
No Love Lose

Abidemi had always felt like an outsider the moment her mother died. Sure, she had a best friend and little brother but it never erased the feeling that she didn't belong to the Kingdom Of Valtis. So she decided to leave Valtis for Elov. What awaits her?

Alexialasthope · Fantasy
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218 Chs

Meeting at The Gallery Part 2

Shyla huffed as she sat back down. Abidemi blinked at Shyla then she looked at Akeem. He let out a sigh as he gave Kanene and Shyla a small smile. " I know it sucks but you knew that had to happen. You have family responsibilities. Besides, you both hate being maids."

Shyla grumbled while Kanene frowned.

Akeem sighed. "Please don't look at me like that. I was going to tell you guys the good part."

"Good part? We're not going to be by her side anymore." Shyla muttered. Kanene nodded her head. "Yeah, we hate being maids but we like being around her.'

"The both of you are just like big puppies." Akeem said. He crossed his arms as he watched them carefully.

Shyla widened and glared at Akeem. " Did you just call us dogs, you mon-OW!!" Shyla turned to glare at her friend.

Akeem looked at them blankly. " Both of you still get to be her guards." Kanene and Shyla stilled when he said those words. "However it won't be like before, there will be times that the both of you will have separate shifts. You won't be living with her or taking care of her."

Kanene and Shyla jumped up from their seats. "Seriously?" they asked him. Akeem smiled and nodded his head. Then all of a sudden Akeem was jumped by the two women. He laughed as he patted their heads.

"See. It wasn't too bad. However, both of you guys still have your responsibilities in your household but you have to talk to your Mothers and Fathers about that." Akeem told them. Kanene and Shyla only nodded their heads as he motioned them to sit down.

Akeem cleared his throat. "Okay, another part of the business." Kanene and Shyla stayed quiet as Abidemi frowned as she pets Pearls. Ten was quiet the whole time with his head in his arms. "While we're on this ship. Lady Abidemi needs to learn and practice magic."

Abidemi cocked an eyebrow. "Is that a good idea?" she asked. Akeem only nodded his head.

"There are parts of the ship that are magic-proof. So there is no problem. Also, you got me and Shyla." Akeem said. He looked to Ten who looked like he was sleeping. "Kanene magic level isn't so high and Ten…is odd."

"I know I'm odd." Ten muttered.

Akeem smiled at Ten. "Ah. So you were awake."

Ten sat up and stretched his arms. "Hard to sleep with all the yelling."

Akeem shook his head and smirked. "You get to go back to sleep right after the meeting. Right now we need to get this over with, kid."

Ten sighed. "I already know what I have to do." Ten motioned his head towards Abidemi. "Watch her."

Abidemi blinked. "He's going to watch me?"

Akeem looked at Abidemi. "You're a crown princess candidate which means you need someone with you all the time. Shyla and Kanene can't do it because they have other obligations."

Abidemi blinked, then looked at Ten resting his head in his hands. "But he sounds young."

"I'm only fifteen years old." Ten said facing Abidemi. Abidemi frowned at him. "What?"

"Am I just going to see you without a mask?" Abidemi asked him. Ten shook his head.

"I'll remove my mask in due time." Ten said with a shrug. He made a yawning sound as he leaned back against the chair and crossed his arms. "I rather not be maskless when we're still in Valtis's waters."

"Oh." Abidemi said to him.

Akeem cleared his throat. Everyone looked at him again as he smiled. "We still have more to talk about. Abidemi needs to be taught etiquette, laws, politics, and trends."

Abidemi furrowed her eyebrows. "But I already know some etiquette."

Akeem shook his head. "Not the etiquette of the royal family. You know Obi etiquette because your mother came from the House Of Obi. We do things a bit differently from them."

Abidemi sighed. "Fine. I don't mind learning laws, politics, and trends but won't it be pointless if I'm not chosen to be crown princess." Akeem gave her a warm expression. The look made Abidemi uneasy as she looked away. She wasn't repulsed, if anything made her feel all warm and fuzzy. A familiar feeling she gets from a certain someone. "Can you stop looking at me like that?"

"Yeah. I would like to keep my breakfast down." Ten called out. Akeem glared at Ten. "What?"

Akeem shook his head before closing his eyes. He looked at Abidemi. "It won't be pointless, Lady Abidemi. It could be proven useful in the future. Kanene and Shyla told me that you would like to be a government official."

Abidemi arched an eyebrow at Akeem. She peeked at Shyla and Kanene before looking at him. "I do."

Akeem smirked at her. "As a government official, you'll need to learn politics and laws." Abidemi frowned at him. "Of course, there are other things but I'm aware you already know languages."

Abidemi narrowed her eyes at Akeem. "How do you know that?"

