
No Love Lose

Abidemi had always felt like an outsider the moment her mother died. Sure, she had a best friend and little brother but it never erased the feeling that she didn't belong to the Kingdom Of Valtis. So she decided to leave Valtis for Elov. What awaits her?

Alexialasthope · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
218 Chs

Meeting With The Second Prince

Akeem nearly struggled for air while Eden tried not to choke on his cookie. Sebastian sipped his tea as he watched the two men in front of him. The two noticed the mischievous gleam in his eyes as they glared.

He was having fun with this. They just knew it.

Akeem regained his bearings first, clearing his throat as he glared at Sebastian. His golden eyes twitched a bit as he noticed Sebastian holding in his laughter. His words nearly came out in a hiss, which only made the other prince smirk at him. "Run that by me again. I think I might be hard of hearing."

The three were in Sebastian's study, a huge room with dark green furniture that was made of wood. Sitting on the comfortable sofa and chairs with the window open. There were snacks on the table which were sugar cookies and some tea.

They were quiet for a long time as they silently enjoyed their company. Sebastian was the first to say something which caught the other two men by surprise.

"Abidemi of the House Of Sealen and Daisy of The House of Wheat Fire are here meeting my parents." Sebastian said to them again. He frowned deeply. "Father and Mother wanted to meet them as soon as possible."

"Why?!" Akeem asked.

Sebastian sighed before shrugging his shoulders. "They just wanted to. They said something about wanting to see how close they were."

"Why would they need to do that?" Eden asked as he raised an eyebrow. He ate his cookie.

Sebastian let out a long sigh before looking at Eden. "I have no clue. They really didn't tell me anything but they did say that it's really important." He took a sip of tea as he closed his eyes. "It probably has something to do with both Elov and Valtis's kingdom's relations. Both royal families always had a good relationship after the war."

Eden blinked before he recalled what Sebastian was talking about. "Ah. That."

"Ah! The Great Elov and Valtis wars." Akeem groaned as he rubbed his head. " That war was hammered into my brain so many times that it's mush now. Mush."

" It's important to know about it. We wouldn't be here today if it wasn't for it." Sebastian said.

Akeem shrugged. " Still, I still find it ridiculous that it takes two deaths for the damned wars to stop. "

Sebastian shook his head. " You know what it was like back then. Kingdoms rather conquer before learning to be friends. If anything it wasn't for those two deaths then our Kingdom won't have found out the truth and we'll still be at war. Or at least have a shaky friendship."

Akeem made a blegh sound before he looked at Sebastian from the corner of his eye. "Just because our families know how to be friends. That doesn't mean the nobles know how or want too. Some of them even want to control your Kingdom through your brother."

Sebastian sighed. "Yeah. My parents are very much aware of that." He placed the teacup on the table and crossed his arms.

Eden arched an eyebrow at Sebastian. "Then why is Theodore the crown prince, then."

"Pressure. Some of the nobles wanted a crown prince now. They all liked Theodore because he seemed charismatic and charming. They even claimed that they could always change that crown prince's seat too. My father fought hard against them until the report of treason came up."

Akeem blinked and frowned. "Your kingdom too huh."

Sebastian nodded his head as Akeem groaned. "It's odd. Nobles from both our kingdoms had traitors wanting to take the throne."

Akeem sighed. "Yet the way they go about it is very different."

"Different?" Eden asked them. Akeem frowned while Sebastian looked at Eden.

"While the nobles here want to control Theodore. Someone in Elov is trying to kill Akeem." Sebastian explained. " My father got word of this from the King of Elov. Weeks before the 'coronation'."

"It's not someone. It's my uncle. The one with the many sons." Akeem said with a frown. "Samir from The House of Flamegem."

"The one with the many wives?" Sebastian asked Akeem. Akeem nodded his head while he sighed. " Is he even allowed to be King if he has so many wives?"

"No, but he wants one of my cousins to take over but the kid could care less." Akeem frowned as he crossed his arms. He closed his eyes. "He tried to poison my food twice so far and I'm sure he has a shadow under his payroll."

