
No Love Lose

Abidemi had always felt like an outsider the moment her mother died. Sure, she had a best friend and little brother but it never erased the feeling that she didn't belong to the Kingdom Of Valtis. So she decided to leave Valtis for Elov. What awaits her?

Alexialasthope · Fantasy
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218 Chs

Goodbye Eden

"Finally." Shyla cheered as the carriage made it to the docks. Kanene and Ten only let out a sigh of relief as Shyla noticed the Valtis royal guards were around. Shyla cocked her head. "What are they doing here?"

She sat by the coachman on one side while Kanene sat on the other. Ten was the only one walking beside the carriage throughout the trip.

"One of my fellow Shadows alerted the King and Queen about the matter." Ten said while he let out a yawn. Shyla and Kanene looked at Ten. He turned to face them. "What?"

Shyla hummed. "Nothing. Just surprised that you're human." Ten only shrugged his shoulders as they kept on walking. Shyla looked up at the sky to see it was still dark out. "What time is it?"

Kanene hummed as she took out her pocket watch. " Three hours before sunrise." Shyla groaned. Kanene laughed. "Just like old times."

"I don't want to remember old times. I just want to go to bed and never wake up."Shyla muttered while placing her head in her hands.

Ten shook his head as he kept walking. Once they finally made it to the docks, Ten walked over to the guards while Kanene and Shyla went to check on Abidemi, Eden, and Akeem. Shyla smiled when saw Abidemi was asleep on Eden's shoulder. Eden was wide awake as he looked at the both of them.

"We're here." Eden asked her as Shyla nodded her head. Eden sighed as he shook Abidemi awake. "Come on sis. It's time to wake up."

Shyla sighed before looking at Akeem. "Keem."

"I'm awake." Akeem muttered as he opened his eyes. Shyla shook her head. Akeem got up and left the carriage. She watched him walk away as he turned to look at her. "What's wrong?"

Shyla frowned at Akeem. "You didn't take that time to sleep." Akeem just shook his head while he walked over to the royal guards. Shyla sighed as she looked over to Eden helping Abidemi out of the carriage.

Shyla walked over to them as Kanene took the bright blue suitcase from Eden's hands. "I'll take that."

Eden smiled at Kanene. "Thanks, Kanene." She only shrugged her shoulders.

"It's always a pleasure." Kanene said with a smile. "Want me to leave you guys alone?"

Eden shook his head. "No. It'll be real quick." Eden said with a sad smile.

"Quick. What do you mean quick?" Abidemi said, which made Eden look over to her. Eden looked at his sister sheepishly.

"I'm just saying I don't want to keep you up. You look exhausted." Eden pointed out. Abidemi mumbled a few words before he smiled warmly. "See. You're speaking nonsense now."

"Shut up, Eden." Abidemi muttered as he chuckled. She looked at Eden with determined eyes. " You better take care of yourself."

"Of course." Eden said while nodding his head.

"Don't take crap from Mila." Abidemi said to him.

Eden nodded his head as he got teary eyes. "I never do, Demi."

Abidemi's eyes narrowed. Her blue eyes were showing a coldness that was very unlike her. "That mother of yours could burn in hell."

Eden nodded his head. " Don't worry. Mother will know hell."

Abidemi nodded her head. "Good. I really wanted to spend more time with you."

Eden shook his head and gave his sister a smile. " I thought you wanted to leave the day after you told Daisy." Abidemi blankly looked at her younger brother. Eden held up his hands in defense. " I'm not saying what my mother did was right."

Abidemi huffed and crossed her arms."No. What your mother did was crazy and desperate. For whatever reason she may have. I hate her for it."

Eden laughed and nodded his head. " Same here."

Abidemi narrowed her eyes at Eden. "I mean it, Eden."

Eden nodded his head. "I know you mean it. I'm just going to miss your rants."

Abidemi blinked and smiled at her little brother. She could feel her eyes getting all watery. She sighed heavily. "Really?"

Eden nodded his head. "Yup. I'm gonna miss our mischief and you treating me like a little kid."

Abidemi scoffed. "Hey. I'm the older sister. Who won't spoil you?! You were so cute and tiny when you first came to the Sunflower mansion."

Eden laughed and shook his head. "I thought you were gonna hate me."

Abidemi blinked and looked at Eden with teary eyes. She stood on her tippy toes to rustle Eden's hair. Eden laughed as he smiled sadly at her. Abidemi gave him a warm smile. "I have no reason to hate you. You were just a small little thing and you looked so afraid."

Eden sniffled which caught Abidemi by surprise. "Yeah. That's what makes you the best."

Abidemi laughed. "I'm sure you could have a better older sister." Eden shook his head. Abidemi sighed. "Seriously."

"You and Daisy are the very reasons why I haven't turned into Father." Eden said. Abidemi pulled her hand away from his hair as he smiled sadly at her. "I'll be forever grateful for that."

Abidemi smiled at him as she wiped her eyes. "Good."

