
No Love Lose

Abidemi had always felt like an outsider the moment her mother died. Sure, she had a best friend and little brother but it never erased the feeling that she didn't belong to the Kingdom Of Valtis. So she decided to leave Valtis for Elov. What awaits her?

Alexialasthope · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
218 Chs


"All cried out." Ten asked Abidemi as he helped her into the unmarked carriage. Abidemi nodded her head as she sat next to Eden. Kanene and Shyla sat in front of them as Ten quickly followed after Abidemi. He sat next to her as he closed the carriage door shut.

He quickly put something on the carriage and it glowed white before it disappeared. It sound like glass shattering as it faded away. Eden noticed this and looked at Ten who just shrugged. "Protection Talisman. It can last up to three hours."

"Why would we need it?' Eden asked.

Ten hummed before saying. "Because there is a good chance that the carriage could be attacked." Abidemi flinched. Ten noticed her reaction then he hugged Abidemi's shoulders. "Don't worry princess. You are very well protected. You got me. Your brother. The nice one. The mean one."

Shyla glared at Ten. "Mean one."

Ten faced Shyla as he cocked his head. "You try to kill me, remember."

"Because you were being a smart-aleck." Shyla said to him. Kanene covered the carriage windows with a curtain. Shyla glared at him. "I was just teaching you a lesson."

Ten laughed. "You're not my mother or my father. You do not need to teach me a lesson." Shyla groaned as Kanene grabbed her arm. Ten only laughed as Kanene shook her head.

Meanwhile, Abidemi was rubbing her eyes as she looked at both Shyla and Kanene's attire. "What's going on?" she asked. Her throat was a little sore from crying too hard as Kanene and Shyla looked at Abidemi. They noticed the confused expression on her face as she looked at the two. "Why are you dressed like that?"

"Ummmm." Shyla and Kanene trailed off as they looked away from Abidemi's gaze.

"Well." Shyla started out but she closed her mouth. She looked at Kanene for help who just sighed.

Kanene looked at Abidemi with a small smile. "We'll explain later. Right now isn't a good time."

Abidemi blinked, making a sound of approval.. "Alright but remember you promised me Kanene and once we're safe. I won't let it go."

Kanene smiled at her. "I understand."

Then the carriage started to move slowly down the dirt road. Eden had wrapped his arm around his sister's shoulders as Ten crossed his arms and quietly listened to the outside world. Kanene and Shyla were also quiet, their eyes closed as if they were listening for something.

The sound of crickets and frogs filled the air. Along with the sound of the horse walking and the carriage's creaking. Abidemi sighed as she closed her eyes, feeling exhausted from the long day she had.

"Stay awake princess." Ten said, his voice was quiet and low. Abidemi woke up and looked at Ten. " You could rest when you're safe."

Abidemi frowned as she looked at him. There were so many questions she had for this guy. Like, who was he? How old was he? Why was he dressed like that and why was he protecting her?

There was also the fact that he kept on calling her princess. It got on her nerves a bit. She wasn't engaged to the crown prince of Elov yet. She didn't even meet the guy.

Should this person really be calling her princess right now?

Ten let out a small laugh as he looked at her. " My mother said that you'll be uncomfortable with that type of formality. So I have an idea, let me call you big sister instead."

Abidemi blinked before saying. "Big sister? That sounds a bit to familiar." she whispered.

Ten cocked his head. "Then what do you want me to call you?"

Abidemi frowned. "Lady Abidemi always worked out fine."

Ten didn't say anything for a long time before shrugging his shoulders. "Okay. I'll call you that until things become official." He looked away from her.

The comment he made just made her annoyed. Abidemi blinked as she narrowed her eyes. "You talk like it's a sure thing. Doesn't he have someone he loves?"

"He does." Ten hummed while looking out the window. "He loves her like crazy."

