
No Love Lose

Abidemi had always felt like an outsider the moment her mother died. Sure, she had a best friend and little brother but it never erased the feeling that she didn't belong to the Kingdom Of Valtis. So she decided to leave Valtis for Elov. What awaits her?

Alexialasthope · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
218 Chs

Don't Touch The Prince

Akeem left the study with a long sigh as he rubbed his neck. Pulling at his red collarless shirt as he fixed up his red sash and his dark red baggy pants. He tried to not remember what happened in the other room.

The Duke Of Sealen was really pissed at him but that was to be expected. He did find out how Akeem was courting Abidemi. Akeem also told the Duke about Abidemi's possible powers which only made the man madder.

He was sure that the older man had frozen up his pen in anger. He wasn't really happy with the crown prince at all. Heck, The Duke never was really happy with him, to begin with anyway. Yet out of his possible son-in-law candidates, Akeem was the only one that was the lesser of evils.

The Duke would probably happily reject him if Abidemi had other men from Elov asked for Abidemi's hand in marriage. He was sure that Abidemi had other men in Valtis that would want her as their wife. Yet the older man rejected every last one of them. He doesn't think Abidemi knew or did she care. The Duke was handling her marriage proposals anyway.

Also, The Duke wanted Abidemi to only marry men with Elovian heritage or who came from Elov. Any other man wouldn't do.

The Sealen family is a bit more progressive but only around certain things. They won't let their children go into an arranged marriage but they were allowed to set dates up. They don't like it when the temple is in royal affairs but they still hold the tradition of finding out one's magical ability status through the same place. The men liked their women to be blunt, strong, and independent but if they live in Valtis they must have the perfect Valtis face.

Akeem shook his head. The Sealen in Elov is very different from the ones in Valtis.

He doesn't deal with them as much since they mostly lived in the colder and farther part of Elov. It is probably because of their ice and water powers. Or maybe they were more traditionalists and just wanted to stay within their territory. He is aware that there are some of them that live in the capital but very few of them want to be part of politics.

Akeem shook his head as walked down the hall heading to his room. His meeting with The Duke of Sealen had gone on for a long while and he had skipped breakfast because of it. He could probably ask one of the servants to get something to eat.

" Akeem." a cheerful woman called out. Akeem groaned as he looked over his shoulder.

"Darn it." he muttered as he saw who it was.

Running towards him was Mila, the current crown princess. She wore a sleeveless light pink sundress that had more floral designs. Her blond hair was placed into a singular braid that had light pink flowers in it.

She stood in front of him with a smile that was probably trying to be cute. Akeem sighed.

"Crown Princess. I really don't think you should call me by my name like that." Akeem said with a small but pleasant smile.

Mila looked at him oddly. "Awww but why not." she asked him.

"Because we're not close."Akeem said to her. Mila blinked.

Mila placed her hands behind her back. She batted her eyes at him as Akeem frowned. "We could be close."

"But I don't want to be close." Akeem said to her. Mila's eyes widened as she rubbed her lips together. "I'm mostly here on business, crown princess. And if I'm going to do business it will be with your fiance. Who I'm still waiting to see.

Mila frowned. She played with a hair strand as Akeem looked away from her. "Well. That's boring."

"Business is never meant to be exciting, crown princess." Akeem said with a shrug of his shoulders. He slowly started to back away from her. "Now…if you could excuse me."

"So, you're going to be in your room all day?" Mila asked.

Akeem sighed. The truth is that he wasn't but this girl doesn't need to know that. He backed away from the girl some more."That's the plan. Crown princess."

"That's just boring." Mila said to him.

Akeem just shrugged his shoulders. "What can I say? I'm just a boring guy."

"I thought that you will be a bit more excited." she pouted. "The rumors said that you were a very strong warrior and you're really wild when it comes to your fire." Akeem rolled his eyes.

"There is a time and place for that, crown princess." Akeem said to her. Mila frowned. She moved closer to him as she tried to reach for his arm. He quickly moved it as she fell to the ground.

Mila hit the blue carpeted floor as Akeem looked at her blankly. Then he saw tears coming out of her eyes which made his eyes twitch a bit. 'Are you kidding me?' he thought to himself.

He looked around the hall, trying to find anyone in sight but there was no one. 'Crap. Does this woman have a personal maid?' he thought as his eyes fell back on Mila.

"Akeem." she said in a whiney voice which made him roll his eyes.

Didn't he tell her not to call him that? Plus, he doesn't want to help her either. Goddess knows what she'll do if he goes near her.

"I'm extremely sorry, crown princess. I don't like being touched by people I don't know so well." Akeem said while looking down at her. Mila frowned deeply as a single tear fell down her face. Akeem just looked at Mila blankly as he crossed his arms. "From what I could tell, this is our first time interacting with each other. I hope you don't go around grabbing random strangers' arms like that."

"I just wanted to spend time with you." Mila said.

"I'm not here in Valtis for pleasure, crown princess. I'm not going to play with you and be friends because you so desire it. " Akeem said, which made Mila furrow her eyebrow. " It rather brave of you to think that I'll do that."

Mila blinked as she noticed Akeem's dark glare. "Brave…isn't a good thing."

"And it is rather simple of you to think that." Akeem said as his eye twitched. Mila swallowed. " You really need to sharpen your social skills, crown princess."

Mila sniffed a few times, wiping her eyes. "PRINCESS." Logan's voice was very loud as the dark-haired man ran past him. "Are you alright?"

"I'm fine." Mila said while looking at Logan. She gave him a sweet smile while Logan looked at her like a lovesick puppy.

'I guess Father-in-law had his reasons for being concerned.' Akeem thought as he looked at the two. He sighed, walked around the two, and headed back to his room.

He only got a few steps in until Logan yelled. "Why didn't you help her?" Logan yelled.

Akeem sighed and looked over his shoulder. The dark-haired young man glared at him darkly as Akeem sighed. "If I helped her she might take advantage of it. I don't want anyone who isn't my beloved touching me."

" Mila will never do that." Logan said to him.

"Really. Why not ask her how she ended up on the floor." Akeem said. Mila stiffed as Logan looked down at her.

" I just wanted to spend time with him." Mila whispered to Logan. Akeem rolled his eyes. "I didn't know that he didn't like being touched."

Logan hugged her as Akeem sighed. He was starting to realize why those three don't like being around her.

" You really should teach the crown princess proper etiquette." Akeem said. Logan and Mila flinched at his voice. Akeem smirked as Logan glared at and Mila looked at him tearfully. Akeem just smiled. "I would hate to express my concerns to the King."

Logan's grip tightens as Mila bites her lips. Akeem then turned around and left for his room.

Mila buried her face in Logan's shirt as she cried. Logan swallowed heavily, that was the third time someone mentioned Mila's lack of matters. And this person was the crown prince of Elov, a very powerful man.

Also a very dangerous one.

There is a reason why the King didn't get too upset with Prince Akeem. And Mila accidentally offended him too.

"Mila, Prince Akeem of Elov isn't someone you should anger." Logan whispered to her.

"But he gets along well with Eden and Father." Mila whispered. "I thought we could be friends."

"Doesn't mean he'll get along with you." Logan said while he pulled away from her. 'Besides, your brother and stepfather are just as dangerous on their own.' He gave her a soft smile. "Just avoid him. You don't want to offend him any more than you did."

Mila sniffled as she nodded her head. Logan smiled warmly at her. "I'll convince the Prince to keep this to himself somehow. I promise."

Mila nodded her head slowly as she hugged Logan. Gripping on the young man's shirt as she clenched her teeth. "Alright, Logan. I believe you."