"Lady Abidemi. Shyla. We need to get going." Ten called out. Abidemi could hear Shyla groaning from behind her.

Abidemi only sighed while Eden shook her head. Eden sighed as he bowed toward his sister. "It was a pleasure to escort you, my lady. Maybe next time we meet there won't be so much trouble."

Abidemi nodded her head as she did a quick curtsy. "I appreciate it."

Eden stood up as Abidemi waved and quickly walked to the ship with Shyla and Kanene. He stayed near the carriage entrance before shaking his head. He swallowed heavily as he looked at the boat. Leaning against the carriage as waited for it to set sail.

On the boat, Abidemi covered her mouth to hide her yawn as Kanene guided her to her room. "So sleepy. I never thought that this would be so exhausting."

Kanene hummed while Shyla followed after them. "We're safe now. You could finally get some rest."

"And I'm pretty sure Pearls really want to see you." Shyla said while she followed Abidemi and Kanene. Shyla looked over to Akeem who was talking to Ten with three of the royal guards. Then she went to follow Abidemi and Kanene to the cabins.

"Pearls. Wait." Abidemi looked at Kanene with a worried expression. "Did you let Pearls out?"

Kanene laughed a bit. "Pearls is out and about. She's also waiting for you."Abidemi sighed as Kanene opened the door to Abidemi's cabin.

The room was bigger than their own. With light blue bedding with Abidemi's bags on the end of the bed. There was a small table in the middle of the room. There were a few mirrors and enough room for Pearls to run around and play.

Speaking of Pearls, the black cat was sitting on the bed. Meowing when she caught sight of Abidemi. Abidemi's eyes widened when she first saw her beloved cat and ran over to her. "Pearls." Abidemi cooed as lightly ran to the bed. Abidemi kneeled in front of the black cat as it rubbed its face against hers with affection. Giggling from the cat's sweet affection.

Shyla goes to put the bag away as Kanene goes to check around the room. Abidemi yawned as she sighed. Kanene and Shyla looked over to Abidemi as she crawled onto the bed. "Lady Abidemi."

Abidemi looked up at Kanene and Shyla. "Huh." The both of them sighed at the exhausted girl. Kanene goes to get Abidemi's nightgown as Shyla goes to fix her hair. Pearls curled next to Abidemi's legs. "Can't I just sleep?"

"In your outdoor clothes?" Shyla asked.

"Just for a night." Abidemi muttered. She goes to lie down. Shyla stopped her. "Shyla." Abidemi whined.

Shyla smiled. "Lady." she whined back.

Abidemi blinked while she looked at Shyla. "Why do I feel like this the last time you'll call me that?"

Shyla shrugged. "It probably is." Abidemi frowned at her.

"I don't want this to be the last time." Abidemi whispered. Her eyes were droopy a bit.

Shyla sighed. "Me either." she said quietly.

Kanene came back with Abidemi's nightgown. "Okay. Time to change."

Abidemi nodded as he looked at Kanene and Shyla with a smile. "Thank you, guys."

"Finally." Akeem groaned as the royal guards left the boat. Akeem let out a yawn as he looked at the sky. He let out a long sigh. " I thought this day would never end."

"You could say that again." Ten said while looking at the sky.

Akeem looked over to Ten who was looking up at the sky. "How many Shadows are on board?"

" Not including me. Three." Ten said to Akeem. Then Ten stuffed his hands in his pockets as his yawns could be heard from under the mask. "They will keep themselves hidden. As you requested. All of the Elovian servants are here too."

Akeem nodded his head. " Where's Kanene and Shyla?"

Ten hummed. "Taking care of Lady Abidemi."

Akeem shook his head while he ran his fingers through his hair. " They don't have to do that anymore."

Ten rolled his eyes. "They've been her 'maids' for years. You can't expect them to just automatically just stop doing their task right away."

Akeem sighed. "Then they will have to pick temporary servants for her."

Ten let out a sigh and shook his head. " You act like it's easy, your highness. You really think that they won't care about her. You really think that they automatically revert to being their usual selves with Lady Abidemi around."

Akeem groaned while he ran his fingers through his hair. He untied his ponytail as he combed through it. " Right. They're on mission mode."

Ten nodded his head. "You'll have to tell Lady Abidemi about your other identity as well."

Akeem glared at Ten. "So it was you listening in Eden and me."

"Who else would it be? The other two don't like watching you get all goo-goo eyes with Lady Abidemi." Ten said while facing Akeem.

Akeem sighed. He rubbed his face with his hands. "I'll tell her when I'm ready."

Ten shrugged his shoulders. "Don't take too long." Ten said as he walked to his cabin.

Akeem only sighed and looked up at the sky. After a few minutes, he decided to head to his cabin. He needed all the rest he could get since he's been up all day long without much sleep. "So many things to do tomorrow morning." he told himself.

Yeah. Two more chapters then premium chapters. Maybe I should wait till chapter 40.

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