
Dinner with Ming Yue and Shou

"So how was Asher? Resting, I hope." Ming-Yue said once she made it into the dining room. She had a few of her attendees following her as she took a seat on one of the floor cushions. She grabbed a bowl of food as the attendees moved to do some things for her.

Abidemi smiled as she nodded her head. "Of course. Duchess Blake won't let him get out of bed since he was injured badly. He was a bit grumpy as well." 

Shou nodded her head in agreement as she ate her rice happily.

Ming-Yue laughed and shook her head. She noticed the ring on Abidemi's finger and smiled. "Is that the crown princess ring?"

Abidemi blinked as she looked at her hand. "Oh, the queen gave it to me. She said that it belonged to me." Ming-Yue and Shou smiled widely. "I take it that this is a good thing?"