stared at her watch until it was time for her to leave. Since she was in a hurry, she accidentally left her wallet. One of the interns saw her wallet and chased after her to stop her from leaving.
He called out her name a few times, which ended up annoying her. She rolled her eyes and vented out her annoyance, "Look, I know you like me, but I'm not interested in you. So keep your distance away from me."
His lips twitched as he heard her nonsense. She turned around to continue walking, but was once again stopped by him. He said, "If I gave you the wrong signals in any way, I would apologize for that. I only wanted to give you your wallet because you left it on the counter. Here."
Kitty bit her lips, "Thanks, but I didn't mistaken any wrong signals. Obviously, you have feelings for me, but wanted to give yourself a way to avoid embarrassment from getting rejected by me."
She walked passed him and he moved aside with his arms up in the air. With his hands raised, he shrugged his shoulders to everyone who was staring at them. A few nurses who were on friendly terms with him asked, "What was she blabbing about? Damn. We've seen you greet her with basic greetings. Other than that, you don't even have her contact number."
He scratched his head and nodded, "I only said a few morning greetings and asked how she was doing during her shift. I talk the same way with everyone else. Did I give you guys the wrong vibes?"
"Nah, it's just her being a narcissist by nature. She literally believes that she is prettier than all of us just because her skin looks a little more flawless than ours. Tsk, tsk, tsk. A few greetings and it makes her think that a guy likes her. What delusional mind does she have?" One of the nurses shook her head and heaved a huge sigh.
Another nurse joined their conversation and exposed Kitty's self-loving nature, "just the other time, I caught her staring into her phone screen and saying to herself that she is so beautiful. And then out of nowhere she commented while I was shopping on my phone that I had good taste because my taste is just like hers. She really has no sense of personal space at all."
"Oh my goodness! I saw that too. I almost had to rinse my eyes with salt because she kept brushing her hair and smiling with such high confidence about herself. I had a fight with my boyfriend once and was talking to my friends who were on shift. She invited herself and joined our talk. Then she was teaching us that girls need to make guys wait and stuff like making guys wait for two weeks minimum after the first date before guys could hold our hands."
"That's so ridiculously disgusting! She doesn't make sense. I feel so bad for her future boyfriend and spouse if she gets any." One of the nurses commented and texted what she heard to a group chat with other nurses in the hospital.
Meanwhile, Kitty met up with Karen at a nearby restaurant. When she arrived, Karen made her stay to order some food. In the middle of eating, Karen ordered more food to take home. At first, Kitty was still patient with her and ate her share of the food.
Whenever she asked about the video, Karen would find different excuses to talk about something else. Finally, she couldn't take it anymore, "Enough is enough! I've done what you wanted me to do! Now, do as you promised and delete it!"
The table shook from Kitty's fist punch against its surface. Everyone around them observed their table and murmurs heightened as they grew nosier. "Sit down, or I will send this video on every social media platform at this moment along with emails to our old classmates."
Kitty breathed heavily, let out a hmph and sat back down. After that, Karen unlocked her phone and gave it to her. "Here, delete the video yourself."
Seeing the video with her and the disgusting professor, she almost vomited the food she just ate onto the table. Her fingers worked quick as lightning in deleting all the content. When she finished and swiped to the left and right to make sure that no other evidences were left for blackmail use, she could finally let out a sigh of relief.
"Since we are done here, let's never meet again." She got up to leave, but Karen smirked and stopped her like she did before.
"Why rush home when I didn't finish eating yet? I have dessert for you. It is my treat." Kitty turned around and was ready to reject her offer.
In the next minute, she saw Karen take out a flash drive and laptop. The flash drive was inserted and a file popped up with Kitty's name on it. The video and images were all contained in the file.
She broke down nervously in tears and almost lost her balance. Her heart sped up like a racing cheetah, "w..hy? What do you want from me?"
"First, pay for this meal. Second, I have something I want you to do for me. After this, the flash drive is yours. I only have this flash drive that saved the content. Whether you believe in me or not, that's on you."
Kitty's warm tears dripped down her face, "I was the victim years ago. As a girl, you should be sympathizing with me and not using it as a threat for me to do illegal things for you. How could you be this inhumane?"
"Hah, inhumane? If I was that bad, this video along with pictures would have leaked long ago. Consider it your luck."
"Did you forget that I saved you from getting run over by cars? How could you do this to me?" Kitty squinted as tears irritated her eyes and her nose turned red.
"You're right, but I've already repaid you by deleting the content from my hard drives. So we are now even. As for yourself being the victim, maybe you should learn to depend on your own literal skills and not take other people's words as your own. Well? Are you going to pay for this meal?"
Kitty covered her head with her hands and took out her wallet, "This is the last time. Last time! All the video and pictures needs to be erased. Erased for good."
"Sure. As long as you follow my instructions, I could even make you a personalized disc as a gift for you." Karen sipped her tea and relaxed on the seat as she raised her hand for the waistress to come with the receipt.
Will Kitty follow the instructions like last time? What does Karen want to do?
Using my ex-coworker's personality in these chapters actually makes it quite a twist lol Hahaha... the narcissistic, high confidence and everything but being a nurse and the blackmail is in fact true ~
I hope nobody would meet someone like her. Anyone thinks that they could stand such a narcissistic being at work?