Abidemi frowned deeply. "Then how come he won't marry her?" she asked. Ten flinched before looking at Abidemi with a cocked of his head. "What?"

She was unaware that Eden was watching them from the corner of his eye. Kanene was suddenly holding her breath and Shyla was finding the ceiling really interesting.

She was just staring at the masked boy for a long time before he started to laugh. Abidemi blinked at him before he spoke. "Sorry. I just keep forgetting."

"Forgetting what?" Abidemi asked him.

Ten was going to say something until he paused for a second. Abidemi wanted to speak until Ten placed his finger over his lips. Abidemi blinked and she noticed that Eden, Shyla, and Kanene were suddenly tense.

Swallowing, Abidemi stayed quiet as Eden pulled her close to him. The carriage kept going but she could sense that its pace went a little faster. The air was so tense that it could be cut with a sword.

"I'm not hearing things, right?" Eden asked quietly.

"Nope. There are a few people out. Friend or foe. I can't even tell." Ten said while pulling out another talisman, it was a sheet of clear material with some writing on it. He placed it on the carriage which suddenly made it move faster.

Abidemi quickly held on to Eden as the carriage picked the up pace. "Seriously Ten." Shyla hissed as Ten looked at her.

"Yes seriously." Ten said to Shyla. He faced the window. "Don't worry. It won't hurt the horses but we should get ready for a fight."

Abidemi became alert when Ten said those words. "A fight." Ten quickly nodded his head. She held onto Eden as the horses let out a loud neigh then the carriage suddenly stopped.

Eden placed his hand on his sword as Shyla grabbed her bow and Kanene grabbed her swords. Ten's eyes glowed through the tinted eyes of the mask.

It was a dark blue glow as Abidemi felt something almost familiar coming from him. "Looks like someone wants to die."Ten muttered. Ten pulled out a dagger from behind his back.

The sounds of arrows being shot are heard but of course it bounces off the carriage. Ten let out a sigh of relief as he gets ready. He looked at everyone. "I'm going to open the door. Shyla, stay close to the carriage. Kanene you take the front and Eden you take the back." Ten then looked at Abidemi. "My Lady."

Abidemi looked at Ten with fear in her eyes. "Yes."

"I know that you don't know how to use your magic yet. And I know it will be hard at first but try to put a protection shield around you." Ten asked with a pleading voice. Abidemi nodded at him. "Try your best. If you can't."

Ten took out another dagger and handed it to her. Abidemi blinked and took it. The carriage shook a bit which made Ten curse.

" Relax. Trust your instincts." Eden said to her. Abidemi looked at her brother. Listening to his words as she swallowed heavily. "To make a shield just think about protecting yourself and relax. The same goes for your other classes, okay."

Abidemi smiled at him before nodding. Despite that fact, she might puke out her whole lunch very soon.

"Stay safe. My lady." Kanene said with a smile. Shyla nodded her head as Ten opened the door.

In a flash, dark water suddenly came out of Ten's hands and hit the person in the face. Then Ten hopped out of the carriage along with Shyla, Kanene, and Eden. Finally, the carriage door closed leaving Abidemi inside.

She could hear the sound of a talisman being cast. Abidemi swallowed and held the dagger to her chest. She closed her eyes tightly as she willed herself to relax.

Crazy. This whole thing was crazy.

The sounds of screaming made her more nervous and she closed her eyes tightly.

'Relax. Demi. You have to relax.' Abidemi thought as she held the dagger to her chest. She gulped down some air but she felt like cold water was going down her throat. Trying to smother her breath. 'Don't drown. Don't drown.'

Abidemi jumped up as she felt the carriage shaking. She let out a small scream as she hit the carriage floor. Fearing the worst, she looked out the window. She let out a sigh of relief when she saw that she wasn't moving. Shaking a bit, she sat down on the carriage floor, picking up the dagger she dropped.

She could still hear the screams and yelling.

Sure, she's been in this type of situation before but not nearly enough for her to be used to it.

