
NO LONGER LONELY (Mr. Romirez's Darling Wife)

What if you had so much wealth that you don't know what to do with it? This is a story about a woman , who had so much wealth that she didn't know what to do with it . She neither wanted to give it up nor did she have anyone to share it with. Sit tight and enjoy; The journey of Hazel Gabriella Hernandez to find companionship.....

Queen_Sarah_674 · Fantasy
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Is there a problem?

"Let's start", she said finally. Just as they were about to start, they heard a knock on the door. "Come in", Hazel responded unhurriedly.

The door opened and a young lady walked in wearing a super tight short uniform. "I guess she is looking to hug the thigh of someone rich", Hazel said inwardly also thinking how she is able to walk with that dress restraining her.

The young lady walked in and clasped her hands in front of her seeming someone who doesn't want any trouble.

"My name is Natasa. I will be your waitress tonight", she said coquettishly whilst casting a side glance at Aiden.

"Would you like to order anything?", she asked pointing to the menu on the glass table in front of them whilst still looking at Aiden.

Aiden didn't even bother to spare her a glance. It was like she was referring to Aiden alone and that Aiden was the only one she was seeing.

Well, she couldn't blame her. She was also somehow infatuated with this man sitting in front of her, but she wasn't looking to hug his thigh. She just found him attractive. She told herself honestly, but she may lose interest if he kept being narcissistic.

Hazel and Aiden both took the menu from the glass table and started to glance through.

"I will have a lemonade, spaghetti carbonara and as a dessert, a slice of millefoglie. Thanks", Aiden ordered first. Seeing how fast he ordered his meal, Hazel guessed that he must not be a picky person, unlike her.

Aiden placed the menu on the glass table and relaxed in his seat and looked at Hazel. Indicating that it's her turn to order.

"I will have a mango juice, Ravioli, Tortellini and Agnolotti and as dessert a slice of crescionda", Hazel said unhurriedly, seeming bored. She also placed the menu on the glass table and relaxed in her chair.

At this point, the waitress had finally taken a look at Hazel.

Hazel was a great beauty. Her beauty was just out of the world. She had natural full kissable pink lips. Her eyes were the purest of green. As pure as forest green. She also had a small button nose. Hazel was of two origins, Italian and English, She had a heavy wavy strawberry blonde hair which reached the middle of her back.

Seeing how pretty Hazel was, the waitress became extremely jealous. She decided to give Hazel a hard time.

"Please, the crescionda isn't sliced", she sad emitting a dark vibe. She smiled slyly, trying very hard to keep herself from laughing out evilly.

Hazel was a little surprised at what she said. She had been to this restaurant twice and everytime, she ordered a slice of crescionda. It was her favorite cake.

She thought that maybe they have changed things, so she decided to change her order, when she saw the sly smile on her face. Then she understood everything.

"Then, the whole cake would be okay", Hazel said. Deciding not to argue with her.

"What?!", She was a little buffled at the fact that her plan didn't work.

"Is there a problem?", Hazel asked her when she exclaimed like that.

The waitress came back to her senses immediately and apologized "My apologies. There is no problem", She was angry on the inside but she didn't showcast it , lest she got on the blacklist of Aiden by infuriating him.

What do you think about my story? pls Share your views.

It will let me know that at least I'm trying. This is my first book btw

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