
No Love or Joy: My Flash Marriage Husband Is a Bigshot!

For ten years, Yan Shu groveled and worshipped Gu Yucheng, eagerly discussing marriage with him. However, she stumbled upon a scene of Gu Yucheng with his close female friend. To resolve the pressure from her family to get married, Yan Shu turned around and accepted the proposal from her terminally ill suitor. She thought it would be a marriage of convenience that benefitted both parties, but little did she know that she would be pampered to the extreme after marriage. When Gu Yucheng saw his ex-girlfriend shining brightly by the side of a billionaire, he seethed with jealousy.

Thousand Trees · Urban
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40 Chs

Yan Shu Is Drunk, Confessing the Truth

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

All their classmates were stunned.

Mi Le's face was filled with disbelief. "Gu Yucheng, you say that you are in love with Ziwen. How about the ten years between you and Yan Shu?"

Gu Yucheng glanced at Yan Shu indifferently and said helplessly, "Yan Shu and I used to love each other deeply. It's just that we were still young at that time and didn't know what love was. Back then, I thought that love was just about admiration and adoration. When I became mature, I realized that Yan Shu and I weren't compatible. Yan Shu adheres to the principle of living separately before marriage. A platonic love doesn't suit me. Only Ziwen understood my psychological and physiological needs. Our union is spiritual and physical."

The people sitting there were all mature men and women. Gu Yucheng's views clearly resonated with everyone—some of them even nodded in agreement repeatedly to his words. Mi Le started to comfort Yan Shu. "Shushu, since you and Gu Yucheng have chosen to break up peacefully, and both of you are now attached, then you should give each other your utmost blessings. New Year's Day is their wedding day. Join me to be Ziwen's bridesmaids. Consider it as a favor for me, and from now on, let go of any past grievances with each other."

Gu Yucheng nodded in agreement with Mi Le's point of view. "That's right. We're all adults. We can get along peacefully after our breakup. There's no need to end on a bad note."

Yan Shu looked at him speechlessly. Her gaze was no longer as gentle as before, but as cold as the glacier.

Gu Yucheng's hair immediately stood on end.

"Gu Yucheng, we didn't break up peacefully."

Everyone was in an uproar.

Gu Yucheng looked very embarrassed. He had thought that Yan Shu would not reveal the story of their love triangle because she cared about her face. But unexpectedly, ever since they broke up, Yan Shu's behavior has become increasingly difficult for him to figure out.

Mi Le could sense that something was wrong. "Shushu, what's going on?"

Yan Shu looked at Gu Yucheng coldly. "Gu Yucheng, are you going to tell her? Or do you want me to do it?"

Gu Yucheng looked up in a panic. "Yan Shu, is there a need to publicize our private matters?"

Yan Shu was so angry that she laughed out loud. "What are you afraid of?"

Although Yan Shu did not expose the scandal between Gu Yucheng and Wang Ziwen, everyone present had already seen through it. Their expressions looked a little different when they turned to look at Wang Ziwen and Gu Yucheng.

Wang Ziwen's face turned slightly pale. She said in a low voice, "Shushu, my child with Yucheng is about to be born. Can't you stop being so hung up for the sake of the child? I know that you're indignant that Yucheng broke up with you. But didn't Yucheng explain it to you very clearly? He has worldly desires, but you are above all that. You two are not destined to be together."

Ziwen's humble attitude immediately attracted the pity of some of their classmates.

"Yan Shu, let's put this matter behind us." They all chimed in.

Even Mi Le, who had always been frank and forthright, spoke up, "Shushu, spare her for now. Ziwen is pregnant after all."

Yan Shu was dumbfounded.

Wang Ziwen was good with her tactics. With just a few words, she had erased all the details of how they had mistreated and humiliated her, leaving only a poignant ending that made everyone feel sorry for her.

Feeling irritated, she picked up the glass in front of her and downed it in one gulp. Perhaps emboldened by the alcohol, she stood up unsteadily and cursed at both Gu Yucheng and Wang Ziwen, "Gu Yucheng, I must have been blind in the past to have liked a coward like you. And you, Wang Ziwen, I never expected that you are so skilled in brewing trouble despite your poor academic grades in school. You two are nothing but scum, trying to justify your affair. If you had an ounce of decency, you shouldn't have spent my hard-earned money while cheating on me."

Gu Yucheng stood up in a panic and slapped Yan Shu hard on the face. "Yan Shu, watch your mouth."

Yan Shu covered her burning face and glared at Gu Yucheng with hatred.

Gu Yucheng looked at his hands and cracks appeared in his expression. "Yan Shu, I didn't mean to…"

Yan Shu turned to her classmates and said, "I'm sorry for affecting everyone's mood during this gathering. Take this glass of wine as my punishment. I'll make a move first. Please enjoy yourselves." Then, she picked up the glass and finished the wine in one gulp.

She staggered out with her coat and bag.

Mi Le followed her out. "Shushu."

After drinking two glasses of wine in a row, it was extremely uncomfortable for Yan Shu, who never drank. Feeling like her stomach was engulfed in flames, she leaned over the trash can and vomited non-stop.

"Shushu." Mi Le patted her back, her heart aching for her.

Yan Shu looked at Mi Le with tears in her eyes. It was hard to tell if she was choking from her discomfort or if she was feeling aggrieved.

"Mi Le, I want to be alone." She ordered Mi Le to leave.

Mi Le shook her head with a repentant expression on her face. "Shushu, I'm sorry. I didn't know that things between you guys had turned out so badly. If I had known about them betraying you, I wouldn't have remained friends with that adulterous couple."

Under the influence of alcohol, Yan Shu's body gradually went limp. Mi Le had no choice but to carry her back to the hotel.

Yan Shu, in her drunken state, started spouting nonsense.

All the emotions that she had been hiding were blurted out uncontrollably.

"Gu Yucheng, I begged you to get married. Eight times. You were the one who didn't want to get married. Why are you blaming me for not allowing you to touch me in the end?"

"You clearly want only my body, instead of a marriage bound by responsibility. The truth is, you don't love me at all."

"It's fine if you don't love me. Couldn't you tell me openly? Why let me harbor hopes, day after day, cherishing this love that has long been broken into pieces?"

"You're so ruthless."

Mi Le wiped Yan Shu's face. When she heard Yan Shu's confession, she was so sad that she started crying.

"Shushu, so you've suffered so much. You're so silly. Why did you keep everything to yourself? You must have been heartbroken."

"I'm willing to transform into the wind and become what you like. I'll follow in your footsteps and wander around the world…"

When the phone rang again and again, Mi Le saw the name displayed on the screen: Hubby.

Mi Le thought that this was Gu Yucheng, whom Yan Shu couldn't forget and had yet to delete from her phone. She accepted the call and asked coldly, "Are you happy now? Yan Shu is crying like a baby. I grew up with her, but I've never seen her cry before. She's the strongest girl I've ever seen. Gu Yucheng, you're really capable."

At the other end.

Bo Su frowned, his eyes filled with worry. "Where is Shushu?"

Mi Le was stunned. "Who… are you?"

"I'm her husband. Tell me where Shushu is."

Mi Le glanced at the phone screen and was a little confused. Yan Shu had clearly not completely forgotten about Gu Yucheng. Why was she having an ambiguous relationship with another man?

Mi Le shared the hotel address with Bo Su.

Soon, Bo Su arrived at the hotel like a hurricane.