
“Eww Books”

          "You need to pass my subject Tiara or you'll be out of the cheer leading team and the dance troupe. I know how much you value that, that's why I want to help you. "  I'm so annoyed and irritated with what the guy is saying. He can't be that serious! I'm the captain and the leader of both teams so he can't do that plus the fact that my parents owns half of the school.

"You can't do that to me. I'll tell my parents that-"

"Your parents were the one who suggested that. They are worried about your grades in this class Tiara, they asked for help and I will gladly help them. " this is frustrating.

"Did they pay you? How much? I'll double it, no, I'll triple it! Just give me a passing grade and we're done. "  If my parents can lure him with money then maybe I can too.

"I am very much insulted by your words 'lil kid. I was not payed by your parents, I value my work very much and I want my students to pass and learn. If you don't want to cooperate, fine. Leave my office and you can leave your team as well. " I think I hit a nerve in there. I can't tell if the guy is lying because his face screams seriousness.

I don't want to be out in the team. I don't want to be called a looser. What will they think of me? I can't imagine it. Everyone who knows me thinks I'm perfect and I think it should stay that way.

I need to stay that way.

"Okay, whatever. Tell me, what should I do to pass this subject of yours? " I asked him, defeated. I can't risk my team in this. I still have a goal to accomplish before I move to college.

"Wonderful! You finally gave up. I assigned a student who excels in this subject. I know she can help you but I need you to be cooperative okay? Don't give her the attitude or say goodbye to your team" I didn't say anything, I just nodded my head.

I can't believe I'm going to let someone teach me. I am the one who teaches people not the other way around.

"Look for her in the library, she's waiting for you. Her name is Brianna, she's the junior who got accelerated because of her high grades this year. Don't be mean at her or you'll say goodbye to cheer leading and the dancing team. Got it? " I nodded again and didn't bother to excuse myself, I got out of his room with a sour look on my face.

I can't believe I just agreed to this. This is so ridiculous.

Many students greeted me as I passed in the hallway but I didn't spare a glance at any of them. I'm not in the mood and I know that many of them sensed it.

I was walking with my head up high, brows tuck in a perfect bitch brow style.

"Tiara! Where are you going? " Blake, my boyfriend suddenly snake his arms around my waist and pulled me close to his side. I turn to look at him with my, 'don't-fucking-talk-to-me-look' and he immediately pulls off his hand.

He scratches the back of his head and smiled sheepishly at me. I ignored him and continued on my journey towards the library. He was following quietly behind.

"Blake? Can you get out of my sight? " I snapped not bothering to look at his face and I immediately turn to the left side of the hall where the library is located.

I thanked heavens that the halls here were empty, at least nobody will see me have this freaking boring tutoring lessons with some geek.

I entered the library and saw no one but a lone girl sitting on the side where tables and chairs are located. She was engrossed into reading a book thats probably bigger than the table itself. I walk towards her and sit on the chair opposite to her.

She puts down her book and turn to look at me.

I raise my left brow at her and she stared at me blankly.

"Are you Brianna?" I asked and she nodded. She sighs first before talking.

"Tiara McQueen, get your notes in math and show me which part are you confused at." she said as if she's bored.

"Call me Queen, not that. Plus I don't have any notes and I am not confused with math, as a matter of fact I don't even know what his lessons are and I don't care about his subject" I said to her and she just shook her head and said something to herself.

Is she cursing me?

"Excuse me? What are you murmuring to yourself? " I asked in a bitchy tone.

"Nothing, 'Queen'. " she put on an emphasis in the Queen part and I just rolled my eyes at her.

"If that's the case-" she took out a book that has Math words in it and put it in the table near to me. "-we'll start from the beginning of the lesson"

"Books are boring " I can't help but say.

"If you continue being like this, I'm sure you'll be out of the cheer and dancing team sooner than I expected. " she said and my face suddenly fell.

I remember the words from the teacher and for once, I shut my mouth so I can't say any insulting words towars the tutor.

"Good. You finally stopped. Take this book and find the topic that is so hard for you. I'll meet you tomorrow here, same time and don't forget to bring writing materials." she suddenly got up and walk away, picking up the big book with her. I watch her as she walks out of the room.

Is she not bothered by me?

I finally noticed a nice couch on the side, I got up and walk closely to it but stopped dead on my track when I saw a guy leaning his back in a shelve, eyes shut with a book in hand.

This guy is so familiar. I think I know him.

I walk closely to his side and I noticed a glass on his lap. He was sleeping while he was sitting like a passed out drunk guy.


It's Grayson Brooks! The king nerd! Everyone knows him and bullies him because of his looks and all and I am one of the bullies. He just suck.

He looks so peaceful right now. His eyes had bags underneath it and his mouth is slightly ajar. I walk closer, and closer, and-

"Grayson! It's time to go home now! " I  suddenly ran in the side of the shelves, getting a book in the process pretending to be reading it.

I saw in the side of my eye Grayson stood up and puts on his specs back. He turns to look at my way and I pretend to be engrossed in the book I am holding.

"You can read with the book turned upside down? " he suddenly asked and I look at the book and saw that it was indeed turned upside down. Great, how embarrassing.

I can feel my cheeks heat up but I rolled my eyes in him and stomps out of the room, still holding the book in hand.

I can't believe I got embarrassed in there and most especially, with Grayson! Can this day get any worse!?

I look at the book I'm holding and I suddenly throw it.

"Eww! Books. " I said loudly, shaking my head in disbelief.

Why did I bring that thing with me?


TWITTER: @lorie_xxlurv

IG: @lorie.xxlurv

Thanks for reading! God bless 💜