"Mmmm. Lucky guess." Akeem said with a smile that was very familiar to her. Abidemi tries to remember where she saw that smile before he looked away from her. " I'll be in charge of teaching all that until we get to Elov."

"Won't you be too busy." Abidemi asked him, which only made Akeem shake his head.

"The ship has a decent captain and the paperwork I do have is all the way in Elov. If anything, this is a small vacation for me." Akeem explained. Abidemi gave him a look. He laughed a bit. He held his hands up. "I'm not as lazy as the rumors said I am. I do work."

Abidemi shrugged as she pets Pearls. "When will these lessons start?"

" Tomorrow morning. We'll start with magic practice then politics and laws." Akeem said with a smile. Abidemi blinked at him as he smiled at her. "You need all the rest you could get."

Abidemi blinked. "Okay." she said. She was thinking about something before saying. She looked up at Akeem who was still watching her. He didn't have that odd warm look that made her feel funny. "Umm. Can I get some of the books then?"

Akeem cocked his head. "Books?" Abidemi nodded her head. "Why?"

"Well, I don't wanna stay in my room and do nothing," Abidemi said while she played with her precious cat. For the last few weeks, she has been really busy, mostly getting everything ready for the move, going to the coronation, and spending time with her friends.

She never really got time to study. This whole magical test and 'kidnapping thing' really threw her for a loop.

"If that's what you want." Akeem said while he rubbed the back of his head. He watched her again. "But you should rest."

Abidemi gave him a small smile. " I'll be fine. I'm not really that tired anymore." She looked at Pearls as she pets the black cat. Pearls were now sleeping in her arms as she giggled.

Akeem wanted to ask her some more but decided against it. He let out a loud sigh that grabbed everyone's attention. " This is the Royal Fire Pit's first pit stop. Pretty soon this ship is going to be full of sailors and crew members. We'll be heading to the Red Serpent Bay in fourteen to sixteen days give or take. Just as long as nothing crazy happens."

Abidemi cocked her head. "Red Serpent Bay and what do you mean crazy?"

"You know, like a storm or something." Akeem said with a smile. "There are sea creatures in the sea but chances of that happening are pretty low." Akeem cocked his head at Abidemi. "And the Red Serpent Bay is located at the capital. It's always crowded during this time, which is why many ships and boats don't stop there much."

"Oh yeah." Abidemi muttered. She forgot about that.

This was the perfect time for people to come to Elov. Late spring Elov had always had many festivals happening around that time. It was the perfect time for merchants to trade, foreigners to visit, and many traveling Elovian people to join the fun. She wanted to leave as soon as possible but so many things had happened. She also wanted to say goodbye to Daisy and Eden properly. She wanted to make sure everything was in order with her stores and stuff.

Abidemi sighed. Akeem, Ten, Kanene, and Shyla all looked at her. She blinked before smiling at them. " Sorry, I was just thinking that it was probably better if I just left when I wanted to."

Kanene and Shyla sighed while Ten just shrugged. " Well, she does have a point." Shyla glared at Ten. "What? I'm just saying. She'll probably be safe on the boat to Elov as we speak."

"That may be a possibility but things happen in those ships." Akeem said, causing Shyla and Kanene to look at them. "Let's not think they should've been. Mmmmm." Everyone nodded their heads. "Now, the matter for Abidemi's maids."

"Do I really need maids?" Abidemi asked out loud. Everyone looked at her. "I could get dressed just fine."

Akeem sighed and smiled at her. "Well, you're not a random ship where people think you're just a common woman, Lady Abidemi. To everyone here, you're a noble lady and a princess candidate. It would look bad on the royal family if you don't have maids around you."

Abidemi frowned at him and sighed. "But who could you find to be my maid?"

Akeem smiled at her. "We have all of your servants here." Abidemi's eyes widened as he closed his eyes. "There were also servants from the royal family, they were handpicked to serve you. The ones from Valtis were mostly hired by your father though. Kanene and Shyla could pick the best people for the job."

"You're really damnable." Abidemi said while she looked away from him. Akeem laughed. Abidemi let out a long sigh. "Kanene and Shyla can pick my new maids."

Akeem smirked. "Good." He let out a sigh before looking at everyone. " Does anyone have any questions?" Everyone shook their heads. "Okay good. Now everyone can leave now and get some rest."

Kanene, Shyla, and Ten got up to leave first as Abidemi peeked at Akeem who was rubbing the bridge of his nose. Swallowing, she placed Pearls on the floor, the black cat woke up as stretched and yawned. Abidemi got up as Pearls started to leave the gallery. Abidemi followed the black cat to her room.

She tried not to look at Akeem or think about him.