"Shadows protect nobles too?" Eden asked Sebastian and Akeem.

Sebastian nodded his head slowly. "If they are part of the royal family or related to someone that is. My Aunt, uncle, and their family still have Shadows watching over them."

" That makes sense." Eden said while taking another cookie. Sebastian hummed.

"So what is the plan? I'm pretty sure your parents aren't going to keep Theodore and Mila on the throne." Akeem asked as he looked at Sebastian.

"He's gathering evidence for treason, investigating Lady Freya, and investigating Lady Mila as we speak. He picked the most trusted Shadows for the job too and he's also looking in on our Shadows." Sebastian said to them.

"My parents are doing the same thing." Akeem said with a sigh. "They don't like the idea of Shadows following orders to betray the people they are meant to protect."

"How long is it going to take?" Eden asked.

"Months, maybe a year. However, Father is planning to take Theodore off the throne by the end of the month. That and all the things that The Duke Of Sealen surrendered and shared with Father. Along with all of the evidence the Duchess of Blacklake had from her investigation."

" By then Eden will probably have finished his training as a Shadow." Akeem commented. He looked at Sebastian who blinked at Akeem before his eyes popped open. "Ah. There it is." Akeem said with a laugh.

Eden only sighed as Sebastian cleared his throat. Akeem shook his head as Sebastian smiled at Eden. "Sorry. So many things happened today, like a ton of things. One thing after the other."

Eden smiled at him. "It's alright, Your Highness."

Sebastian smiled at him. "You could call me Sebastian. Along with Prince Akeem."

Akeem cocked an eyebrow at Sebastian before he remembered something, "Oh yeah. I forgot."

"Ummm, okay. Sebastian." Eden said awkwardly. Sebastian chuckled. " Sorry. You just seem so…well."

Sebastian blinked and smiled. " Yeah. Very different, right. I was told I'm a good actor." He noticed Akeem looking at him. "What?"

"I just never thought you're the type that wears glasses. That's all." Akeem said. Sebastian only sighed. He rolled his eyes as Eden laughed a bit.

Sebastian glared at Akeem. "There are things that helped me to see. I even have special items for it." Akeem blinked at the statement. As Sebastian looked at Eden. "Anyway about you becoming a shadow, it is very important to see how well you go against one of my own."

"One of your own?" Eden asked.

Sebastian looked at Akeem before at Eden again. " Someone told me that you were very strong. I want to test it out."

Akeem blinked at Sebastian. "Why not you?"

Sebastian cocked his head at Akeem, giving him a stoic expression as he spoke. "Because I heard from a source that Eden could tell it's a person he knows by how they use their magic and powers. If he could notice something like that then I'm sure two others would too."

Akeem blinked as he looked away. He muttered "Damn shadow." Before looking the other way."

Sebastian only shook his head before looking at Eden. His green eyes glowed through his glasses as he smiled. "So what do you say?"

Eden blinked before saying. "Sure."

Sebastian smiled before calling out. " Number Seven."

Suddenly a person covered in black hopped through the opened window. Eden blinked as Akeem and Sebastian didn't look at least a bit surprised. The shadow faced Eden, while Eden watched them. The Shadow then looked at Sebastian who just smiled at them.

"Lord Eden is going to be your opponent. This is a test for him but give it all you got." Sebastian said. The shadow nodded his head before looking at Eden. Sebastian stood up from his seat and looked at Eden and Akeem. Eden and Akeem stood up as well. "Let's go to the training grounds. Shall we?"

The Shadow nodded his head and left through the window. Eden blinked as Sebastian went to leave the room. Akeem followed after him as Eden blinked at the two princes. He shook his head and quickly followed after them.

Yeah. Akeem and Eden knows. No, they're not going to mention it because they are in the castle. The place with the most ears.

Noted: I changed Jakeem to Samir because Jakeem sound to simlar Akeem and I don't like that their names sounds to silmar for Uncle and nephew.

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