'How to make a shield now? I have to relax and think about protecting myself.' Abidemi thought as she closed her eyes. She was shaking a bit as she held her hand out. Abidemi closed her eyes tightly but she heard a scream. It was very familiar.

"SHYLA." Abidemi almost yelled. She waited a few minutes until she noticed the door to the carriage started to open. The talisman was suddenly released which made her jump. She moved against the carriage wall as she unsheathed the dagger. She held out the dagger in front of her. Glaring at the door as it opened.

Her blue eyes were glowing, unaware of the energy she was giving out. The door opened up to see a man dressed in a red high-collared shirt with a sash and many badges.

Wait! Badges. They looked like imperial badges that she would see on the soldiers or the crown prince.

Not some weirdo that would attack the carriage to grab her.

Abidemi lowered the dagger a bit. Looking at this man's expression, he looked like he was in pain too. His golden eyes looked a bit out of focus as he leaned against the carriage entrance. He was panting too which was odd, then she looked down at his hand.

Wait? Was that blood on his hands?

" Get in there." Shyla yelled. Before Abidemi could say anything, he was suddenly pushed into the carriage. Abidemi dropped the dagger as she quickly caught him in her arms. She pulled his legs away from the door so he was completely inside. Then the carriage door slammed shut. The sound of a talisman being cast was heard as she held the man close to her.

She felt something warm and wet. Was it sweat or blood?

"No. It's blood." the man said to her. Abidemi blinked and looked down at him. His reddish brown hair was so very long and coated with sweat. "I wasn't watching my back and I got stabbed. I managed to get the jerk though."

"Stabbed." Abidemi gasped as she looked at his back. No doubt about it, there was a stab wound on his back. "How are you still walking around? Are you alright?"

The man laughed as he nuzzled against her neck. "I'm fine. I survived worse." Abidemi rolled her eyes. The man let out a small hiss which caught her attention. " Damn."

Abidemi swallowed as she looked at his stab wound. It looked really bad. Maybe she could try to heal it.


But she couldn't even put up a stupid shield. How in the hell could she heal him?

"Just relax and think about healing me. If it's your first time you'll have to find your inner peace." the man said.

"How do you know what I was thinking?" Abidemi asked.

"You talk out loud a lot. " the man said to her.

"Oh." Abidemi whispered as she placed her hands on his wounds. The stickiness of his blood felt odd and she heard him hissed. "How?"

"Breathe in and out." he said. Abidemi swallowed as she nodded her head. She breathed in and out. "Think about closing up the wound and nothing else. If you really feel anxious, think of a sound or song that calms you down."

"Well, your voice calms down for some reason." Abidemi said. The man hummed. "I know it's weird."

"No. It's fine." the man whispered.

"Can you hum a song?" Abidemi asked him. The man nodded his head. He started to hum as Abidemi swallowed deeply. She focused on the sound of his voice as she thought about healing him.

She felt a pleasant coldness run through her fingers. As the water quickly surrounds the man's wound and slowly closed it. She was unaware of the water generating bigger and bigger. Her eyes glowed brightly as the man's humming continued.

Then she noticed the amount of water that was surrounding them. The man's clothes were drenched and the carriage was cold.

She quickly pulled her hand away. The carriage was now very wet and she was hugging a strange man. The man groaned as he pulled away from her.

Abidemi swallowed as she looked at his tanned brown face which was very handsome and his clear golden eyes.

He was reaching for his back to check for an injury. "Oh. You did it." He smiled at her. "It's gone."

"Who..who.." Abidemi started out while looking at the odd man.

The man smiled as he gave her a smile that made her heart skip a bit for some odd reason. "I'm Prince Akeem. It's finally nice to meet you, Lady Abidemi."

Abidemi and Akeem finally 'meet'.

I was going to add Sebastian and Akeem part but it was unnecessary.

Alexialasthopecreators' thoughts